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THE WORLD FOR 1865. FROSnCCTTTS. The IYesidential contest juí-t cloeod consignen1 the pclitical dfwtfoiiei of the p.'opíe of tla Cnifd Statur., fluring anothor term o years, to the control of done Lineoln ut tiie N'urlli, and JefTerson Davis at the South, The Democratie p&rtr, aluyys neutifled witb the pi-ospont.v, giouth. and glory of the mny point witb hGuest ju idt tO its record in tuis great contst. Against an nrmlnistration wiolding the mostenormoiiH power of patronage and the most unlimUdd1 coininani] of treasirre ever jwiwesmid govers mnt, and reinforced ftljke by the unfouuded fea: sof miin) patriota and the rympathiei "f "-il traltora, tbs Democratie party fouglit the batllo of l$6-l Jirnily and Iea.rltíü?ly to the end. Di-feuted ia the electoral college, th small mnjority of popular votes by i hith it íi is been su defoatvd is demonstra!) I y lSh llmii Ui-j nuniber of persons opeuly and offieially flep4cot apon thí ftdnrtWbtrationis fficeholders or contrastara in the variou dcpartmpnti of the publia service. But thu result is against as. Th law contmncs to bti.idministered by men who not only violattj it oxress provÍMon.4 bul htrade ulso tbose pronal kni Irfl rígbttf so high and creí tbat constitytioBcJB not oonfr, but only gnaraotêe thenft, nd wlpcb In wn ire made lo vindicato and guard. Tlie püjisk ia .- tïU bornu by me i tnIiO, in four yearH, havo hfupud upon is, and the unbnrn Drtionjiof our clu'ldren. a bebt almoBtua bu(08athatof England, ncquired thruugfa I can turfes, ind whose poUcr f a Montd paper I rency doubles uptm us tl e piesont bunJen aniic indubteUucKH. Tlie bwobu is stil! wielded by j .hese who aee trenson In an olive br.inch.ftud wlu ; raake yictoriws won by uur gatan1 annies and fli'eti r-itllcK, tliey open no path tü the triumpb of )eaííe. Ih-niorrats must await eronta. . Tliey caí; now only watch for the public safety. and ïXrf all tlie power of a great minority to pftvAt Mr. Liueotn'l administrfttion frono driíting, ft the nake of nbolition , iuto a diaunion pcaco. "They also servo who only stand and wait ' The priuciptei of tlie DeaSQcratii party arejuit, and will yet prevail, fir they are tint laws of tl: progresa r the liuman race. They are the principies wblch iave emerged frnin every revolution of the Auglo 3axfQrace. with iiicveascil Kuarantecaand strenglh -- By these it must Htandsteadfast, immorable, cuuipacl, harrnonious, oruanized. Tlie coming fovir yean are to be years of oalanïity, But aow, lhy who owtd tTio winds are tobe the reapers of the whlriwintlR. The Democratie party ïh sliorn of power; but it is divöBted Oí iillresponrtibiiity. When the hoiir of our istresa eomei, the people, instead of cunting tbn Dtniocmtic party , will tura to it fur relief, anti cling tolt for do - liviTRnce. So fiir, then, f rom belDg relieved of duty for the immediate future by our late defeat. a duíy mor? iinperative. derol?ea upón the Democratie pkès. SJenttïiel.i upon tlio watch-tower!, now more than ever must they be aleepless anü vigi ant. O'ten, during the past yoar. The World basteen made to foei the heaíy Eañcl of arbituiry power.- Beadering all lawful support to the con.tituted autbonties - to Crewai Cwaar's due - avoiding the extremes of partiaan hoalility, amt guiHless oí any crime, Rave unflinching advocacy of h free pross, free speeeb , free ballot, or au ardent drvotion to the Uniuu.aud support of the war for the Union'a ftLka, it h ñsnnverthelesti, been repeatedly excluded f rom military dpartmeuts by partisan generáis, aud for sereral dayu ita issues were suspended by tlio order of I'resident Lin coln himself, and itfl offices cloned and ocenpttd by armed soldiers at his command. The fidtdiry aud the foariessneis in the past, whicli blows struck at us avouch,oui readers are justifica in expecting from uh for the future. Tuk Wobld forlS65 will be a better nwapaptr tlian it bas ever been. lts columna, froed from the ezaoting demanda of a pulitical caDviiu3, will afi'ord m re room for the news of the day, of all kinds, from all parts of the world. We hall not be contentad to give to our readera the earliest news. W a shall labor also io have it the raont trnstworlhy Tlie freest URe of te teleerr.aph, wbich ia the right arm of the pren8,snd .otvpetent correspondents "with all ur armies and lletts, not the national and state capitals, and at all tho conimereial cenWrs of Europe an! America, and whatever fikill can devise or eptprpri.s1 accomplish, will con tribute to niake Tns WoBiD the best newapaper of the day. 'Die Ski-'Vj:iíiíi,v Woelu will pxaclly snit thfj-.e whowant the news o! tener tnan weekly ,yet do notfeel able. to pay $10 for the Daily. It contains all the ruad ingmattw, newR and editoriala of the Daily, excopting onlv it advertisemeutfl. ■ 'u Tuk Whtckiy Wobld ($2) has now the largest circulation of any weeUly journal published ,save one. ttfl extraordinary success fince its uniou With the New York Argua ha ju-titied uiuvery liberal expenditurei for the year to comoi such as wiil mnkc it without rival in interent and value to the farmera of our country. It1 Agricultural Department will be as gond ant complete as any of the ngrlcurtbral paprs, and its reports of the attlo, Produco and Mony Markets wil excel them all A page or more will be reserved to en tertairjing tireside reuding, nd the type will be largo and clear nnnugb for oïd i-yes. All tLe edilionri of Tuk Woiti.n are, now printeden new type. Béreral new foldiug machines, fust sel up nou; vaulU, will enablc us t" workoff and mail all editionn with tlie utmost spcod and regularity. While the war eootinuea, and the currency ii. of mich short as it is, we can hope for littie or uo proBt. Our terms have been increased, but not in proportion to the increased costof ererything used ia müLing a newapapor. Indeed, to day Lliere in nothiug equaliy v.duable so cheap ad a newspaper. T R II AI S I Daily World. One copy , one year, by inaÜ $10 Seml-Wcrkly World. )n copy, one year 4 'hre copies, ooe jear 10 "ve copies, one yaur 15 WeclUy Worïd. Jne copy, one ytar 2 'our copiej ene jear 7 "en copies, üdc year 17 r wen tv copies, one y car ...34Ten cents extra ckargtd in ail cates for aeparatc addren. An extra copy furniühert to eluh= ui tn or morn. For clubs of iift'AJie Som: WVcklj, aml for c ubit of ne LiuniU-ed the DiPly, wil! be cni tu (fottpr up oí club. Chances f rom club lists eau oi:!y be made by ri(qutst of the person receivmg the ciub packüge. All tucli requests raust name the )ORtoffie and state to which it ïas previou-sly bei'usent, aiul bftclctae twenty-five cents to pay for cbangiux to ae arate sd : rena Orders f;ir ai;y of the editiom of Tu. Whiii.iï may be sent bymnit, anü sucnhl tmOM Restottu Mnc-y. Oi Ier or Bank dia t for Ijnmrrfrt (It-es the discount). - Moneys Btnt by mail wil] bfl it Ihy risk of iemier. Orders and lettert bIiouM be addrassed to TIIK WOULD, 987tf 35 PrK How, Ntw-ïork. JUST OPENING! The largest Stook snd beit assortruent of CABINET rURNITTJEE ? ever brougiit to this city, including SOFAS, TETP]-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETA CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Ijooliins Glasees Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOPFINS METALIC CASES, &c, c, and all other goods kept in the bost and lar ■ ' houa# in tV.e country. We Koepno second hand i ituïe o AiHition goods. Cofiinfi kept constantly i íind,n ir.ade to order My good are offcred at THE LOWEST CASH PRIGES N.B. I mint have mruoy , and renpectfuVy requisf thofe indebted, to cali and Ox p their old maturs without delay. O. M. MABTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 18SS. 95Stf ARE YOU ÍNSÜREi) ? IF NOT, CALL ON C. H. MILL.EN, .gent for the following ílrat cías Companies : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital o-rer $3,500,000. GONTINENTALINBANCECQ. or x,:w York. Cipitil OTer $1,500,000. ín 1!iíb Cocirn7 Ih" ínsureil pjirtioipate in the pro"tB. OITST FIRE I3ST3-, GO., ÖF HARTFORD. Capital orer Tlir Hun'ïrrii Thoriiril Doltir. C. H. HILLEX, ■ 9'nHt Ihin t ss S'V.t. GO TO THE CHEAP STORE! ] And see the New Goods. Á ftrLXKbib STOCK O DRESS GQODS! Gejat' FURNISHING GOODS, CASSLMERES, Cloth??, Satinets, &c., DOMESTIOS, SHOES, HATS k CAPS, Crocltery, GROOEEÏES, Sec, Ar to b# üold FiLhuut rigrrt to procent Esftttm Price. B. - Th largejt Stock of Calicó aud Brown Cottcn in iim City &t lth thau MaQufacturr'a prices. The higbest pricc paid inTrado or ach for all iTn-ia of Produce. MACK & SCHMID FLORENCE SEWSMS MACHINES, PHOTOGRAFH ALBUMS, PWTURES, FRAMES, TOREAD, SILK, O? "WI ST, MACHINE 01 L, fc. m Tbs undtrsignd dow offers thi jjubüo THE BE3T SEWING MACHINE I IIST POB DURABILITY, BEAlTYoj STYLE,ani VARlETYof WORK,it "STANDS UPHEAIh"j It nep.s onljr to b sean lo bfl aj'pr ciatel . ltum tbe work holh vaya, tkea four kiiids of titube, hem. Min, pathftrB, blUÍ&Si bimií, niltí, jfatbrH una nevm u a rutfl i thi aine timo. Sw fr'.-iu tlin tUiunest o the tlríckoat rkbrío without nhanging tliwstitch, ennlOjB or üüüúle, or wUhout bre&king thu ibread. - i t is The Wonder of the World ! Alsr. a variüty of nu st beautlfui PilOVOGÍlAI'H ALBl'MS, P1CTUKES KaA FRAME3 n gtr%i ruriet?. and picturí-o lramftd tu ni Jr a: lhrt notice. Alio. BARNUM'ií SJiLrSliWEB or TU KEft, whlch can be adjutt-d to wr ñewiüc: Maíhinis. Cn.ll t tlm !gn of tié ri.OUENOE FEWIXQ MACHINE, o few doum Eat of Cook'r HoUl. Stifching Neatly I) m to Order, Aiso, on i-xhibitiocthncsiebialfcl ■ WEEn SEWIXG VACHIN'E," w'iicli took tfao prcisium H ílo lii:ga Ststi. Fir, of 1864. W. D HOÍ.MES. Ann Arbor, Doc. Síth. 1SM ííj.'if OÏTYÖOOFBHSH0F. : SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, ■uceemors to 0. 0. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, ' I Would repectfnlïj announce to the citiiyna oí Ann rbur and v.icinity, thut tliy ar uow lEUnuiscturiDfc' ' nü koe]! eonaUntljonht'nd Large Assortuient of GOOPER WORK! Súch ai Pork and Cider Barrels, Keg?. Firkins, Churns, Well Bnckets, Flour and Afples Barrels, c&c. MercliRtif" nï Rr#twem re inTitd to emno their Butter Firkins and Heer Ktfgf. CTJSTOM "WOEK, done lo ORDF-K on SHORT NÜTICE nd wrrnted. I5Pf Cnh paid for Stuve, Heading and Hoops. Shnpj rnrnfr of D'troit k Mirtk Ftretii, and eornnr of North iitth S(rl. &PAFFOFD A DODSLET. Aim iW, PS. th.-WM. 94tt Jissoliitif Notlce. mHKFIRM OKCH4PIN. W(lOI) k CO., M JImoIipí ljanusrj 16, 183, bj muLul ooment. C. A. Cliapir and A B ÏV'ood will iottle tbeaocounta of th ftrm. C A. Cba1!Í, A. B. Woon, V CniPiN, ï- W1I.M. Aan Arbor.Jun 84, 1PM. Copartnernhfp. TTE üN"nKR.aIGN"Kn eoierfd into pirt-rihlp Ja l(!,lS'i3IbT the firin aam of Cha)n fe C6.,u wil) continue tlte busina of manufarrui ing printin ma wrppiur paper. C. A 0hH, V.CwAfm. T. Cwtrt. iUB ArVr..:t.I ï?f


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