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-1 ! OUR CHÍNAMAW STILL LWES, And continúes to furnish iliut unri valed quality of TEA always found at thu I'eoplefl SWoa-e. Luvurs of güoii Toa wil] pli-a,- try a BRtaple OF OUR NEW TEA. D.iFOHEST &8TEWART. Oí' a IL li'nd.v Fcuita. Kxtracts, iipvot;, piekleti, oils, Perfumes, fee. Puie Liiuors and Winea foi Medicinal pur poses oulv. IjeFOREêT k STiíWAIÍT. Sugar ! Sugar ! A sniall lot uf ' LOW PRICED SUGAR. DeI'ÖRISÏ & STEWART. SST FISH.- CJodfiah, "WhitefiüT, FroUt, Mackorel, Htrriug, &c. DeFOREST k 8TEWAKT. S YP ÜPTSYRÜPÍ A few barrels, extra, quality. Dtí'OREBT & STEWART. 1 0!L AND LAMP V DEPOT ! JIL KEEOSENE OIL! WË?' Tlie best quality 'f ONE DOLLAR fe-y Per Gallon. yS_i - . DurOREáT&STEWAKT. HO! YE! Purchasers oí CROCKERY. GLASSWARE. LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE GUTLEliY, &c. Tor salo at lesa than N"ew Vork wbolesale pricofl by DkFüKEST & STKVVART. A Good Clotlies Wringer. Saves time! Saves money! Saves cluthiruj! Saves strengthi Sares healtli! Saves hit ing help! Saves weak wrists! Sanes burning hands! Woolen cluthes caá be wrung out of builmg water to [gevent hhiinking. withuut iniüry to 1lie machine. IlilTKE.SÏiKlKWASÏ. JOHh( BROWN'S KKAPSACK ' Was strapped upon hi3 back, and when opened was found to coniain a Pot of Dr. Biiliugton's Fig Blectnary whicli was hia inseparable compStilcn, aud this accounts for hiarobust and Vigor o ua constiiution, his iniliffiirence i f-it;;iie and biá líale attdhearty oíd nge. lï is warrautöd to cuye ALL KINDS OP PILES, it nut only treatri diroctly for the Piles but is a eertaíii cure or Dyípensia and Llver Complaints, .íanndi Salt RhQUU), Vj. H ia purelj vegetable ïmd nevei t';iilv to cure. DBFOREST & STEW ART, Agenta for Michigan. LADïCSrFURS! Ij TiE3 wihing, can have their FURS and MUFFS dreSMid and R1CMÓDLED in FASHIONABLE STYLE, by experitineed perons, and at luw ehargen, bycalliug upon the flubscriber ovpr I). L. oofl's Store, soutb of Tublic Hquare, Aun ArUor, Michigan. MRS. E. PABKEB T.IO.Ml'PQN. Ann Albor. Nov. 24i , 1864. 6w984 Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBURY'S New Scale Pianos In the Ascendont ! ! ! Sevon first premiumn awavled iu four weeks over every cmnpetitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Eenowned Pianist, says : Tlioy uw the best abc innst perfect piano now made, for thoroitgh workmaiiühip, power, purity, richnet, and equalitv, of tone tliey excil. J. HENRY WHITTEMOKE, (ion. Agent for tbc State, 179 Jefferson Avenue Detroit, - MÍ3K E. C. Foster íb my autliorized Agent for Ann Arbor. Rooron in Kxchange lilock. MILLER, DAVIS & WEBSTER Agenta for the sale of 10-40 U. S. B0ND3, 7 3-10 Treasury N"otes also, for sale, Interest 6 Per Cent Compound LEGAL TENDER NOTES. Hijrhest ratsi paid for GOLD, I'KEMIÜM FL'NDS,and LAMU WARBAKTS. Ann Arbor, Oct. 30th , 1864. 3iu9öl Ann ü.rbor & Lcdi Plank Road Company. Í'TIiK ANNUAI. MEETING of tbc StockholJeis tf the Anti Arbor and Lolti Plank Rnad Company, for tho elección of IHrectom mr t:io ensuing yer, and for si :cli othor basineS as may properly cm o before the meeting, will be 1 eld at the Oélce of tlv Ccmpanv in the City o( inn Avb.ii , on TUESDAT tbe 3 i rtay of January 1865, at i o:cloci P. M. JOHN W. HUNT, Trcasuaer Ann Arbor, Pee. lit, 18Ü4. 4w985 NOTÏÖE. riilIE Annual Meeting of tbe Sioofcholders of Foifes 1 Hül Ccmetery Company, tor the èlection ofoiïicers, and the transactin of sueh buslneu an may come before it, will bc held at tlie office of K. W, Morgan , in thiw City,on ïuesday, January 3d, 18Ö5, at 2 u'olock, P. M. E. B POND, Ann Arbor, lec. 'Ut, 1864, Clbrk. OTIOeF THE AXNUAL MEETING of the PTOHÍ HOLCIRS of THE FTftSf NATIONAL IÍANK of ANN ARliOU, for tlie ELKCTION o!' KIN'E DIRECTORS óf saidll.gik and twoinapêctorsol SleetioBU, wül be beldar, tlicir Banking Uilice, on Tl'lïDAÏ, lOtii or January, lSt. Poll will be open trom 1 to 3 o'cloclc, P. M. Bv onlerof Board of Directors. C. 11. ttlüuaONB, Cmehiet. Aon Arbor.Deo.eth, 1864. fcSStd HÖLIDAYG0ODS f A largo Ktoek. DuFOREST & SÏEWART'S.


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Michigan Argus