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Hiring An Overseer

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In tbe State of Missouri uves one Col. Brown, who is famed far and wide for bis irraseibility of' temper and eccentricities of charucter; and tltese peculiarities were tbe cause óf innny a prank being phtyed off at bis expense, and mucb to big annoyance. A great wag wbp knew the, Colonal wel], was riding ilo. ig ooe fine day, a few miles froiH th Colopel's plaijtatión, when be mot a verdant specimen of a Yankee, wbo checked his horse as they neared eaoh otber, and fhe following convereation ensued : " Stranger, yoa don't kuow anybody as wants tö hire ao oyurseer, do yer ?" 't Are you looking after a situation of thatsort?" said tbe wag. " Yes sir-e, I am just about as anxious for a stuation of that sort as yon ever see a feller." The wag eontinued fco interrógate the candidato for an ovurseership, and elici]ted fronj bim tbat he had been in tbe business for about five years, and whjle acting in that capacity bad made prodigious crops, and performed wonders as a tiller of the "sile." " Well I'U take you on trial for a few days, and if you suit wo pan sogn strike a bargain." Tbe wag then gave him minijte directions as to tbe road leading ,to the residence of Col. B. and added : " I bave a crazy brother living with me ; you vvjll fiud him there, but dQ not fear him - be is perfectly harinless. jfe has a lancy tbat the plantation feeiongs to him, aad strongly insista that ft is so; but pay do attention to him, or any thing he may say. You will find a large tia bom hangiiig up in tüe piazz i ; take it and blow for tbe negroes to come up, when you can see my forcé learn their names etc, and mate thetn put your horse up, and teil the cook to get you a good dmner.'1 On went the overgper, and soon rode up befpre the Colonel's resideuee, diamounted and walked in. After walking up to tbe waterpail and drinking, he took down the horn and blew a blast loud and long, vv-hich roverberated far and wide, over hill and valley. The Colonel, who was taking his morning snooze, was aroused by the sound and came blundering out in haste, minus clotbing - save a shirt and soeksj and after gazing at the pew tiomer a few moruents in astonishment bo inquired : , " Who aro you sir ? What the deuce do you meen ? Wbat are you blowing tbat born for sir ? " " Ob go away; old man .; your ibrotter sent mo hcr.e to takj charge of this place, and yo.u musn't boher me," Tbe Oolonol raged and tore aroun like a real maJman, and fiually the o.ew overseer, fearing be wonld beeouj'e dangerous, seized a bunch of keys hanging uear, and tben gathered the Golouel Ia his poweriul grasp and bore him acrosg the yard, and fiuding the proper Jey, swuüg open tiie door of tbe smoke honso put bi.m in and tun_:i;d the'key remarking tbai he sbould stay tbere urutil his brother came borne at night. The negroos bcing auaimoneiJ irom tbeir labors by tbe sound of the hom, came up en masse to soe what was to pay. Tbe ;qversecf ,uj:iáe them dcfile bofore liiin, telling them at tbe same time tbat be was employed as overseer - inquired their names, ag;'s etc.,-; inquired tbe way to the field wbwo.tbey wcro at wolk, ana finally dismissed tbe wpudering darkiea to go to d.iuner. The coo'k, n-stoiíirfíica and awed hy tio perfect sang froid of the new-comer, had ac.coi'dingly prep:tred a sumptuous repast, to wbich our hungry bero sat dowu and began to oat vomciously. But the Colouél wii nat content to remain in durauoe yile, and aiier working maufully, he had got a hole in the floor large enough to pennit hi.s escape; and going round to an enclo3iirc be unloosed five or six large hounds, ri.nd came suddenly upon tbe overseer, wbo bad notyet finished bis repat. Seeing tbo savaga aspect of both Colonel and dog-, he beat a retreat through the house, out of the front gate, and begau to make himself soarco, eloscly pui-sued by the Colonel- whose aeither gannent was seen fluttering in the breezo afnr down the road, as he bisscd on the hounds and cursed the impudence of the stranger. Aftar a i'üüí; of about a milo the Col. gave up the eb aso, and came panting back, enverod with svveat and dust, and swearing ;tliat the feilow must bo crazy. Late ;:t night a pedesirian came into a towu about twenty mües off, tattered and .tura, foot-wear) aud, whose only iuuiry was for the " brotber " of the crazy man w'io lived up on the prairies. No ono knew augbt of sa'd " brotber." or could iafonii tho straiigur of hia wb roabou's. Tbe Colonel asserts that be made a hone by the opuratiou. as tbe stead was never called for. ïbe overseer p,rp!ba.bly hunted up anothor situation. A cíergymaa in Tennesseo, on a.Sabbath recenily, gave out the firt iine of the hymu : "Lord, let a repentapt rebel live'" vhen a Buoddy ofï 'ial sprang up exulaiining, ''Not unloss ho t:ikcs an oath to vote for Jin colli ;' - Exrkange. It was decidud recntly by an Englisn court that a marriage of a woman with hj.r dcco;ised husband's half brother, was not legal. Negro minstrels in New York get Crom $20 to $30 per week. Nearly uil the g'ioJ singeis ot ' the troupes are pui! ftnndsbriTély for singing on S,uná.a.ys at the fashionable chiirohes. "Whore sra you goinur ?" asked a littieboy of anothiT who bad just slipped aud fallen down on a;i icy pavemcut. "Qtüag ti got op," as the blunt reply.


Old News
Michigan Argus