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$mml patita MIC8MN CEmU RA1LR0AD, Traius dow leave the statiou in tliis city as follows : JJoiug West. Go!ng East. H,20 a. m. 6.40 A. M. 7.10 p. M. 6.25 p. m THE BRIDAL CHAHUES, n Kmaj o Warniug and Instruction for Youug Hou - publi.shed by tbe Howard Asflociation, aud sent fr e of charge in sealedeuvelopes. A.Mross, Dr. J. SKILÏ.IN' HOUUHTON', Howard AMOcTItton, l'hiladelphia, I'a. lj99S PROF. R. J. LYONS' l'atients aod all others iuterreBted will please take nutico thal he will contin ue ïiia visits at the Xinnitor House, Adii Arbor, during 1864 aud '65 aad at the expirationof which ho willij continue bil vinits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment ot Lung aod Chest diseaiieH. WIUGHT'S RBJÜVENATING KLIXIR. HypoChokdriasis, distaste fur everytlnng, whetheisusteaaace for tniud or body , l&h.s ilude auU txliaustíon, imjerfeL seoretion and circulation, ure eifectually re lieved b_v the tïniely usw uf Wbiuut's ükjivkxati.nxí Kuïik; thiff ftrcüt tijnicaud retoraiiv' will expel every unpleaHai' _tílpt"m, Ittihu-ti buih body tnd muid a ith pnorgy and vior. Ily its contiiumus uwe evtry animal fluid wili be puriti"'!, every obsf-iietion in tiit' evHCiKitury chaunelf svt()t away and evory or;au reenernted. These may secm stroug statements, bnt tin y aro f'ullj borno tmt by the unquentioniibU' testiuionjr ttjk crowd of ffitaK88. Old Men and u-ovieit will ünd á wonderftil revUUzQg effect in tliis Elixir. Sold by ailre.sjectjiljl(j druggists throughout the United Ptates aud Canada. See adverliseraunt. 4w994. _L TO NERVOUS StTFFERERá, A GENTLEMAN . cured of Nervous Defelity, Incompt-toiicy. Premature I'ecay, and Yauthful Krror, actuated by & desire to boueöt others, will be happy to furnish toall who need it, (fret of ch;irge.) the recipe and directi. lm for making the simple renu-dy used in hia case. Sufferers vrishing to pruüt by the advertiser's bad experience,and pwssess a sure and valuable reme dr. eau do po by addrs.sini; him at once at his place of busiuesH. The Recipe and futí ínforniation - of vial im por - will fee cheerfully sent by return mailAddrtSij 'JOiiN' B. OGDEN, No . Cö N'assau Street, Ñew York. P.S-Nitvous Sufferers of both seses will flnd thia inforuiation in valuable. 3m98ti. AQOOÜ TEEE Ití KiNOWN BV IT8 FRUIT, öo is a goud Phyaician by bis Succeásful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGKKATANI) CELEBRATED PI1YSIC1AX OF TH1 THROAT, I.UNGS 4ND C1IKÍT, Known al! over the oountri as the Oleirated INÏ1AH H E R B DOCI08! r om Sfouth America, will 1?p at bib room. RÜÜSELL HOOSE, DETROIT, Oa-tb18th and 19th inat. ,on the satne dal $fau every subfiequeut mooth during 1862 and 1863, A NE AT I'AMPHLET Of t!ïe li'fe,study and eittensmi travele of Dr. Tjyon can be proeured by all whodesireone, free of charge. ' Dr. L. will visit Ann Arbor, Jaokson,and Adriau Mtch. , asfollows : Ann Arbor. Monitor ITouae, Mth. Jaoksoa, tihbard JJiuc, gist Adrián, Bfaefeett Iï iteád and 23d. MgükofIíxami.vation.- TheD'ietor disoerü? diseastfs bytbeeyea. , tkerefore,asks no quewt-ions nor reqiires patieu-tn fto explain symptoms. AÍÜicted, come and have your symptoms and the locAtÍ6ü &f your dis eüFet-xpIained free of charge U7S7 340LOAÑ! First Xation-ai, Bank of A.vx Akhob, i IiEl'OSlTABY AM fl.VA.VCÏAT. AOBST 09 U. S. STATKS, February ith,Xir5. 5 THIS BANK i8 the g-eiiit to receive subscription aind wUl kaep constantly on Land fors&le and delivery itbe United States 73 10 Treaeury N'otes.and will pay the Iaterest Coupons when due on preseivtatioo. The N'otes are i-sued in dcnmninatioiiri of $50, $100 $500, SlO'JOand $5100, wKb semi anuun'l Interest Conponn attaclu'd. an dated August löth, 1864, and at the cxpirntion of three years froio that date are convertible Hto FIVE TWENTY YEAR 8tac ptr cent. ooiuls, of whicfc the interest aad principal are payable in Gold, or rödeamaMe in Current Kun ds at the option f Iheholder. The intne#t axaounta to two ceots perdaj on each $10ö ncte, and ih semi-aunuaUy by coupon at.tached to each note? The great adrantages of this I-onn areIt pay a uure rate uf interest, (aevim and three tenths )er cent.) nrt depwndent upon or elïected by the Öucuations in (iold, and kighcr tnan tnvestors artaecuomed to rrceive front Savings Lanks, Bonds and Mortgagts, Loant, r.,and w exempt frora gtfete and MuiiicipalTax. ït is convertible at the end cf ïhreeyears intü Bocd.s )recisely similar to the popular anü faorrte FIVE TWENTIES," which are no selling at a hÍRli prertiium. In takiug the dow Sptpji Thirty I.oan, therefoie, invfstois are n elTect, Kectifling ancplian to tülte Five Ttsenty Bands AT PAR n three years from August 15th, 1864. 99't.l CHARLES H. RtCHMOfe, Casbier. GET THE HE T. WEBSTER' UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY ! ! NEW ILLUPTRATED EBITÍON, Tboroughly Revised and'oa.uch Enlarged. Over 3.000 Fine Engravings. 10.000 SVOHDS and MEAN'rXGS not found inotlier Dictionaries. Over thiriy abl Americfni and Kuropean echolars eraplfyed upon this revisión, nnd thirty years of Jnbor eipended upnu i[ Among tlie collaboratorB are Dr. Mahn, of Borfifi. Profes{r8 Porter, Dana. Whitney, l.vman, Gilman, and Xbacher, Capí. Craïghill, "of West Point Mili' trtry Academy, Jude J. C. P, rkins, Profesor Otiles, A.L. llollny, Eeq., &4.4 Sec, Several tables of great value, one of them ol fifty quaito pagfB, Kxplanatury and Pronouncing, of ñames in fiction of persons un1! places, jieeudo nyma, c, tc.j as Abnddon, Acadia, Albany Be gency, Mother of Cwy , Has on :uid Dixon's luie, Mr. Micawbtr, &c. (Vininjninp; one-fifth or onefourth moro marter than any f inner editions. From new electmtype platea and tho Rirerside Prees and Jíindevy. In one Vol. of 1840 Royal Qivirto Pnges. "GJÏT TEE LA TEST." "GET THE BEST." "ET WEBSTER. l'uliUgbcd l-J O. &C. MERRIAM, SjTingticl.!, MBa. Soi.d ut te.i-Bootsa.vas. ]0w9'6 WANTED- Mai-r.i.)d Ladies, Prof. 'on Veraei Diamond Dropf, a ncver failing and liar,nilesH reracJy for ;ill ob.structjo.ns ajad irreiiularílics. All inarried ladiex irill Qnd this a never fiiling preveutivc, for which il is warranted in every in stance, and invitcd to send a red stamp for a I lar, er $'2. 25 for a btt!c, to KREDËRITK STEARNS, wholesale druggHnt. ppnral agenl Michignu iur üie IMtmond IropK, P. 0. Drancr M3, Detroit. Denigre sufplfrettt prfjfrirtór'i prfew. '.iC 'xa %...J?;sh Tjlysoí I í ■ ■ -j . . - , . „-_ MU- ''J OÜR GHiNAMAM STILL UVES, Anl coiítinuot tu furnish lliat uiirivaled quality of 1 KA nïv nyn l'ouijil .it vlm IVojileV Store. Lovtiri 6f gwiü T'-a wül plf;i&e try a sample OF OUR NEW TEA. DkïOHEST iSÏICWAUT. Q-MOOSE1.ÏES Of all kinds. Fruit. Extracta, S).cts, Picl.lM, Oils, Pcrfunip?, í;c. Pule Liquur and Wines for Medicina] purponCK uüiy. UkFOKEsT & STEWART. Sugar ! Sugar I A sumll lot of low pricp:d sugar. DeFOEEST 5: STliWART. KSE" FISH.- Codfish, Wbitefish, Trout, ilackerol, Herring, Jtc. DeFOREST k STKWAIÏT. s yp tjp7syWpT A few barrels, extra quabtv. íítíFORKST & STEWAIiT. I 01L AND LAMP W DEPOT ! JiL KEROSENE OIL! fe7 The bost quality P ONE DOLLAR g Per Gallon. ySE_!X, 0SFOKICST íc STEWAIiT. HO! YEÍ Purchasers oí CROCKERY. GLASSWABE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. For gale at lcss than New York wboleflaie prices. by DkFUREST & SÏF.WART. A Good Clothes Wringer. i Saves time.' Sotes money! Saves clnthing Save ttrtngth! Sanes health! Saves hiring help! Saves weak wrists.' Sanes burning hands.' w-mb-i, clotbea can be wrung'oot .r büilioK watr tu prevent ubrinkng without injiny to 1 iie nliinc. DxFORBe:! S -. i.waüt. JOHN BROWN'S KNAPSACK Wat ilrapped upon his back, and when optnci wat faund to contain a Potvf Dr. liillingtoii's Pïg YAi'civmry wtiich wus hia in èj' arable coropanion, nï this accounts for liis robust anrl vigoran s constltution , liïs indiffMrenco to fktigaw a-nd liis kale wndbeaity ol nge. It i ö warr&Bteü to cure KINDS ÖF PILES, it uot oo'y treatü öiroctly for the Piles but is a certain cure cor Dypcpsia amísl4iyr Complnmts, Jaundice. Palt &h,u-m, 4. It is purely vegetable and nevei f a i 1 a tü e u M . Dj&ÖVEST & STEWAKT, Agentsfo Michigan. rrHE STATE AGRICÜLTJJBAL -1. COI.&EÜE. The SUttf Afiricultural College, I-Ansaag, Michigan., now offers to Btudc&tv vtry superior advantages. Four , years are requirpd ti complete the course "f studj, which is asíiill in Mtitheiuatics, English Literat-are, History , I'liilo-uhy , &c.,asin other Colleges. The c)urses in Cheabïatry, Meteorology, Botany , Acmïivl i'liyisology, aud otlier branches of Xatcral Scis-vciiare unuHiially extetiwve, gjreht atteiitioa beiug pnid also to thïr prac ical appHcations. The College ha Swrveyïng and Levelïnglu-etruments, a Museum of Kataral mstoíy, lhiio ophicul ments, uiid au ex-cel leut Ohjcuical L.AiioKATORY,ïn whíchstiidonts ure lauglit to rfiake analyses. The Faim bas clay. sand,loam of different kwids, bulto m lamli, luuck bedi, aud nearly eve y va riet y of hu il known in the State ; the stock has been entirely changed in charsQter of late, pure blood cattle of the Ayrshire, gthort Hora und Itevon, and ï-outhdown and Merino hheep.uud other valuable stock haTe been ! ded. In all mat Iers pertaining to farno and stock ; a.ijement elasa room and out of-duor instruction is] piVPii. Stich iustructicn wilt be much more fullthan. ov-er [hlfbro. ki a vegetable garden, unsurpassed in the Ptatefür ' tlip variety of it-t producís, in the orchard, the small fruit g;irtent the ornamental ga rdens and thofturserieSj Ktudi'nts are taught all the best methoUs trf Horticulture afld tyndred subjests. Students are paid for their labor, afcd their earninf nf,t uiïfroqueatly pay frora one tliir,! to onehalfof th&ir.eir punK'.'. t-iji-nts are tdmltted to select cour.sè and for any riifi'i 'Iherf is also a preparatory class'for those not ! Kiinicii'iU'y ;n!vancfd tu entev tlie ('ollegin te course. Board is at cust, la.-.t year at %2 SOprr week.. ïuftion Tree to student f rom the State ; to otlter, ïl20 a ytar. ttoojns are furniahed with steveand bed.stnad. The !claes for the firtit half year of 1865, will be pn maiK'ütlv organized tl:eIirBtdav fifMni'ch net. i'ox furtUer tmrticulari oj Jur catalogue aply to T. C. ABnOT, PreKident, Sw.-S') líftnsing, Michigan '. Greatest Medical Circular V BA X EvwPulttd! #4 Cl 1 I J 1 JKS-Fifteen-Sa large 1 I J I - í letter pages for tiro %■ # m U cent etauipu. , B Young Mi'ti'a Conü'lential Medical Advisers incase of Ppcritia nrrhca or Seminal WeaUness oaused by Mas turbaron, Genital tactalization, self abuse, txr secret habiU indiügt-d m b,y youLhs at the age oí juDRÖ. iíCBBON, HKR6EIÍT k CQ. , Proprie-tors of the National Dy&pensary, establihed u-t Ciuciunati, Ohio, Jan. Jst, 18fiO. In%olujitary Ijnisionsleíid to hnputency, Consumption, Insaaitj and I'eatli. Thone who suffer n the lt froni this bntful practice, should apjily the wliolo encry;y oí 'the Boul to tbe attaiiimentof heatth and C('ti-e([uoat contentment and happmess. Kvory one, eiíher ick or well, should liave our valuable treatbe on thl Mlbject, Wntch Ib s'nt free of cbarge. We guara nt te to cure Goaerrhooa, 'jlceit,, S} 'l'.iliia, ImpDtency, Nocturnal Einissíons cr Abose, I)iurnal niihsim b, Feroale Complaintn, in short, tvery poafltbJfe form andjariQtj of Kexular l'iscasp. tCuir-es ,r:ip'd, thorough and jiermaucut, and fccm ruodovale."" tíend for our Cn.cular DB. JACKSON't? KKMALE PIÍ.LS- $1 peí box - Special writlen repli (.■., . 11 M.-iU;d, sent with t lie drcular, ; without charge. 300 pages, ICO eDgnTlsgm. - "Til; .Mdiuitaiii ( LIght, or McHciiJ Protector and M&rnae Gui!e, and a& Ksplicit Key lo Lnvcaml líeíiuty." Jt 8ATI3FACÏOR1LY reveal-s various suojeets never befurefully exjjlaiued in any popular work ni tlte Engli.h larguae. Price .50 cents, or three for kfedJdnc and tABtrnottnn sní to any pirt of i!if nouintiy. Consultí-Píí Rftosns of ihe Díspeuary , No. 107S-cunore streot. [ -O. Hox. No, 436.. PR. JACK-ON'S ORIENTAL LINIMKNT K' moves all coldnefe, and reju vena tos orgau wliich have lain dormant fq1 m.any yeare Can be mailed with perfeet ntety, Pricö $2 per bottle. I)R. JACJvSO.N'ti I-'KKNCH RAJiJÍT MAiE FK. Tt isthe my ure an-1 pnle preventive agalcst con traetmg diattam ever inveutiíd, Price $fl. each, $1 per half dozen., a&A $1 pt r dozen, sint by mail. 6m9fJ6 FOR SALE! nA HOIK-5 AND [.OÍS, wur-h from $1,000 to j) .'.,0:u. Also i-evcr.l impruvcl KARM8 A.J SrrHF.BLANP, nn Albur, Pil M.UÍ5. Vvitl C'cmme h -ni .igi-nt, CL.OSING OUT Sa LE ! -AT THE"OLD CORWr.S!" In orJi'r to room for SPRIK PüRCHAS8, Tor tiie ut-xt S1XTV LAY. I 111 0i t Great Reduction in Prices' A!l aemo'iublo COODS, con-Uting of a grt voriety of Faü Bi Winter CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Flannels, Elankets, IIOODS, NlJ'üIAS, &C. AUo, a largo assortiment of BOOTS AND 'SMOES! Iu order to cloe out tbe ttoik. PrintsI3O to 37c. A gooii Assortmcnt uf CHO1CE FAMILY GROCERfflSI CONSTANTLy ON HAND. 0. B. THOMPöON. Aun Arbor, Jan. lHb, 18C5. 6w9.l E3r3F1.3S3jÉk.M3C1 CXOSIJVG OUT A SI'LENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! C3-eaa.tei' FURNiSHINfi OOOOS. CASSIMERES, Oloth-, Satínete, c. DOMESTICg, SHOES, HATS I CAPS, Orockery, GHOOEHÏES, &c, A t be aold at prices that #ffl gur ajilee their N. B.- The Wc Stik of ChIko and Brown Cutton in tha City at les than Muiufeturei ' Jirices. The highest prlcc paid in Trade or cash ior all kinds : uf Produce. MACK & SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWIN6 MACHINES, PfíOTOGfiAPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, Sfc. The undersigned tow offers the public TUE BEST JP .A. IsL I IL. Y SËW1NG MACHINE IKT JFO DURABILITY, BEALTYoJ STYLE, aÁ VARIETYof WOEK,it "STANDS UP HEAD." It iieiNlsenlytofoewwn to beapnreciated . Run the worlt bnth ways, tates four kind of stitchen, henis, feil, gathr, braiils, bind, quilts, gathcj-s nul ewi on iv ruïne ut the name time. Sews fiom tbc tliinni'st to the ttiickefjt fabric without ofcingiaií the etitch, tensión Or needie, or without breaking the theaa It is The Wonder of the World ! A'Iko a Tfiety or the mest beautiful riIOTOGRAI'H ai,i:i ms, ricïrRKS and frames in gieat raMaty. nd pictures tramed to order at short notice. 4JM. IiARNUM'S SKLF-SEWEIt or TIKKER, whioh a-n be arljusted to any BtilHog Mncliine. CM at the siftn of the FLORENCE &ÉWIXG MACHINE, a few door of Cook's ftotel. StÜching Neaíly Done toOrder, A!so. on (fiMWtton.tbëcelebrated " WEED SJSWIXG lACHIN'E," which took thü iren-.ium at the Michigan tate Fair, of 1864. W. O. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Df.;. aStb, 1S64. OBOtf JjO STANDARD jr SP of all Ki.vns., M&' '■- 3 Wanhttw. Trurl;s, Letter Prasa, fc. FAIRBAKKS, GÜEEKLEAF & CO., 172 Lako Strecí . CHICAGO, - Soldiu Detroil hy FAKRAXO, StlKLEY A CO. i Ee caióiu! io Iüj t!i fipuiiinc.tlií'SÍ


Old News
Michigan Argus