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THE WORLD FOR 1865. PROSPKCTUS. The Presídential contest JuBt eloeed eons-lgned the pulltical destlniee of the peaple uf the United Ktate, durinií unotlu'r term o: years, to tlie control of l're.sfdent Lincoln at the Nortb, and Juffer aun Davis at the Suutli. The Democratie party, alwaya i entifk-d witb the proaperity. growth. and glory of the republic, ïnay point "'itb hcuest prido to its record In tilia great conttfst. Agaiost &n adm'nistratioa wïeldtng the mest ener Dinas power of patron&ge and the moat unlhnitod cominand of t reas ure ever possessed byany Government, and rein Torced alike by the inilVniiiücil ft:al h of m&ny patriota and the sympathie of all truilors, the Democratie party fongltt the battle uf 1SG! Örialy and luarlessly to the end. Pefeaied in tibe electoral collage, the smali majority of popular votes by whlch it has been so defeated is demo ast rably Itw than number of parooni onenïy ind offlcially dependent upon ihe administraron is offlcebolders or contracto in the varioua dpartm?nfó (;t the jiublic service. lïut the re.sult i agairist uh. Tlie law continue to be administered by men who not only viólate its exprMB proviKions. bot invade alöü those personal an 1 oItU rights 80 high and sao red tbat eon&tltatfoa cannot eonfer, but oiilyxntrtanteB them, and which lawa are made to vindícate and guard. The pursï is till bome by mu.i who, in four jrears, have hpaped upon aa, and the unborn fr.ener:iti"ii'f oar children, a.bebt ilni.tstas buge sa that of iuiglaad., eoqulr.eó' Ummgfc centuries, and whose policy of a 1 loatrd paper currency doublet uuon us tfce procent bunlen cf thlfl gigau.ic iDuebtedncss. Tbo bWQbd in still wielded by thnge who see treasnn in an olive b ranch, and who raake victories wou by our gaHant arrutes and lleets fruitlesfl, niñee thcy open no patb to the triumphs of pcace. Domocrnts must a wait e venta, They can now only vtch for tlie public safety, and exert all t!ie power of a great mi nor i ly to prevent Mr. I.mcoln's administraron from lrifting, for the sake of abolilion, into a dtsuuion peacfe. "They also serve who only stand and wait " Tlie principies of the Democratie party are juut, and will yet prevail, for they are the laws of tho progresa of the human race. They are the principies which have emerged from every revolution of the Auglo Sa. ton race, with increased guaran tees and strengt h. - By these it must stand Bteadfsat, immovable, compact, harmonious, orKanizcd. The coming four years are to bfi years of cjilamity. But now, they who sowed the winds are to be the reaperw of the whirhvinds. The Democratie party in shorn of power ; but it is divesled ol all responsibility. When tlie hour of our dm trees comes, the people, instead of cursing the Damoeratio party, will turn to it for relief, and cling to it for deHverance. So far, then, from relíeved of duty for the immediate futuro by our late defeat, a duiy more imperative devolves upon tho Democratie 1'ress. Sentinels upon the , now more than ever must tlicy be sleepless and vigi ant. Oten, durintj tho past yoar. TriK Wotít.o has been made to feel the heavy hand of arbitiary power. - Keudering all lawful support to the constituted nuthonties - to Ciesar Csesar's due - avoiding the extremes of partirán hoalility . and gutltless oí any crime, pave unflinching advucacy of a f roe press, f ree traöech , free ballot, or au ardunt df rotion to the l'niotr, anrï support of the war for tiie Union's sake, it Uaünoveituele.ts, been repeatediy excluded from military dfpartraonta by partisan geoerftls, and for several days its Ls.sues were suspended by the order of President Lincoln himsflf, and its offices closed and occupied bv armed Holdiers at his command. The fideliry and the foarlnssness in the past, whici: these blows strupk at us avouch,ou readers are justilied in expectiug irom us for the future. The World for 1865 will be a better newspaper than it has ever been. lts columna, freed from the exacting deibaudsof a political canv.ted, will afford uure room for the news of the day, of all kinds, from all paris of the world. We shall not be contented to give to our readers the earliest news. Ws shall labor also to have it the most trustworlhy The freest use of the "elegraph, which is the rigjit arm of the prees, snd :o:' petent correspondents ffith all ■ ur armies and fletts, uotjthe national and state capital-, and at all tha centers of Kurope and America, and whatevtT slull can devise or enterprise accomplish, will contribu teto make The Wobld tlie best ne.wipaper of the day. The Skmi-Vekki.y Woeld will exactly suit who want the news ulteher tnan weck!y,yetdo bot feel able to pay $10 for the Daily. It contains all the reading matte! , news and edilorials of the Daily, excepting only ita advertisemeiits. Thb Wkekly Wouli) (S2) has thelargestclrculation of any weelily Journal published , save one. it extraordinary succops f i nee it.s union with 1be New York Argus has jürtiöeti as in very liberal expendí tures for íhe year to comci such aa wiil make it without a rival in intorest and valué to the farmers of our country. Pt-s Agrie uit u ral Department will be as good and cúmplete as any of the agricultura! paper.s, and its reporta of the attle, Troduce and Mony Markets will excol them all Apago or more will be resorved to enterlaining ftreside reading, and the type will be largo and atoar enough for oíd eyes. Al! tfee edilions of Tu i. World are now príntedon now type. Severa! new foldiug machines, just aetup ín our vaults, will eñíihíe us to work olf and mail all editions with the utmost speed and resulariry. Whiíf the war continuos, and the currencj of such tthort as it is, we can hope for little or no profit. Our s terras have been increased, but uot in proportiun to the j increaned cost of e.ver.ytbing used in makiug a newspaper. Indeed, to daytdereis nothing equally v-iluable ao cheap as a nevvspaper. TBRKSj Daily World. One copy , ono year, by mail $10 Seml-Weekly Worid. One copy, one year 4 Threv copies, one year , 10 Five cpies . ojie year ■.. 15 "VVeekly "Woalcl, 'Jüocopy,ónêytai'..iiii.iilii.i.ii. t 2 Four copie ij, one car 7 Ten copies, one year 17 Xwenty copks, one year. ...34 Ten cents extra ckargtd in all ca 'es for separate addrtss. An extra copy furnished to elubí oí ten or more. For clubs of tifty the SemiWeeklj, and forcubsof one hundred the Daily ) will be sent to getter np of club. Chancteá from club lista can only be made by request of the peiB.m re&eiviag the club packages. AU such requests must name the pofltofflce and state 1 o which it has previously been sent, and incluye twenty-fi ve cents topa; for chajiginp to separate address . Orders for any of tho edittonsof Tfia World may be ser:t bymail, and should iuclose Post'iQlcc Money, Order or Bank dra 't for amount (less the discount). - Moneys sent by mail will be at the risk of the nender. Orderi and letters should be addressed to TUK WORLD, 987tf 35 ParK Kow, Sew-York. 18Ö5. BCLECTIC MAGAZINE. LITERATTJRE, SCIENCE, & ART. Beautiful Embellishments. FINE STEEL EWGRAVINGS. Xew Volume and New Sérica begin January, 18fiö. Commencc Subscription with New Vol, o Thb Eolkotic was commenced in 1844, and has been successfully conducted for the laat twenty years, from that time to the present. As many of the numbers are out of print and it is impossible for the Pub lisher to supply back volumes frora the coinmenct;nient, it is proposed witlï the January number, to begin a New Series and a Aeiv Volume, and white all the essential features of the worh will be retainedySomenew ones will be adopted which it is believed u-ill add to the artistic and Uturanj x-alue f the book. Notwithstanding the greatly increased cost of pub lishing tUe i'RiCE will still KEMAiN TiiE haMk, and we trust our friende and patrons will aid us ín incieasing our circulation by inducing their frieïids to commence subsenptions with the New ScrIbs. The cohtfhts of Thr Ecitsumv are Cürefully selected each month Trom tho eftïife range of Foreign Quartcrlicrt, Monthües and I'eriodicals. ït aïms tü give the choicest articles from the pens of the most emiuent foreign writers on topics of genera) interest, TUK GRKAT QUKSTIONS OF TH DAY, touching I.iterature, Moráis, Pcienee, I'hilosophy , and Art, are thoroughly and ablydiscussed by thé mostdifitinguished and brilliant expositors. THK REVIEWS O TUK MOST XOTABT.E PUBLICA - TIONS which from time to time appear,and which are so extended and comprehensiva as to give the reader the fines t extracta and a general idea of the whole werk, foiih a noteworthy feature of the publicatlon. HaQy of thearticles in the foreign periodieals treat on Bubjects entirely local, and it is the ai in ot the JEditor to carefully select ojily thuse of interest to the Amoncan reader. TUK MI3CELL&NY DKPAI TMKNT, cuntalning brief crilicisms of both Foreign and American publica tions, selections (( poetry, SfJentitu1, and art items . is mudo witb great care fïora xtensive research and varied reading, and aadj much (o the value of the work, Each number U embfcllished with. on or more iine steel engravingíi - portraits of eminent men or illustrativ'e bf important histoiicnl evonts. The twel mnitlily numbers make three volumes per year, withlndexes andTitle pages for binding. TERMS - Si peryear, single numbers 42 ets. Tlie Trade, Clergymea, Teachers, and Clubs supplied on rea sonable tcnu.i. Address, W.H. BIDWE1X, ö Beekman St. N. Y. A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Prüce ! ! VOSE'S ncw and improved PIANO surpaasos anylbing now mado for GREAT DURABILlïY! Surpi'itiing riclinewH and brilliancy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. Tlie attentiou of the people of Ann ArboT is rospectfüJly invitt-d to an exaininatiou of tlns bóautlful Dstrumnt. J. liKNRV WJinTK.MORE, General Agent for tht Ptate, 1"9 Jetïersun Vvcnue Detroit. Miss E. C. Koster is my authorized agent for Ann Arbor. The VÜ8K PTANO may be seen at her room ïu the Exchange Blook.


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