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CLOTHINQ A.T WÈÊk M. GÜITERMAN_ CO'S ! Ilaving juütroturncd from East wlth largo tock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! wp invite p.11 our oM ffienal and customers to com and examine eur stock of CLOTUS CASS1MEBES & VESTIIVGS Dispute the fact if you ca ít tukes the T A ILOR after all to gi ve appearance to the outer man. If Joh wlsh to appear well You must accordiugly Dresi Well. Go to M. Gutterman & Co's,, Tbere yoa will iitid things exactly SO SONDHEIMalways ready to take your mensure, GUITE1ÏMAN will eell you Good with great pleasure, At figure LOWER than you will fine in tbe State, Take heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The indücbmekts aré úow greater than ever, Oür Clebks you will find obliging anc clever. We will show yon good CLOTHING of our own oetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to tof STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassitnere of our OWn IMP0RTAT10N, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, GermaDy and France, Suoh as you can stand up in, or wbar, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEE8 and DOESKTN of every grade, We eell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGHT. VE8TS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnirthing appaeels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLA8. This Is all we qay ïiow, Tlserefore wa make our bow Yours truly, eyer eo, M. GÜITEEMAN. AOo., IP. B .CH han a new ana oomplet STOCK OF SPRING GOODS bught before the recent GREAT RISE IN GOLD ! íWhichEwill be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, -A.T THE lowest ::market prices ü Cali and. See Í Ann Arbor, April, 1864. ïXJT3Sr-A.3VrS CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY self-Adjusting Wringer. NO WORK TOWELL O R SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCREWSTO GET OUT OF ORDKR. WARRANTED WITJI OR WITHOUT COi-WHEELS. It took the IRST PREMIUM at Fiftj Seven State and County Faïrs in 186Í1, and is, without an exception,the bet wringer erer made. WHAT EVERY BODY KNOWS, rit: Th at i ron well galvnnized wil] not rust; That a simple machine in betler than a compHcated one; That a Wringer shouM be RRlf-adjusting,durable and efficieni ; Tliat Thumb-Screws anl Fantenings cause delay and tioublo tu and keep in order; That wood soalied in hot water wil] swell, shrink and split; ïhat wuod bearings for the shaftto run in will wear out; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cogwheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are not ensential; That the Putnam Wringer han all thp advantagesf and not one of tho disadvttntages abov named; That rII who have tested it pronounce it the best wringer erer made; That it will wring a thread or a bed quilt without alteration. W iniifht fill the paper with testimoniáis, but insert only a few to convinca the Hkeptical, if such there be; and we say to all, test I'uí nanas' Wringer. Tefitit THOROUGHT-Y wiLh ANY and ALL others, and if not entirelj atisfactory return it. Pt'T-NAM MANVPARTUBIKG Co., Gentlemen - I know from practical eiperienee that Iron well galvanizad with line will nutoridize or rust one partiële. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as pobsible, and I can cheerfalljr r-ocomnend it to be the beat in use. Rnpctfully yours, JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Manyyearn experience in the galvanizing businsg enable me to endorse the abOTe statement in all particulan, JNO. O. LEFFERTS, No.100 Beekman Street. New York, Jannary, 1864. We bave tented Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical working, and know that it will rm. It ifi cheap; it is simple; it requires no room whother at work or at rest; a child can opérate it; it does ïts dutj thoroughly; it saveH time and it aos wear and tear. Weearnofitly advise all who hare MtTcn washing todo, with all intelliirnt peraonn who have -i.vr, to buy thi wrineer It wil! pay for itself in a vear at most, Hon. HORAfE ÜREELEY. Piitented in the United States, Kniand, Canada and Australia. Energetic meo can make from 3 to 10 dolirn prday AeenU wanted'in evtry town, and in all 3arte of tbe "worm. Ftvmple Wringer sent, Expreia paid, on receipt of Vo. 2, .50-) No. 1, $7.60; No. F. $8.60, No. A. Uanufaotured andeold, wholeiale and retail b THEPUTNAM MANÜFACTTR1NG COVe. JSPtewSèn w Torr. 1 Ol#w oAyCXKtf Estáte of Norman M. Cumings. OTATEÜF MICHIGAN, Couuty ol Washtenaw m ■ iJ At astwsionof the Probate Court forthe Cou'nty'of Wanhtmaw, holden atthj Probate Office, in tin' t'itv cf Ann Arbor,ouThursday; the lifth day of January in the yesr ono thinnan] eight hundred and sixty fiVe I rosent.Hliaru.f. Beakes, Judge of l'robate. in the matter of tho Etate of Norman M Cum lngs, deceawd. Oureadinganil filing the petition, doly Terified ol AlettaJ. C'uinings.praying Uiat Adininititratinn i,f said entate be gvanted to her orsomi! other suitnble person Threupon t Ordered, I bat Mond y the 30hdavof Jannary, A. D.1863,at onc o'cluckin theafternoon be aKitgned fortho hearing cf said peiition. and (at the h?ir at law of aaid decease.i , aml all other peron interested in nid estufe, are requireil toappoar at aaesjiionof ffaid Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbof, alnd sbow eauae, if any there bc, why thepriyèr of thepetitioiier should not be granted: And it 6 further ordered, that said petitioner fcive notice to the persons interefited in sai' estáte óf the pendency oi lid petition, and tho hearing tlier'eof by causinga copy of this Order tobe puMisJii-d in the WilHy Mir.higan Argus, a iiewspaper printed and cir culatiiif iu said l'ounty uf Wabhlenav, thrte succesBive woeks previous to said day oí hearing (A trueCrpy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, 4)90 Judjre of Probate OTATE OF MICHIGAN, FOLKTfFjUMCUI. DIO THICT.- In Circuit Court for theCount.v of Wa.litenaw - InChanctry. At Chambers, iu tho City of Ann Arbor,in saiiH'ounty of Waehtenaw, ou Friday the (16th)Bixtcenth rTj bf December, In the vearone' thousund eight hundredand ixty-four. Present. Hon Edwin Ia wrenco. Circuit Judje In the cause wheroln Chrfctof Walti is Coraplainnt, and Samuel lngersoH ifi DefeDdant. It appe&rjng by theaffidavit ol'John W. A. S.CuIlen, Esq , boliciior !or tb.e nbnve nanu'd Complainant, now on 01e in said cause, that the abnve iiamed Deffndant. Samual InRersoll, hiis not been server! with thf Pub' poenaiHSned in said cause, aod that be does DOt renide in the State of Michigan, but that hi last kni.wn vesidence was in the City of New York, in the County and State of New York . On mot ion of John V?. A . S. Oullcn, "ïsq , Solicito for the Complainant, it is ordered that tlieeaid Pefendont Samuel ]iigersoIl,causehiBappearance to be enteredin th( above cause, within three montliK from the date of ttiiH order, und in case of liis ajipearaoce that he cause hia answer to the Complainant's bilí to be filed, and a copythereof to be served on Cr.mplainant's Solicitcr within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill, and in default thereof, that the Bill of Compluint filied in this cause maybe taken as confesêed Dy .said Defendant, Samuel Ingeisoll. Andit isfurt lier ordered , that said Compliinant do nithin twenty daysfiom the dte lieitof, cause acopy of this order to ba publihed at least once in ench week for six tuccessive weeks in the IVeekly Mir.higan Árgut, a public newspaper printed and publinhed in theOity of Ann Arbor, in ftij County of Washtecaw, or that Complainant causea i opy of this oiderto be personally served upon be said Defendant. at least twenty daysbefore the time prescribed by this order for hiHappearauce, [A true coyy ] E. LAWRE'CE, TKAUY W. KOOT, Circuit Judce. Cleck. RISDON&HEJSDERSOiX Have tli o t TT O T5L E! Y 33 GRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Eovver, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VERY LATEST IMPR0VEÏ1ENT, and betterthan X all others; adapled to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Graso Seed . lsi. It has a Rotary Feeder. 22. Wiil sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never hunches the Grain ith. Ncver breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wTieeh and long Hoes. Ith. Hos long and wide steel points. 8th. It kas a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It kas doublé and single rank drills. lOtA. It kas a self adjusiing shut off slide. It is neatly and snbstantially made. There is hardly a Drill offeredin the market but can boast cf more or less "FIRST PREMIUMS? They are aboutaaindiscriminately bestowed a the title of " Profestor," .wbich is soaietirae} upplied to tho or " bootblach." They cease to convey the dea of merit. The BuckeyeDrül has been on Kshibition at quite a onmber of State and County Kairs, and without sueking 7aTor at the hands of any Comraitlee, has received its full share of Premiums TESTIMOtt IALS : We gire the folJowing paraes of a few Farmers in ths TÏeinity wao havebought and u.sed theBuckeyeUrilï : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Folhera ut " JacobTremper, " Thomaa White, Nortbfield. John Brokaw, Christinn Kapp, ' Edward Boyden, Webster. James Treadweil, AnuArboi Daniel O'Hara, ll " JohnG.Coókt Lodi O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmonils, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oafc, Liv. Ca. We arealo Agents for tbe Ohio Reaper & M wer, aoknowlodged tí be the rery best in use. We are jnst in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell Cheap. Also alargeassortment e Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BEISTT STUT F FOR CARRUGESever before offered in this market We also keep a large ánd full NAILS, GLASSÜTTY, PAINT.and IJNSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANI)EAp;TRm.Tslifaysonhndandputup g the hortestntiiRISDON [IENDERSON Ann Arbor, June29th, 1862. B69tf A LECTURÏT TOUKMEN. Just Publisbed íd a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. ALECTURK on the Nature, Trentraent, and Radical Cure of Spermaíorrhoe or Seminal Wenknns, Inoluntary Emiss.ons, Sxulf)ebility . and Imiwdimrnts o Marriage generally. Nervousness, CunsumptioD, Cpilepsy, and Fits ; Mentai and plivical lQ"apacityt esultinK from Self-Abufie, &c. By HOB'T J. CL'l.VERWELL, H. D., Author of the "Green Book," fcc. The world renowned aulhor, in his admirable I.ecure, clearly proved from bis own experienco, that the awful consequ enees of Selt-Abune maybe effect ually removed without medicine, and without dangerous Kurffial operations, bougies, instrunients, rings, or cordial, iointing out a rcode of uure at once certain and effecual. by which every suferer, no matter what his condition may be niny cure himself cheaply, privately, ni radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thous□ dp and thnu.saniïs. S ent under seat, to nny addres, ia a plain, sealed nvelope,on the recipt of six cents, or two postage tanips, by adJregsing. CHAS. S. O. KLTNE&Qa., m Boweiy , Wew Tork, IDst-Ofíjoe Box, 45S8. REM0VAL! N". B. COLE, at removtd his STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, i o the Btoro of A. P. Mills & Co. , on Main Street, whr ' e will be glad to wait on hÍB oíd oastomere and tb uMie gfncraJly. CÏIVB niW A CAIifct Estáte of James O. DancT OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coantv of w.l, " . Ö At a „c.,„ion of the Probate Cour, í, r h" n" " "■- WaShter,aw: holdeu at the Probate Offi,. . „tC'% of Aun Arbor, „n Khnd.y, the „ineemh da ■ „ff Oilï f iu theyeai onethousandeighthuudrcd hu' ,J"'í Present, Unan, J. Beak; Judge „, ïaO&4m:' In the matter of th. Eslate „f ÖJ ■ deceased ThoniaaEiai-a.adnii,,, t,a„"f. i1"" eome. into Court an,] representa tha the i."1 """ pared to render „U anal account a uCh l'PTl.crron ,t I Ordered , that Wednesday tlenr. day of rebruary next, at one oMlock ín ti í „!flH be assigned for írartWBgand allowing ,01, ftw, andth.ttbe idow andheir at Iw)f s, '„ "-t aPother persons intereMc.i in saidwUte ,„ si arpear at a imíod of ,aid Couri . th. n 'tn i',, "''"'-'t the Probate Office, in tte City „f & "..■ and !,,■ „ttge, if „ y„„,, Aci A,V the Ea 1,1 account shonld not "be allewpfl , '■ . further ordered, t),a1 aki. ,' . ,.. ' notice to the pers,,:, i,,;eu.h((., , ol pendénej oí a,d „,, " thíKof, by Hhg , copj of th" V publishodin the Afir,,,, Jr,, a ,tw „,!, and c.rculating id said (l.,, i V' ashuü suceexsn e weeks previo, truecopy) HIR.A; , BE --- JmignM, Estáte of Bridget ftnrriane. ' v OTATE OK MICHIGAN. CoüSTT OF V'.,nnn' 0 At ftse-iMnnor the Probate ( oin t I. r t!.,'V " Waahtenaw, bolden at the Probate ( ffice i. ti, .' '' Ann Arbor, on Mody , the rtxteenUi 6j(f '' in thejearonethoneaBdeiiníliúmlié'd ,í,,,i ...u ':■ Present. Huías, J. ÜEAKts, Judge of PtiUt " In the matter of the Esta te i.f Bridge) Muró.,, i ceaard. . nd Thomas O'Bries ï " j of the last wil] and teRtamenl of ' ridget V'C?' ceneed, come lulo fourt and reure-ent thatlkl ■ now propared to rentier their final account f" ecutors. ""'uchFi Thereupon it fi Ordered that Wednedm ,uu teenth day of 1 ebruary mxt . at one 0'ctoci i, iW,!' aR.-igi.ed furexami.iirg and sll„ii,c,,,i ci.ui,t,an( the .levisees and heirs at 1, f " d. eeased and all other peis, ,,- int, ,, ie,' inhKi, ,,11 are requíred to ap, ëar at a Bes-fi rl , f uid ', t ,ï tob. holde at the Irolnte ffle in ,],, n, , '': Arbor, and how cauee. if snv th... he wl ,i e account ahould not be allowed: . ni it ikíLT'" dered,thats„ilExeC„to,v .Uc, tl," "k ' '." teres ed in Mid Btate, of th, ,.,n ,„,, of!8g ,,."; andthehearinf ra mi, a copy.fï,? der to be poblWhea in the MicMggn Argul , ,,' ï printed and rculattog in si, I „, ,„. ,'.f w{ three succesuve weelis preTiouj to saMo'ai ,f h ,, ' A r„ue, ) IJIRAM J BtAKB ' MSki Estáte of Havilands- MinörT ÖTATE OF mk:hii,an,(; oFffJBmsll, kT Átasesaion.f the lrob,teCou rt f„r iheCigw Vashtenaw, holden at the I'r„bte Offi,f l '.f 01 Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the f ,uitee. ' d„ ,., , "' rixïrfii"."'6 year ne th0U8an'1 eiKhiiiS Present, Hikm J Bejkes, Judye of Probate In the matter of the Es'ate of Williaiii Htíi.j Phcbe A HaTiLnd, Ira Havíland John H.uZ' snd lUry E. í.eonard, .ñd Xancy Jane HTi!üj' Oni-eadine ar.d filing the petition. du'v veriV I Chauucej Joalin, Guardian of said mii:rs mil for hoense to sol certain real eRtate ol said m.L, ' Thereupon it is Ordared.that Monday.tbetkirUMk day of Februarynext, al one o'clocl in the f,(W be.Knedforthe hectng (tf said p, tition „J.C thenextof kin of ïaid minors, and all otUrTr-T rntiferted in'i.d tale, are reqnirél tol, sel', „f ..ud Court, fl.en to be hol 'en at tl P,„ii Office, i„ il.eCity of Ann Arbor. and „how „', any there _be, why a lieense „houkl not be fnatit, Ihe sale of suc 1, estáte, and why the jrajef,,! g t,t,o„er hould nol b, grantfd : And it i lonK I dered.that S.H gfa-o Dotiw to 11..A 0, interesfed in aaid estáte, of the pendency ,f L.' tioi,, and the hearin Iherwf, by cauring, „„S Order to be publj.l.ed in the Michigan Argu,,„, paper punted and circulating n saiil County „[ w„i tenaw, three kucce.sivt weiks previous toniid,,,, hearing. "" (A 'r,ue cory HIRAM J. BEAKES 992td Judge of hol,,,. Eetate of Benoni Merriman OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coixtv or W-iiSJKB bO At a Bessian of the Probate Court for tbeComuJ Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate ( ffice, in ttrCI't of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tht fourtcentl, di; ,f .I.nuary, in the year onc thousand eight hnudndui ' sïxty five. Present, IlrRJM J. BliJtES, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of üerriwi deceased. George O.Menimao, Arlministratcr.f V estáte, comes into Court and represenls beian prepared to renderhis (inal account as smh Umhii trator. Thereupon it i-i Orderfd, that Monday. tlie tMnent day of IVI.riiary next, at one „Vloct lo Ihe ft, bcas.siKii,-rl f,,r ixaniinimr and allouiu. sueh Ktmtü anc that the heirs at law ol said deceawí, stiá other perüonttlu Incaled io paid estáte, ar, ren.lMdti apppnr at a session of said Court. the,, t 1 ■' o ■■[■ the Probate ome?, in ihe Cit' of Ann Arbor. iïflktl cause, if any tbera N,"hy the said acaran! ll bealloired: And it is further ordeled, thotni 1 ministratorpive n. U to Uit peronf inlerexidinul estáte, of the pendency of s.-ij.l iceoubt. ;,n-' tl.ebwr ing thereol, b cauFing a cnpy i { tl i r publisl.ed in rhe Micbtgm, ArtftU. . and (i, culatin;.' 'n said C'ounn ol VV successive (ekspreTiouslo s, ii raj , f li-.iing (A truecopy.) BIB M J BI 2td .ludïerf Problte. Estáte of JihIu!, R; McLcan. QT4TE OF MICHlCA.N,rnx,STT oï WtóBMftOrjlr J Ata se.;,,u'f the Probate Couri ,..;(-■ W.i-hteiaw.hoklen at the Piobat, O: of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the slxteen uary, in the year one thoupand eiiiht liusdTedandlil ty-five-. Present, Hirím J. Biukes, Judge ol r In the matter of the Kstate ,-f Jinl. !: Sííal deceased. Wílliam Preston. A, mir.íMr I tate, coms into Court and represente ibal Bei prepared to rendfi lus final accuut &h vci,AdKiv I is trator. TMoreupon t is Ordered tli t ilo lay, (1 day oí Kebi uary next, at one . ':;!o, s i', ift Í beaastgn, d for ex;iminicp and aliowinj and that tl. vidowann Iieirs st lan : :iioi ,iii other per-ons in ,: qaired toapneür at ;!,-!' i, ' hold-n at the i robalt i fi,, f l aro; -li. w cüu . ii : ei th) sb(róld oril be al .. that vnirl Adminisi uim i ■■ . terested n ,,ii' , . tate, . - and the brarii g fBe'r, f 1 - tii'Ol (icr ;,. b' i ', fdn ttrgaif a ■'■")-' Jter printed itod circiunrir.g in saai t ulit0 flm 'e.,;,v. tltré siíMeñiVé freek pïeviouP tó sa.' 9ji l.eatinx'. (A true copy.) HIKAM J. BFAKES, !)92,d Ju.lteol Pr„bt, Estáte of Jonathan Mitcliell STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of Washifriw- Atanesstonof tl. e Probate Couit !or 'lie CoailJ of Washlenaw, holden at the Probate in ! city of Ann Albor, on Tufaday, the ifi.tli ] the jear one thousandeighl hundriu eixty Gve. Present. Hirnm J. Pfal:es . Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte ol Jonathan Mitcbdl, '► eeased Onreadingand Kling the petities, duly leriSfi, Delos M.tcbell, prajintr tl;at adminiit.ation of iil late may be grat.trd to Daniel l.eBaron. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the day of Febiuary nest, at one o'clock in tl, e aften beassig.ied for the hearing of ,-aiil petation , uï tl."1 wtdow arad hen s ut li.w of sa;d dectfled, :.nd II o persons interested in said est. te, are lequired WPI' at a gessioi. ol sakl Court then to be hoMen ít Í1 Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ■ [ show cause, if any there be, why the joayer of the T t.tioner .-houM not te grantwl : And t is (urtl)'K dored. that suul petitiontr ive ï.otice t" the pe,i,on( 'l Lerested in s;tid ebttt'te, Of the pendency ol said petjt! and the hearing thi'vof, b cHi.sing a copy of tl.'tW' I der to be pubhshed in the Alirhgan ATgúi.a, neff.p'r ijrinted and cirt'uïating in ,-nid ('om.ty o' Wailit0' successive weeks previ out, to said dfij of Leni1!' (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKS, 991 Judge oll'mW' Estáte of StnpLeb Tucker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN- Pounty of WasLten""1 O At asession of the Probate Court f,,r the C"' of Wafihtenaw,holdeoat the Probate ''fSce in th'('!U of Aun Arhor, on Monday. the nintb 'day of JJWrJ' n the year one thouaand eight bun, red and listi fivl"PreRent, tliraru J. Heakes, Judge of Probate. . In the matter of the Estáte of Ptephcn Tucker, 4I' eeased. - . On reading and filing the petition, duly Teriöw..01 Samuel W Tucker, praying for the partitionof w"1 real eatafte t asid decíase,!. . Thereupon it is Ordered, That Monday , the Wh "' of Kebrunry next, at teno'clook in the foreuoon b1' signed for the hearing of said petition, and ihat W widwr, deTisee, and heirs at law of MÜ , eeased, and all other persons inteiesied in paid fSI1 are required to nppear at a ses-i, n of taid Courl,16 lo be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ' Arbor, and show oause, if any there be, 7. the prayer of the petitiouer fihould DOt be ftu:r' And it is further ordered. that said petitiow' ï noiiifrte !l.e persons iuterened in said estáte.0' pendency of sai.l peiition.and the luaring ttierf"1 - ' causing a copy of this order to be published wa Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed ann circu'1 ■ iu aid County of Washtenaw, three successie we previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) 1HKASI J. BEAKB, , 90Hd JuageofPtaW Estáte of Wüliam J. Davison. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtena, '""' At a session of the Probate Court for tlie Ccuty of Washtenaw, Jolden at the Probate Offlce ij' " city of Ann Arbor, on ThurFdaj, the fifth 1; ■ '" "arv in the year one thousand eight hundrednd l ; five. Present, Iliram J. Beake, Judge of Probte , Ir. the matter of the Estáte of William D'"00,'.!, ceasüd. John llavisou, Administiator of s"1 "" ; comes into Court and represente lliat he is DW?or pared to ronder hisfinalaccountassuch (lln"", . ((tb Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday tbe '"' ,l, day of January, A D. 1865, at ten o'clock i forenoon, he assiancd for and a"oir"1''sfld account, and that the lieirs at lw of sid "'",. and all otUer persons interested ii, aid estáte. rJoM quircd to appear ata session of said Court, DeD, bt)r holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann 1 rwb? in said Couuty, and sbow caue)il1 any J% -' furthe naid account should not be ailowed: Ano it ther ordered, that said John Iiafison, ve "„d,tey the persons interested in said estáte, of ir,e P'". , of said account, and the hearing therof, ? cf, u,en(. copy of this Order to be published ín the " wjj Sm Argus, a newspaper printed And circulajins County of Washtenaw, three sucoesmve week f Lo Baid day of hearing. . rilTKS.


Old News
Michigan Argus