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,1. cWATTS & BRO. nEALER in Clocks, Watehes, J3welry and Sirve] IJ Vut No. 22, Neif Block, Aun Arbor. G. BLISS. -pvEU.EIt n Clocks. Watches, Jewelry and Silvej jj 'ireNo.t2, Ntnv Block, Anu Arbor. C, TI. MILLEÑ. DFM.KR in Pry Oooils, Grocerics, Crockwy, kz. &c Main Street, Ann Ai bor. ' PHILIP BACH. BUALEBS in Dry Oooili,Orocerics , Boots & Shocs Xc. Main st.,' Ann Arbor. CMËORGJS W. SNOVER, TiEU.ERio Misc.'Uaneous anci SohoolBooks, Station i) erv, Wall Papera, A-c. Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. -RÏSDON &HENDER60N. DEU.ER8 in Hardware' Stoves, house furnishing pÜOM, tía Ware', S& , &c, New Block, Mainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. TjgySICUNand Surgeon. Kesidence and office on 1 [ïetroit street, near ihe i eput. S. G. TAYLOR, DF.AI.ER n Hats, Caps, Furs, Robes, Gents' Furnishiag Goods, etc. East sie Main Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan. aTjTsutherland, tGKNÏ'or the N'ew York Life Insurance Company, A Oloee on Kuroa strut. Aiso has un hanl a stock et the moat ajiprove ! sewing machines. S5tf GEOEGE FISCHEK. MEAT MAKKKT- liiiron Street- General dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, BeeT, Mutton, Pork, Hams, J"oultry, Lard, Tallciw, &c, &c. HIRAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY and Counsfllorat snii Solicitorin Ohaneery. Ofiice iu Citiall Block, over Webafcer'B ,3o'k Store. iiMWITT A E'REAKEY. PHYSICEAX? AXD Sl'ROEONS. Office at theresidence of Dr. Lewitt, north side of Hurón, fcwo doors nest of División .street. " M. GUITERMAN & CO. ,TT!IQLKS.l.Kand Ui-uil Dealer and M&nofacturers Vy irt R.-:i.iv-M vio Clnthmg. Imporlers oí Clotha, Cas.Bimeres, Doekins, &c, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. Wll. WAGNER. DEALER in Rearty M.ide Clothing, Uloths, Cassimeres, Aïul. Vesting, Hat, Caps, Trunjis, Cvrjet liags, ic, fhMiiix Block, Main street. SLAWSOÑ & SON. HROCERS, Provisión and Commiasion Jlerchants, and U Itealersiu Water Lime, Land Plastp.r, aucl Piaster iof Paris, ooe door east of Cook's JKotel . J. M. SGOTT. AMBROTYpE aml Photngraph Artisi , in the rooms over Campioit's Clothing store, Pljcenix Block. Perifect satisfaction given. C. B. PORTER. SUI1GEON PENTIST. Office Córner of Main a.E'1-Huron streets, over Ba'eh & Pierson's Store. All calis promptlyattendd to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Forcign and Doraestic Dry Rood, (Jroceríes. ílats and Caps, Boots fUjil Shoes, Crockery, Ac., Comer of Main & Liberty sts. SPÁFFORD & DODSLEY. JTAN'UFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, l'i Cit7 Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short Jlotice. Cor. Defrolt and Xorth Streets, and cor. North mnO'ifth Streets Ann Altor. ANDREW BELL. DEALER in Grocerics, Provisión. Flour, Produces, fcc.j &cí, corner Main and Washington Streets, Ain Arbor. The hïghest imrket pricespaid lor country (roduce. 8&6 I. O. O. F. fASHTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independen) Order of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Room. ery Friday Evening, at 7í o'elock. 8. SosnuEin, N. 6. P. B. Rose, -eecy M. O. STANLEY, Photograplaic SL.jrtisft. íorner Main aDd H(iron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, rilOTOGRAPHS.AMBROTYPES.&c.&c., :ntlie la test styleft,and every effort made togive satisfamoíl. 956tf D. DeFOREST. IPHOLESALE and retail dealer in 'Lui"uer. Latli, B Shingles.Sash, llom-s, lilind.i, WaterLimej Grand öirer Piaster, Piaster Paris, and A ;;(" :i'i ï perfect aüsortment of the abttve, and al! other ÍQU nf baillinií n '-inals cons'tantly on hand at the fTflst pojgible rates,on Detroit st .. a few rodsfrom the lroal Depot. Also operating extensively ín the ■íleat Cement KooflnR. (RANGER & FINLEY, moism & sellors at Collecting and Land Agents. 6FF.ICE OVER DONELLy's ST0RK, HURÓN STREET-, B. F. Granger, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. R. H Finlbt, S ü8, 1864. 941tf FOR SALE! AWKW GROVER ft BAKER SEWIN MACHINE, lao NEW' 3IIIGEB MACHINE, eithsT (Fieiüv o ufietnringpa(ttern. Applv at THE AROUS OFFICE. á3eis Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus