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About Evergreens

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In the midst of wiuter, with the bright foliage of spring and eumraer faded aud gone from all our forest trees - the scène presenta but a barren picture, and the eye wanders in vain to catch some object whereon remain some of the glories of the past season. 'Tis now that the evergreens are the most beautiful and most admired ; their verdant foliage, their dense forras, are objects truly grateful to us in every respect. In the forest they stand out boldly amid their leafiesa brethreu, distinct landmarks to the view, and go far towards lessening the barren and cheerless aspect our forest present through the winter, and win us baek to verdant fields again and smiling meadows - even amid the snows of January. Few, indeed, we thiuk, could fail to love an evergreen tree - they should have a place in every lawn and in every yard. But however beautiful, unfortunately they do not receive that attention in the West they should ; the plantations of this important class of trees for ornament and otherwise, are, as yet, confined to the few - the reason of this we think, is, thit the people havo not been fully aroused to see tho matter in its proper light. Aside from their beauty audp the effect they produce on the landscape ; they fill an important niche in rural life. When the north wind, ehrill, keen aud cutting, comes swoeping over our prairies, what have we better to shelter our homes, to créate an impasaable wall, almost, to the wind, than rows of cedar, arbor, vitse, spruee or tir ? A belt of fine trees around tho farm yard, even upon the most exposed positions, is tho surest protection against the rude blasts that sweep over it ; while the air within the belt will be mild and genial. Our horticulturists have found evergreens to be the best protection for shielding half hardy trees; guaiding them from the extremes of heat and cold - or rather, cold winds and warm sunshines, for which our winter days are so remarkablo. To the fruit grower thoy are of the greatest benefit, especially to those who have boen by forcé oí circumstances eompelled to lócate their plantations on exposed positioos - and, as before remarked, tho cheapest and best protection to shelter his trees in winter, or his fruit in spring, from tho raw winda and late spring frosts. Boundary rows of spruee or cedar, fourteen or sixteen feot high, we are confident would aid in fruiling thouBands of orchards evory year. Such being the case, we would suggest to our prairie farmera aud fruit growers to plant, not only around their cultivated grounds - but arouud their en'ire f:trm, spruce, fir or cedar. In the cöurao of half a dozen yeirs ttiay willj furnish a better and moro durable shelter thán a board fencn to'ild give. Tbis most m, ortant brnróh f 1 bandry has been nglected 10 m: cl - j ita importance ehould bo more fully presented to the ptople, and to tliose living on prairie lands espcci: 11 v. By a little extra c:ire and attention, their cul ture will ba iuvanably a Bucoe;-s ; and by a littla more nur.sing nnd prunin, their growth may be made more symmetnoal and more dense. We fear our I article íb already too long, and will speak of those kiuds of evergreens most auitable for furming proteeting belts in


Old News
Michigan Argus