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85 RiiWARDl ANY PF.RSON flndmg a charm in the shape nf a Peer standing on a OOttXELf&N SEAL, iind : turnin the same to this office, will secure the above reward. lw9Ö3 " T ! 1 ■■---■ ii- Mi f Estáte oí Jacob Toggenburger OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couxty or Wüshtiww. ss - - At nsonsion or the Probate Court for the Couuty of Wnshtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office m ihu Oiiy of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the iwenty-ifeird '.y of .Jamiarv, in the vear uno th.oua.ind niulit luiD'lrell and sixty -flv. Present, Hiram J. Beakes. Jne of Probate. In the mattsr of the Estáte of Jacub Toggenburger, deoeased. On n-a'-inand Öling the petiion, duly vcrified, of Cathanne TogarEnburirer, praying that ft ctsrlain In strumHut iiow on file in tins Court, purpi rting t be tbe last Will and Testament ol said Heceased, niay be admitted to Probate. Ihereupon ii is Ordered, that Mnnrtay, the twentieth lay of February next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoun, bsasaigtted for the hearing of said petition, and that the leñatees, davisees, and beirs at law of saiti deceasid, and all other perpons intere&ted in tiaid estáte, are required to appear at a ■ea-tfon of said Court, thtn to be n at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and hIiow cause, if any there b, why the prayor of the petinoner shoulii nut be grantcl : And il t fWüier ordered.'that said petitioner glvfl nutice to the persons Ín teres tëd in tafd estáte, vf the penden cy of ia:il peiitioD, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copj of this Order to be pubhshed in the Michigan Argus, a nwpaper printed and circulaüng in suid Couüty of Va---htenaw, three succejaive weeks preïious to said day cf hea.iing. [A truecopy.] HIRAM J. BEAK&S, 093td Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Lowrys - Minora, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coustt of WAflnTB.vAw, sa.- 1O Atasepsionof the Probate Court fr tb County of WhaMenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the nmeteeuth d&y of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fiixty-five. Pre.sent, Hiram J. Beaxis, Judgw of Probat. In the matter of tlie Kstate of Svlvia Lovrry, Mary E. Lowry, Mrk A. I-owry, Martha E. Lowrj, minors. On reading and filipg the petition, duly rerified, of Cterisw I.owry, Ci-ardian untu said minors, praying ihat h( uiay b? empowered and licensed to ell certain real estáte of said minorn. Thereupon ft Ordered, that Monday , the twenfy■erenth day nf February neit at one o'clock in the aftertáoon, be assigned for the hearing of aid petition, aad that the next oí' kin of said mlffori, and all other perwona interested in said estáte, are required to ppear at a seatiioQ of said Court, then to be lulden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and show 'cause, if any there be, why a licenso shouM not be gran t-d for the Kale of such estáte aud why the praver of the petitioner should nut be grauted : And it i further ordered , that paid petitioner, Clarissa Lowry, gire Doticü to the next of kin of said minors, and to all uther pevsons interested in said estáte, of the penden cy of aiil peiition , and the hearinjr thereof , by cauH ing a cony of this Order to be publihhed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circnlating in said County of Washtenaw, three auccesatve weekt previous to Laid day ot hearing. [A truecopy.] HIRAM J. BEAKES, . 003td Judgeof Probate. Estáte of John W. Surdam. OTATE OF MICHKJAN, CorsrY o Washtisiw, m._ U Au session of tbe Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, h(ldfn at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Aibor, on Friday, the twentieth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and BÏity five. Present, Hiram J. Keakbs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Ealate of Jobn W. Öur.ïam, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Elocia S urdim, praying that a certaiu instrument now on 61e in this Court, purporting to ba ths last Wili and Testament of s,.id deceased, may be adinítied to Probate. fciTher-rupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the thirteenth diy of March next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, be assigiic'l for the hearing of gaid petition, and that the legatees, denpees, and heirs at law of said deceased, find ail other persons interested in naïd astate, are required to appear at a session of aid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oöice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and fehow eauae, ii any thtre be, why tbe prayer of the petitioner shouliA not be granted: And it in furthor ordered, that paid petitioner give notice to the persons interesad in wm petate, of the ptudancy of said peiition, and the hearing thoreof, by caiiRing a copy of this Order to be published iu the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in tsaid Couuty of WashtoiiiW, three successive week. preTious to said day of hearing. [A tniE copy.] HIRAM J. BEAKE, 993td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Robert Craig. STATKOP MICHIGAN, Couuty oí Washteimw, ss. At asessionof the 1'robateCourt ton the County or i Waahtenaw, Kolden attháProbaieOffice, in the, City ei ' Anti Arbor, ou Wednesriay thé iwenty-üfth day of j uary, in the year onothousand eight luindied ■ five. Present. Hït am J. Beaks . Judge of Probate. Jn the matter oí the Etate of Robert Craig, de j ce sed. On reading and flling the petition, duly rentier! t,f Alfred i) Parson., praying that he may bc appointed AIministrator uf te estáte of said deceased notalrvady admini.stered. Tiiereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the 20'h day of February next, at ten o'cloek In the forenoon, be assigned for the liaring of said petïtiou. anu that the wldbw and heiis at law of said deceased, and all otber persons interesteil Ín eaid eöt:ite, are required to appnar ata session of said Court ,then to beholik-n at the Probnte Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show, if aoy there be, why theprayer of thepetitiouer should not be granted: And it is furthor orlered , that sitfcl potitríoner f,ivc uinico to the persona interest. -1 in saii estáte, of the penOency o i said petition, and the hearing thereof, b; caufiinga copy of thUOrdr to be publiMbed in the Michigan Argus, i aew&paper prinied and circuliitint ín said County of Waahtenaw, thrct' succesgive woaks previous to saïn da v of hearing . (AtrueCopy.) HIRA.M .] . RKAKKS, 8931 Jndtrc of Probate Eetate of Daniel Bickford. STATE OK MR'HI AN. Col'.vtv of Washtexaw, a- At a session of the Probate Cotirt for the County ot Washtenaw, held at the Probiite Office in theCitjof Ann Arbor on Monday, the tweuty tbinl riay of .In uafy, in the year one thou?and eig+it hundred and sixty five. Present, HixUH .1. Eeakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estato of Daniel Bickford, deceasd. [Tpon the application of the adminintra or of tFe (■■-ti'tc ot' said decea.sed,it is ordered that six months frona tliis the b;-Ü twenty third day of .lannary, i.,J). iisfhteen hundred and pixty five, bñ allowed for c red tors t present thoir claims against the estáte of suid dectased ; that all persons havinj claims or dtmanrln agalnKi tlie híJ irecéaMeá, be roquired to present the same to this Court. at Ui e Probate Office foz emd Counij' of Washtenaw, on or beft re tbf twonty-f u:th day of July next, itt ten o'clock in the for'noon of that day, for tfxammation nnd allowance and that notlce of the times and place hertin designated for the hearing of such claims and demaod, he given by posting a copy "f this order lu f mr pub'ic placea in suid Coun ty ()f WaHhtemw, and by pubhshing the name four weeks, uccosively, in ihe Mvhújan Aryut, a newspapor prinTOd in Raid County of Waühteoaw, within ixty dTi aflor dat of Ihi order. [AtruflApy.] ItUUW J. DKAKBS. ri .';:# f TmbaU. You Want It, Your Wife Wants It, Your Ohildren Wanttt And It will Pay Wejj Farmers Gardener8, Fruit Growers, Stock Raise Merchante, Medíanles,Teachers. Preacher, Physiclans, Lawyenr, Fathers, JMothers, Tïoys, and Girísj Yts, Everyfoody P Evei body ( ; Tour Ppecial Attention li cailtd to the be.t nvtil,,, of a BmU urn that can pos.ibly b e made at tlii, fo,,. one that wil! ,ield far bctt,-r than uny Gold,.,r otherenterprue. For only (or les. tutus,, a .eek; , y „u cau get for „„ of 186, (ho y Journal in the World, for tbe HOUSkUuLU, tbe GAH, DEN', or the Farm- one tbat vtill furuiah tuuu..,,,, uirful, practical, rtliab, bint, and uMeti,,i„ 0, ,11 nutter peitaining to the Housabold, au.l totlie.ort outside. h? güod old Anurican JfriuUami Utawu first tañed as a farm paper 23 jwnijo, haigone on impioving and ealaiging in tluut until now at the bezinning of iti ïfth _er, ii m Surmm Magazjxk or O.urto Journal, cTfry ruil,, contuining 3 page, each page more than .'oabieii, usual Magazine oize. It embraces all fipics relato, lo 1d Dcmr Work, and tbe (iardtn nd Lavin.M!1 the Orchaid and the Karm. This Jonrnal k l,o flrst late Deparimtnt for CIHLilRKS and ïlillll, comUningthepleatant amufin. and uiefjl :n akilh degree . - Evorr number is p]en;J]y lllotail with many beautiful, p]eing nu instrucilie K. ORAVISG8, wLich speak mure foiciUlj tk.nworll could do, and wbich are alone worlh toeierjüi, Wonnn and Cbild, in City, Village and rOuntrj,ir morethau the entire cost of tbe Journal. - -in biW, this is just such a Journal a everj mtnvittifbt rMSEtF.for bis WIFE, and for U tHILDHKÜ, and erery one noir a nnbscriber or bctnth such, wijl bfjur out these statement!. Aa n eriilw of ita merits, it may be noed, that for sevtriljun past the irculalion bas increaaed at lat 10 00J cb year, uniil il has novr extended to oer On Hmdil Thouiand, and slill goes upirard. WW withatanding the hijh cot of paper, matemU, ui Ubor, the Agrtcüüurial is maintained luits fuIUlMiri largeit form. W. B. The imtncan Sgri&illuriti is Dotii% compound of wordy material, without Idtu-iiwl rehash by a single editor of moderte "niranwil paste" capacity. On the toatrary, the immeossdwilation eoables the Publisher to eniploy a Btrong ci'.or ial forceof the Tery boxt talent ; to exfená hrjeiamt in gatheriag from a nide fleld a great tmoant of ' ble, practical , uteul iuformatíon ; and to illuetnn every Tolume of the paper with hunáreds of coftïj engraTings - The Edi ors, are tboroughlj lntelilpUi practical men, wbo tnow what tbey talk ui nti abont. Tbey labor not to merely flll upijeeÜ word , but to con denir into erery pae aa nitny ltonb and aa many unpful bints & poitible - A colempönif says: " Erery page of tbe Amirican Jgrievlmnl fihowa tbat it is prepared by men poisessiog Cowoi Skis and two tery scarce articles lotli! eratureof the day. Tbe Editor write nd ipeêklit ihèn of long eïporience and large obserTtlioo, t they well know ho to Jispenae to otber tbt ioftr tion tüus gained by themaelre " Tlie American Asjrlcaltariat glTel cuk year 31OHE Practical, lat ful Informal!, and more valúáble EngraTlngf , than i7 dier Imllar Journal In the world, iiom'l' ter of irUat pi-lce, or frqnency of Usaf. " la by far tle heupeat Journal In IheWorl' THE 11EADSK la iniited to TRY tha tpd urist for a year, and thus pi ove the truth of tbetoJ statements. It costa only $1.5Ü fr awholeHWi1' four cupie for $5. This price is a marfil "'" people, wbo efuen inquire how can so larga, beW''1 and a Journal be luppUed eo mrj chíaf "- Even somo jealou cotemioiariehcannot un'ieTí11' aiid thoae of :he " baaer kort," reori to cletraciloa " talsehoodto try to support tlielr own failing forta ■" Theaecretof thi low price is, that it costa non"' Office room, for tjpe-aetiiug, atercotyiing, l11' preparing matter, etc, for 100,000 ubscribe I1"1" doe for 1, OOG, and the circulation of tbe Js''"1' being twcnty times greater than the sverage eiicu of otlier Journals of similar character, tüo PUS" save the expense of 19 Office, etc, and iitW" not only tonpend Tastly more in preparing thêpr but he can aliso Bupply il to'ubcribri ■ ' eboaper rate. - - WELI,, Ie! every on who ha net done ■, ' her name to theHundred Tuound now un tM00 and enjoy the benefit of reading the AgricMriï Í' 1865. It Hlpaj lodoso, and will payicdl. TBÏ TF H3IS, in ndvance: 1 J,0 a year ; Foar W for5; Ten Copies, $lt; Twenty Copk ' "1 each. Single mimber 15 cnts. Gikmjk K"05'' year. Siugie Xumber '0 cenH. - The PP" "' ways promptly atopped when the subscrlptiil1 "' ORANGE JUDI:?,Publislier. 1 Parfc ttow. K.-rr Yrk '"' P.8- IHJMBUGS, and awindlera """"'' eiposort from time to time in the columni nf k cuUüriMt About 3U0 of thi c'as of opert' been shown np wit'hin the laat lew year,111 mi'lion '{ dollars bare thns been aarei t" "" '". bcrB, wkieh woald otbemi ha '


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Michigan Argus