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Blair "played Out."

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-The Hcan Legislativo Caucus held on WedDesday evening, Bomïnated J. M. üowaed for United States Senator. The vote stood : Howard, 56 ; Blair, 42 ; and the nomination wa mado unanimous. Gov. Blair can now return to the shades of those Jackson oaks, under which ho ïiided in orgunizing the HopublicitD party, for the benefit of Detroit politieians. Verily, parties, as well as república, are nngrateful. - The two Houses mot in joint oonvention, at 12 o'clock, p. m , yesterday, to compare uominations ior U. States Senator, and Boa. J. M. Howard was declared elected. Ëp We have eeen a fetter from a member ef the 14th Mnhigan Iofantry, written since the arrivalof the regiment at Bavannah, vvhioh saya that the regiment gave &0 clean votes for the Washtenaw Damocratic Countj ticket. Had these votes been returnod, Messrs. Jat and Childs would havo stood no chance for gets in the Senater, aud tha contest in the Suprema Oourt would have been narrowod down to Sheriff, Treasurer and Prosecuting Attorney. This naay accouDt for why the " suckers " were Btolon. L= Gov. Elair concludes his late annual message with the iollowing acceptable announcement : "JPeace approaches, following viotory. lts dawning is alroady visible, and its fui] blaze vvillïulfill our utmost desire." Good ! Let tho earth rejoioe, and let no UnionLoaguer quake with fear of tho next draft.


Old News
Michigan Argus