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Interesting Questions And Answers Relative To 7-30 U. S. Loan

Interesting Questions And Answers Relative To 7-30 U. S. Loan image
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Mr. Jiy Gíxiks, of Pbilatfolphia, wliq or bo long a time liad thü management ; i' the popular 500 niilüon ;.2O Loan, i las jtist bfcn appointud by Si-cietary Fessemluo, tbé Qéíerftl Agent to dis poso of Lbo only popular Lun HOW ofeied tor bíile by the Govcrunuut, viz. : tho ' SEVEN-TfilHTY." íq éntoring upon lii.- du'ics ho deaires to anewer pluiuly tl;o largo number sf quesüuns duily. and liouily propounded to liim, 8.0 tbat bis fellow.-counryíneh may all underotaud what ihi "SovauThirty Loan" is- what are its peculiar mërRa how thcy cao sabsoribo for or obtain tbe notos, oto. ]t Question - Why is tbis Loan called iho " Scvüii-Tbirty" Loau ? AnswHf - Tt buars interest, in oucy, at tHë rata of seveu dollars and hirty oents, each year, on overy biHH red" dollars; makiug the iuterefst as ollosvs : Due cent per day on oach $ 50 note, rwocen-s" " 100 " reu a 500 " IVenlv " " 1.000 " One dollar " 5,000 " 2d Question- When and how cao hey bo obtained ? Answer - They are lor sale, at par, and accruecl inte'rest, by all Sub-Treasuries, National and olher bauks, and all jankers and brokers. 3d Question- When is the interest payable, and how can it bo collooted ? Ansiver- The Coupons or Interest Tickets are duo 15th of February, and 15th ot August in each yéar, aud eau be cut off iroin tho noto, aud will be oashod by any Sub-Treaaurer, U. S. l)elository, National or other Bauk or Liaoker. 4th Question - When must the Government pay off these 7,30s ? Answer - They are due in two years md a half trom tho 15th of February, 1865; viz. : on the 15th of August, 1867.' . , . 5th Question- Must I receive back my mouey so soon as 1867 ? Answer- No! not unless you yourself prcfer to do bo- the luw gives you tho right to doniand from tho GoverDment, at that time, either your money or an equal ainount at par, of . tho iamous nd popular 5.20 gold bearing 6 per ceut. Loan. 6th Question- How :nuch do you consider this privilege of conversión, into 5,20 loan to be worth ? Answer- 5.206 bearing gold interest from the lst of November, are to day worth 9 per cent. premium. II tney are worth no more fet the end of the two years and a haJf, whea you have a right to them, than tuey dow are, tUis premium added to the interest you re ceive, will give you at least 10 per cent. per annuru lor your mouey- bat the opinión is that they will be worth more than 9 per cent. premium at that time. 7th Quustion- What other advan tage'is thero iu iuvesting in tlie 7.30 Loaü ? , Answer - It cannot be taxed by 8 cates, Oounties, or Cities, and this adda irom one to U) ree per cent. per anuum to the net income oí the holdcr, aocordiug to the rate ot' taxation in various locuhtics. All bonda and stocks, exeept thoae of the United Otates, and all mortgages, &o , are taxed, not ouly by the Goverumeut, but by States, Gnuoties and Cities. 8lli Question- How does the Govorn inent raise the money to pay the interest, and is it safe and suru ? Auswer - The Government collects, by taxes, iutornal revenue, and dutic-s on imports, fully three hundred inillious each vear. This is nearly tbree times as müch as is needed to pay ihe interest on all the debt, and as soou as the war id ended, the auiount not neoded to pay the interest will be used iu payiug otí the dcbt. Our Government bc.s twice paid all Us dubt, and can e&sily do so again. The interest is BUre to be paidEpromptly, and the debt itself is the vory safest investmeiit iu the word. It is as sale as a mortgage oa a good fann, and pays a bottqr interest. It is, in faot, a first nwvtgage on all lands, all inomus, all railroad and cuñal bonda, and bank or other stocks, mortguges, &u. Nothing cau be safer, tor we aro all bound for it, aud all tliat we huve is firmly he'd for the payrnent ot principal and interest. How íooliuh those people are, who keep iheir gold and greenbacks idle and locked up, or purehase mortguges or railroad stocks aud bonds, which pay only five or six per ceut. interest, whon these Seven-Thirties puy (countmg the premium on Five-Twenties,) over ten per cent., and are bo much safer and burer. 9th Questioa - How many SeveuThirties are there, and how muuh rejnains unsold ? Auswer - 'f here are only about threo huudred and twenty-tivo millions authorized by law, and only about one hundred and uinety millious remain unBold. lOth Quostion- How long will it take you to sell the balance 'i Answer - There are about 800 National Banks all engaged m sulliug them ; also a largo number of the old bauka, aud ut least thre tlioutaud private bankeis uud brokers, aiid special agenta will bo engagod in all parta of the count)' in dieposiug of thein Í0 the péople, lllh Quostion - How loog will it tako to st'll ttio wbole ? Ausvver - In lt;sd tlian tbree uioiiths they vvill bo all sold, and will Óp doubt theo sell at a premium, as was the oise with the old Sevt-n '1 birties, tbe tirst Twenty-Year Loao, aud tho Five-Twanties. The abovo ijucstions aud atitnvers, it 1B beliovcd, will giv-o íuil i fovmation to ! all-, li'iiot, tlio Quoerá! Sw,ript?on Asent, or auy of tlio Bttuks or Bankora ; e.nployed to teil the Lóuli, wül be ghul to ans'wor iill quetions, mul to furnish j the Seven-Thiiii-'M in small ar lurge buius Uu Iho ï.otcs ilié isuod in dtiDObl inatlof "f Í50, 810), Í5OO S1000 und j $5,000,) and to reiulor it easy i;r all to Bubüufibe- thus í'ulíilling the inatrui;tiona of Mr. Fü8.endon, who eanit'slly desirea ümt the peop'o of iho wlmlo j land, (as woll as the capiuliüt.) Bh al j havo evoi-y opportuuity itfioï'ied them ot oljtainiüg n portion of Ihis most destralle invistmeïit Let düluy, but Bttbsorrbe át once, throiigh tho noarei-t repo'isible liaiik or Eaukcrs.


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Michigan Argus