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DYSPEPSIA, „.Vil DIrfKASeS RES ULTISKF KOM DISORDERS OF THE LIVEE AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, AllE CÜRKfi UY HÖOFLAND'S GERMÁN BSTTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING T&esc Bitters have performpil more Tures HAVE AilD Dl) (HVgRftTTEÖ 8ATKEACÏION Have more T'í1-.! htiony I HAVE MORE RESPECT ABLE PEOrLE TO VOUOU FOR THEM 1 Than any other artiole in Ihe market.. We dely ;uiy DtM to tfOHtadict this Assertion, A XI} WIl.1. PAY SIOOO Tiüuiy ono wno wil! pro.luce a Certifícate publr.hi'i] by u.s,lli;itiK not GE-NLlMi. HÖÖFLASD'S muí BITTERS WII.L CUKli 1 KVKRY CASK OK Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Diseaaes of the Kidueys, and Diseasea arising ftom diaor-; deied Stornach. Obttret Ckt followitig sympi 'ims rttiúl'mg front Disorders of the Digesüve Organg : Coni-tipation , InwaiJ Pilea, FoHnsSS of Blood to the head, Aoidity, of tlie Stoyach, Nausen, Heartburn, Disgust for t'ood, Fiillnégs or welght intheHtomach Sonr Eructatlom, Sinkinjr or iluttc ring at tbe pit of tlie Stomach, Swimmin of the Head, Hurrie'l ami 'iillicult breathing. Ffutterin at the Heart, Choking or üuffocating SeunUoafl when in a Lyiug Posture. DimnesF of Vision r Pota or Wba belore the Sighf, Tevcr and Dull l'ain in the Heal, Hefldiency of I'resplntfew, V?Howness of tlie Skin aml Eyes, pain in tbesMe. back,, liinbs, Sic, Suiidpn flushes of Heat, iiurnina in the Fiesh, Coustanl Imagiuings ufEvil and Great Deprossion of Spirits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT AL1OHOLI0, CONTAINS NÜ RUM OR WIIISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRÜNKARDS, BUT In the World. L3?" READ WHO SAY SO : Fromthe Rov. I.evi O. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, X. J.,:ormory of the NoFth BaiiistCMirch, Philadelphia. I have kuorn Ifooflaiid' Germán Bitters favorably foranumberoi years. 1 hart uaej them in niy owii family. iiml have been so pleased ,vith tlieir elfocts that 1 a iiKluced to recoinmend them tü roanj otbers and know haSth7l)ave(.(l.r,!teJ in a strikingly beneficiar manner. I takegreat pleasnre in' thus" pub] cly pru claimiiiK this tact, and calling the atteution oí those alllicted with the diseases lor which they are recom ir.onded,ti tlu-so bitters, knoiving from expsrieuee that my reooniuiemlatioD will I'Uo this more chteetfolly na BooiiWs rft'ei% ■' irfleMèa to 'benefit tiiu atliicteil, aaKi ÍH ''"not a ?v,m drink," ÏOWU tfnly, LEVI G. BKCK. From Rev.J. Newton Broirn, I). D. Editor of theEncychiertia of Religivai Kuowledge and Uhristian Chroiiicltï, Puilade! jihia. Jlthoui;h not disponed to favor orrecommend Patent Medicines in i;eneral,tli"iugh distrust of their ingredTSDts and effect , I yet know of i suffleient rcasons why a man maynot testify to the benefits lie believen himself to have received fromany simple preparation in tlr hope that lie may thuscontributeto the beneüt ofothers. I do this more readily in regard to HooHand's GerDWO Bitters, prepared by Ur. C. M. Jaekaon of tbil city, becau.-e 1 was prejudice.i againsf them f'or manv yt'ars, untlcrtlie inapression tha1 they iv;i' cliieüv aïi alohoholic mixture. [ am indebted to inv friend "Rob ertáhoemaker, Esc[., for the removal of "this prej'udice bv proper tests, and for to try them lien suircring from great and long continued debility The use of three bottles ol these bitters at tlie beginning of the present yrar, was (olfbwed by erident relief and restoration tw a degree of bodily and menta] vigor which I had not for six months before, and had almost despaired f regaining. 1 thercfore thank God and my friend for directing tr.e to tt e useof them J. NKWTONBROWN.Phila. Krom the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the lOthBap tist Church. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir:- I have been frequently requested to connect my name with coinmendations o! dHïerent kinds of medicines, but rfgardiñg the pi actie? as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all casei declined ; but vith -i cléarpióof in Varioua instancfis aad partícula! iy in my family ,of the luetullness of l'r. Hoofland's Germán Birters, I depart lor once from my usual course, to t'xpress my f u 11 eanviction timt, oï general debility t)t tbe system and t'specially for Livcr Compïaini, ït is a fe and valuab'íe preparation. It some cases it may fail ; but usually, I dou t not,il w;] be vory beneiicial to those who sulfer from the above i cause. Yourfl, very respectfully, .T.H KfA'N'UiP, Kiglith belon Coates .Street, Plii'ln Krom Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantowiij Penn. Ir. C M. Jackson :- OearSir : - Personal exporten? enables me to say that I regard the Germán Bittere prepared hy you as a mostexcel ent medicine. In case .f serere ooJd and generalrtebüity I have been grejitlv beiH[itl by the uso of the Bitt r, and doubt not the wil! produce simiJn;1 effects on otboys ours, truiy, WARREN RAVnof.VH. ieimantmvn, Pa From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Hedding M. E Church, Phila. Dr. Jacïwon :- Dear Sir .- Having used your Germán Bitters in ray familyfrequentiy , I arr prepared to saj that it has been of great service. I believe that iu most cases cf general debility of the systera it ia the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowiedge. Yours,respectfullj, J. H. TURNER, NV 72tí N". Ñineteenth Street. From the Rev,J, M. I.yona, formerly Pastor of the Columbua, (N. J.)andMill8town, (Pa.) BaptistChurches. NewRochelle, N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jacbfion :- DearSir: - I feit it a pleasure thusTof my owHacCörd to bear testimony to the excellence of the Germán Bitters. Some years since, being much aOlicted with Iyspepsia, I used them with vfcry beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persons enfeebled by that tormeuting disease, and have lieard from them the most flattering testimoniáis as to their great value, In case of general debility, 1 believe itto be atonic thatcan notbeaurpasiied. J. M LYONS. FromtheRev. Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson ■- Dear Sir: -I fee! itdüe to yotir excellent preparation, lloofl;tnd'sfïeraian Bitters, to adtf my teiitiraony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have foryears, at tiñies, been troubled with great disorder in my headand nervous systeni. I was advised oy a fríend totry a bottle of your Germán Bitters. I did so and have experieneed great and unexpected re lief; my health has been very materially benefitted. T ■confidently recommend the article w;ere I meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by raany of their good cHeota. Respectfullyyours, T. WINTER, Rnxborough Pa. FromRev,J. S. .Herman, of the Germán Reform ed Church, Kutztown, Berks Co. Pa, Dr. C. M. Jackson - Respected Sir. - I hare been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and hare never used any medicine that díc rae üb much good as Hoofland's Bitters. I mn very much improved Ín health aftér hftving takeu five bottles. Ytonrt;witb respect, J. S.HERMAN. PRICES. Large Sixe, (holding nearly doublé quantity ) $1 00 per bottle- tía] f ïóz; $5 00. "i?inall Siae-7ö oonts per Bottle- half dozen $4 00 , BEWARE OF OOUNTERFEITS. See that the signatura of " C. M. JACKSON" b on the W RAPPER of each bottle. Shouldyonr iiearefitDriiggi&t not hare the article, (ín not be put off by Intoxic&tfng preparations that may be ofTered in Ha place, but .sttnd to xt ,ud we will forwarü,' securely packt'd,by express. Principal OfEcc arnl Manufactory, NO 631 ARCH STEfET PHILADELI'HIA. & Evans. Successors to C. M. Jackson Sf Oo. PUOPRIETORS. For salu hy DruggUt au-J Dealtin iu tvery t th Ujlted miite. I j rpHE KO0T6 AND THE LKAVB8 JL WU.L befor the Healiig ol tueNatiuna. Bihlt. ■ TFIE (5RHAT ANli nii.KBilATKl) PfltSfójA'N of the THR0AT,LUN03, .1) ,VU',UV1'.R AND THE 13I.OÜÜ, Known all u vur the country uk Ihe CKI.EimATKD INDIAN HERB DOCTOR1 Ot 282 Superior Strect, Cleveland, Oblo, Wil! visit the fullowing places, vil APPOIMTMEXTiJ FOK 1S.Ü2, 18ü3a.McI lSCt. Trof. K. J. Lvuiim ca:i bv consulttil at the fnjlowinir place.severy montti, viz: Detroit. Russcl liiHisc. o:ir.h mbnth-, 18th and ïyth. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each moDth, OOth. .Jjick&on, llibbürd Uouse-ach niouth, 21. Adrián, Brncktt House, eaoli montli 2ÍA and23il. ' Toledo, Ohio,Colhns Houae,eac!i inonth, 2-lth.ötb and öth. HilLsilaU-, Mich'i , HilUdaU House, each monU. . 27tli. Coldwater, Alich.. Suumern ilicaigaii! eah inontli, S8tb. Klkhai ! . tikliart Houaf , each month . 29th. South Beurt, Inri., St. Jo. Ifo'el, each mouth, 30. [.aporte. Uní., Tee Garden fKané, each month Sist. VoO3ter,OUu), Craiidil) Kxehjnge, each month, 7th anrtgth. Siuu.'hVid, (iliio, Wiler Houst each month, Uth and 10 th.: JU. Yernos, Ivenyon Huuwe, teh month, llth and 12th. Xewark, Olno, Holton lïcnise, eAch inoatii I3th and I4th, " l'ainertvilli'. Ohio, CowlcKHoufte.eacli month, 1 1 rl.KVKl.ANl. 0111(1. Kl:sllil'.x;i. .N1) OFFICE, 282 SUJPJEálQIl riTKEET. Kast of the public square, oi].(eite the Fo.stoflice. (Hiiceday.s each inoiiLh. Ist, Üd, 4th , 5th, 6th, 15th.- üllicc hours frum 9 A. M. to M. and f rom 2 i, li.'to 4 P. M. UnSundsy Irom 9 to lü A. AL.,auJ 1 to 2 Y. M. fy-Maximsstrictl; adbred to-1 givt; sucU b;üui aö have ao strife, With HHture or the las of !it";, With bloed my hands 1 nt'Vi'i stuin, fïoTuoison toen toeas tht'irpain. He is a phisiriaji 9rnCeed} who (Jures. The indina HerL-Uott tor tR. J.LYOKÖ, curen the fojlowing coKipiamtsiiithe mósL obstinate etages of their existenee, v-.; Diaeasesof vhcThroat, Lange, Heart, I-iver, Stomach, Dropsy in the (Jkest , lílieuiaatit-m, Neuralgia ( Kits, or Fallin,cSiokmiHB,andalIotheraerVousileraDgemeut8. Also aüdiseasesuf tke bloud, .such -an Serofula, Krysipelas.CancersVVevér dofea, Leproay, and all otiier complicated chroDic oomplftinis Ailforms oí Témale iliilicultirs attrw:led to with the happiest reriults. It is hoped that nö orte - iX i'.e.-tpRir' of a c'u-re until the; have giveu the India. r. Tíerb Doctor's Medicines a fair and fait hful trial. flG&,turiug the Doctoi'f travels in Kurope, WpsI Tndii's. Soulh América, and the United State, he has been ilu; iüsirument in God'n hand, torestore to iiealth and vigor thouf-audK who we re given up and pronountied ídcu rabie hy Lhr most eminentold school physician.s; aayr mdf e, thousanda who wereon tbc verge of the fjrave. are now living moLumnta to the Indina LferVs Döetir's t---kill and BucceaBfulQfattnent, andaré daiTyftxcIatining: "Blessed betheday wheu öret we saw and partook of the ladian Herb Dtartor'a raciieint'." ?atisfactory reJ"erencesüí cares will bo gladly and oheerfully iven bénevOT íeqjiiredi The Doctor pledget) hifi word and honor, that he wil] n no wise.directly or indirectlv, induce or cause any iirvRlid to take biü medicirifwithout the strongest probability of a cure. jOQF" Mode of examination, which Is enthclv different frora the faculty. Dr. I.yon professes to discorn diseaBes by the oye. He thevefore asks noquestiuns, nor docRbe reqnir patienteto expl&ïn symptomfl. CaJl one and ü, nd havethesymptoma and location of your dtseaseexplalneá "reo of charge. tïThe poor shall beliberally considered. 2663. R. J. LYONS,M. I. Cleveland , Ohio. Nov. 25,1862 lyS80 "a lectürë" Y 0 U N G M E N. Just Published in a Sealed Euvelope. Price Six Ceuta. ALKCTUREontheNature, TreJitment, and Radical Cure of SpermiitorrhflB or tíeminal reakni'K8, Involuntary Emiss on, Sexual Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriate ge nt rally. Nervousñesí, Gongnropi Iod , Epilepsy, and l'ita ; Men tai and physical Innap;icity , rftBultlngfrem 8elf-Abuse, &o. By ROB'T J. CÜLVERWF.LL, M. 1)., Author of the "Grein Book ," &c. The world renowned author, in bis admirable I.ecture, clearly proved from lils own experit-nce, tiüit the awful consequeuces oftíelf-Abusf may be etïfctually removed without medicine, and without dangcroussurgical operations, bougies, instrumenta, riiifs, or cordial 3, pointing out a ir.ode of cure at once certain and effeotual, by which every auffert'r, no matter what liis condition may be niüy cure himself cheaply, privately, and radica! ly. This lecture will provea boon to tliousandft and thoupandfi. Sentunder seal. to nny addreas, o a plain, sc-aled envelope on the recipt of six cents, wu postage slumps, by addressing. CHA9. J. 0. KLINSftQp., G7 Boweiy , New York, Poat -Office Bot, 4586. HOWARD ASSOCIATIOW, PHILADffljPHIA, FA. i tseaaea of tibie IVervous, Semlnal.Uilnary IJ and Sexual Systems - new and reïiable treatnent- in reporta of thtï HOWARD AS-OCUTION- Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of chargeAridress Dr. J. SKILLIN UOUGHTON, Howard Assooi ilion, No 2 Soutb. "Nintíi .-ftreet, l'hiladelphin , Pennïylvaafa. TyW.) IÍÜRISOTOTÍÍ The great Itoh and Humor Killer , of the 19th Century ! Thip new preparation posgeaaei molt wonderfui ] propertieit and ts A. S TT XI 13 CÏJIIE ïor every gperlcs of the ITCH, PRAIRIK ITCH, BAKBER'S ITCH, WABASB SCRATCHES, ILLINOIS MAN CE, CCTANEOCS EBIPTIONS, PIMPLKS ON THE FACE, SALT IlllKOI, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORHS, kc. Tho PRURIGO LOTIO Is a new an! certain mr ior all kinds of Itch, and neinf; a fluid preparation IÉ is free from all the gumray, dlsagreeable qualities of the ointments in general use. The PRURIGO LOTIO is safe to use under ALL CIRCUMSTANCKS; will not irrítate the most tender skin, and CONTAINS NO MERCURY. Don't fall to try lt. Manufactured by E, T. & W. T. Jk 1 ARI.AM, Sole Proprletors, tafayette, Ind. PR1CE 50 CENTS. LORD K SHITH, Chicago, Wholesale Agents. . Sold at Wholesale in Chicago by FUL'LKR, FINCH FUU.KR; CHARLES G. SMl'l'H ; RURN1IAM8 k VAN SC1IAACK; W. D. IIAJÜU8 4 CO.; 8MITII 4 DVVYHR; J. 11. RKKD 4 CO and JU SCOVIL. WIZARD OIL! TRIS SPLENDID REMEDY CURES É TOOTHACffii SO NEURALGIA ffi ín Three Minutes. ín Ten Minute. EKUlCHE KAKACIIE Ib Fiv.e Minuten. ■ In T Minutes. CBA-MP CO-I.IO DIPTHKItlA ín Ven Minute. In a Few Houva. SOKK THKOAT " KHErMATISM. tu h Few lloara Iu a y,,w nay,. 1,AMKIÍA(Jk! si'UAINs" CUT8 AND BlUnSES. juu.NS isu SOAI.IIS. COltNS. CHILUI.AINSi. Tliiw InvntuHhlQ in-Bpiirlioti (mly nct-d ;l Iiialto ni.miu mi its If t.i t-Vcry Linifthilii in the himi. l'w one hotile ;irnl yuu fliR ah;iys kt'ip il tiu ]i:iiul ftLa!flitt the linie ut 11' til. Vv'u-c 8A6 ni' -iti'l T.ri r.-nts pr b(-ttle. TJie large buttlt'g coni.iiii ii'ítttv 1 1 ir f linit-s ;i tfyadbjvi illf jranl! iin.s. M sVlin,..M-v ..'.. A'. ÜAMl.IN í;:i.j., i W:is!iin:t. 11 -mrt-, CMetüo, nfl ftfr sl fi ilrn#iif 1:1 i.'ii.llv. -) ., . , . ,, l Mullí i-, Kull-r I „, . BANNER HAT STORE! GO TO SP Yfl AflA ti Iftï UQ i # Iiefore y o a buy jSpriug and Suumer tyies ot STRAV GOODS! GEISTTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. Ann Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 3m953. 1864. 1864. NEW FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. - o - C. H. MILLEN Ia now opeBÍEg a NEW STOCK of Domestio and FORBIGN DRY (MS! AND FAMILY GROCERiES, bought since the recent decline in GOLP, and many kinds at cousiderable Deduction from FormerPrices! PIea6e cali early aud m&ke jour jvurchases while the Htock is complete. C. H.MILI.EN. Adh Arbor, Sept. 1864. 970 CARI'ETS.OnCIothj and Home Furnishing Guods; u goctï Btock at 976 O. H. MILLEN'8. rO THE LAMES - A stock of elegant Dry Goods, Shawls and Cloaks, for the fall trade, now openingat 976 C. H. MILLEN'S. 'yo TI1F BESTLEMEN.-tA fino Kloek ofCloths, i Oasímeres , and iients' Farniëhing Ooods, jus: cueiTod at am s C.J1 KILLEN'a P. BACH has a new and complet stock, op si m mm bought before the recent GREAÏ RTSE IN GOLD ! fWhichwin bc SolcJ) POE CASH ONL Y, -A.T THE LOWEST IIMARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Arm Arbor, April, 1864. MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSUKANCE COMPANY Kalamazooi HVIich.) lusures against Loss 01 Daniage by Flre er liiglituing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ouarantee Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Marsh Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Sntdeb, S. D. Allek, Geo. W. Alien, OFFIOERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre. T. P. Shflldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E. lloyi Au't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gr.n. Agl. 940tf JDtt. SMITH'S PRESCB1PT10N & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Wi-itina Paper, by the Reamorless, ENVELOPS, aml all iither articles in our line. t&F Ks[ieci:ilattention to Compounflingan! putting upPrescriptions, at the Rijm of (iOU) MOKTAR, Kxcliange Block, Ann Arbor, Michian.ftAr ■fitS Profesional calis promptiy atteud J to. 1 Y960 100 City Lots for Sale.


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