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CLOTHING .T M. GUITERMAN & CO'S ! Q Having just returned from East with a large stock F ALL AND WINTER GOQDS! we invileRll out oM frien3s and customera to come and examine ear hluck of ELOÏÜS CASS1MERES & VESTIX6S. Dispute the fact if yon can, It takes the TA IL ) U after all to give appearance tpkie outer man. li' yo wish to appear well You must accoidiugly Dreta Well. Go to M. Giriterman & Co's., There you will iiüd thiiigs exuctly SO. SONDHEIM alwuys ready to take yon measure, GÜITEIÍMi#í will sell you Goods with greut pkasare, At figures L0VER tliun you will find in the State, Take het;d - call eault, else vou are too LATE. The 1NDCCEMEXT8 are uow greater tban ever, _ Our Ci.brks you wiiï ñnd obiiging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oktting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to top. STÜDENTS especially will find it tu THEIli ADVANTAGK, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenwh. COATS of Ooth and Cassimere of our Offll IMPORT ATH.'N, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Eelgium, Germany and Fraüce, Such as yoa can stand up W, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Faney CA8SIMERES and DOiSKIN of every grade, We sell tíiem íroin ONE DOLLAR up tO E10HT. VE?T3, &C, of every aescrïptton, You will find it so without fiction, Furni.-hingr atparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Tüia is all 'wre say now, Iterefore vre inake our bow Tours truly. ever so, il. GÜITEEMAN. A Co., RISDON & HENDERSCL Havo tiiO BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sover, Manufactured at Springfield, Obio. 'TWEYEKYLVrESTIMPr.OVKMINT.snrl bctterthan 1 all othfrs: adapted to Bowing Vl,it, Rje, Oals, Baile aod6) i.s Sesd . lat. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2(7. Wül 8ow all ki?ids of G-ram and Graas Heul. Zd. JVever huncteit the Grain 4cth. JSever hreaks the Gitiin. btlu Sto6 Gfém Seed broadcust lehivdtJw Drill. 6t,7i. Has high wheehund long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel jjoints. 8th. It has a land meanure ov veyor. 9tA. It Aas doublé and single ranlc drüls. lOth. It has a self adjustiug sTiut off alide. It is neatly and substaptially made. There is harflly a Driil offert'lin the marktt but can boaat of more ir less # "■F1B&T PJUZMIUMS. They aiy aboutas indiecflmiBately bcstowvd & the title of "Professor," whicb is sonetico applietl to the "Jiddizr ' or bootblack,'J Vtovj 09M to COBVCJF the idea oí mtrü. Tlie BuckyeDrill has been on Exhibitinn at quite a number ot 'tutte anü Goiruty Fairá, -tn'l without seeking favor %t thé línnás of ;iny CoOimitWe, has received ite full share of Pjmioaw n ÏE8ÏIMOJVIALS: We givethe following DiiroeK of a'fer Farnursin th's yicinity wqo havebought and u;ed tlieBucliLciJril] : Qpdfrey Millor, Scï'o. Jacobf'ollieraus " Jacob Tromper. " Thom? luie, Northfield. John lïrokaw, " Christiau Kapm " E'hvarti IïüV'tc-n, Webster, Jamen Troadwell, Aan Arbor lïanielO'Hara, " ' JofanG.Cook. Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. f'.dmon'ÍH, Saline. Geurgü Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv.Co. "vVe arealRO Agentfc for the Ohio Beaper & M. wer, ácimo w led t'ed tobe the Tery best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles AVhicli we rill sell Cheap. AIbo alargeaRsortment c Grass Scythes. And the largest and best aelected stock of BENT STTJT F FOR CARRIAGKPever bofore offeied ín this market We aiau keep alaigeaad full NAILS, GLASS, PCTTY , PAINT.and LIWSEED ÜIL. A complete asaortment of STOTES, TINWAEE, AXPEAVETR()UG3S.ilway8onhndnd pntnyi 2 tlie "+#&& L fenñii ft „mms. Estáte of Bridget Mnrnaaa. OTATE OF MKIL'liAN. Cocjciï Of lV.iiinENi-.(S._ i O At a seislos of ttie Probate Courtforl a, holden at tlit-, Br 'm Ajrbor,on I v „f jar.urv Mrielght bumlio'l inl ;ixtv Hvë! Protaet, Boua J. L-ejeks, Ju,!2C ( ( Probate. ' Id rontterof tbcKfltate cf Brijgel Murnane, dcJ'thn Murniino Dd Thomas Jt:ri(-n . Kxecutors of last wijl aml testament of r dajel Uure croBtd, ci.u-i.' lato Cuurt ar . cw prepared lu reader thtir üul account a suc'h I ecu tors. The ren pon it is Ordered, tliut Wedotsday. tho I ieentb Jay-f Fehroary next, at ooeo'clock n(h( al r noun , be ftfWignl for eïamïnlEg am! tllonwgi ciunt,KDd tbat the deyisei il cease . ure requiredto appear at a ga . ;n p.t tl e ! , i f Aun l di] show caneo, if nuv tbere be, why ■ account sbonM not be alloved: An4 it is forth orti r di uec ti t terestfd in aai] estáte, rf the pfn encj of -i.i.i s aml thejK'ariDg thcrwif, bv cmwing arpjif1 der to b(t pnijliibcil in the Michigan Argns'n bcwipaper uui circulatlng in eaïd Countv of Wa-lumv . ■ e -neeLa preiioun lo ííid'rtay of bi ar ng' (Atcueeopy.) UIRA.M J BLAKF', Wtd j,,i„e (f pmbate. Estáte of Havilands - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIOaS, Coran op V.y.v.-, x ,w ,._ O At a iwsiiin f the ProbatfrConrt (bl the Conot of aah tena w, bolden , „ theCit] of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the f ■ f janu;ir.v, in the ywir one thousaad (tght huu'dred atd Bve, Prmpnt, Ucis J. Bkares, .Tnclee r f Probate In the niktW of the üs'ate . f William 1. Havilan.' . Phebe A H Lvilnnd, Ira Havibmci. John IJ. 1 and Mar; E. Leonard, and N'anc'j Jane Harilacd mini r.-. On readlng aiid fih'nj the petition. doly r ChaancejWosMn, Guardian of tala n;; Tur Ucesae te seli certain real et::e of 5aid m nors. Thereupon it. is Ordered, that MiBday,tbetbirteen1h daj i I F.-bruiiry :ie.t, at one r.'clfick in ;!:e f e:ii(.n. iriDR oftaid pitition, and tl. at the next of kin of said minors, ar,l :ï1] otb er persons ■■! in fM'I "►late, are rsquired toappearata ni i-n al the] I tK'iiry of Ann Arbor, ;;:j'l sln.w cause, if :u,v tier be, whv license stouid nut grauted for te, anri why the i r 1 1 not be tii.niii! Am i is fnr dereil.that suid petitioner ivo otice tri tl.efeisous i ! estatuí f the pi icj i f , ii.n.and the hearing caung.a r. pyof ] y Orcfcí.tl infle Michigan Jrni'im, papef prl I -ulaüiig in sai'IJDonotr oj v"ii tenaw, three aocoeasirfl weeks jirtviüuo to aid day o] fA Irue oopy .) Hir.A JÍJ. BEAK K? . Std tuig of Prsantci -■ - ■ . 1 Estafce of Benoni Merriman. OTATE OF HtCHIGAfr, Có&üy'ö TTamitbxaw, ps.J O At a si ion of th ■ . ' ; ■ i . : ] ■ f. unty i f Washieiiaw,' Löl!en at the Profcafe (office, in the City ff Aun Arbor, on Saturday, tht fnurtcenth ■-, in the year one thousand eiht haudred and iixtj five. t Huux .T. Beake?, Judge of Prohate. Tn tb in:i'trT cf the Estáte &1 Benoni Mérrima, - . Qeorge O.Mei íman, Adn frtietrjrtoc t f n M i estáte, cn-R's jiïin C;mrt and representa that beittsow prcjíiftd to rendcrhis final aecüuct as suefc Adniaia trator. ■ :r.on :tï Ordored, tbat Monday,the thïrtefnth dny oi K'hmary next, at on' o'clncl. in tfie afternoon, b' aBtimed for x;niDinr aod alkfvlnx saeta Ri anc' that the heirs at law oi eaid decafKd, coher pfr.-(iE Intertui state, are reqi irr : to ;i't ear at aeem ton of nid í Dort, then t lie 1 otó nat Uih Psabate Ofiic1, in iLe Citr of Aun Arbor, aawi bow eauae if auy thtiv be,wbjtbesalri aeconnt sLohM da l'ffk'.lawrd : And it i-i iir'her ordeiod r that - (DÍnÍBÍráiorj ve m tice te the psrwns interesti d ín sak] esiat?, of the pendency of saM account, and tbe hèriag 'herer-f, by eamalog a fpy pftMfl :r':er lo b ■ d in the Michigan Args, s eewspa] erpnnted and dreniatlBf ïb ?ad Cornitr of Wa-Lvi'aw, three ■ e weeks preyiousto i ''r.y { (A trüy.) HIRAM J i iJ9-ti i f Proitate. , Estáte of Judab Tl. McLean. OTATr. I k i At a -■-.-; a (.f" llie Probl t Wa-htenaw, hulien i ■■ D ■ f Aan Arbor, un Mund.iy, t i v i f Jriu uaiy, in ib e jrear oue thousand tight hundred ;■-. ; ■ -. Present, IIiram J. Bïoakes, JuJe of Fn-bate. In the matter of the i - tíí-R. McLean, ■ ■;. - flliftm i'r. Btón, A-i i. tat?, eottaea irjto Coti r i Bts 'bat b ■■ to render bis final aecoual as such AdwtflUcratur. ■ ipOD jt Í8 OrJered . thiïi Sïtmday, thetliirieontl) !n_ .■! Fi : . at oue o'cJock in the ftfWndon, i.cilfor exf imnrig and niinwin:' uth 'ccuiit , aii.i that tne v.-iduw and htira ki la md all otbeï per. ousinterteStite, re re r n tn In; bold-n ut ttM 'Tóbate Office, m tÖ8 '_'i-y of Ad] " eau ip. if aay the re he, why the - aitï aeont . not b allowed r And rt ïb furtheroi t'nui. v:t'd .'■.'"niiniti;1 : dr trie i.oíice totltejurb said estáte, f tb pendency óf s.-iuuo-ount, and tbe ht-irrc tluT' f, bí" CHmnng coi y : t i Or dt-r in he pub':;.-: fd íatte M Argus. a pwpriñted and cïrculatinp in -r' C ui t of Wasb.%-e w-eeks tu Bid da c-f (A true ÜIRAM J. ! E IKES . 92td ■ " Prul. Estáte of Jonathan Mïtcïiell. tl . ..-.,■- -v. í Ala sen-ioa oí' Üie Probate Qoqrt far vhe I of Washtenau . n tb - Ann r, os Tseday, the 'tiihday of j the year one tbousaüd tiht h nu red aud re. .it. ïi:rain F ates. Jiufpe of Probate ia.'ttv..r of the estftte ói Jonaun ilitcheïl, dci tding and filirc tfir tel c "U vi aid es : Tbenrapen :"t is U I y. the sixth ebruary D'ext, &t ote o'cloci in - aftèimoa, CcBttbe v. ;..-. 8 I HU Otlier to :i; ["'iir at a 8-síí(h of sai d f urt tt;e t ■ -. ' ■ ;tt Elie Ofltc, in Ihe :.!y of Ann & r. and ■ om, il any tiiere be, wliytbe payerof th pet ti' e"m' shoaM nt-t te gpnüind ; Aod ;.t is futóvr nr dcred t . ■ subjs ia e ; öiien y oí faid j rt on, ■ - ■■'■ íry oi . Ö r t be mM sUed in ■ i !?. ae ;.ii:.t' ú nnd cixul&tmg in et thx@e s;-. ■ . V Of 1 e%l'ÍBL . (AUwèÖüpT.) H1KAM ,1. Ü1.AKK-. 891 Eftate oí' Siepben Tuoker. ST.ATK OF MICII'G X- '" ar. Y oí" V t aw- . at a .-í' ■ icitr ui 'f ■ ''t f r the Cowtj I e ' t'. EBi] y.tbenHrtfl '".y o .1 nuary, ín tb fi "np ihouaud e ;-r'-t iiu. ■ -..-. e. . ■ ■ Iu tUe matter ot tht itte of tfjiheQ fuckir-, de[ On riwlins and filinjc the pet!t: d, dutv ver rea-1 eet ol rn ■ ■ :. i) it ; Orderad, Tkt tton lay,the sixih á ij ■isrv teno'cK-ck ia D I-e ; B -:t n, and tl i I tb i ■ . . devisew, jhi1 ht-irs t law oi sa 3 ti; itlhet jjtrst-Es ijitr-M-wit '1 in s;iV sre ri i u i red lo :ippc;u ?.t ■: . :1 ('ouit . ibón to b h'ilu ';it Lt Pcobute Office, m the Citj 'f Jnn Ai bor, and show cause, ií auy ther be, : the prayer u' Ux patitiont should not !■ itranteil: And iv is fuitlar jritrrt-d. tliat saïd petitomr (tiva nuiijetu the persons ioteTct-ted io.ald -enlute tol 1 f I , L thei fof. i v ■ i inlie Michigan Argus, a nesp:t i o3 circulating . of WashteöAW, thxftö aocíeasive week) i.trt- louü to aid daj ui' beariog (A truecopj.) -H1IÏAM J. BEA&BS, 991 td . Jaïs;e ot i' The great Itch aisd Humor Killer ! of the 18th Centiuy ! "Pija mv preparution poasesses most wonderful proportifi, au is jL. JESTTIEHtS OTT3FÏ.33 tor cwy spètlea cf the ITCII, ITUIRiE 1TCH, B.4HBKS!S ITfl!, AVAÜ1SH É&AfCtftS; íttlVólS J1AMIK, CITISrois ksistïovs. i!ihpls on the FACE, SALT RHECH, StALD 1JEAÜ, Bixf.wos:ns. ie. Th rRüninO r.OTIO i a ut ruil crrtatn nn tor all kiinU o Iích, an'í l--inL' a tluiii prcp:ir:inin t , teable qualiLits of .iutm-.jpt5 in ti'frfil ase. Ttiei'RCRtGO i.OTIO is safe lo ufo under A IX ClHk i i;-!-'. N(";S; willHotirrlhite (he most tender rtln, .i'.d CUXTA1NS NO UCBGORT. Don't fail to lij" it. Mimuiai-türed by E. i. & W. T. 3ItFARF„4D, Sole Proprletors, Lafayette, Ind. PRÍCB 50 CENTS. LOR X SSfTH, CMíí!-(N Wholle Agent,. Solcl ut VïholesalciD CHi-jkto hy FULLKR FIN"CH t I'Cl.I.hR; OHAilfle S.-BMtTH i RUlíNHAMS V„.N tH'IIA.iCK : W. I). )H1R1S i CO.; SM1TH DTfYSB; J. H. HF.KD 4 CO., am H. SCOV1L. Estáte oí Jacob Toggenburger OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Qf Wsimjt, U At a-wssionof Tl.e Probate Court fnr ii.r ■ " "f n'a t th8 Probat. Offi " Ann Arbor.on Mun.Liy, the tweutr i) ■ ,} margin th. ear oue thou-.drtgb.j, Presen:, IIiiüh J. Beakes, Jaóge of P-obate ■ r oí tuo E.,tar„ of Jacob Togi, ■ d Bling the petition, dtt!y ro-;66fl „, ÍMIl;1 "■"■■-, praying tht a cort,:?',"' trameni now m ule :, tb Conrt. pnrwrtil ?" H "',11 1 Te,ummt-oi aid dbceiíe"'010 adm:tted t" ""a, mj b, 1ay of Februari neit, r-.t t o'ciuck in the forpn„t rnedfurthe li'arin of snid petiticn 'aaí ík.' ee. and i.eirs at law f „ií?V . anH iil)o1hTpTyonj ntc-rested n Kaid r at a .es.!%m of fúd Coort 'tí ' tobcholil nnttlic Probate Office, io tlie Oitofi Arborr3nd lw ca rt. lie, whv ,-? pelitioner Hinuld n,,t be granted fjrther ordered. 1h:,t sairl potiti..ner tire noe ted in said e tate, if lbo pea4ti,, , sa-d pel. i ion, and tlie l,earii:K thereof, bï a.„J„J iipj of thii drüpr to be published in the ftZ' v, tLe succe-iaive wekspr„" .!}■ of hearing. i"ioat [A togj.] HIRA1! J. BKAKE3 993td JodRe of Probtt,. Estáte of Lowrys - MinorH. OTATE üF MICHIGAN, Corjrii or Winmittw i il ol the Probate Court for th, ol i.s:iter,aw, at the Probate Office in of Aun Arbor.on Thursday, the mnetet!iithdj„f ;' i; .ti . in the yeap one thousund eight hunJnd Pr'-enr, IIiium J. Bfakes, Judge of Prr.ha'e In matter ..f the Estáte, of SylTia Urv Mirr ry, Mark A l.onry, Martha E. Lowrj,mrJ Onreadmtrand flling the [.etition, dnlj .r3j .i Cliris..a I.owrv, (inai.lian unto said miaors Lriv'i, that lic may epiwd snd licD8ed to ssIi'cm tain re:i! e.-tate 'f sairi minnr. DitiUrlied, that liomlay, the t-ecli wrenth i'.v.y of February r.ixt at one i.' ir. . a.ftei-1; fi „ f..r the hearing of sk and iíjat lije, next of k:n of aH minors, an: i Demons nteresied in sald e!ato, sre required te,. ]e:ir;it :i sesi f ía4 Court, then to behcldu,;. "bate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor cd sbot cause, ií acy thei-e be, why a liceuse sbculdnot i'i..iii ii f,.,,-h estAte and why thy prjw. 1 r.ct be Rrantej': furibri)riered,thataid petitioner, Clarisi Uir, gire ii. tice to the uut of kirj of n,i. minors. unJn,,]! othef pereons mtérested ín said eatate, of the p(tt;j. ?' ljf .andthe fcenrinu tLerei.f, br Ma. '■'■ -' a ct[.y of this Op', r tu ho publifihed in the .j. Uan _1 printed an.1 eircujatinf ifly Fj ..1 W;!ifrteii;.w. tl.ree. aucce-siive wetik &rvinus to aid day o: hearing. [A trBooopj.j HIP.AM J. BilJRta, 983td Judgeof hobit. Estáte of Robert Craig. OTTKOP MICHIGAN, Coucty of Washïena, n . Í? Ai asesaiouof the Probate Court for iht. Onnbof Washti naw, holden at tli f Probate Ofiïce, ia tfcf Ciij tf Ann Artor, uu Wedneday the twenty-fifth öaj .ƒ ;i:. . i tii year tmtthuuóand eight íiuudred anduit? lïvi-. '.i-.-rnt . H'flm .f. Bfnkp, Judge of Prcbat. in the matter of the Estáte of Roben Craig, & ce.ised. On readingand fiiing the petition, duíy TeriÊri f Alt 1 1 tl J Harsonfl, prajing that he icay ;.; Ai1iniui-ir:iiiT uftüe wtateof saiddeceabéd Doiabncj arïmiiiir ' Thereopon itis Onlered, tbat KnBay,tbe %rlfo.y.f 7ebru:ifv uext, at Ion o'elock in th forenooi, 'm asaign;: for the lieinug --f said ï'ftitit.u. an-J ihnt'n wtttotr and heirs al iaw of sad d.ceased, &n ,. d ■ iuttnted in nid eslute, ure n a of ?akï Court,tfaen tf-beholdíc! the Pi. bate Uitice, in th City of Ann Ark;, .. w ciuc, f any tbcre be, vhy thepnya of the ti. titïoacr srhuaW not be granted: it is furti't-r oriteredj that eaid petitiir feite not lo che x?rsons interested n BaW esliie, cf !..;iry oí shM petiiion, and the hearins b c;. ' - frdei to be j.iiblí?he in ia Miiíktgáñ Argus, a uewspaper print'! an v.;i Coonty of Wa&htaB&v. tbret nee treekf {irevíous to sa: iJf v 11! ];t ; : rA'traefïopy.) 1IIKAM J, lïF.MKE?, 9 Tí Jadee of PnUU Estáte f John W. Surdani. STATK ÓF MICHIGAN, CotTKTT or WjsüTjtw, w Ai 1 " :■■■ ! robaïe Cnurt for tbeC.u V:i-!,, 1 at the Probate Office inoi Au;. tbe t wentieth day of ■ " i.-nd fight bundred and siity-fin. í'fjkrs, Judge of Probate. " ín the tu;itter of the Estáte of John ff. Süï'vz. decoii-t Oo readiog and fiiing the pet!t:nn. daly TfiSfá.-' Llocia Hur'iun, praying that a cfcrtain lustrij en Hle in tliis Cooxt, faïptrting to be the fau itn 1 'lV-rameot yf s. .id tieteased, m&j be additief It Probate. Iberj upoa r Orde red, that y-n-lj, ite ih'nxtnt day '-t' March neil, at two o'ciock in tbestb- aigne ■ t-rtli briHg of saii pt;titio%'náth! , r i'-. i!e-, ï-ees. nd el Iaw of said dwea, Htid uil nther ju ■rns ibtonted in sairt ■fl.w srerta uireil to appear at a tn sa ■ u oí said Goort tha teOfHoWPti at tï.e Probate Office, in tbftCÜTrfAK Arhiir, mi'i fjhj " e;,u.-e, il acj tfc lx er o!" the petitioner should nut fce grftDtfti; Ai furtbJ ftrdHred , tfent snid pf-tninner give r-ftic;tcÖ os ntTeited in #-ai' etate of tte ihb'ípmj Í tï.e hearing thereof, byo Hühed in the .■" er priïïtexl a ni ceasive wtrekspreTiou i'ing, ÏIIRAM J. BEAEÍS, JMu:e jf Dauiel JBickford. STATE 01 MR'HI AN. oisty oï TV-iíímSi', ■- At i tm ft t -1 I '!.'"f. ■ i :. Ecei fcGBi the IWfiity Tbird dT(!Jn i.--. . . n; eiiilit hundirá iw iiie. i'n-M'n!, Hikim .T. nF.-.Kr.-. Judge of Prrhite. I.,tlienitrtpr cl the Eíííite of taifl Bickfurf, ■ . -iiii-s'ion if the nr "' ,-t í d is orierpö ti-at sis ran=t-' fnimthifi il li .17 of .lannorv, t P. lillltn 111.! -!x!T ülf. l,,rs t !- jrinst M"" estste m.1; that ;U1 iersw lia-ting rlai !. b roqiiire'1 tn pi ■ 1 . ;tt ihe Pr r. lioiy of W:!rfiicn;iw, nn fr !.ff r tl (Uy ■: .Jti! rit-x'. ft! t-.i (."clccii in t'w forn áfty. tor cXHimua(ion.ii1 üuaaaif a . f'lh" i nvs atiii place b :Vbwin_r ..; nrt demanci( Iu givpn b.r pftói I coi y ' f 'T lr i . f.:r pul lo in I tv nf W'Hj-htPnïW. and by pub; hia? the I ivet ks. -ucee i fly in lie .Vku's.t -r'rf.a ue per : .-"ntecaw, witbia Bï iavsBft.-r !h !;iteiY tliiV. ordr. [A rruecopï.1 HlRAM J. BEAK. 'Kèta JadgeoffWi Etae of Jaints ö. DaDCflt; QTATF.Ü) MICHIGAN, Co-;r;r. of WartliMWlJJ i ta -p-ei"!-. "i Probate Conrt for thtWÏ' (Vftsbtenav boiden I the Probate Offln :d i'; '. Aud Arbor, od VIndayf'the siiteentb dcy "f JaB"1?1 Fro-Vnt. Ili -m J. Beaket, of Probate In tlir ui Her '.[ tl. e Estáte of Jaroes G. I, .]..-. i-c.l Thi ni Fvana arimini trutor of ■ c me info f'i.ui 1 and rt-l-n re! t that be i Br' P ; to rentier his fiD;il account as pucïi rr ■ t - On!M -fi . f ha t We.iDesday.tbf HM ■ onf o'HisfcinthPW" I and allowiog such "? and thai tlie wi icv t tul hei üt lawof ai uili.r .fri.i]--iriiereteliiisiJeBtate,ireteq"" appearat a Bes.sii.n of said Court. thento bek'' tl l'ri.batc Office, in the City of Aüo fT :ni(l sliovv cause. f any theie b, . the sai.l account should not be ülowed. As riher nrdereci, that said .Aí.niiniftrí'" f Hdtice 10 the persons intercsted in ""m of' thu [wndency of Baid account and lltnJ theieof. by cas-:í; a copy of this Ow' puoli.shetliu the MUkigen r-us, a newspspFj and circiihitinc ir, said (Vunty of Washten' ive rt t■.l ïuevioub to saui d.iyofiieliw (A irue eopy) HIRAM J. BKAKlfJudgeofP. OTATK (IK MICniüAM, ÏOIKIH JVI'WS 0 IRICT;- in Circuif Court fór tbeCount "f"',i -lulliuMMT. At Chamberí, in th '" -: i..' !-:l;1 r.iunty o' WasbteDaw, o" "T the 16tl'.) ixtcenfh d-i y „f I)icniber,in lle " ,: 1iim.;u'ö and ?ixty-fnur. l'rr-cit. ll"n Khrin I.iMri nce. rcuit JW-j In iir. cause whore n r;;ri=io Waltl isConif" and ."-amut'l lngor.-' Il i Deleudant. c ColiD' It appesimg bj tac a'.fi 'atii of John W. A. - 1 -ij . . il c .:. 'i ', r f ■■ boTe lamfi) Compl""j"v,, ori lile ibs'aiii cause, that the above nmil'' Samu.ii rajtarsull nrt een served Mito l t {HBnaissned insaid i.ause, aoJ that ue d"es D ,s in tl.o .-tati' iif Mii-liigan, but thal bis 1' l ..tti dence was in the c ity of New ïork, in tbe O-"' ■ State oi Nïw i"k „ ,,,,(f! On mion (.1 JehnW. A.P.Cnlitn, vf? SnS' tlie Cmplail that thetw 1' Samuel i ugersoll,cau.e hie apeai te be . 4 tht above canse, Witbin three month row t&n ouder, Del in ra-e appíruce thjt ,, hls ansiver to C. mulaliiani's bilí to 1 ,itl qopjitheieof tn terini n C''Pll'o'J„iJ #j after mtvícp í-1' a c and in defáiiH 'i:, rc.f, thnt tne Bil', o' , „riil ftliei in I v be taken as ' Defendant, Samuel ingejsftU iJinnlf'0 And nr.!erEd, that W mplw", iiitliin ti-i:ty ijflirail tbe df.u hertel, ""fiDMtï o! ihix (.riffr u ba uubiisbed t le! ''"? lídii" w4ekíorsix tuceeafive weMtB in tle , ■' Afgiit, a public newpaper í'rii.ft'í ant1. í! .t-tud' tilfVürj óf Ann Afbor, in sai.l Coictj of d!rlo or_that Citw]ilaipam cause a cv oí tius f11'1 personally serval uj.on the ia: i 1 -o 1-:'" ,J, cd lut ntv dyB belore the time prescribid Vs '.'"v] E. LAWBEK? IKAQX V. . Circuit Ju1 Cle.-k. - HOWARD ASSOCIATIO1 riilLADELPHIA, PA. rf DIscriKrs oflhc líerrous, SemInJ' hCS" nuil Simal SjrileiM - new nJ ..TH'Í' men".-:, recorte of the HUWARD ASSO-igf Sent hv mail in w led letter envelopes, fr ■ iMw' Addrws Dr. J. SKI1.UN HOUGHTO.V. Ho'" r, ,ati..n,N 9 Sent! NinlhStrwt, PhllB-ieli-n. iTlvr.ia


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Michigan Argus