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Estáte oí Mrehael Dillon. OTATÍOF MICHIOAV-County of Wash'ttt,,, OAHnMilon-of the Propte Conrt lot tht &L of Wwhteii, l,„l,l,„ :„ ,ï„. irooat( r„ County jWy i AnWiVor,onWdnMy,the.lxtwSi.; h" :;:::iii;kí"" "MtS;sí l'resont, Tliomas, Judge of Probate Ia the n atter of the estáte .,1 Michael Dill a cea ■' 4. "on, ■ Keiram Costello, Jr., Adiainirtrator of sai,] -., comea luto Court and rtpresenta that lie i ni. '■ pared to render his final sccount as such A i ■" tratr.r . rtamiBlg. Theieupon it is Ordered, Thát Friday the ■ . day ol December next,-at teno'clock in líe CJll be HRsiL'ne.l tot examining ud allowine Z ? " count, and that the hen-., at la of ? ceased, and all othei yereons interested in Raid i , nre rsqoired toagyiar at a 8efi0D of said Court n.' tobe holden at lücl'roljate OHce,in the Citv f1 . Arbor, n said Connty, and show cause, if anv tw í" why the Raid account should not be j ' it is further ordered. that said Adminístrate ■ noti:eto the persons interested in said estáte of t'ü' pendency of said account, and the luorinK thei'mf i causing a copy of this order to be publinhed in {' i Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circu ki' in said ('ounty of Washteiiaw, three successive . i'!g previous to said day ui heanni'. " (A '"e CW-) THOMAS NTHBÏ 6li J"dge of Prnit,. FURNiTUBE RGOMS One 4oor Xorth of Risdon and Henderson'8 Hirdrfa t Store. - The njdersigned liaving pnrehased the entire ,{mV of W. I). Sraith & Co., and added latgelv to tl "ai [ is prepared to furnisli lus fr,cnds and natrón a'S assortmentof well made furniture, consisting of : SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADSj BOOK-CASESÍ TABLES and CHAIHS, of all kinds, and in fact ol everything pertainimjtoth. business. ii LOUJSGES. MATRASSES, ftc., ic.raade to order by good and experieoefti irorlr men, and warranied to Kive satisfacííoo. He .ui,keeps agooda.wirtmejit "f Cherryand Walnntlnmbpr for sak' at reasonable prices. And will iw CH Í7 1 highest m.irket jirice for Cheriy, Wakut, aai i , WoodLuniber. P. S. He bas also purchased the neir and ELEGANT HEAESF,] of Srtiïth & Co., and isprepared to furnisli all kindiO( Wood Coffins, Mefalic Cases, AKTE QASKETS, On the shortest notice. Also attenüs to laying on! diceasfd persons day and night, without charge. Jll furniture delirered inthc-city free ol charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, Januarj lSih, 1863. O4Otf 1864. 1864. NEW FALL GOODSl AT REDUCED PRICES. - o - C. H. MILLEN Is uow opening a NEW STOCK of Domeütie and IN DRY GOODB AND FAMILY GRQCERIES, boiight s.inoe the recent flcline in GOLI, an! many kinds at cousiderable Deduction from Former Prices! Picase cali early aníí maiïe your purehases whüe the stock is complete. G. II. MII.LEN'. AnrArbor,Sept.I804. 916 CARPETS, Oil Cloths and House Furnishing Gocrt; a goed stock at 976 C. II.MILI.EN-S. npO THE LAPIES - A stock o! elegant Dry Gdp, 1 Shawls and Cloaks for the fall trane, now open ing at 76 C. U. MIU-EVS. TO THE GENTLEMEN. - l fine stock of hf, Cassimeres, and Gents' Fumishing GuodS, jnst recpived ut 976 C. H. MILI.E.VS. 3 EMOV AL! 2S". B. COLE, has removed his STOCK of BOOTS te SHOES, tothe store of A. P. Mills b Co., on MtAn Streetrwh" he will be glad to wait on his old custoraers antitk public generaDy. GIVE II IH A CAIíIí! 1DJEI. SMITH'S PRESCB1PT1OAT & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buj your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "PVritino; ïPaper, by the Ream orless, and all otber articles in our line. Especial attention to Coinponndnic ml p""" up Frescriptions, at the 8)gn tt V,l.V MOKTAft" change Rlock , Ann Arbor, tíidhigkn.mfíB fi 1, Professonal callS prorof tiy attended to. 1M 100 Oity Lots for Sale. LOOK ÏIEïnELE? A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SÜMMER GOOPS, aln'ays on hand at 3VL G ui ter man & CoV CLOTHING STORE. fiivp DS n c;vil mil wp pan nn-1 will 54-11 ' 011 (WP and lett r goo9s thiinany ether house in ffk#tyt I69U


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Michigan Argus