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A VfiKY LAKGE AND a' ! attr active Stock cf Foreig-n and J stic DRY GOODS! now oponed at e 5 r. 3SC. 3vr Ja.-srrr3d.i3'iSí. r cousisting of i ISISH POPIINS, Fieuch aud lCuglisIi Merinos, EfVBPRËSS CLOTHS, ' Black and Colorea. Álpaccai, I i DELAINES.FANCYPLAID3, Clotlis and Cassiineres, FLANELS. PRINTS, Bleaehed aufl Brown Sheetings, DBNIH8, TICKINGS, Blaiskcts, &c, &c. aud a dioica stock of FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! all of wlii'ch were bought during The Great Panic ! iu NEW YORK, and consequently can be $old mueh lower than thoe who 'made tlieir purclmses early in the season. All kinds of PRODUCE taken iu EXCHANGE for GOODS at usual. J. H. MAYNAKD. Ann Arbor. Ot. 31et, 1364. 3m981 A LECTURE zro YOÜNGMEN.; Just Publiehed in a Sealed Envdope. Pnce Six Cenia. ALKCTUIÏE on the Niture, Treatm.-nt, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoe or Seminal WeakDt'sa, Id voiuntary Emisa ons , Sexual Debilit y. and Impedimenta to Marrlage generalij. Nerrousnexs, Consumptii.D, Epilppfy, and Fit; Mt-nfai and phvsical In-apaeity, leultiufrum Self Abuse, &c . Bj ROB'T J. CÜLVKRWFI.L. M. Ií., Authur of the 'Gren Jiuok ," &c Tlie woi'ld renowned auihor, in his aduiirablfl Leeture, clearly proved from his own experieuce, tlmt the , awful con.'ifqiipncos oftítlf-AbuKp may bo eLFíctuallj remored without medicine, and without dnngerous surgic.i] (JperatlODi, bougies, inatruments, ríoii, or cnrditls, , pointinpf out a mode oí'eure at onco certtin and tual, by which everr ufferpr, no raatJer what hia conditiou maj be may cure himsulf cíitfaply, privately, ani radical ly. Tfctís lecturo will provea boon to thousaii'lsKtid thousands. Stntunder sea!, to any addreas, Ín a plain, íealed , envelope on tlie reci]t uf aix cents, or two postage ütainpN, by adJressing. ' CHAS. J. C KLINE&Co., 127 Bowery.Kew York, I'ut-üfflce Box, I58Ö. mm mn book. Fashion Magazine of the World. - LITER ATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONÖ. The J most mag-nificent Ste 1 OOUBLE FAHHÏON-PJjATKS. Vood engravinífs on eveiy subject that can interest ladtes. Crocliet knitting, Netting, EinIroídery, Articles for the Toilet, for the I'ailor.the Boudoir, and the Kítchen. Everjthíng, in fact, to Dlüke R CUMPLISTE LADY'fl BOOK. The Ladies' Favorito for 35 Years. No Magazine ha been able to compute with it.- None attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for eery departmeut of a household. These alono are wurtli the pricéoí the Book. Modfl Cottages [no other Magazine givei them],wiíh diagram.s. I-ilAWING LESSÖNS FOR THE YOUNG. Another j Bpccialty with Godey. a OKiüí.VAL MüblC, worth $3 a year. Other Magasttiies publiBü olí! worn out inusíe ; hut the aubacribers to (iodey getit before the music Rtoves, üardening for Ladres. Aooth'ir peculiarity with ÜQdtey. . Fashions from Mr. A.T. Ptewart k Co., of New - York, the mtllipnaire merchahts.appear in Godey, the only Aíítga.ine t'iat has them . Also, Kaehions fiom the celebrated Erodíe, of Now York. Ladies1 Bonncta. We give more of tuem in a ytar than any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady's Bouk enables every Jaüy to be her own bonntt maker. MARIÓN HARLAND, Authortis of ■' Alón," " Hidden PaíA," ' Moss Sidefu "Actimí," and " Miriam ," writes for Godey each mnnth, and for no other maga ■ : zinc. We have aUo rvtuined all our oíd and favorito contributors. TERMS Olf GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1865, (From which ikere can be no Deviation.) Thpfolhiwiug are the torms oí the Lady's Bock for 186ó. At presout, we will receive ubscribcrs at the following rate. I)ue notice will be given if we aro obüíred to advance, which will depend upoa tlao prico of paper. One copy , one year $30 Two copie, oue year - 6 00 Til ree copie, on vcar 7 ñO Four copies, one yoar ,. 10 00 Five copies, one year, aai an extra copy to the "person ftending tue club, roakíng nix copien 14 00 KigTlt copie, one year, arj'l an extra crpy to the porson sending tho club, making nine copi. n 21 00 Eleven copies, one year. and an t-xtra copy to the per so n sending the club, makin twelve cnpN 27 50 A'lilit'ions to any of the above clubs, $2 50 each subscriber. tíodey's lady's Book and Arthur's fióme Mngazioe will be sent, each ono year. on receiptof $4 50 We have ne club with ujy other MagazÍDe or Newspaper. The money mu?t all be sent at one time for any Club. Caua.rla. .subRcriberfi send 24 cents additional for each lubicribflr. Arl.lrr-5 ti. A. G'ODRY, V E. Córner $ixh aid Ckfstnut íírwí, 9Tt rmLAVELPHlA.


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