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■Tlio VVasbteiiaw ineinbers of tho Legislatura nave becu uppcinted oa the sUading liouiuiittee-s, as followa : Scna'.or Jay is chairman of the eommittoo ou State PrHipB, and a member of the commiüces on Interual Improveincuts, and Expiring LawB. Senator Ciiilus is ehairnnm of tbc corumitteo, ou Statu Library, aud a inember of tbe coinmittces on Agriculture, and Publio Lai:ds. Iu the House, Mr. Shier 3 on tho eotnmiltee on internal Improvements . Mr. Milleu (probably sticcueded by Mr. Cleme.MS) ou tho eommittea on State Prii-on ; Mr. Fokfes on the cotnmittee on lloadtand Bridge; aud Mr. IIairk on the oooimittee oa GqologíoaJ Survey. jL5L Gen. Bdtler's canal lias prov ed a fui) uro. Ho ordoied the bulk-head blowu out, liut tiio masa of earth feH in instead of out, aud it remaius for the soldiers senteDced by military ootnmiaaiüii 'o tv-o years hard labor on the canal, lo aliovel it out during tlteir term of ser?co. Geu. Butler himself has proved a fiühire, so far as military eapacity is couoerned at least, aud has been removed from bis cotninaDd of the Army of tbe Jaiiins, and ordered to report at Lowel), Mass. Either Aunis DickingoD, or Aduiiral Porter's report of the reeent attempt on Wüuiington, fiaitíhad bim. And, ao exit Butljsr. JC3C The Suprema Cüurt, in sesaion at Laosing, last week, adjourned to meet again on the 24th in8t., at which timoj it is understood it will tako ud t!io relation of Daniel S Twitchell vs. Amos O. Blodoet. ïhia case will involre the constitutionality of the Boldiers' voting law, and will test that point for all the cases arising iu the Staie. But in other cases, other points will bo ïnade, such as Ilegal votea, frimdultmt returns, uppressed returns, &c, &c , and aa effort will bo made to compel a return of the vote of the 14th Michigan, aud suadry other regiments. iSS" Hou. John J. Robison is totively engagad iu scrutmizing tho army poll lists, and will fiud enough illegal votes given to hia opponent to oust h:ra. Minors, aliona, and non-resideuts, voted in largu uumbers and uunabers voted who were registored noither at homo nor in the aruoy. Will the Logialature rccoguiza the vaüdjty of the rogfstratioo laws. We hope that Mr. Jonjís will siso contest the seat e'iveu to Sir. Jay. He should ask the Senate for a commisaion to tüke evidence of how the 14th Infaatry voted, the returns of which were suppressed or stolen. L Tho Opdyt'-Weed libel suit, which has ocoupied the tiüie of ona of the New York city courts, and the atteotion of the public icr th last tiiree waeks, bas eoncluded ia a disagreomcut of the jury. We have . read a large eb are of the evidence, and expected .thia result. Opdyke's charaoter bas been dr.maged more by the trial thsn by the alleged libel, and if he ia he will pay the ecsts already made, and let the iaatter drop. $ZgT Provost-Marabal General Fry has orderod that no ciedits shall be al lowed to reduce the quotns under the ate cali for 300,000 men, except by ao ual enlistmeiits in the anny, naïy and narine corps since the 19; h ult. Thia tops allowar.ces for overplas, for threo rears laeu, for occaeional enlistments since t'ue last draft, aa.well as for tha entire 30th Infcntry. As the will of the Provost-Marsaal General seems to be law oor citizsns will have to buokle in. t3 Tho breezds frofli Washingtoowards como laden with rumora of missions to Richmond, pence negotiations, &o., &c, which onr readers will receive with mauy grains of allowance. vVe do not believe they will result in peace before tho next draft. Aud when the rnissions have f ai led it is more than probable that tbe.Prusident wilt disown them as he did tho Gilmore-Jacquas adventure. jL3L" üocgress is not driving business vevy rapidly. The Seuate is promiscuously engaged, vrhile the House has the coDstitutional amendment nbolisbiug slavery under discusión. The members are fatfeing at length, not to make converts of each othcr, but for tho edification of tbeir sevpral oonslitueuuios. f The two LruLchus of tha Legishiture havo gooe liberally into the messenger busiuuss: Tlie Senate hasappointoJ foui1 messeiig.irs, and the House ten, :uul it is stipposed the number woultl have been indt-f initeiy increased had any more of the membars sons or relutives of suitable age. ISF The Suprenie Court of Conneoticut bas decided the soldier's voting aw of that State unconstitutional. All tho Judges ooncurred in the decisión. The constitution of Conneeticut 8 loss ■triogeat than that of this State. We understund that the Supreme Cüurt of California has also made a gimilar decieion. fr Tho Missouri CoDstitutiórial Convcntioi), hy a vute oi üO to 4, Las j aibptod un ordiuiuioe abulishing slavery immedüitcly.


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