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JDY37EPSIA, OIíiEASS'S tí ,.:; si LT1 N tí FSO31 BISORBEItS OF THE LIVER AND DIOESTIVa CRGANB, ARK CUKED BY HOOFLAKB'S GERMÁN BiTTEBS, THE GE.EAT STRENöTHENUïG Tíicse Biitcrs have perfornicil more Cures HAVE AND DO GIVEBfSTTEElSATISPACTIUN llave more Tcsltmony I HAVE MORE RESPECTARLE PEOPLE TO VüTJCH FOH THfiMI Thaa ;iay other articl in the marlíot. Wo defy any one to conti-adict this Assertion, AND WH.b PAY S1OOO Toauj odo lio wil! iircluee a CerliRcate pulilnlied by usttliíit:K not OK-M-'lNE. flODFlASD'S GEEÜM BÍTTEHS WII.L ROBE IX EVE&Y CASE OF Chronic ci Kervou3 Debiiity, D3eaaes of the Khineys, and Dísaases ariaiug fxom aísor-" deietl Stonaach. Obtcrvetki follomvp siimptüvisrcsHllijip from Disordcri rf the Digestiuc Orgcnt i Conslipation, Inc,-;:rJ l'ilc-, Fúllness of BIocm.1 ío t!ie liead, AciilHy , of the Sfomach, N.msea. Hetrtburn, Difguf ror (ood, Fullueseor weighl IntheStsm ch Sour Kruc.tatioi'.fl, íriukiTlg or fiuttefmg Kt t'u pit oí toin:;rh, íswiinminfí 01' tho Ho;id, Hurricíand liScuH breathinp. Kliaterh.R at thu lleart , Qjokíng or iJaCfooatiug eoszltiüllrt when ili a Ljíag Posture, tJIranejí of Vision, Dots or Wobs bclurí' t!:R Sigïit, Tevor and Dull l'iiin in tho ücüí. I.'pfi.iienc.v of PrespTrAfion, ïefluwueu ofthe Ski ) ;in' Eyes. p;iin la the k, back,clicst,liinb4. fcu.. üinl'ilvn n n sb bs of II it, ü.iniiuit iu the Flash, Oonsfíav linagiuiaga of Evil .ind ürcat Dtires.,iürj of Sp rits, H.3533Vi:3Eïa2:OJïï3?t THAT THIS BITTERS IS A Lk. La "USlüijSUy CONTAINS NÜ RUM OR WHÏSKEY, AND CAHT MAEB DHUNKAEDS, BUT In the World. W RE A O VV1IO SAYs teO : Krom tlio Kot. Levi Q. Beek, Paator of the Baptist L'hurcU, I'i-inbertoD. N. Jiorjicrlv ol' the North Ban tialCnuich, ruiladeiphia. ' IhtveUnown llooflanrt's Gorman Bitters favoratrty lor a aurabor ui yeai. l hnvo usej Ihi'in iu niv nwii famjiy, and have been 80 plcjised witb tbir eifects tliat 1 w-is inducedto recommead thcin to in luv otliets anu knuw -hit Uiüv haraojiüratüd n, su-ik.iiv uamtlelal tnanner. I taïeguat ploasum in thm pru claimiuif tbis fact,andcalliag the nttenljon uf thuse affliotod witTl the dKeitsosfor rh'tch t'hev ure recom meuded, to these bitters knowing trom experience ttiut mï reccimnieiuhaion wil] be luaUunéd. I ro this more eheeif ully . Iloofland's Bi tters s iniended to beaeli: the niüicied. and o -'nut ruin drink." Yourstrul.i, LEVI G. BECBL. Fzon Rev.J, Newton Tirown, i). D. Editorof !-;u.-dapedta of Keliious Knowledgc and Uhi'idtlan Caroiiicle, rhiiiidijlpUia. .Hthoiigh not lisposrd toñivor orrecoroinend Pteii1 [eticiii"8in gfnernl, th-ouii distrust ot' their i nare ients Hiid etteets, 1 yet know of no mijBcfeat reasnot ■hy a ïüan may out Itintiïy to the benefiu he believe: imsttlf tu have reeen ed froru any simple preparation i ïh iiopy that lie tany tbuscuatribule ttf the beaetil f otherI .lo tUU ranre readily in renard to HooÜand's Ser ïati iïitlerrt, preparcd by i'r. C. il. Jacfcnon of tïus ity, because 1 was pi-ejiuiici:rl against them iWmmv er', iiiïtlerHnj iiaprsasioA tha, incy wyre cUfetiv ,ip Ichoholic mixture. I am iadetoted to ruy frjend 'ii(b rt .-fhuünjiiker, Esq , for the cenaop] ol tliia prej'tidlutr ' prtiper Wáti; ui-I fur tiooui Hement to try Them hen BuXfeFiBg fronn pVeat and tmir contieue è he use of lire Uötiiua ol thehe bitterii al th ■ mg (jfthe preso1)! year, wan IMloired by erideni ■ ná [-eator.atiüii t degr&e of biidily aud awatS vigor ■hicli ! had ii-t for six montUs before. nd li'sd almn 1 es pa i red uf regaiuing. I thtref( ;. thaok God a ml nú ■iend for direct ing pse to tl e :eoi fherr ■J. NKWiON BR WX,Pbila. rorn the Re v. Jos. H. Keunaid, PaatoüvJ 'he 10 1 Ij tap t Chuich. Dr. Jactsnü : - Deur Sir: - I bate heen tri;qnent! re uested to connect my natne nritfa oomoseudittionfl ■ ïffereni kinds of' medicine bí gardiiy; the p. nctici s outof my appiOpriatafiplrerffi I íTaVe in uil canef eclined; iut with a cleftrprooin rarioüsiostance nl paíftenUtíy ín my f.iraily ,of the usef'uline.-s of ir. Iofluid's Germ;iD lïiu-rs, I depart for once fróm my [gaal oourse. to expreaa my ful] eenvictioo that or enemlilebility of Die Hy&u-ni int] cspeni.-iliv f. r ],itr Jomplanu 't is a p ft an.1 aluable preparatton . In omecusL'w' it niü-y 'nil; hut usuali, J dou t not,it wilj ie vwy beueiicial to fhösë vrBo Bulïer fiom the abovu ause. Yourfl.very repectfuI1y; .1. ir KKr;i, Liiith beíc;w Ceatcít Street , Phíl;i . "rom TÏ6T. ■n'.ii-r.n Kftndolph , I'astor of the Hsptist "hurch, tierra intc".vi]_ I'enn. Or . O M . -I.ickson :- t(-;ir í?ír : - Personal experience nablK mo to say t!iit I regard the Germán Bitter jrf-paroil by you as anvstexcel ent medicino ïu ciise ií severe :h and general. lebility ï hare been pre I . aenefited by tho use of the Bitters, and doubt nut thej (rttl produce similar effeCti on otherv , . Youre,truly, WAHREV RWDOLFHGoimantown, Pa Fiom Rrv. 3. H. Turner, Pastor of Hcddwg M. E. ühutch.Phila. Or. Jackson : - Ppr Sir .- Haviug used your Germán Bittera in my family fttquenUy , I am picparo'l to aay that it has been of gpeatsetTice. I beiieve that in roost cases c.f gtíiitTrtl debility of the ■iy.-tfni it is the saterl and roost valuable remedy of which I have any knowi ödge. Youra.respectfully, J. K. TURNER, No. T26N. N.ueteenth Streev. From the Rev. J, M. l,yons, formerly Pastor of the Columbur, (N. J.) andMillbtowu, (Pa.) Bwptist fíhurehpri. New Rochplle. X. Y. Dr. C, Jaekaon : - Dear Sir : - ï feit it a pleanure thi's,.f my own accori to bear teitiraouy to the excellence t'f the herman Hittcra. liorae yeara since, being rnuch affiicted wth Dyapepsía,! usfed them. witli vtry bcni'ficial resalta I have often rñcomuienrled tliem to persoriR cnfoebled by that 'ormenting: d i sea ac. nd have baard from them the most fiattering testimonia h s to their great ralue. In case of gene-ül debJlftjr, 1 bolieve itto be a tonic tUatoau notbesurpastieil, J. M I.YONS. FromtheRe?. Tlios. Winter,. Pastor oí Roxborough Bapfist Church. Dr. Jackson ■ - D&ar Sir: - Ifeelitdue to yonr excellent preparation, Hooifcind rJerman Bitters, to ftdd my testimony to the de.served reputation it has obtjiinod, I havo foryearn, at times, been troublod witïi greal Vi-trtlerin mv headand nervous system, T was ndvised iy n. friptid to tv y a bottle of your Germán Bitters. I d so and have pxperienccd (freat and unexpected re ei; m-y heajth 'has been very materially benefitted. I onfidentlv recommend thearticlew ere I moet with son similar to my own, and have been assured by man-y of ther gontl rfiectw. KEpectfullyyour8, T. WIXTER, Roxborough Ta. "romRev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reformed 'hurch. Kutztown, I5ei-ks i'. Dr. C. Tackson : - liespected Sir. - T hars been troubled with Dyspcpsia nearly twenty years. and have never uspd any medicine that dit meusmuch good as Hoofland's Bitter. I am Terj much improvcd in health aftcr having taken five bottTes. Yours,with respect J. S. HERMAN. PBICES. iarsre Size, holding nearly doublé quantity ,) $1 00 per büttle- half dnz. S5 HO. Pmall Size- 75 cent per Bottle- huif dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF cOTOTCiïrisns. 8,iiat 'the stature of " C. M. JACKSON" is on ttt WRAl'PKK of cacir bottle. HhouH your DMvait Druggint not have the artice, do not be put off by iulox'cating pwparatlons that mny be offereiiiu its place, but end to uk, and 8 wüllJrward, securly .acked, oxpuüw. Principal Office nnd Manufaotoiy, NO 631 ARCH TEEET PHILADELPHtA. Jones & Evaxis. Succetsors to C. M. Jaekton Sf Co. PKOPUMTOTiS. For at ij 1rii{gii au.'. Ü" lo v'f 1 ' tVi Uj1J Stt. I THHE RO0T8 AND THE LEAVES -- WJLL be lor the liualh g ol tho Nations. Bible. x-r-of. oe. ar. XnYoiKrís, ÏHE GREAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PHYSICUM of the THKOAT,LUNííS, HKARÏ.UYMt AND THE ÜLOOI Knov.'u all u ver the country aa the CKLEÜRATKI) ïrOXJI AIST iKEIR-B DOCTOR i Üf 282 Superior ritreet, Clcvelunü, Ohio, Will viait the folio wing places, viz A?POINTMENUV FOK 1862, 18CSandlSñ4, Prof. R. J. Lyona cííu be coiisuited at the iV]iowine placfsevery inonth, viz: Detroit , Kassei Houne, each month, 18 th and 19 th. Anu Arbor, MoaitorHouse t each month. 20tli, Jackson, liibbard House, eacli tuonth , 21. Adrián, liracket House, each month 2rlandíí3d. Toledo, Uhio(CulhuB House, üiick müuth,g4tJi 2öth and :36th. Hilhdale, Mich. , House, ach month, 27th. Coldwiitor, Mich., tiouthcrn Micliigaii House' each moiiLli. 28tli. Elkhart, tCikhari Hous:o,e;icl) month, 20t}i. Snuíh Beñd, Ind., St. Jo. Un'el. eaci niont.Ii, SO, Laporte, Ind., Tee Ordeu iU uft, éach month .ïlst. Woostftr.uhio, (Jrnndll Kxchanga each month Tth aii18th. Mftnslield, Ohio, Wilfr Houst each month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Veruon, Koayon Uouse, toch montli.llih and ïeth. NTevarfc, Ohio, Holton House, ea,h mcnth, loth and 14 tb, rainesvillcOhio, CovloHpuftvaê)] month, 4th - OLEVÉLAKD, 011K). ItKSlÜKWriK ANÜ OFHH8E282 BÜPEBIOfi BTEEJTr. ■: lbo public squai i w tuilico. öfc montli, Ist. ííd, 4th, 5th, nh, I5th. - Oilict' huuii tr. id 0 1 "■ . . i .j , hiuï fröni 2 1'. iM 'to 4 1. M. ÜnSundayfrom 9tcJ.0A ü..,and 1 to SP. M. j Maxima st iii:Tl. adhefed to-I aucl' tfalmafl hare noatrlfe, Witii anture ut LhglBt ti Witii bloodtuy húuds I aoyerataini Norjroinoii men tceatic theirpain. Ucis ü physidan indeed , who Curca. The Indïanfïer. Doctur, R. J. LYONS, curee the foltewtng compiaiatsinthe caotsi obstinate stages of their existi-nce, vi,: DiNCüHOP of the Throat , Luns, FTeart, I.ivor, ytomach , Drops y intndChest, Rheumatiam, Neurale oi" Falllng ickueaB .andaJlothi i nerrou - Ifli aügeraents. Also alldïse;tse.oi the bloucï aucij fth Scro'uhi , Lrysipeïns,Cancevb . ver dores., aa4all othercomplicated clnoii; Al) forma ol -.'emaie difflcultiea atiende cl to witii the 1) l pplOSt lMlltS. lt is hüped that no one wil) ilespair of a cure un ti] they liHVt UÍven the Indiaii llorb Doctor's Müdieioe a f;tit and fiuthful tfial. ïKlUiring the Doctor', travelrt ia K.ui iipc, Vcl Jiüic-, Suoth América, and the ÜDiU'd Staies, he hns been the nsu-nmeni in (Joá'í had, to.resturc to health and vigor thoaminds who ■f 1 1 givcn u p aDl prono unced ihcurablb by the most eminent oíd school physicíans; naj', more, thúuands who were on the ver.e ol the gf&vé, are pow living inor.uin?nts to the Iadian Herb's DoctorV skill and successfui treatmpnt,audare dailyexclaiming: "B'essel be thedi'.y when fu-st ve aaw and partook of the Indian Herb iíoetor'h medicine." atislifttory rpference.s of c jres will bo glaüly and cheerfully given feanéver required The Doctor pfedge hia word and honor, that he will in do wiseteotly ar indirectly, induce or cause any in?alid ín take hs medicine trithout (he probabílitv of íi cure. fií" Modoof exeminátion, whlohís entii(ilyiliï';rcnt i'rom thetftculty Dr, Lyon professefi to Ui3ceBn di■ j theeye. He therefore asks líoquestiooe, cor does he requiro patientsto oxplain ymptoins. Cal! om,1 iind iiil, ai'l have tbertfinptoras ant loention of your rliseastfeptainedfrec of charge. P"The poor símil belibt;va!ly considered. ÁS-PustoiP.cí-aíluress, box 2668. R. J. LYONS.M. I. Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 05. 1P2 ly80 A LEGT URE YOÜING MEN. Just Publislu'd in a Sealed Envelope. Prioe Six Cents. ALF.C1TRE on the Nature. Trpatment, and Radic.-il Out p uf .-"i -i.' i m itorrheÉ or r-V in i nal Wen koiiB, v".',ni;irv lüiv-s onn, Sexual DeMlity . and Impídiaoen1 - to ücnra !1 Narvounneiw, ''neumptinD, E'ilepiy, and Fita ; Meuiai nd pbrical InapacHy, esultinfroni tf Abuse, &c. By KOB'TJ CULVER. WH L. M. I).. Authorof lie "üwn Buok ' k. Thf wid-ld i f'iiwni-fl Mii'hor, in bla admirable 1 eer t'irt', clearlj pro ved fromJiis o'wn expeEieDcr, t!i it the awful coDflpquencei o! ■ buBe ma y te eflfect lally rei (iw'i v, .. h' ii : mfdicme, and wiiheut daugeroi surgiea ! opfcfs tnins, bcugies, intramefit8, rings , dr cnrdiats, pointiLK "Ut a icod f ooreat once oertain and eilectual, I y wbieïi evi rv iaflfi rpr, nn mal ter wh;it bis cn.üti.i ui.. ie may oure himsolf eheaply pr:.v;iic-]v, jliim ti lieaily Th is Icciuru will ( róve a boon to ilums■.id aod tbotiaoda -: nt n ■■■ r -'i: 1 ■ nnj - ■'.■Ves, in a piala , fPftled i u velo pe i n the recípt uf six eests, or two ïxjstage si%uiL)B. by adJreHf'ÍBg. ' CHAS. J. C. KLTNE&Co., %Q? Bowepy.N'ev York. Host íffle Hcx. 16SIÍ. ífO"wXRD A Sö 0 G I A T 1 0 Ms 'HIK ÜKU'HJA, PA. larnvpfi t jftlii' NrrTous. Scmïvnl.TJrlnnvy nnd ■ïiïi'l Sy;!fiS - ;,n-1 p-li -b1 tifat mp, ._ ,. . ; o lb HVjRD Vf-onATlOK- ■ ..,.;r ' n !■ ■ t ■■■■ ■■! pes het of ohnrce. .r ". li!. .: KII-M" fiOI UT') . FTnwfti i i i oc!' ■,-, r. . ■.■■,: in tli ■ I ■■'■' h-lTn. i'ennI ■ y . ■ ■■ ■ . i ■■■'"1 great Itch and Humor Killer oí the 19th Century f I ■■- nene priparatíon pusscsses mout wonderui prop' T'lift-, ;ilnl ÍS for trtry species of l!ie ITCH, PRAIKIK IT1I!, BAKRER'S ITCH. WABASI1 Sfl!ínr.S, ILLINOIS MANGK, ftTANEOCS EBCI'TIOXS. PJiHPLKS ON TUK IAII'. SALÍ KiíKlM, StAf.I) IIEAI), RiMÏWOK'JS, 4l(. l'ürilHÏO LOTIO Is ft new and certain run for all kinde nf Hclif aml belns a fluid ptvfusratton It is frt.-t f r ■ . 1 1 ■ )!l 1 1 1 - j;ii[iimi", dfettgre6atie qualitua of thC HTi'lilrlit il) iTf-tit-IHl USe. riiT'lü'id LOTIp i fffc toase iinder A1.L Cllt l'MSTANf I1'!: "11 not Iri-Itnte the most tendcï Mm, and CONTAINS NO MKIICUKY. non't tall to ti-y it. Mümif;a-!ured hy E. T. & W. T. nrFAELAKB, Proprietora, Lafayette, Ind. PRIOR 60 CIÏN'TS. LOIUI & S1IITH. Chifagfl. Wbotenh ABents. 8olci at Wholesale in Chicago liy FUL1.K II. FINCH k FULLKR: C11A1U.KS G. SM1TH ; IIUltNIIAMS 4 VAN SCllAiCK; W. D. 1IARRIS t CO.; SMITIt h DWÏEK; J. B, RKKD 00., and H. 8COV1L. WIZARD OIL! THjSJPLENDID REMEDY CURES ï TOOTHACffti Q NKI-RAI.OTA $ in Thrce M-lnutes. In Ten Minuto?. Ib Kiv.e Minutos. Inlen bibmm. ' CBM CO-I.IO DIPTHKRU Ln Ten Minutes. In a Few Hours. SO RÍ THROAT EHKüMATtSM. ín i few IIouj-s Ui a Fow Days. LAM BACK. SVKAiNS. CDtfcAKP BHOláES. BrRNS and 9CALD8. CORNS. CHILULA1.NS. I fe. , P.R- W Tlita lnvlRbl prcpnrttton onlynewW trl.iiio one liolil. i"Kl vuii iU Mwajri ke-P " 0D "n(S I isirtlw. Finoh Fuller 1 gi,ioaRo. BA.N2STER HAT STORE! o Gö TO Before you biy , Spring and Surnnaer styles oi ST1ÍAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishmg Goods, &c. nn Arbor, April 2mh, 1K64. Sni953. W5Ö. ÏÜ54i KTE"W FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. C. H. MILLEN Ib now openiug a NEW STOCK of Domestic and FORfiIGN DRY GOODS ! AND FAMILY GROCERIES, bought since the recent decline in GOLD, and many kinds at cuuöiderable Deduction from FormerPricest Picare cali early and makc your purchases while the stock is complete. C.H.MILLKN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1864. 976 CARl'ETS, Üil Clottts and House Furnishing Goods; ii oott Btock at 978 U. H. MILLEN'S. ! 0 THE I.AfflKS - A stock oí elegant Dry Goods, SliaivlE and Clnake, for the fall tr:tne, nnw opening .it 97fi C. H. JIIIXEN'S. TO TIIK "(ENTI.RMEN.- A. fine stock of Cloths, r-i -imereft, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, just rcelved at 376 C. H. WILLEN 'S. F . B A. C EC ha a new and complete STOCK OF I GOODS bought before the recent GREAT KISE IN GOLD 1 . 'Whichwill be Sold IE ClSH ONLY, .A.T THE L0WE8T MARKET PRICES ! i Cp.11 and See ! Ann Atbor, April, 1864. NEW PERFUME FIR THE HANDKERCHIEF. wmAmêmm A TlA.stiXfyifíKiii', S( lii nío mul l'incraiit Pcriiiiif , ]istillf ft om tlïc ft ii ro n 11 IE ca ai 1 i i H ! Vlo wcr f ro m wli Ie h IttalcfM ïih unitir. annfnctedonlyby PHALON & SOIY. HES0 Börare of Counterfelts. f Vftalott'j - TnJée ito other. 3o by druggiats generally. SHEiP TAKKN UP! ' C)'K 'N'TO THE ENCtOSURK o! the subscriber ï , ''"t the Stli of AnguHt, 18W ; K ola SbMpi aud lic-f ■la"1Hl "i'1' 'Ml llllnt "n the top of the ' -"'lio 0ier is requesteii to prove ch ', nnd (,ko them awajr. B„ WSI. BUSSFY. . JB. 2d, 18fl5. !M


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Michigan Argus