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.■FT" 3 E mmjMSEB A KN'AIÏF, PIANO- oik' of the best insiruraents aiade- eutlrely nuw. Inquire at the AR(iü3 OFFICE. TÖ BUILDBRSr ri-HK U.DKR-t(;Ki raspietfullj announce to the I ciili.Oii of Anu Arbor ttait they are prepard to ontnict tor U kinds of ARPENTER & JÖIXER WOM ! i reas: n-ib'ie ttTijis. Tofsesping a thorougb knowlerlga ' th;' irado t'iey nrfiflft a Rhureof public patronage. Plnns, spectii&afoïix and estiuiate made on rtii-tooble tt-rnu. Ca be Been at tbe nevr Fr.inklin building. WM !.("(!. G. F. PLIMLEY. Ann Arbor, M.ircli 8th,18C5, 4w999 piLES- A SURE EBM13DY. Everybody isbeing cuml of tbia distrerfsin;,' disease y tlie use of DR. BlLLINGTON'S PILE REMEDT. Kead what those say who hare uaed it ; PiTTöFiKLD, Washtenaw Co., Mich r.f. A. Eij.un'gto.v : DfarSjr ; Korthogond of tb o nfflieted, I hcre-.Tith ransmit to you a statement of the benefit wliich I bave eceived f rom the ui:i of your PILE RESfKDY. Kor a iimber of yetirs I have been very badly afllicted with be Piles, so much so as to reruler me at tiraes totally nQt for busineftti. I found no -pernjatient relief from lie niany remediea wUich I made use oí. aud almost espaired uf effecting a permanent cure. I was at ecgta inducfU by your agent at Ann Arbor to mate rial of your remedy, wbjch he warrattfed to efTect a j ure or receive nu pay I confi'dered t Jike inü.st ether uitent medicines- a tuunbug, vtn tU I began to improve. W:th irap ovoment. and at lengtb an entile cure, I btcame convinced it was ascientific and reliable roraedy. 1 used Onk PaokAQI Onï-T, wbieh lam happy to eayentirelycured me. Trusting thftt all vrho make une of tto Klectuary for that raost ilistiessing disease - Piles - may realizo the samehiippy resuHs, I am Kespectfully yoais, SMITU MACüMBER. For case-, csll on the Agent and obttiapampblet and leforonce to a number of citizeiis of Ann Arbor -s-hu have been curtd by the use of the Etectiiary. IeFOREST Íí STEWART. THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH v n AUfAN Mali jfitifafEl As the name indícate, t not only revkws the nowlll bt the hair when thin and fallinp; ofT, but it niiNEWa tuk coi.or t" ts orifrinalshade when it is tuniyig gray or whito, whether caused by diseaee, lírief or oíd aip . % It will certainlyón whst i claimod font, .% faut to whlch humlreila, n y, tluiuRanOa wlio have usii it, aro ready and willink to testify. Wlicre onc bottlo is f.iir !y usci,inany cnmmunity, itJ reputalion " spreads like iltlfirp," and is th best advertisement and ree oinmrn'lnticin we denire. In the Kastern States, whers tU''RKNEWi:iï'' ongintwl,it ík used hy all Y)tmg Lndie au a [)ieing, nd istobefnm'l on the toilet tablen of Youiir Men, (lno attlulr birbern ; (whüe OUor lltii and Women will not bc without t, asa roneweranilrfKtor.itivt for theirRrey Itnka and bald hwuls. ivhicliit changto their pntire satiafaction. Wc iirowllinK in thu cil j of Boatos alone, upwardi f 19,00 bottta por inontli, the dealer EivinR the RF.XEWKR th prtïeronco oypr all utlier Hair l'reparlf nótnoldby nriiggistain your town.a trial balite wSH b sent to'vou by Esl'reFs, upon rewipt of one dollar by mail- thtiKgivinK ymi an oppoitunity at onee f ir tetinc :fe"ell(-Ilt virtue. JBrOldanfol IWol BoUkt, must !e dilresed to ciiiriren'ra'.Airent f'r the N'nrlhwi stern States. C. A. COOK, Bol G534, CHlcngo, 111. All tuch order wil! wesiv pronipi .ttention. It I' HAI.I ft f'O.. l'r.'prietort. N:hua. N.H Thet-nden,.lii-u at Manua, -laren' pHat brFTJL1 KR KlNl'llli t'l LLEK,tTbulleIinigK .Chiowo 1 Uto. First Olass Fire Insurance, O.X TUE PAKTtCU'ATION PLAN.-M. MAEKET FmE INSURANCE COMPANY, JN'o. 37 Wall-street, NEW YORK. O Coadition of the Company. AB TRACT OF THE ANNl'AI. KKI'ORT OF DEC. Hst, 18H. Total Asets, $414,729. Ï 8. Viz.- Boniis and HortKag(-s f 184,672 00 Temporary I.oaus í)2.íi:íO 00 Koul Kívte 10,nou00 100 sliaieï Mr. V.x. Bank 5.000 00 Goverument Sveurities, valué 144.514 LO Cash on band Ig-.OE-I InUrest fine 3,lí8ó 6S Premium due. (5,785 20 Fbkséxt 'Libilitiks, 815,995 92. Njít Scrplus, $198,733 26. Th is Ci .uiy.Auy will continue, as liereUforí) to insaie espee'.ablü partica agaiiint DISASTER BY FIRE, at íair and remunerathig rates ; oxtencing accoidiug o he torras ou lts I'oücies-, the advaatagee cf the Participalion Plan of the Compa'y mrsued by it for soreral years past, withsuch great uccflsa and populaiity, und jiroiit to its cubiumers ; vhercby (75) Seventy-Jive Per Cent. (75) of the ProfUs, instead of bcing wltlidrawn frum the 'ompnny in dmtfeuds lo Rtockholdem, is in vent cd s ft yCKIP (■'UND," and hsld for greater protection of ita 3(licy holdors ; and Scrip, beariog interest, is issued to eustomers thertfor : thtib, IN T11IS COMBAN}', th ao vhofurnish the business, AND PAT THE f'KEMIVMS, darive lbo largest oh are of aüvantRces ; and when'tlio accunulasiüus of the SCK1P FUND aliu.ll xced FIVE HCxNTUKED THOUSAND POLLARS, ,he cicc will be applied to PAY OFF the Sccip IN CASH, üi tho order of its igaue. 8S Tho liberal and prompt adjustment of Cla ms for Lom, WHEN FAIR AND SQUARE, is a speciality witli tbis Compaoy. NOTE. - Thist Company doesnot tnsureon the liazaid of HIVER, LAKE, or 1N1-AMI NAVÍC ATIoN ; onlinng itself strictly to a legitímate FIRE INSURA.NCU BUSINESS. AS'IER TAYLOR, P#idiHt. 0. IFitKMAy, Secvetiity. 4w9.)9 John H. BrRLESON, Agent. Estáte of Isaac Lovejoy. STATF. OF MICHIGAN- County of Waahtenaw- s. At a session of the Probate Court for the Couv.ty of Washteaaw, holden nt the Probnt Office in the C!tj of Adh Arbcr, on Tuesday. thn iéventhaj of Mareh in the ypar one thousantl oiglit hundred auJ sixty-five. 1 I T i ■ IJ l U A V é " ■ " V I , ' i Y j J " " " ' UV fe -' In tho matter of the Estáte of Isaac LoTejoy, deOn reailing and filing the petitin, duly veriftod, ol tíinerva A. LoYejov,praying Uiat he may he appointeí ulminietratrix of the estáte of saiii rUcea ed. Thereiiponït ís O,íWc!, Tliat Tutelar, the 4th dy í April next,, at ten 'i'clock in the forenoon be i,& ligned for tlic hearing of said petitï' n, and tlia :he heirs at laiv o f said deceaaed, and al ■)ther persons inte rest e d in said ostatp, are re luired tn appcar at a scssion of said Court, then to be holden at tlie Probate Ofñc;, in the City of Aon Arbor, nnd show ciiusq, i f any there be, whj the prayer of the ietitoner should not be granted And it ia further orderíd. that said petitouer (jíve noti;eto the perftons interefited in saia catate, of th pndency of said petition, and the hearing thercof. by ca-isirí a copy of this Order to bt publishect Ín the Michigan Argv.s, a newspaper prinied and circulating Ín saM County ';!' Washtf niw, threo Huceossive week pivvíoiifi to naid day of hearing. (A truc copj.) IJIRAM J. BKAKES, 9v9td Judge of Probate. Estáte of G-eddes - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couíítt of WAsmavAiv, s .- At a session of the Probate Court fir the Cunty o, Washtenaw, holden .at th; Frótate iíBcp. in tte Ht of Ann Ajbor, oa Sfcturday. tht foïirth riay o March, ín th,e year one Lhousand cight huudrt'd an sixty five. Pfeent Hiram .T. Beakes, Judgp of Probate. Tn tbo matter of the Ëstafte of DaTÍd N Ceddei, Charles A. (reddes, and Hnty A. Ceddes míaor. On roadinK and ülinff tlie petilif.n. duly verttifíd. of Rebocca Oecldos. Guardmtt untrt said minors, prayin? that license mar be pranted to her to sell certaia rea! estáte belongiap to naid minoi-s. Tborcupon iti Ordcrcd, thftt T fsday, the foarth day of April ntxt, at ton o'elock Ín the forenooD, be apsiirnod for th hearing o' said r-eti'ion, aní that the r.ext of kin of said minora, and olí other ]iersons interosted in Raid estáte, are require.! to ftppear at aseI ni ofsaWCoart, thento be bolden ai the Probate Offlo, in the Citv nf Aun Arbor, and show ause, if any there be, why tlie prever of the peíttioner shoald not begranted : And it ís favther ordeied, that said pe'itonergivenotií-ctn Öae iiersooaintprestrdin saui estáte, of the pendeney of saM peUtion. and the hcarn tliereof, by Cft""lng a copy of tfata Order to bpublished Ín tbe Michigan Argtis, a newspaper printen! and circulatiní in paid County of Washtetiaw, throfi successive weekprcTioUH to finid &y of hearing. (A truecopy.) HUÍAM'J. BKAKES, Sy9td Judge of Probate. Esta'e of Killinger - Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN", Oounty of AVashtenaw. sa. - At a seaelon of the Probate Court fcir the ('ountj cf Wasbteaaw. bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wcrtneaday, the eighth day of Maren in theyearonethuusiuifh-iiihthundreii andsixty-flTe. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Iu the matter of the Fstate of John Lud-vi? Kulinger, Mat i Ida Eflhgér, Williara Heary KilH'nger, and Elizabeth KiHimrer, loors Unreaiting and filinjt tLe petition, dulj verifiwl, of Charfert Milíer, Guardian, piajínjí that he may be HCflDd to sell cortaia real e.Uate belungin to laid minors. Thereupnn it is Ordered, that Momlny, the tenth day of April next, at tea o'lock in the forenoon, be assigned for the of said petition, and that the next of kin of aid minors, and aüother persons interested in said estáte, are reqmredto appear at a sesaion of said Court, thento be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any theie be, why the prayer of the peiit'ouer should not be granted. - And it la further ordered, that flaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said ostate, of the peodency of said pttition nnd the hearing thereof, by cau.sing a copy of this Order to be publiahedin the Michigan Argua, a newspaper printed md cïrculatinic iü saïd Connty of Washtenaw, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing (Atruecopy) IIIRAM J. BEAKK8, 999t} Judgoof Probat. Sheriffa Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, CorNTV OK WiSBTï.tnr, S.- O Bv virtue of a writ of attachraeut issued out of the Circuit Conrt for the Countj of Washtenaw, to me directed and deiivi-red, aprainst thegoods and chattols and For want thereof, land and tenements of Lucius F. Muil, deTendau' thereiu nanied, dated February 27th, 1F65, I have levied npon the foUowing deacribed real estáte belonging to said cefendant, to wit : A certain pieoe or parC-'l of land in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Countj of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and describe i as follows : Beginning; at the een ter of Bection tvrenty one, (21,) to unfdiip twoaouth range six eat, theuco south on the quarter section line five chains and fourteen links to tho north line of the DiiboroRaid, thence nnith nftysii degrees eastalong thesnidline of said load Ihreo chains and eighty link, thance north-westcrl? to a point in the eit anil west quarter line thirty-two linUn east of the center of said Bection, tuencwet to tho place of beginning, contining one acre of lana more or les. Also, a piece or parcel of land i:i satd City desenbed a followi , vii :- Beginniug on the noitli side of the Dixboro Koad ona chain and sixty Tour links eaatward froro the ■outheas(erly uornei of lot No. (26) Uenty-six inTiaver'n addition to the Villagc now City of Ann Arbot, thence north thirty-six deirees west parallel to the northeastly line o'f said lot number twenty-six to Mili Street, about two chains and nmety ninf links to the quarter line running north and BOUth thrnugh said sectlon twonty onoin townshiptwo south range six et onsaid quarter line four chains and fifty-six links to said Dixbor'i Road thenco south fiftv-four degrees west alimij said Dixboro Road fiftv links to the piare of beginninir, containingaboutlifty-nveone I undredths of anacreof land, whichl shall c(osc for sale at public auction or venduo, at the front door of th Court House, in said Oitv of Ann Arbor. on Saturday, tho twenty second day of April, A D. 1SC.5, at tivelve o'clock, (noon.) o' f.ii.l dav. Pated at the City ot Ann Arbor, this 9th dy 0fMih.lM5. P.WINEGAR, sherOT, 999 Waslitenaw County. TDtt. SMITHC'S KTBVür PRESCBIPTION & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to bny your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writing Paper, by the Ream orles, ENVELOPS, and all nthcr arUclps iuour line. Ksi.i'culaUMÜH'i.ti. Cumiionndingan.l putting „pTreicHptions, at tho p.gta of GOLD MORTAR.Ex(tUrwe Rlofk.Ann Axhor, Michigan. .L „ nj. PiofcMpl! calis pr.imptly atteudcd to. 1 Y9BC 100 Oity Ii0t9 for Sale. _ _5 OÜR GHSNAMAH STILL ilVÊF, And continue to furnlt-h tbat unriyaled QOftlit or TEÁ aïwajfl foáml at t!io IVopk-Vs Store. Lovöts of gool Ten wil] pleas try a sample OF OTJll NEW TEA. VgJSOXBfi S.-STKWART. 3f all lundn.. Fruits. Extracts, Sfjïces, Pïcklos, Oi!j l'irfumes, kc. Pnte Liitiors awS Wines fer itedcimi iurposei only. rKFORE.-T & sti;ya;it.. Sugar ! Sugar ! A small lot of LOW PRICED. SLTGAE. DeFOREST k STEWARf FISH.-Codfish, Whitfih Trout, Mackerei, Herring, &c. DeKOREST & STEWART. SYBUP ! SYRÜP A few bárrela, extra quahtv. DeFOREST & RTEWART. I OIL AND LAMP Vi DEPOT ! JL EEEOSENE 01LI SÁ Tbe best qaaliíy B ONE DOLLAR jJ Per Gallon. (í38! DeFOREST i STEWA8T. HO! YE! Furehasers of CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c. gorsale at less '!an Xew York w'jolesale priccs.W DfFOREST & STI.v A Good Clothes Wringer. Savestime! Saves inor.ey! Saves clothhiff! Saces strerigth! Saces healtht Saves hiring help! Saves weak wrists.' Saves burning handt! Wooleu cl(.tlies can be wrung out of b 'iliiJg ■ prevent shriükiDg, without injnry to (íe maciiiaeDiFOKEST S SIBWiSn PLASTEE. Mr.Smitlï, Projirietnr of Üte "AlahaSTBP "WwtJB, announces to tljc trade, that lie :■ now xteiwinlj werking bis quíwies át SaiHÍtodky, Obin.aoda ALARASTER. fclie nCWly tÜriUOT(Tf-rl UjpSUffl Red t, Clttí upen Sttginsw Bay, and will be preparad tossppl Ier or Dealere, tlie coming Spring, witi ROCK or GUOUXI) PLASTER n nnv quantiti from Ohio orSsginftw. I'articul.r attention i inTitcd to the SagiÚT Piaster, whien ís superior to anj knovn in Amencíf He has juKt cmplctcil" in Delrcit. jrttírtotó Malch Factory, blow the Central Depot, weriwflt griodinj? nn caJcining. whore the planter i sbippridi reetty frotil tht mili into cars, without txpHnheíorcurtatre or loíiriiují, or injury to bags ir barreh í'"1 piaster will bo fouad beiter grouud and superior t-jaiiv oIIkt, Ái thÍB-rülbea permanent institution, Mt.MJ to uiake rrangemyntb with parties iiitereteè; íorttie erêctionof stgFTehflusesat ih rarious depots alctigüif Central ana otlier íiailroads ThoSaglnaw Plftfter,when calcinfd. Es foi"ia? sea.s rcmarkablo stsengtt., as :'u' mastms usktg H ni ttístified. Itworkssloweranfl mts harder than Lastwn or GrftDdRapids. Persons waoting the best &ud cnuJïst are invited to trv it. . , The same superior qualities of Piaster can be obtainc from the Piaster Mili nt Monroe,(addrew MW SMITI-L) or from Jíckson, (adflre KELLOt-G i SMJTH,) in bofli of which Mr. S. is intertsted; al. from D.DkFOKKST. at Ann Arbor. Cali attheá baner Work.s, iu Dt-troit, or addrea B. OJUTO, Ageot. FLASTEB ï " To Whom it May Concern " Tbe fnllowing letter f som 'the proprietor of Ui Grand Rapids, Michifn, FHster Beds, touching fact who has and wlio has nut " Graad Rn]mls. Kan , Piaster" forsale in the city of Ann Artor.p"1 clearlp that f ome w.ho claim to have it hart ' jound of it and bave Dot luul fur lears. Giani) 'Kipros,,! Febrnaryl7th,1865. 1 To Messrs. SoaJale & Ilenly, Ann irbor ; nd 3Hinchman, Esq.f Detroit, Michigan : Vhm SlKP-_Ths s to certlfV that D. níFo'W01 AnnArbor, Michigan, han notbought a poundof I tercf us.or eitAerof U3. since June, 1863, ndtW' ceriain ' hand bilí" circrJated b? him, dateil i M65, which states that hp keept the ''onlïi" Grand Kapida Michigan l'lascer," i utterlyfal' [Signedi WM.HOVEY.Aje1' F. GODKREY. The Tare Grand Kapids Michigan Plíler, mï Mhadínany quantity at our Store, opposite CM' Hütel' 8LAWS0H!f .nn Arbor, March Int. 1865. MICHIGAN CENTRAL IN6ÜKANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. Mjck-' lusures against Ioss oí Damageby1" or Iiiglitning. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantee Capital, by State AutHorüti $3OO,OOO,OODIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Marsh Gídd' A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Ssrí!' S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Ai OPPICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Vres. T. P. Sholdon, Vi-'f Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills T"1'' H. E. Hoyt Ast'i Sic, S. D. Alien, G'ti. ? G-RBAT Excitement in Piano FortesWM. B. BRADBURY'S IVew Scale PioS In the Ascendnnt ! ! ! ?(I geven first premiucis awariled in foor wM ' every competitor. ' GOTTSCHALK, the RenoS Pianist, says ; _ Tlioy are the best ' most perfect pian' " "n(,', fnr tlioi-ingh workpiaiisliip, ponwr, jjyyityi r' and fQuality.of tone tlirv rtccl. J.HKNHY WIliTTialOKK, Gen. -U-ent tor the Stw. „_ 19TMSnim Aveniu-, DW ;J Miisr. C. Foittei i m; uthoriicl Agfnt '" ATbvr. tUoms ijl Eieliur.go Ulufk.


Old News
Michigan Argus