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THE WORLD FOE 1865. TROSPICCÏÜS. The PréaJtdenttal cantest iuM Huspd ednsii{m-iMiie I politfcal dejïtiniesof the people 'f the Üoitel ftatep, 8 tluriftg anotlH-r ieim e yeará, ín ih contr.-l of rr-.fdt-nt Uncoln at the X rtb. and Jefferson Davits ut the South. The Democratie, party, aLwaya U'entMid ilio proppenty grewtb, mui fd'"V of the republic, may n point wïth henest pridu to lla record in tuis greut ! ttí.sl. I Agalnat un adm!nÍBtratioD wieiding the mos) enör tumis power of patronage and fhe ipomí ualimitad oommttnd of t rea&u re v er posfeeftsod by anv go vera, ment, and reinforced alika by the unfounrlod fem a of inan patriota and the sympttthios oi all tr-titora, thy Deint -i. ■ p-irtv t'..trUi the b;ittle of 1861 flvtftlr and . rearfësBly ta tbc end Pefeated in fcbe (rfectorfiltoIUo, tbe scaa,11 majeril r tr vni, m i.y wijlen i( hiu been hu defeated U demonstrably les? fban tlr nnmoer of persona nntrily M'd diliriiiUy i ]iitriMit upon the adtninlRtration aa ufficeboldera or confravt ira in the variousdupurtuiniti .i 1 11!1 pu blic . ■■-, ce But il'L ros uit is agalnat ns. Tlit; law continúes to beadminietered by men who not only viólate its ex - pressprovitnona, bat invade álso tnose personal an] btt so high aaji sacred tliat coxtity.tiua.jeaunu( eonfer, bul lygnat&ntee ihew, cmd u-luch l:iws are made to viuiWcate ;i n-i guatd. The pms e :s HM 1 borne by me i who, in four ars, have hoaped apon J ás, hik', tin; un.born pfeuer; tln%i our cüildren. a bebt almuatas tbut of lugland. acqnired throbgb. centimes, and who e polïc ■' .. I loatied paperourrnoy don bles wfoau-i-.e present bureen uftliisgigau i-i indttbtrdiiffia TIig öwoko fs Btill vrlelded by tin 30 who sefl tren sen in u olive b ranch, tin tl who ■■ tke i oríes won by uur gg,l;ap1 armieH aaíLfificts ' millos-, üinui: tuey optu no j.aiu tü the triuinpbs w? ,. Mjè. DenxocTftta myst awaíl evenia; Thei an now only watch for the public safety, u.ud eïert all.the power of i jreat miuority to prevent Mr. ( LiDColn's iulïüiDistr.'itkm fn m driftïhjjf, for the sake of i aböJilion , iuto a diaumuii peaco. "They serve who qnlysand andwüit '' Tlie prineiplea of tlie Democratie party are just, and will yet preTail, for they are the Uiwa of the progro&a of the human race. They are the principies which i havo emerged frona evelry revoluti oñ of the Aoglo Saxob n,cvt wrth incretted guiiranteosand - By these i t must stand fsteadfast, imiuovable, compact harmonious, srganized. Tbe cosiiur four years are to be yearsof culamity. But now, ihzy who sowed the windsart' tobe the reaperx of the whirlwinds. The Di'iuocnitic party ia Bhorn of pewe; bot it ,h divested T ol al) responsibility. When iho of our dmtresa comea, the people, iuateid óf cursing thu Demucratic öarty, will turu to it for relief, and ding to It foï deHvuraüce.. So far, then, from bíing relieroá óf cfuty tot ilin ■ tmattèdiate futujH by our late defeat, a duiy mor imperative devulves upon the Dmnucratic prkss. Sen tinels upou the wateh-towere, now more taan evor must they be sleepleas andvigi aatO'tcn, during the past year. ToeWüiuj) has been milde to feol the heavy haod of arbitiury power. Beadawng ail lawHil support to the constituced authonties - to CaïKai Cassar'H dur - avoiding the é tremes of partisaa hoaiilihy , umi güüüeea o noy crime, 8a ve unílinching adrooacy of a frw press, free speech' free ballot, or au ardeut devotiou to tha Uniou.and Bappbrt of the war for tbe CMtoii'a sako, it h apnever theless, been repeatedly oxcluded from military de ' menta by partisaa pranerala, mJ fojf aeveral daya its issues were suspended by the order bf President Lin' coln himaelf, and fta offices closed and oecupied by armed aaldiers at his comntaad. Tfce Sdetiry and the fearïesauess in the past, which fchesfi blows ntruok at us ftTonch,oui readers are jUHíiíu-.i b expectintF from ua tor tht future. Tme Wobid forlBÖS will be a botter newspaper than it has t-ver beu. ïtsoolumaa, ired from the exacting demandHof a poiitical canvaae, will èifrord mere room for the news of tlie day, of all kinüs, frona all parts of the wovld. We shall uot be coutent-d to eire t o o ar readers the earliest news. Ws.aball labor alBO lu ha 7e it the most truatworthy The freest use of lbo elegr&ph, which ia the ■vghi arm of the pr8fl,snd co petent eorreBpondenta frith all ur armies uad flebtn, not the nutiuiial aud statt: capitali, andat all the commercial centers of Kuropw and America, and wha'tever eUe utill caA devise or ènterprse acconijilirth, will contributeto make Tue Wobi-D .the bet newspfeper of tlie áay. The Sesii-'Vekki.v World will eXftetljr suit who i want the news o: tener tnan ws.-ekly ,yet do not feel able topay'$IO for the iïaily. HcontainaaTJ the re;idiog oiattej , news and editorialu of th Daily, excc tmg 'ij v ils adi tvii.s.iiM-nts. Thb Whti.i.Y W ui.d i #3) hun ïic tire btrgest circulafon of any weeltly journal pubuuhed , save oae, lts exti aordinary suecesfi f.iuca its uaion with ihe New York Aras lias ju-titied iism vi ry liberal exuendituríft íor tlie year to coinei sucii ha t.üI nmke it without % riv.'U ju interest ftud yalue to 1 1 1 ♦_- furnicrs of ourcountry. h-i Agricultural Department will be au good and complete as any of the agricultura! papera, and ita re port-s of tlte altle, Produce aod Hfony Markets will ecel there all A pae or more will bc refcerVed to entertaining Öreside readiog, and the typu will be large and clear enutih for ola yes. All tt"#e ediUona of TütWoiaJ) are aftw printed on new type, Several new folding machiOic', j us1 sc-t u in our vaults, wili ei ab! ■ us c work if naELmail aQ : ïtions with tl e irtinost s-peed and rr-,nlariiy. 4 While the war oontiñües, ;tnd the currenev i of sucii ■ abortas ft Ir, we can hope for little or no proüt. ut terms have been increaaert, but not in proportlvn to the ï tncreased oost of everythtnig uBed u mukmK a [ per. Indeed, to day tüeie is nothmg equally vluable }■ hu chèap a-s a uewHpapar. TEUMS: Daily World. One cony , one yenr, bv mail f 10 S ml-Vecktj' Wor!d, f'necopy, nne yoar 4 Tb ree copies , one yefcr .- ...,.10 Five po)ius one year '. .. 15 WcrWy Worltï-. Ontt-odpy, one y'taï 2 t our cofiits, uu o r tiar 7 Ten conies, one year 17 i vrenty copiee, onO year 34 Ten cents extra ckargcd in all cae.sfor teparatc ad' dress. An extra copy furnisbi 3 to elubp nf ten or more. tor chibs of lifty the Semi Weeklj , and for c ubs of one hundred the Daily, will be sent to getter up of club. CliHOffcs from clnti tlatfl can oiïly bo made by requetit of the persóri receivmg tlie clttb packages. All uch tnu.-f mime the posto flicf a tul stto to which it has previju,iiy been gent, aud iuclose twenty-üve cent topíiy f fcibattgmg to separate address . Uniera for a: y o!' the êditionaof Thk World may be seot by mail, and nhould ineloso Postoöïce Monry, Ordef or Bank dra:t for amount fiósa the discount). Moneys stnt by mail wil) be at ihe rjafc of tlie end(T. Orders aud letters dhould he addresaed to THE WURLt), 987tf 35 Par je ïlow, iVew-Yorlc. 1885BCLEGTIC MAGAZINE. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, & ART. Beautiful Embellishmenls. FINE STEEL ENGSAVINGS. New Volume and New Sftcies bogin January, 18rj5. Commenco Subscription with New Vol. o Tuk Eclectic Níaííazine ws commeuced in 1844, and bas been uccesafully conduoted for the last twenty yeara', From ihat time to the present. As many of the numbera are out of print and it ia impossible for the Pub.ishcr to supjily back volumes from the coinmenoearent, it is proposed, with fhe ,Iaumiry number, to begin a JS'eic Series and a N&e fTolitnie, and iohile all the essentiaJ features tfthe wtrk will be re tained, sume new ones will be áctopted which it is bekéved vcül add h, the artösèic oud VUefair$ balue bèokl Not wfthstan ding the greatly iucreased coBt of pub iiyhing 'ÍHEPKICK wn.L sTii.i. KBUAIÜ TH hamk, and we trust enr frienda and pa-trona will aid us iti incioasinj; i m .-■;-■ .i' it i . i i : by indufLg iheir frienda to c :nnience aubsoriptions with the New Skries. Tlie eontentK of The Ecieí tic are cnrefully Feiecied eaoh monili from the tnïire range of Foreigu OuaricrUeS, MoiJthUcs and Penodicais It airas t i givti the choiceat articles from th pens of the SftQSt eminent foreign writers on topics of gener, i) interest. T1I1L HEAT QÜMïONS OF TH. DAY, touching I.iiuratu re, Moráis, Science l'hiloauahy , and jirt aire thóroughl) and ablyUiscuHsea by the moatidiPtinguished ;i nd billian( expositOïs THE RfcVíEWS ü TUK MÓt NOTABLE ITBL1CATUiNS wbii-'h fiom íiiue tó tiOTO i-;Lr ,.ïij(1 vhicfa aro so extended iU'l compreiiéusive ;is to jfivO the reader tlie &uet extraéta and ;i p;eneral idea of tbe whole work, form a note-woniiy fea tare ot the publitsaüonj Muny pi ÜwarUolea iu thu foreign pfriouu-uls trdat on snbjects enttrèly lo-;;ï, atrfl tt thaffb rrf the Sditor to caref tilly select only those of interest to the Ametieaa ieiidjf, TUK MlSCEipYDKPARTMENT, contaimiig brief c ri l i(. i.'in B Óf both Kur;'i.. n ;i c ' Anii'i'H';ui pahlicattonF, selections ol poot ry . scíenl fie a ad a rt Umus , is made with great care frra exteosiye lesearon md vwTiei) reading, and adda inuch ' the value of the work, Each oumber ifitembeUlshed with one or more fine steel engravingp - portraita of eminent menor iliontraitve í important hiiítoiictil érente. The twelve monthly numbevs mnko three volumes per year, with In i ui Title pages for binding. TEftMS - 1& per year, in ■ nnmowt 42 ets. The Traüe, CIitihc;, Teachers, and Clubs sujplii-d od reasonn We terrnfl, Afldreea, W, H. HlDWKLr,, 5 Beekman St. N. Y. A SPLENDID PSANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSE'S new an3 tnipróTecl l:i. 'o sürpassea anytbing now öiade for GREAT DURABIL1TY! Surprisiug richness and brilhancy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MOVERATR PRICE. The attentipn of the people of Aniï Ariior ts respectfüny invited to an cxannnatlonof lliis bautlfnl insirmiimt. J.HENRY WHITTKM0B1 , Genernl Agent for the Ltate, 179 Jcfferson Vvonue Detroit. Mis E, C. Foitter in Soy authorized agent for Ann Arbór, TheVüdK PIAMO-may be seen W hrroom ■ "-Mom Block.


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