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From Sherman's Army

From Sherman's Army image
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Washington, Feb. 14. It i stateii tbat the uubstance of a liptch írom Gen. Graut to the govcrnment, rcceivcd to-aay, that Richuiond pajiera of Monday say 8herman hs crossed the Edisto, which was the line htíld by ücueral Hardee defeudrfig Brauchville. Aooord-ing to tiie same rebt-1 authoritj, a portion of Sherman'a forces are two-thirds of the way from Edisto to Coluuiliia, South Curolinu, S(J important noint fuimiug the jutcion of the Charlotte and South Carolina and tho tireenTÍlleaud Coluinbia rilroudd to Kiuh mond. PiiiLAVKLPiuA, Feb. 15. Tho Evening Bulletin' Washington npocial saya líichuiond paper contírm tb ieport oS Shenniin'a ocoupation of Branchville and Orangöburg. Aa adTance on Coluinbu 'is antioipated. Wliceler's cavtlry appears to bc tho oiily fiirce opeiating agaiust Shernyan. Smttll-pox ifl raging in certain distrisU i:i FVanetL Two vcry aimple pievi)tive igainst infuctirn ure ütittixi to Luve Úeen triud with signal Btiooes.- Thuy cooist in (frinking a glass oí' tur I uïêf liight, and avrning, 01 a gliiss oL vyatL-r in wbich an intinitely nnull projíortion üf (uit rtttlieine) or reide plicuiijuulius beun dis'ilved ;ihis hitter is (ne wl tlielist iiddttfcmi 10 Frcueh l'njirinuc.ijOE'ia.


Old News
Michigan Argus