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■jfyttM f ato.gtS" PROF. U. .1. LVO-v'M'ients and all OtUers interreated wíl] please tke uolice that be will contin ue hts visits at the Monitor Iíouse, Aun Arbor, during . 85 and at the expftatioa pi whic'i he wil ] dis ■ continue bis visita and open au Inlirmary Q t 01evelandf Uliio, tbr the treatment ot Lang and Chost tflUjases. WEIGIIT'S REJUVENAXING ELIXIR. ïypochondju Eet ever thtag, whöther sus tena neo for miud or body. and pjchaufitfon, et seotetion and circulïktioB, e effecluaily re lie red by the tinjeiy use of Wkight-'ö Kbjpvbnatiwg Kiixivf.; tbis grOat tunic uud reatorative romedy will expcl everj usplafiant .symptom, irabue botü body and miad .'itU euergy and vior. By it3 contiiuious use every animr.l fluid wiü le irr":ifc'd, avery frbatractinn in the evacuiit '17 chwineïs gwvpt away and every org&a regeneralod. Tiu-t' may seem stroop átatele Dts, bat thcy are f'ull) borue out hy tbe uiiiue.stiunablo testimnuy di a cruwd r,f wiineSKys. (Ad Me and toornen will lind a woaderful re-viializinir cflect in tliin Elixir. Sold by all respectáble druggiata tlirouffhout the United itates aud Canada) öee advrlis.Muent. 4w994. TNPOUMATIOX FREB ! TO XKUVOUS áüFÍERERS, A GENTLEMAN, cureil of Nervous Dehility , lu. -wnpèteney, Prematuro Heeay, ahl Y.uithful Error, actu&ted by a desire to benefit others, víill be happy to furni.sti toall whd aeedit, (frte óf charge.) the recipe and direotunn fur makt&g th imple reanedy ased in tiïs ■ ■ iSufïVrers wishing t profit by the advertïserïs bad euuir'.(iic::ii'f tre aad valuable'renié dv. eon do so hy addr'i Rsltig hira at oucc at bis place of business. The Bncipe aó3 fuli [nfortoatiöu-r-of rïtal impni'taiiet - will be chcerfully sent bp return maiL Addretss JOHN' B. OGDEN, No.flO Nassau Street, Now York. P.S - Nervous Rti'Terertí of uoth sexeg will fhïd this mlorioati'ín iuvalualne. iím986. AÖOOD TREE rö KNOWN BT RUIT. 80 ib a good Physician by bifl Huoeasfu] Woiks. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONü, TÜEGREATANl) CELRBRATED PHÏSIC1AN OF ÏIJ l THKOAT.LCNGS AND CHKST, Known alover tbo cüimtrj alt the CRltibrttüd INDIAN II E R 15 DOCTOR! r om Puuth Ainürica , will be at lm rooms , KLIhS::LL üOÜSKj DETI'.OIT, OuthelSth and li)th in-u.,on tlie same dale of and QXBty ubseqení iik.dtIi 1862 and 1803, A NJBAT PA3ÍPHLET Uf l!-c life,study and extt -nsive tr:ivels of Dr. I-yoiiK can be preveured by all who delire one, fi-eeof chafge. Dr. L wi fisit Aun .Vrbcir, Jiickson,and Adrián, Mtcb. , as foliowa : Aan Arbnr, Mooitor House. '20th. JackKon. Hibbard House, 21 öt Adriau, tïrackett Ilt use, 2.1 and S3d. Müdk y Kxíminahon. - The Doctor discerns diseases Ij y the eyes . He, threfore , ankfl no anptionsnor req lires pairienls to exphün rfyinpturaH. Aíflictíd, come and liare your syinptorns and the location of your diseaueoxplained free of charge HISTORY OF THE WOSLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of the principal Contributora to the Dictiovariès of Grtekand Roman Antiquüie$. Eiography, and Gtography. PLAN OF THE WORK. Since Sir Walter Raleigïi soluced his imprisonment in the Tower by the comnositiou of his " Histo'rj of tiie World," the Literature of Knglanr) bas never achievfed the woefc which be left unfioislied. There have been " Uuivers:il Histories," f rom the bulk of iin encyclopaedia to the mo.t meagre omline, in whicli the amials of eacli uation are separately recarded ; but without an attorapt to the story of Dijine Providence and human progrese ia oue ennnocted uarrative. H ifi prooosed to supply thiB wantbyïi Work, condensed enough to keep it within a reasonablp size, but yet sol'ull as to be free from the dry balc'nesa pfan epitome. The Literature of Germany aboimd In histury,- suchas those of Muller, Schlosser, Karl tod Rottock, Duncker,aod others,- which at provetliedemand for sucha book, and furnish inodels, in Bome degree, for its execution. But even those sjreat works are somewhat deñcient in that organic un'uy which is the chief aiin of this "Ifïat ry of theWorld." Thesioryof ourwholo race, líke that oí eich separ ate nation, has ll a beginning, a middle,;md an en'd." That wtory we propose to follow, from itsbeginninf; in the sacred records, and from the ttawn of civiüzation in the East,- -ttn-ougb thesuecessive Oriental Empírea, - the rise of liberty and the perfoction of heatBen t)lity, irtfi, and literature in Greecc and rome,- thü chan(;e wlnch p;isRt-'l over tlipf:u:o of the orld he' the light if christianity Bpran j -- . . ■■ vt&n aud ficst appeíírance of thoee barbiirfmi races wuich oretthrewbolii divisiottfl of the Roman Empire,- the annalsof the States which rose on tnc Kmpii'e.'s ruins including the picture.sruo details of medieval history and the steady progresa of modern liberty and civilizx' tion,- and 1he extensión oí infliiences, by dis. covery, ciinquest, colonization, and Christian niissionn to the remotest rcgioDS of the earth In a word, as1 separate histories reflect the dttaclied pcejies of human actiüii and sufferiog, ouraim is to bring into one view the peveral parts whieh assiivhy forra ono great whole, moving onwanU, undur t lie guidance of Divine l'rovi'ïünce, to the un known end ordained in the purpo.sgs. - No pains willbe snareS to malte this hitory scholarIikein Bïrtmtance :iml {mfuliar n sTyTl. 1! will i ■ ded on the best authorities.ancient and modern, ovigiual and aècondary. Tbo yaht pfógreflB re'centlv maae in historical and eritic 1 ■ : ius, the resuïts btainedfrom the modern science of uomparative philology, and the discoreries which have laid open new sou rees of infofmatiou concernir tl.e K.-n, aMöta 8ueh facilities is to hjuLl' the present a fit epoch for ovr utuïertiiking, The wor will be flivided into Jthreo T'eriodB, eaeh ctfmpliitefilitsêlfjaaQwill formEigkt Volumes in 'l'einv Octavo. J I.- Ancibnt Hwtoby, Sacrüd and Secular: frora the Creatiou to the r.ill of the Western Empire, ia A. D. 470. Tuo vo uines. II. - Miédiev.m, Iliioüy, Civil and Ecclesia.síícal ; from the Pall of tbr: Western Eoflpireto thaking of onstiintinople by the ïurks, in A. 1). 1453. Two Vol III.- Modern HisiOBY ; troioflie Faïlof the iïyj:an+iiie Empire to ourowu 'limes. Four Volumes. It will be purbnslied in 8 vóís. 8 vb. Price in loth 3.50 per volume, eiicop, $4.50. Half Morocco Sr'. Volume 1 üüw ready. , Agents Wanlcd tb al! parta of Mie Country. Appiicatioas BhouM be made at once to the I'ubüslierB. D. APPLETON & CO., 2amtref 413 , 44! Broartway. N. V, Í1A liOUSES AI) I.OIS, WOr.h from '$1,000 to A. .!..S1'niKRI.NJ . Ann Arb-r, Pcb. 24,1883 1 . - _ - - ■ : Ns TPW A I :V'1NK i OUR CHINAMAN STILL UVES. And continue to furnUh tbat unrivaled quality of TEA always found nt Ihe l'eople's Store. , Luvi-i's of good Tea v.-ill jileas1 try h Simple OF OUR NEW TEA. DkFOREST &STEWAKT. O' all kinds. Fruita. F.xtmcts, BpicCM, IMcl.lcs. Olll l'ii-fuinos. kc. l'uie Lii[uors and Wines for Medicinal 1"lrl"IMSUDly"dkeokeststkwakt. Sugar ! Sugar I A sraall fot of 1,OW PRIGKD SUGAR. DkFOREST S: STEWAET. 'YÍSH.- Codfish, Wbitefish Trout, Maokerel, Htrrlng, &:. DkFOREST fe PTEWART. SYPUP! SYRTJP ! A few barrel-:, eïtrA qualitv. JíiíFOREírT & STKWART. tO!L AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEROSENE OIL VV''? W& Tlie beKt qualiiy ONE DOLLAR (jT) Per Gallon. gS DüFORKT&STEWAIiT. HoTyÊT rurchasers oí CKOGKKRY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATEL) G.ÜODS, TABLE CUT LEU Y, &c. For sale at les? than Xc.v York irbolesale DeFOKKST & STFWAKT. A Good Clothes Wriager. Saces time! Saves money! dnthiny! Saves strength! Sanes ht tiltil! Saves hiring help! . Saves weak wrists! Saves burning hands! Wooleii clotlios can be wrunfr out of boiling water to prevent bhrinkiBir, without iniuiy to the machine. DïFOKEST S STEWAKT. JOHN BROWN'S KNAPSACK Was slrapped upon kis back' and when opened was founíto contain a Pot of Dr. líilliugtou's. Fig Eleetuaiy wbich w;i ÏVia Ínsepara"bíe comianion, and tnia acoounts fVf MMvljii-i ainl ,-igorous con.stitution, his in■ ■ tu fivtigu a'iul l:i.s líale aixlliearty old nge. it is warr;int'-i! cure ALL KINDS OF PILES, tt Dot mly tTiïat.s for tlie Files but ia a certain care "Üt Dyspepfiill ftud Liver Compluints, Jaundice Salt Rheüm, :. ïi ia pureïy vegetable and uevei fails tocare. DeFÜREST & STKWART, ÁgentsfoT Michigan. Beitish Peejodicals ! - V1Z. ïbe London Quarterly Review (Conserviitive.) Tlxe EdinbargJi Review (Whig.) The Westminster Review (Radical.) The North Britisñ Review (Freo Churob.) AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The American Publishers continue to reprint the abovc-named penodieala, but aa the cost of pi inting lias douMad, the price oi paper nearly trebled, and taxes, duties, licenses, (itc...largely increased, theyarecompelled to udrancc tlieir teims as kl!ows : TERBÏS FOR 1865. For any one of the Reviews $4.00 per annum. Por any two oí the Ke tiews 7.00 " h'or any thrae üf the Ke views 10. 00 For all four of the Reviews 12.00 ■ For Black wood'K Magazine 4.00 " for Black wood and one Review 7.00 1( Por ■' and any two of tlie Revjws 10.00 " Tor " and tbtee of the Reviews.. . 13.00 " For Blackwood and the four Reviawa 15. '.0 " The wurlt will be printed on a greatly impror.ed quality of paper , and whilo nearly all American Periodicals are either advanced in piice ur reducediii Hze - and very generally both - wk sliall cïmtinue to frive faithi'ul copies ■ f ai the matter contaïnsü in the urigin;il uilition.s. Hencoj our presönt prices will be íoundas cheap. for the ainount of matter furni.shed, as those )f any uf the competing periodicalis i ti this country. Compared with the coat of th:í original ediiíons, which nt thf present premiinn on goW would be about 5100 a year, "ur pi-iws ($15) are excee'HnpJy low. Add ,o this the fact thnt we ïuuku our annual payments to ;he British Pabliahfers fur early nheets and copyright tu Gold - $1 custlTte us at thirf time (J;in. 1865) nearly &á.50 in currency- and we trust that in the f cale we havo adopfed we phailbe entirtly j-uatified by our subBcribcrs aml th6 r;:nling public. The interest of these Periodicals to American readers b rather increaeed tfeAO diminished by the articlos they coniain onnur C'iHl Waf, and, though sometimeB tinged with prejudice, tlu-y may still, cnnsidoring thelrgreat abihiy und th.' dllÏL-i ent slanil-poiiits frnxn whichtbey are ritten, be read and stttdled with advan'ageby the ieople of lilis country j of every creed and paity. THE FOTTR REVIEWS FOR 1863. A few copión of the above' rèmain on hand, anl wil] ie sold al $5 tor the waole fcur, or $2 for aay onti . Wealso publisii the F. i KUBUS UlüE. 1y ItESBY'SrlïPHBMS, oí' Edinburgh, aoO theíateJ.P. No-bton, of Yal( ll(pe. 2 vols. Royftl Octavo, 1600 lagea and aamerOafl Eügravings. FRICE $1 for the two volumes- by Mail, postpalil. $8. LKOJIARD SCOTT & CO., Publihrs. Xn. 3S Walker Streel, New York. REMOVAL! ]ST. B. COLE, 3as removeil his TOi.'K of BOOTS 'tt SHOES, to tho storo of A. V. Mills k Co. , on Main Street, wUere hc will bf. j;Ui to watt o:i Uia oM customei',1 and the public gcncrnlly. rUVE I3IH A CAÍili ! H0W&ED ASS0CÏATI0N, PH1LADELPH1A, PA. Disenscs of ih Ncrïona, Ss-mlnnl, l'i innr}nnd Simal Systems- new and reliuble treat(aeot- In 'reporta of tho I10WAIÏD ASÍOCIAIION- pnt bv nin : in cnlcl lot ter cnvel'-pn rrèe t1 '■ r Ur '. PKIU.IN IIQL-GHTOX, il :". '" 5 Muth tfiiSth Strectj ('tüadflphia, Penuïjlva#; ■ ' lyjK CLOSING OUT SaLE ! -AT TUE"OLD CORNER!" In or.lor to r.ora for SI'RfNIj' I'ÜRCIJAyKS, for the aext SIXTÏ U4X6, i U uflornt n Great Reduction in Prices! Al) sca:onnble G00D8, oonslsting of a great v:iri.ty of' F a 11 & Winter CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flannels, Blankets, HOODS, NUBIAS, &C. AUo, a largo asortmont af iOOTS AND SHOESI In orler to close out the stock. Frints 3O to 37c. A good AiBoitiuent of CI1OICE FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! CONSTAXTLY ON 1IA.VD. C. B. THOMPON. Ann Arbor, Jiid. llth, 1805. twen ARE YOU INSURED? IF NOT, CALL ON O. H. MILLEN, Agtíut for tbe foJlowinp elaas Companius : Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over $3,500,000. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE GO, Olí NÍW YORK. Cipital ovur L1,500,600. I" tliis Compauy the Insured particípate iu the protits. CIT-y IFÜRE IIsTS., CO-, ÜF IIARTFÜRD. Cflpitul over Tlirce Ilundrcd 'J'housand Dollars. O. H. MILLEIí, 969tf Main atreet, Ann Arbor. MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazoo. JlVXich.. Insures against ícss 01 Daniage bv Fire or JLighaii.g. '5 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guiirantce Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kensedy, Marph Gicdings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Sntdf.k, 8. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Prei. T. V. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E. Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Alien, Gen. Agt, 940 1 f CüDWELL'S HORSE fui! si,ooo IN GREENBACKS' will be paid to the man who will produce a Horse Fork tliat is bettor adapted tothe various places wliere a man raay wamt to use it, or tlia t will take off a load of iay In lees time, uaüer all circurastancet;, timn J. R. CADWELL'S, Fatented Dec. 20th, 1864. rrom $'200 to f500 per mcmth mny be marie by thoe uuchaf-ing, righta, and clioice of tüfftiitory fora short For FORKS or RIGHTS, addreJ J. R. CADWEI.L, Im991 Dexter, Miohignn. NËWMUSiC STORE! Persons wishing to boy Pianos or Melodeons, hould po to WILSKY'S S1U?IC STORE, before pur chasing elflewbere. He will warrant aatinfaetion to purchasers, anrl takeH plefimire in refeiring to those wlio have alveady purcliased of him. He takel pride n 6 i y ing that he bas given the best of satisfaction bus fur, and intcnds ko to do in all cases. Any Piano will bö furnisbed tbat purcbaeer may require. líe Tishea it to be listinctly unflerstood tiin't be will hot hc UISTDERSOLD by any dealer Kast or Wt'st. . N. B.- The latest PHT5KT MUP1C for salo, PIANO STOOLS, ie. ALVIN WILSEY. Ana Arbor. Hoc. 27tli, 186. , ■ %'jtd PRESGS1PT10N & ÖKL'G STORE ! Ls tbe place to b,uy yonr MEDICINES, PERFÜIVSERY, Wii tilia Paper, by the Keaiu urleas, auil all othet; articjes n onr line. tf$ Esiiecialatteutionto Cupifioundingaiid putting . ;s, ;;t ilu' m-'i. uf GOM) MORTAR, Eschnuö lïloelc , Ann Ai-hnr, ifichïga,n.Bf "ruil. ■■■ nal cüI! pi'ómptly aUemled to. 1A'P6O 100 Oiíy Lots íor Sale.


Old News
Michigan Argus