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FLORENCE SEWINO MAMES, PiiOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTURE, FRAMES. rillUïAD; SILK, MACHINE 01 L, fa. Vbè tntdanlgnad now olfeni the public THEBEST FAMILY SEWIC MACHINE ikt use. ron DUllABILITY, BE A XiTY oj S 'I' YL E, and V. i 11 IE T Y of tVOÁ'K, t "STANDS ÜP HEAÖ.!S Tt needa only tn beseon tobeapurcctatcd. Runs the walk bolli wa), tuk es four kiiülK of stitcln.'s, hcin.s, tolla, gathern, linii'U. bind , qufUs, gPtïiern and i-ewa :m i rutile ut tlie sume time. Scws trun the tliinni'Kt tu the tliicteht Ca brie without efraiigiag tliii ,-titrh, te ns tuin or needk-, or witUuuL brvaklog tbe thread - [t In The Wonder of the World ! AUo a TRriety of the me 1 benut Ifiil PHOTOCHAPH ALBUMS, l'lui Ci:KS nu.! FRAMES in creat varlety. Lind pictures t.umed lu order at short notice. Alaci.BAÜNUM'S 8ELP-KBVVISR ur TU KIR, liitl, eau be adjusted to anv tíewing Machine. Cali at the sigcj of the KLOKKN'CK SE'.'.'IXÜ MACHIXi:, a few doors East of C""k: Hotel. Sti'ching iNeatly D. ne toOider, Alao, on oxliibitipp, the cetefeïated ' WEED SBVV1NC MACHINE," whioh took the premium at tho Miilligan State Fair; of 1854. W. D. HOLMES. Aun Arbur, Pie. üftth, 1864. 98. Hf a"mës' TELEGRAPHIO INSTITÜTE -ANDATMAl Bl'SIÏBSS COLLEGE ! SYRACDSE, NEW YORK. Tlie Even ng Session wil] of)en on Jlonday evening thelólhint. Cali at the oiüce in the Baatable Arcade. TUIS IS A Practical Business College ! COMBININO THSGRY iND PRACTICE With Banks of Issue, Coíitainiug i capital of Thee Millious in Bank Notes, With Business Otíicos furBfshed witli ;tli the Tilnnks . gene re, Uv us- ui buaíness, sucia aa i te, i ceiptaj ïue Bills, Orders, Check s, ie c. These are so amployed by the Ftadn1 as tv gïve rise to actual Business operations, M'he stqdent tlius becomos tho aetuítl Heroh&ui una lí(iukkeeper; aml tranrïitcts as ïcientilically ns if engaged in genuine trade, all ti;p bu-iijfftS ju'itiiin'iig; to whoiesale and ret&fl , C-H-.S. Coáimíssí'-'Oi Jubbing, BhipjjJnsr, Mfr.irig, ViaiufacYiYing, Banking, Siehiaboating'j R . Iroadiug, 'Qcies, &c. PHOrvOGRAPHY, is taught by JOHS B, mïLÜÏKS, A. 5Í., a gradtiatc of Graham's Phonograpltic Acadt-my, N. V Large classes always ín aftendance in tho Corresponding and RepoHÏDg styk-s. THE TELEGRAPHÍC INTITÜTE, is undcr the oaanagemunt of JWU. OT1S WOOiï. foriner Superintendent of tlio New A'bany. aml Buílalo ïti!egra]iliic lompany's I.íne, and the ooly Iti stiuili' in tbe worM re the titt'ofy end pnicHce ui lolegr&.p&Uig cn be tlmrcuhly iea reed. 'J'ílíi teen insti-umeuis a'nt now in onemiion and over une hun lieil youtig men are in attadftnee. Two exporicneed, fir1-class opernt'is are contituntly emplovvd to glve ipstructioDS, For termi and ofh.r informafion, öfltlröim, [including stampj for the '' College Monihlv Ji turn al " I). T. AMEï, rresidei t. 3w989 !-yMe NV.vYorli. J?ím!1rJ r&O üYlJu FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A íTKoüI ï'-yqiïiMsl;'. Ciiïirni' mul Frnfsrnnt Perfumo, Oímillcd fVoui the IS.trc ii i tl ítiviiiii'i i":il ITIovei' íi otti Muuuftwiurcdoiilyby S'SÏAfi.O X S. iü0 Beware of Coiinterfelts. As!: jhr Pimlo.i's - Tttke nn ether So!d ly drüf?gÍRle pene.rally. t fi V Ei KJE JnThearJIIg! Mr Mallicws first prep-,red the VKN'KTÏAN HAlH DYK : aï iicc that fmv it haw ben OSCd b ilxVusands, and in ao in. sta nee l.ds it fjuled ti give éttife satisfaci,iop. The YEN']':?'. AN-ItYE is the chcapest iu the world - TUpricein only Fifty Cn U, an : eai.Ii boitlc mnfains doublé tjieuantlty o.i dy n Vnwn uuuaUy aold for SiThe VMN'KTIAN DYE is warrnnted not to injuro the httlr or tbe RcMp in Ibe sliVlitest fle "!■(■. The VEXKTIAN' DVK works with fapidUy and ii-ninty, tho luw reqnidng up pvoparation whatever. The Yi'AF.TMX DTB produces any Kimde that may be dt-Bifed - injothnt wül not fftde, ernck or wash out one thatis as a the hair tself. For sale by all drugglftts. - l'rice 50 naaU, A. ï. MATHKWS, General Agent, J2 Gul.! treet, Xew York. Also, Manufacturer of MiTïiwrr' Au nu a IIaiu Gj.ossí the best hair dressing in use. ïn large bottles, price 50 cents. Iy96ö JfOTlCE! TUE AXXUA1, MEWIKfl ..f tbo STOrK HOI.DEU of TUK PtkST VAT1HVAL MANK of ANX AKHO.t, for the EI.KCT1ON i.t KINK IilKKfTOH? uï i-ai! [lMk anti tTOiliHpectiu'snf iflectióas, will bé ln'ld thei Banking OtHoe, on TUESÜAY, lOth uf January, 1S65. Poll will l opd'n rr..m 1 to8 'eloei,P. M. lïyortler of Qu&ldof Dircct-iis. l H. iiJCHMO.VI), Cashicr. Ann Albor, Doe. 6th,lK(il. isind 'hOLÍDAY600D&TT A larjje stock. DeFORESX & STEWAllT'S.


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