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From The 5th Mich. Cavalry

From The 5th Mich. Cavalry image
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5th Míen. Cav, lst Brigade, list ) Div. Cav. Corps, Nov. 18, 1864. Mr. Pond: - Siuco writing my last letter to tho Argus, , " the Miehigau" Brigade has boen iu Feveral small fights, ia which we havo lost some few men. Oq Thursday last the cuetny menaced our whole line. üur Brigade was lying tlns sido of Newtowo, the rebs had possession of the town, the 5th Michigan, in company with the 25th N. Y., was ussigned the duty of chargiug thern, and to drive them out, whieh they did, meeting however, a very warm reception. It is asserted that tho women fired on our men from tho housos as they daslied through the place. The 25th is nearly all nen recruits, and did not kuow their business as well as our boys ; the couse queuce was, they lost considerably in kiilud, wounded, and psisoaers, their regiiueiít being cut in turo. The 5th oniy lost two killed, and one wouuded, The two killed were J. Mougan, Co. E. of Birmiughaiu, Oakland County, and Sergt. James, Co. II ; the one wounded was Frkd Pond, Co. E, of Berlin, St. Clair Couoty. It was a running fight, the M Johnniea" takiug the lead as they always do when tho Michigan boya are Etter them. Gen. Powell (Aviíull'l oíd cora ijai'd) had quite a lively time with tLem at Front .Royal on onr left ; he whipped them badly. I saw the noxt day 175 prisonerï he had captured, also two pieces of artillery and two battle flags. ïhe prisoners were marched past our brigade on their way to Winchester ' they were a sorry loking set. I havo j heard that Gen. Costfr also aid a nice thing on our right, but did not learn the particular. Fiom scouts we leafn that the rebs are in force near Newmurket ; squads of thein-even venture very near our pickete, under cover of the niountaiüa, thcy loom up on both sidea of us. Tbe boys are fixiug up wioter quarters, already many of the regiments have got their " stockades" up, aud their fireplaces built, but il ia doubtful f they will be allcrtved to remain bere, for the " Johuuies" secnj very restless. Iantici pafce snother good figlit this fall yet ; I hope they will briog all thoir spare artillery, for tbey will be sufb to haye to turn it over to ui. I wül give you a sketch of how " ÍIoské'y" and Lis myrmidous treated some of our bo} a short time ago : Capt. Brewstjsr, Co. S, of our brigade, started from Wiuehester to come OL't to the command, with Gen. Foübes and bis escort ; when but three miles on the road", thinking it eafo, lie, with his brotber (a lawyer from N. Y. City) and tbretj others, started ahead of the escort, but bad not got iu the advunce over" huudred robs over a hill, whcn they were met by a gquad of men in our uniform. Imagiue their surprise an being halted, witb revolvers cocked, and placed n .close proxiiiiity to thair care - wliat oould the_y du ? Nothing. -Thoy were hurried off the road into the dcnjo wood ; the Gen. and bis escort paesed od, nevor thinking of them. After takiug thein a considerable distauce, they came to a halt, whcrc twenty-two more of our men were held prisoners, having been captured that duy, aud at tho name Bfot. Moseby vyas present himself. After searehing thera and taking all their money and valuablcs, (Gapt. B. had $1,600 on him) Moseey tuld them that seven of them vare to bu hung, iu retaliation for thoee of his men Gen. Custbr murdered (?) at Front Rojal. They proceeded to determine who the seven should be, by putting soveu maiked pieces of paper, and twouty b'.anks of he same size iuto a hat, and ïauded lt around for the poor fellows to draw! Gkorqe H. Soule, Co H, 5th Miohigan, drew oe of the marked lots, the Capt. drew a blank ; after the drawng they vere sent on to the place of execution ner Berryville, it was by this time, late in the night, and rainiug hard, hey of couríe had to walk, their horses )eiog the first thing disposed of; ou nearing the placa whcre they wei'e to be ïung, Georqb Soülr being in the adanee, (they were all tied by the arm with a cord, and marched in single filt') lipped tiio cord off h,s arm, and dropped uto a hole they wero passing, 'tho others iid not stop so he was lcft in tbe rear ; bey bad got but a few yards whea be got p and ran, wbieh seemed to give spirit o somo of tbo othcrs ; be thinks they ried to get away, f'or he beard the rebels weár and fire sevcral shots, aud that ome were hit, as he heard thern cry out u tbeir paiu He ran to an old cak, Lick in leaf, and climbed into itg branches, from which he saw tbreo of bis late comt ades hung oi) tbe limb of a tree with their fuetj ust off tho ground, aud tbree otbers shot, two dead, the othcr wounded made bis escape. One of tbose hung was Wallach Phodty, of Kalatnazoo, a D6W recruit for the 5th, aud ou bis way to jo n the regiment. Soule staid up in the tree until 11 o'clook the the oeït morning, when ötiding tbe reb ela bad all gne, be slipped down from the tree, and soon a man carne by drir icg a buggy, who proved to be a Union man, and brought hiin to Winchester. They left the bodies hanging, aod'the two ehot dead on the grourd. Siuce theu Capt. Biibwster gave tbem tbe ülip and came into our linps, evading their picket; dtKgaieed m a negro, ho bid days aud traveled Blgbtf, He was from day uutü Saturdiy on liis j ;uruey froua Orange Court House to Winchester. Tliey - the rebels - say thoy aro bound to have Gen. Custkr, but they wil! have ■to catch hiiD first. One thing I am certain of, that no uieroy will bc ghown to any of their gang if they fall into the hands of the "Michigan Brigade." The health of the arfriy in this departmetit is first rate. The boy from Anti Arbor are well. I saw Edward Stkad sian, brother in-law of Spadldinq, a short time igo, lie was lookiag rugged and well. The weathor is getting vory wintry ; but the men are wcll provided with warm blankots, clothesj aud tents. Eii-ctioi) passet! off very quietly, the republioans having it all their owu way. I think the result vvould have been rery different in tho army had the detnocrats tttended to their buaiuess; thero was hardly a democratie tioket to bu had, while the camps were sireivn witb republican ones. I don't know yrhose fault it was, but think the comniissiouera vere very remisa in their duty. But we are beat, aud so we will have to cbew the oud, b tter though it be. I will write you agaiu soou. Yours,


Old News
Michigan Argus