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THE NEW STORE 11 rap in „ FALL& WiNTEf STYLES! HATS, CAPS Al FUI AJ.SO LADIESf MÍSSES' & CHILDREN'S flATS Uiiibrellas, Parasols, Canes, 6.0. , &.O., &. aWaW Cash ! . - ui m ii, - _ . Aa Abbok, eptember, 18. The tiLsenber hn Just opeced an eDtir Xew an! Desirnblt Stock In the ubore line, at the stür furmor. Ij occujilid by A. P. MILLS & CO., Mm Strbet, an rsapectfullj inTites the attontlon of the Cltm ni AXN Arbob iKV TiriMIï (o bi itock, when makinj thoir Fall and Winter Selcclionj in thl lino. Ky long penence in. the business, and my residenceili New Yoik,enabli;s me to make mj selection dirocl from the MAXUFACTUKEBS, and to five atúfactio both in STYLES AND PRICES. My tock ihallslways Cuntaln the LATEST ANTD M03T DESIRABLE tfVtJa OY GODOS, tU.ect from N'ew York. Calí and eiamlae before lüaking your purchaaes No TRoVBLa-ro show guüds. E. L. JAVVRKNCE. tore formtrlv occupled bv A. P. Mills ft Co. Im97 M.TRIMOHIAL! LADIES AND OENTLEMEN f yon wi-ih to marry, ad'irtf.fs the undfraijrned, wbo n-iÏ! seml you without mnnev and without price, valuabie ínfuriiitii'n tbat wiJl Onrible you to mnri'v happy fuul speedily, irresppctivft oí age, wealth or beauty. - 'l.his information will cowt rou not'uiug, and if yoxi Ub to ni:iny. I will ctiecrfuily assist y'oa. AU lettora ilricxlj coiifidciiïial. Tle sired informa tioc aent by return, and nn qttw+ionü askefl addreás Sakah B. Lawbekt, Grc-enpoint, Rfttjr Co 2ni97y NKW YORK. WA6HTENAW COUNTY MüTUAL FIRK INSURANCE CÜMPANY. Office over Noble fy Rider s Boot and Stoe Store, Huron ?freet, Ann Arhnr, Office upn on Patiirday ie ach week. 92m3 T. VVHITE.Stcy. MÏLLER, DAVIS& WEBSTER Agenta for the sale of 10-40 17. S. BOKTDS, 7 3-10 Treasury Notes alaot for sale, Interest 6 Per Cent Compound LEGAL TENDER NOTES. Highest ratcs paid for GOLD, PREMI CM FCNDS.ani LAND WARRANTS. Ann Arhor.Oct. 30th, 1864. 3m9itl A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSfi'S new aad improred PIAN'O surpamei aDything üow i&de for GREAT DURABIL1TY! . Surprising ricbness and brilliar.ry of tone, L EGANCE OF FINISH! An4 MODERATE PBICE. The attention of the p?oy)le of Ann Arbor is reBpectfully ihvited to go - imiiiatiou of thi beautifnl instrument. J. HENRV WHITTEMORK, Genrl Agent for the State, 179 JefTeraou Ivenue Detroit. Misi E. C. Foster is my authoTiied agent for Ann A-rbor. The VOS E PIANO may be naea at her rooms u tbe Exchange Block. WIZARD OIL! THIS "SPLENDID BEMEDY CORES B TooTHAcrre S3Q neuralgia e In Thice M-inute. In Ten Minutes. SÏWlCHK ■ HAÍtACHE 1b Kir.e MJautes. In Ten Mlnntel. CKi-MP CO-I.IO DIPTHEIIIA In T-jn MJnnte. In a Few Hou. SORE THROAT ' KHEUMATI8M. In a Tevr Houra. jD a Few rw, LA.MK BACK. 6PRAIXS. CUT3 AND BRWSES. nURNSlsn 3CALDS. e?00""8' „CHltBLAINS. a TIiIb iiiTaluable preparailon only needa a trial to rsnommend Uwlf to tvery liouwhold in the land. Uae ent1 bottle and yon mLII always keep iton hand igainttt the tiint) of need. Price SBcontK and ïfi cents per bottle. The larjre bot t les oontain nt'arlv tliree tlmei m rouch aa the nmall oiu-8. ManufHC'iired by J. A. UAMUN k BRO-, 19 Watlilnífton btreet, Chicago and for alfl by dtggla geui;i4I. n-i , i i -, Í Fullr. Finch k Fullfr ( -.


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