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THE WORLD FOK 1865. xïLOs:piccxtjs. The Preaidenttal contost juft closed consigned the I ■ . , Stro! of l'rosfröoln'at-the Nortfi', aud JclTerson Davis at tue Süu'.ti. The Democratie party, always itentificd wtlb thfl pcosponty, g-rowth. aud glory of the republic, inay point u tb Ucuoát pi ife to it reeoriWn tuis gröat conto bt. Aifftinat 8n aöm'n'iitraiion ricldinfr tho most cnortnous power ot" patmnago and the most u ni mitad eommaxt'l of treasuw ever posscssed byanygovern ineut, and reinforcert alike by tb.o tifoundedfeaiiof naxuv pïilriots and the sympathtea of all Ira i tors, the . tío partj fottgh.t the battle of 1S6 flrmly and learleshly to the end. Dofeateti m Uio electoral coB'íge, tïio smal! majorlty of pppular votëa by wbicli it has been s deated in denioiiritnibly than lh ttumber of pornons opcnly anl offlcíally depeúdent úpon tlio adminlétratiTïD as DfRceholdo?s or oontraotora inthevarioxuidepartiOMit oL the j)ttl)lic erTice. ;lt ia against u's. Tl law contÏDuesto "■o not only viólate its expföss provisioDS, but invade also those povsonal anl civil rifílits so 1 ■ red thát constitution cannot confer, but only xuarantee tlmui, aad.wh'ch lawa are mado to vindícate anti puard. The ptiESa i atlH borne bv mej w lio, in ('o-.-r yours, Ikivc hftpec! upmi us, and "the unborn iítner:iti"f our cliüdren, a bebt : tt of Engiand, aoqoíre(3 tbrobgh ceniurie " policy of t i loated paper curr.'i:cy iluütilcs upoii ua tLc present burdea ofthfaglednss. TÍm wtord is stil I wfeldeá by tlutsa wlio soo trenson In au olive bninuli, aud who ' mke victories wou by oor gallan! arrafea and flt;ets i fruitless, since they open no path to tho triumphs of peace. Democrats must mvait fventf. , Tney can otfdnTy fratrii for tlio public safety, and eXert all tïie pöv i i of a great minority to prefenr Mr. Lineo tn 'a admíoistration from drifting, for the eake of abulition, inío a disumon peace. "They n.l:"o rier1: e who on!y st.ind and wajt.' The principies of the Democratie purty are just, and will yet prevail, for they_are thO láwa of tho progrese of the human race. They are the principies which jl;l ve emerged from every revolulion of the Auglo Sacbn'ace. withinci inteesand strengt ii. - ■ Bv theffeit raus! stjir.'lsloadi'ast, iinmovable, r.otnpact, harmonious, ornanized, 'i lie coming four years are to be years oí' c:i!;innty, But now, they who solved tho windfl are to bo the rwtpets of tho whlrlwinds, Tho i Stic party is eborh of power ; but it ia dïvesttxl ol allresponaibility. When the hour of our distress comes, tlie peoule, iusted of cur.sing tlit; Democratie ] [i;iriv, will turn f) it for relief, und cling to it for de.ivorance. So far, ttien, ficom bsing relieved of duty for the rraïifcÖKitc futura by onr late defeat, a duiy more imperativo devolver upon the Democratie Tbess. Sentinels upOB the watch-toweri; , nuw moro thau ever must they be sleepless and vigi &Dfc. O.ten,durinccthe past year. TnE World has leen made to feel the heavy hand of arbitiary power. - Rendering all lawful support to fche conjitituted authonties - to Csesai Cseeara due - avoiding the extremes of partiaan bostüity, and guiHlessoi uny crime, save unflincliing advocacy of a free, free speech, freo ballot, or un ardent devotion to the Uniou.auü support of the war foi the Union1 sake, ii hasntjverthetess. been repeatedly excloded f rora military dtpavtmeots by partisan Kcnorai9t arili ot" svcral daya its issues were. suspended by the order of President IjncoUi himself, anü its offices closed and occupied by armed soldiors at hls oommand. The fideliry and the fearleRsness in the past, whicii these blows siruck at us avoucli,ouï readers are justified in expecting i'rom us for the future. The World for 1865 will be a better neirspaper than it bas ever been. lts columns, freed from the exacting demnndsof a polítieal canvasa, will all'ord mere room ihe newfi of tlie day of all kinds, froia all parts of the ■vv'orld. We shall not be contentad to givcto our readers tïie earliest news. "Wa shall labor also to have it the most trustflrorthy ' The freest uso of le lelegraph, whicli ia tlie right arm of the press,snd courpetent correspondents n-ith all ■ ur armiee and üett-;, notjthe natiouaï and state capital, and at all thi coromeiciat centers of Europe and America, and whatevcr eo ?.kil can dovise vr interprise, will contribute to makeTais W'oeld the best newspaper of the day. The Skhi-Wheklï Wop.ld will exactly suit Ihose who want the newfl oltener 1nan weefcfy ,-yct do not feel able to pay $10 for the Jinily. ït contaïns all the roading matte), news and editorials of the Daily, exceptinj only ita advertisements. Tuk Wbbklt WoniD C$f) lias nor theTargest circula tionofany weekl.y jourual published,Sajre one. lts ex i raordinary succöbb finco its unión witb Ihe New York Argut ïiaa ju&ed usin vcry liberal expenditnre for iho year to comei aaoh aá iviil mako itwithouta rival in interest and value to the farmers of ourcoun try. lts A gr cultural Düpartment will be aa good an complete as any of the agricuttunÖ papers, and its re . the attlê, Produce and ïïbny Markgta wil excel t hem all A page or ruore will be reservedtoen tei'tRmïng Ëresid rtading, and the type will be larg '-■hf ètkoagh forold éyes. All the cliti-ms ii 'iu. Wokij) are now printed on new type. SeVerfti ncw foKling machines, just set u in our vaults, will enable üstowork off and mail a editïoöfl witfi the utmost speed and regularity. the war eoDt'inuw, and the cuxrenoy i of auci short as t is, wecan ]iope for little or no profit. Our terms havebet-nmcrouied, but uot in proportiun to the incryafifd eest of everything useiï in maJclng a Dewspaper. Indeed, to day Uiereis nothing equally valuabla so cheap as a nowepaper. TERaiSi Daily World Ooe opy , on o year, Ij y mail. $10 Scml-Wcckljr AVorld. Oaecopj', one year 4 Th ree copies, une year 10 Five copies , one year t 35 t7eekly World. Oncopy, oneytar 2 Four copies, ono )ear 7 Ten copiu .;, oae year 17 Tweny cöpiea, oc yoar, 34 Ten etnta extra chavad in all cases for separate addrees. An c-xtra copy furnished to elu!? of ten or more. For clubs of iil'ty the Semi-WeeklJ , an.i forc.ubsof one hunurcd the l'aüy, wUJ bc-sent to getter up of club. Changes from club li.sts caa oiily ba made by request of the perstm recehifig ihe club packages. All such requests must name the potoffice and shüe to which it has previously been sent, and taclesa tweaty-five cents to pay for cUangiug to separate aiidress . Orders far any of the oaitions of THü Woüt.d may ba sent byraail, and should incloöe Poatoffico Money. Order or Iianic dra'.t for amount (loss the discouut). - llonsys B(nt by mail ivill bo at 'ihe risk of the eender. Orders and letters jshouldbe ftddreaaed to THlfl WORLD, 987tf 35 PaiK Row, New-York, '1885. JWIAItAZIiMij. LITERATURE, SCIENCE. & ART. Beautiful Embeliishments. FINE STEEL ENGRAVIN"GS. N"ot Volume and New Sevics begin January, 1865. Coinmence Subscriptioa witb New Vol. ö Teb Kclrctic #as eomrwnced ïn Ï844, and has been puccessfúlly cömiv.cted Tor the last tweuíy yearn, from that time to the present. As many of the numbers are out of print anti it iu rmpossible fQf ttiè to supply biiek volumes froto tho c"i"ara(jrii:(mctii-, it is proponed, ?ith the January number, to begin a New Series and a New Volume, and white all the eisent f the workwiübe r&tained , somc new ones wiH }.. adopted wjiich it is bilieved will add to the artistic and llleranj value of üie book. Notwithstniiding the greaily iucreast-d coat uf' pub lislihiic 'jnin-Kicb: ■'vn.i. sm l klmm.v tiib same, and we trust ouririends und pat roos will ald us in íneieKÍD( our eircultttion by íntiucíng iheir friends to coiamence fiubicnptions with tbeNfiW Series. The contente of The Eciectic are carefuUr Felectec! eaoh month from the enïire racge of Foreign Quarterlies, Mptattjliaa and Pe.fiOÖjcAla li aims t ■ givt; Lho choicfcst.articlea from i, h o pens of the most mifient foreign writers on topics of general iuícrfst. THE ' RKAT QUE.-TIOX3 OF I)AY, touching Liti rat ure, Morris, Ecje&jï'e, IMiÜukdi Uy , and vVrt, are ,, bly and ably'Jiscnssect by tbö Bíostídístíngaí&b: rilltant exposltorfl. IBfi RKVIE.W&Ö THK MPST XOTADLEPUBLICATIONS which f rom time to timo apj e;ir,:uid which aro so cxten'ie i 'ind compreneuive fis to civö the reader ■ ;t oxlract.s aud a general idea of the whoïe orni a notoworthy featurfe of the i'iiblication. Man y of the artifïlrs in tbc foreign ï;priodi(tftlatrcat on subject s entirely local, and it is tlieaim of the EditortocaretuITy seliett ouly thuso of interest to tbe ■ g vori.lci-, THE MISCELLAKY DEPA'HlENT. ööhtaining brief criticisms of both forcign and Auioricau publications, soJciir-D.s of po&tKJjBfXüUttfiè aiul art itp,m.S,ÍH mailfl vï'.h greut zr$ from exteuivG resereb and vnried reu'ting-, añil adela mvicli -o the value ot' the work, Eaoh uumbüi laembelüfihedwith oni; oc more line afcöt-i ongrai iugs - portrait.s ot' omimmt menor illuetrative of importaut Mftcrrical oronts. Tlie twelvo montfaly numbers make three volumes per y-ear, ivith ladiftea and Xitle pages for biuding. TERM3- iö peryear, single numbers 42 ets. The ïrade, Clergymoo, Teacheri, and Clubs süppliec on reasonable torms. jWiresa, W.H. BlDWElA, 6 Beekman St. N. Y. A SPLENDÍD PSAiNO FORTE ! For a Moderat Pi'ice ! ! YOSE'S cow and imrovefl PIANO surpasiei anjthing now raade fcr GREAT' DUHABIL1ÍY ! Surprisiiigricbneea oud brüliancj" of tone, ELEGAHCE OF FINISH! Au 1 MODERATE PRICS. Th attention of the pínplfl of Ami Avbor ia respccli'ully ínvitod to aa examiiiAüofl of tüis boantirul i'.i itramfrnt. j. henry WHirn stoRS1, Gtíiiíiral Agmt íor tiic iuats, 179 Jt-trcrson Ivetuio Detroit. Miss E. C. Fosfcr ia mj aiuiürirt-'d agei;t for Aan Afhor. The VpflE PÍANO mi; b ;,-'i: níltrroorn irg F;i-:k, ■ ' '- "" - " " ■ ■ -


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