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Absurd Legislation

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Mr. Sleverifi, oí Petmsylvania, 6Ígnnlized bis rturn to Congress by a illy project for making wator run up lr.ll, aud for turning tho wind to a new poini of the compsss by uliifiing tho weathercnck. Hfe wanted to regúlate tho pnce of gold, wbich ia as much Hubjcct to thé eterna! laws of trade as tho tido, in its ríse aud lall, is to those of uature, by au act oí Oongress. Resolved, said Jack Cade ío h'ta admirÍDg companions, tbat " there shall be in Englaud seven hilf-penny loaves sold for a penny; the throo hnopod pot sball have ten hoops ; and I will malee it folony to drink small beer." Mr. Stevens is not so ignorant as Jack Onde, nor does ho live precièéfy in a tima when bo little is known of politioal eoouomy ; but his bilí to bring gold to a level with un irredeernablo pnpor curreney is scurcely more preposterous than any of tho echemos of Shnkspearo'n leader of the populace. Tho firt effo(;t oí th:a plan to keep the down, by cfitching it io a net I nnd halding it down, was to sond it np like one of Ihose red bladders that the boya ftell in tho streots. If Congress had not promptly luid the mischiovoua sohemo on the tabk', gold would have been at three hundred before next SaturdaV uigbt. All olher cominodities would htive gone op in propoition, and poor and rich ilike would havo been subjeoted to new extortiona on the part of the iraders. A econd (iflect of the fatal me&sure would hava been to drive gold, by the bushel or barrel full, out of the country, into lorftign keeping. Already we are tt'Ul that hundrods of merchants had btgun o hoard it, to secure themselves againwt the penalt.ea of a bilí which, under a pretext of mippressing speculation, was more iïkely to gupprens


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Michigan Argus