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A Soldier's Complaint

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Nov. 12tb, 1864. SIr. I'i;nd : - WiH yon ilhiw ras to make your p:iior the medium of oomp'aint as to thtí marnier Ihat sotdiers' fnmilies are treated, whilo they - tho huHbsnds and1' fathors - aro nway periling thuir lives for ihnse wbo quietly uit at homo brooding over the prospect of the war, and their chancos of rnaking "somothing handsomo" in some speen - lation or other. From my wifo I learn at different times, of the risa in prices, until I find they have become enormoua, and it is a wonder to mo how the poor women and children can Sieiist. We soldiors were told on enlisting, that our fam lies would be provided for. How have these prortises been kept. I hare a wife and four small children. I roceive from "Uncle Sam" tvrenty dollars per month, and by the tirne the paymaster comes around, the sutlor or purveyor ovrns a large slnire of it ; for I rmuit buy and uso many little thinga to come up to the requirements of a Sergeant. Then, thero are littl luxnr' ies the eutlers bring into the field, which makes tho mouth of the soldier, who has so long been led 'on nothing but pork and hard taok, fairly water. Then can ypu blame tho poor fellows for purchasing, even at autler's prices. A private ouly gets sixteen dollars a month. Now, eir, what can it be expeoted a man can send home out of hia pay ? In the cavalry, a man'a allowance for olothes ia not sufficient to keep him respectable, therefore a part of his earninga is used up in txtra clothing. For tho past year, and the year before, my wife reoeivod from the supervisor a certain sum monthly, varying according to the acdon of the board. I learn tht the allowance has been ont down this pre?ent month. I aek, eir, is thi? just, is this right ? when every thing a family consumes is daily ri?ing, and fuel and clothing are more needed than in sumtner, to dcduct from the small pittance I feel that any one that will give the subject a thought, wijl wonder that any soldier's wife and family can go decently ciad, appear, and be respectcd. I know that women are looked upon very lightly, and treated with contempt by those who should befriend them, when tbeir only crime ia being a gnldier's wife ; or if the poor fellow a kill1, she is aneered at as a "soldier's widow." Now, eir, 1 do not write this on my own account, for I am certain that the Supervisor givcs my family a!ï ho ia allowed to ; but there are a namber around me, even in less humble position and rnoans than I, who wighed me to write their grievance. Those in the townehips faro worse thn in the city. Hoping that those who have the power, will do what tbey cao to assist the families of the poar fellows striving to sustaio the honor of thir country's flag, I have the honor to remain, Yours, respectfuHy, Cavalrtma. jL3L" Congrega eonvened on Mondsy, and a quorum of both Houses being present, inimediately proceeded to buainesa. Tiie Presideat's Mesago was sent in on Tuosday, and was immediately telegrapbed tbrough tho country. It appeared in the Detroit dailies of Wedaesday niorning. As a State paper it lias no especial raerit, and but for the few closing paiagraphs would not excite a moment's disoussion either in thejournal of bis party or those of bis opponents. He tbinks theelectionan endoi'.flment of all bis nieasures, and therefore adberea to his policy, pronouncingagainat atiy tender of peace, and in favor of fighting to tbe bitter end - for the annibilation of slavery. In thig respeet it is at least candid, moro than can be said, in the light of history, of his earlier messages. We shall publish the message next week. I iMI in C3." The rebels gi ve ua nothing but a mas8 of contradictory rumora n regard to the movements of Sherrnanfbut making what we can out of them, we incline to the opinión that he wil! reach the coast whereever he may choose Without any gaiious disaster to bis armyWo hope so at loast. There is nothing new from the army cf the Potomac, and nothing fioin Tennesaee, except details of the viotory at Franklin. Gen. Thomas is in pogition noar Nashvillo, and it is thought corapeteat to hold it. J52ST" Stevens, of Pennsylvania, introducod ífho thu House, on Tuesday a bil! to prohibit the exportation of gold and silver coin. Also a bilí to prevent gold and ailver coin from bting paid or accepted íor a greater valué than their real or current vuluc, and for proventing any note or bilí iaeuod by the United States from being rcceived for a smaller aura than its hre, We sho-uld cali these quack preacriptions ttit the finaneial evils whiuh inflict the country. t" Mr. Holt deeline'd the tondsr of the Attorney Guneralsiiip, and it is now positively stated duit the Hon. John J. Speed, of Kentuoky, has accepted the position. - JIr. Sí'eed's nomination'has been oonfirmed by tho Señale.


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