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Sheltering Cattle Saves Fodder

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A certain aniouni of food is craved by s heal'hy beast, even f it. do little labor, ana is L'opt comfort ab!y warm all the time. The appeiitcs of different anim;ils vary considerubly ; and gome animáis are more eíisily kept in good condilion tuan o'.hcrs, when in health and under the same circu.'nstances. These facts fall under tho dan;' observation of all faimera. The temperatura of the animal body is alwiiys raucli warmer Uiau the surroundins; atmosphere, except a íew hours at a time Mi the heat of nummer. It requires a considerable consumptie n of food to maintuiu this heat, and the clder the air, the more heal producing food i eatuu by the animal as a natuml couseqnence. Ifitcannot get all ïliat it neids, its system raust nevertheless keep up it8 ten:perature, and tbis is done firsl at the expense of the fa', and afterwurd of other parta of the body. The animal grows thin, Hud can endure fa. less labor or exposurc than it 'wt-H fed. Work causes a similar incroaged consamption of food to supply the waste of tlieuinscle whieh is worn by the labor. T secure the grea'est auvau'age froiu a eeittiin ainounf uf food, animáis should be shultered, and the wanner their stables are. the less they will cat. The question to be considered is : How warm may they be kept cnnsistently with health? Fresh air is a necessity to noat cattle and hursos, and they will do vell in very warm atables if there be good ventilalioa. The same is true of boss. Sneep, on the contrary, wil! uot do weil rf kipt very warm Thcy dt;mand a much frecr ventilation, it ruüintained in good liealtb. When shut up wimplv for rapid fatteaing, they fed bet ter and fatten faster if ilieir pens are airy; btit wlien kcpt for breeding, it is t'nseniml iliüt ihfy have but titilo moro thaa tliorough sherl proteetion frora the ctiinns and high winds. Statements in rugurd to cuoked fimd ind its great advuitacre over uncooked, for most classes of stock, are to a very liuiited oxtent applieable to sheep. They need open air, (uot esposare to storms,) and plenty of good fcod. - American Agriculturist. We once heíird a womun o( tho world gay, "The state of widnood is inconvenient ; one must aesurne all the niodesty of a young girl without being ablo to feign her ignorance."


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