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The Mission Sunday School

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The second anniversavy of this excellent. i„i,igBcWi. was wu in Beet' HaU' on Fridav evraing. January 27th. As might 1 e ected the ïiall was erowcUd, aud all the Twemed deíigbted with whmt tbey ot , P heard. The liall was tasteiully decoratud Brwgreens, Flowers, Uuion Flags, and ÍMdJ School Bannen. Sweet monic j diwoursed from Piano, Violiu, and F ute, and „eter music from the volees of the childn ür. J. H. ISurlesos, Esq , who has Anille Snperictendeut of tha school frora 1 iebegiüi'i'iü presiJed, and under bis direclientbe exercises passod off in perfect order. ; jbeprugrammecontUted of prayer, by Rev. j]r Bubwih , nine or ten addrsases, ar,d the ' iï=eing of wel] selected iiec s. Á mace not ' down in the prograiau („iisiited of the pfesentation of a beauti-; figmed engraving, " The Signing uf the CompK' i" tlif Cabiii of ihe i.ayliiwer," to )r. BfiLKSos, by Mr John Thompson, m. e jftheTwi-'her. in belialt' of the school ; the. ipeecii f TboMPSOM was excelK-nt. :;nd jr Bubls01 responded aa weil as could be ipecled under the ci:cuinstauces. ïeunderstand that the net proceeds of 'h( [ifning amounted to $60.10. Mr. Rogees, i ■o ptopcietor of the hall, witb bis cliarncteristicgeneroiity. gaire the fice üte of the hall iadtheliglitii'g it. After the children had receiveá soma pre wal, nd their refreshnient, the teachers ui friends eqoyed an excellent festival The wliole ati'air was one of the best we 4ire erer atteuded, and did credit to the Superintendent, Teachers, and Scholars. Th Missiun Sundiiy School is one of the aost creditable iu the city, and we Inut tht the scho'..l wül continue to prosper migUher many children in, and give them the blessiugs of -ehristian instruotiou. [y A new Lodge of Mas-ma, known ij" Golden Rule Lodge No. 159," vvas dediated and the offlcers installed on Tuesday tveiiing last. The ceremonies appropriatc to il occasion wre held n I he M. E. "Uiiirch ürínd lU.iter W. 'f. Mitchell, of Port Hurón officiating. aseisted by. o: her offieers oí' iíGraiul Ludíe. A. lrge áudience was in ittendauce. Before proceediug to dedícate 'j Lodge and iustall the officer. G'aud -Mas■r Mitchbll deliTered abief address, sketing the hittory aud plaim of Masonry. - " Ifiertheexerciseí. the Frateruity partook of 1 üiii)cr at Cook's Hotel. Thpoffioers of the iiew Lodge, are: Cuas. : H. Kicumosd, W. II. ; Robert Prioc, S. W.; A, HcEluhiran, J. W. ; E M. Heiirujues, !:ea.[ Robert (i. Mille;, Sec'y. ; Cliarins A. ' Chapín, 8. D.; Thomas F. Uill, J. i. ; aud J.R. Websier, Tyler. ViT We iwipy frorn tiie Lansiug iirtlkca and gjíve place iu another column, nuble oí cviisus btatistica, whith wiil prove ireíting to o. r readers. Waslneuaw, it II be seen raafca liigh &s a pro luciug couu■:', andiu the article of Wool, fast becoxning h re&tly stajile, largerly leads any oiíier : lj I ii the matter of populalion the 'kciiig is by no nii'ttiis so sütisfaetory The 4!üag 08" of otít 10ÍÍ0 from the mum of m :ly be accouuted fur onthe ground' jifia incorrect emimeration, .as the popula■ íoii of thfl coimty haa l.oi decieaued since ' By n examinati. n of the returns in ■:e Clci ks office we are eoiiviuced that a lew . I ihf Supervisors íailad to de theniaiílres cr Iht towns jnstice 1 - II ÍS" Mies Olive A. Oatman, th slebraied Apachki! Captivk, irhom Harpn's Ímiiíw has made familiar to the cornil ry '■?i'e a thrilling narraüve of iier six year 'í;'i;y, [noludiug the ihc:denls f tlie hor( "Imas8ac:-e of her father's family, her own i ptrserTalion, Ufe, and encape, attheM. E j 'Sifch, on Mouday neit We lieard ImOíihíx atí,aiiing, a few months ago Mtt roue'h that her uarrative will be deepI -rcsting. CS Daviu DkForest wishes us to ria our reader that he has on hand SOU Io" of pur,, fl„e ground Grand Bapids, Wich.J ïa5 Alabastor Piaster, the be.-t ever "Mgfctto this naiket, and warranlfd gen"■ Asthose who use Piaster do oot wish y worthiess or ai'.ulterated arlicle, they "'Mitad to cali and examine that Mr. De_ " hu in etore, nfl satiefy themselve-. ■ X The November d amber of the J Bri „j,,,, has t)ie fou0Wing papei-g. mercial Philanthropy, Lathain's John Dictiouary, Liturgical Eeform, Early S Tragedy aüd üpio Poetry, Wildbad j! """Mer, Qiii8ppe Giusti and his Times. Ute John Richardsou. This namber ""Pletes the 42 volume. hanathar column will be fonnd the pross "f tb seTeral fietuws and Biackwood, Htttli,hed by ilessr. L. Scott & Co."'U be Men thst tlioy have beea compelled 'Miimbto.'iiKh prices acd advatice thei: M 'o $4 ach or g 15 for the ,e . but al Jl tpea they are Tery cirep-to import .J,'1101" ' tbe Present ratffl oí eiohauge "lMw.Ul)oattl00_ayeiir. " We em'd last weo 'n say!nê Ht,"l,trBard üi SuPerviaor3 adjourued to , lhe ürst day of Fel.ruary. We liould id fha flrst Tuesday of Febrnary, or JL3L" Th February nunibcr of tho Atítintic Monthly has a. list of papers from the pen ef Wliiltier, Wasson, Mitchell, Ludlow, Higgiuson, Aldrioh, ftlrs. Siowe, Alice Oai-y, aud other prominent writers. Tho politiual paper of the number a a severe criticism of tho late J udge Taxey, riot in the best of taste. The other papers will interest all readers. $4 a year ; two copies, $7. Addresa Ticknok & FlïlD, Boston. -From the same publishers we have the secnnd or February number of Our Young Fo'.kt which sustaius the good opinión wo havegiven of it. lt just suits the boys andi gii Is, and is not unacceptable lo older rea-' deri. 52 a year ; wiili the Atlantic, $0. Cü Tlie Fobruary mmber of tho Lilici' Repnsitory is a most excellent 011e. - Tha lpndscape engraving is a geni both of the p linter s and graver's art, and the portrait cf Queen Elizabeth is Tlo taule of CJ.-itents is varied. interssting, instructive, refining. f3.50 a year. Address 1'ok &■ IliTcncocK, Cinojnnati, Ohio. Wo ure iudebtod to D. D. T. í Moors, of the Rural A'íjo York.r, for a Bomcly bound copy of Kandalls " t'radical j Shepherd," a book whïck sbould b in the hand if all Bheep grower's. It 13 eminently au instructive and practical book. Öold by club agents of the Rural. L=g The sleighing played out on ftonday a d Tuesday, and omnibuges and wood-wagODS a;ipeared in ourstreets on Wedn.'sday, for the fust tin.e in any nuiubjrs iinca the middle of December


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