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" C. BLISS. rit FR in Clooks, Watchen, Jewelry and SiWer PSTn. . 22, New Block, Arbor. C. H. MILLËN. ntítSB n Dry Goods, Groeerie., Croekery, &c. &c. D,tf Street, A nn Albor. "phïlTp bach. nlilfflS DryGoods.Groceries. Boots & Shoes, ü ö-, Main 3t, Anu Arbor. ' GÉÓRGÍ" W. SNÏÏVÉËT „FiIERinMiscollaneous and School Books.SWtion5 ", Wil Papers, fee. Uuron Street, Ana Artor. r,FUFRS to HarJare, Stores, houe furoishing XrSw!r;I_&c:LNewJ31 sTgTYaylor, nUUB in Hts, Caps, Furs, Robes, Gents' Furnifhl)"j Z, etc. E;t side Mtón Street, Aan Arbor, litliigau. ""jTsutherland, lüMTfor the New York Life Insurance Company. { OffiM od H'.iron street. Also has on Uand a .stock 'in mo!t approve.t sewing machines . 88"tf "georg-TfíbchekT" r'HT MAKKET- Iluron Street- General dealer in ■1 hwh tad Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ilams, - , l.srJ, Tallow, &c. , &c. HIliAM J. BEAKE8 .TORNEV !!' CuasPlloratLaw, ntti golicitor in ICkMoerj. Office in City Hall Bioek, over Webster's I Bfre. , - LEWITT & BREAKEY. tÊl ÍH3ANS AND 80RGEOKS. Offtce at theresiI Kit of Dr. Leu'itt, north aide oí Hurón, two doors i siun street. M. ÖÜITERMAN & CO. g jitu,K and Betail Dealers and Manafae.turers II ifSwdy-Jfads Clotuing, Iiuportersof Cloths, Casimim, Doeikiss, Sc.Ko. ó, Phoenix Block, Main st: WM. WAG-NER. ; ÜSRin Read Clotliing, Olnths.Cassimerss, üVstBi;s, Hat!, Caps,Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., (is Biuck, Uain stret. SLAWSON & SON. ÍIÍOCERS, Provisión and Commisaion Merchants , and II Dealers in Water Urne, Land Plaxtsr, and Piaster iPiri,onedoor east of Oook's Hotel. jTm. söött. [ïl)IlOTyPE und PHutograph Artisl , in tie rooms, 1 mr Cimpion's Clothing store, Phoenix Block. Perxtiongiven. C. B. PO&TER, OÜBGEON DENTKT. Office Corner of Main andlluron Oitteets, over BaoU & Piersoa'o Store. All calis; wptlj ittended to Aprl859 MACK SGHMID. nSiLEBS in Foreigo and Domestic Dry Good, Groceu rits. Hats and Caps, Boots and Sh&es-, Erookery, t, Corner of Main & Liberty fits. 1pafförd Tdodsley . HfAVIJFACTURERS of nll kindn of Coooper Woik , ■UCitrCooper Shop. Cuxtom wort dine on short ". Cor. Detroit aüd N'orth Sttsets, aud cor.Nortb :fifth Streets Ann Altor. AND11EW BELL. 'MlF.Rm Urocris, Provisions. FSour, Prodiioes. ' ]Jte., c, ciirner táain and Washington Sireets,' Irkor. The higt-est miulict pricespaid lor country i.t. 866 M. C. STANLEY, Artist. ífMr Main tnd Harón Streets, Aun Arbor, Midi, fHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYI'ES, &c. . &c. , üii tatest iTleft , nnd every effort made te give 1 ■. . 956tf ! D. DeFOKEST. "US.VLE and retaild-ealer in Lumber, Latb, ' HraflíB.Saah, Ilonrs, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand ""Ulster, IMaster Paris, anti Nails A "'perfectassortment of tlie above, and allother nfbuiliiinmsvterials confitantly oo band at the 'PïMtle raten, on Detroit s., a few rodsfroni the "M Depot. AUo operating extensively in the "l Cement Rooflng. WiYIBER YARD! C. KRAPF, !id well atocked Lumber Yard, on JetTer' fwt, in Uk' Suuth part of the City, and will keep "% on haod sai eiteellent variety of SHINGLES. LATH, &ci. ilitwi" be soI' as 'Gllr as can be afrr'!e' in this "'i nil ptices such that no oae deed goto De,,„ , . CONRAD KRAPF: 'ber, üec. 6th, 1864. 98Gti ïlLllfR, AVIS & WEBSTER ÍBja-2XrECEIlS . Agents for the sale of lH& U. S. BONDS, I' á-10 Treasury Notes lso, for sale, Nest 6 Per Cent Compound LEGAL TENDER NOTES. ■, "MMul for GOLD, PREMIUM FÜNDS,and


Old News
Michigan Argus