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Resignation Of Hon. Geo Luther

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The íollowi'ig letter of Hon. Geokoe Lctiiek, of Ottawa, resigning bif seat ! in tho IIourw, was sent iuto tbal body on Saturday laat: To tho Speaker of ibe House of Representativas : Dkar Sia: Tha result of the votb j taken last evening upon tbo qnestion of of contosted seats, renders it ueoessury fnr mo to adopt a course to vindícate my viawR nnd impressions of what is my i duly, and of what believo to be the j riovT and wishes of my constituent-1. Tn doing so I do not propos3 to fiud ! fnui witn, to condamn, or to judge of j ♦be aotion of the majonty in t!ie House ; m to the conolusion they arrived at on Ihnt que8tion. Indeud, I hnv every ! rsanon to baiieve that evory gentleman of them acted in aotordauea wiih his j #wn judgHMftt of right, and that I toieQtiouly, ani yet my own oonvictionn of riifht lead me to taka an opuosito Tiw to that of Iha maprity. It is truo my own sent in tho iíouso has not been fr-mtoited, no applioant baviug appaared or petitioned for it, etill had tho rewult of the Tote oí last evening been ditForent, I hav every reaaon to bolLve that my conipeiitor in the reoent eSection woald have potitioned for aijroitianco to the Houbo, he having reoeived at the iection a inajority of the home vote. Koalizing that at no time ince the deoiion of the Supremo Gourt has it been íd my power by any act of mine to pire my competitor my seat, I havo waited the aotion of the House, trusting ♦bat the rosult of that action would be tn vield to tho opinión of the Suprerne C iurt, thue permitting my competitor t oscupy the seat I now hold. I also realiza thüi by no action of mine now cu he be admiued as a üiember, still under all the circunietances, nnd with the riews I conscientiously hold on the subject, I cannot foei that it is right or proper for me to occnpy a seat in the Hongo upon a rninority vote of the legal voters of the district thal I have attompted torepresent. My cons'ituents demand that I reeign. My own conviotioöi of right demand it. I heroby re hien mv eat as a rneuiberof this House.


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