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Sherman's Plans Not Seen Through

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The alarm respecting the obstructions to travel between this place and the West is, therefore, so far ns tho past sensalion rumora re conoei'ned, neud1js8. Whatcver riistriotion has beou placed upon travel in that direction was the result of a wisa military policy, justificd fully in the ejres of our military authorities. Sliermiui' plans have not been suffieieutly developod, as yet, to euable the formutiou of an opiniou as to vvhether hisimmcdiate destination is Colu rabia, Augusta or Charleston. The latter place in their possossion, would, in the eyes oí' Yaukcedom, compénsate i'or au y Iops which might accruo to the Federal íorues in obtaining it, becnuse of its noble, heroic and defiaiit resitstnnee, siiccessfully maintained against the most determinad aud elabor a'.u sitgo knowu to hiitory. Augusta in their hands, ana they would natunJly supposo that the principal channel oí conirnuoication witb tbe West was stoppcd up, to Bay notliiug of the neeessity oí reinov'mg government establishments and work shops toa certuin uxtont necessary in tho eontinunnoo of the war. Colnmbia, the capital of South Carolina, i a most tempting prizo, and would probably excite the eaergies of a man less enterprising tban General Sherman.


Old News
Michigan Argus