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In the Tbunciiks, Bef ore bui-g, Va., Ja,.. 9, 1865. ( At a meeting of the membersof Compa ny H, 20th MicLigaa Yoluèiteer Infantry held January 7th, 18(5, upon motion o H. II. Mills, H, S„ Capt. A. A. Day was lUKiuiiMously electcd cbairmab of the meet ing, and Sergeant T. Y. Spcars and Ihi vate II. T. CliflF weie appoiuted a oümmit tee un resoktioas, vfitli a view of expr.essng the ftíeliogs af tlio couipany, their apprecïatioQ of tlio kindness of 'frieuds of the town of Saline and city of Auu Arbcr, Michigan, iu seuding tbem cert;-,in packuges coiitaining well suleütcd eatables wlierewith to oouifoit ;md cheer the heart of tlie soldier,, and assure him that though absent, lic 8 ïuit fiigotten. Whereas, the undersigntd haviug been . appointed u eomuiitiee fur tho ptu-pose oí I draftlng resoluties in acknovrledgmeut of the recuption uf several gackagps ofi"good things" sent by friends of' iLe towu of Saline aud city of Aun Arbur, Micb., to tlie meiubcra of Uo. H 20th Michigan Volunteerg, tlit: oommittec havo the honor to offer th failowing resolutioiis : st, llesolved - That tho thauks of tbe Coinpuuy are hereby unauimouily exprciised to our frieuda of the towu of Saline and city of Aun Arbor, Mich., for the kind reiüümbranee of thoae of theiv relatives and l'rieuds wbo are abseut in the service of their eouutry in thi tryiag hour of ou-r national existence, i;isEndiug io them suoh substantial gifts witb whieh to cheer the " inner man" and serve as a sumptuoas repast for the coming in of the " New Year." Id. Resolved - ïhat while in tho absence of many of our brave oouiradea who hav-e fallen during the deadly strife whieh is filliog our once happy laúd, with tearful eye3 and meurnful hearts, we csnuot but fcel that we oweour preservanee to the all-wisc Provideuce, " who ruleth all thiugs," aud wc earnestly return our gratitude. to fliui tbr having thus spared and perniitted us to agaiu eujoy thosc delioacieti bo fully and bounteously presented to us by our dear friends at home. Knowing, as we do, the'map.y trying daugers we have, and may yet be coiupel led to enoouütei, ere that Peace, whiuh we seok, be awarded us, tho thourht of thosu true and loving hearts at home will ejjeei our way and strengthen our purpose to renew, if need be, tliu greut struggle for freedoui,. and the maiutotiaDoe of our aaticual houor and cotitiiiuc the name until the silken threads of our noble I3anner shall be woven iuto all the institutions of our glorious country, and with the ever existiug hope, that we may odo and all be spared to again claim future protectien in the bosoms of our families aud tho society of our friends in peaceful homes. 3d, Resolved - That the the thanks of the Company are hereby tendered to the Eev. C. E. 1$. Armstrong, of Saline, Mioh., for bis kind and patrlotic letter öBÓciuipaajfiog the packages. 'tth. Resolved - That a cnpy of the above resolutions be forwarded for publioation to oauh of thü papers of Aun Arbor, Mioh.


Old News
Michigan Argus