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THE MARKETST" Argus Ofbice, March 9-2 P. M. The tendency of eveiything is doten, and consequently there is little doiug in lommereial circles. We quote : Wueat- Red, $1.70; White, $1.80. Coun- 9o@$l.üO. Oats- 65c. Clotek Seed- $12.00. Timothy- ?ö.00@6.00. Butter- Very dull at 2ó@30c. Eggs- 2()c Beans- $1.63. , Beef - 10@12c. from wagon. Hams- 20c. Lard- 20@22c. Wool- 7üc. Detroit prices are but a little in advanoe of the above. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Trains now leaye the station in this city as follows : Going West. Going East. 9,20 a. m. 0.40 A. m. I 7.10 p.m. 6.25 p. m. WHISKKRSÏ WH1SKERS 1 Do you waot Whiskrn or Moustaches? Our Grccian CompouDd wïll force them to prow on the Bmoothebt faceor chin, or hair on bald head, in SU Weeks.Price, S1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, cloaely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 133, Brookljn, N. Y. Iy999. THE BRIDAIi CHAMBElt, an Essay of Warning and Instrnction for Young Men - published by the Howard Association, and sent fr-e of charge in sealed nvelopes. A-ldress, Dr. J. SKrU.IN HOUGHTON', Howard Aisociatio, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy996 PROF. R. J. LYON'S' Patients &d(1 all others interrested wjll tabe üotice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 18Ö-1 aad '65 and at the expiration of which he wil]dis continuo his rmts and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatmentot Lung and Cheut diseases. CHËROKEË CURE, Vise toKkow, bct Wy.ak to Do. There is no more pitiftble uight thau that of a young man st rieken by weakness of will, vet of auflïcïcnt knowledga tofeel tlie loss. WUhmg to do, b ut too enervated in will and in body to act. Heavy-eyed when he should po.sHess the eye of an eagle, listleas when ever y nerve should tingle witb energy, dreamiop in lieu of doing, fearing üiarriage in.stead of seeking it, and fast sinking it, and fast sinkiDg ïnto a drive lier and a warning to others, and all through seminal weakness, due to over-indulgenco, natural or unnatural, diaplayed in loath-some nisions that humiliatc and disgust him. To fiuch we say, takethe Chkbokee Cure, observe the directions that nceompany it faithfully, and it will infallibly bestow what nature meant you to possess : - trength, energv, health, and, in Jieu of impotency, manly power. Read the advertisement. Sold t all druggists. 4w998 GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIOGED DICTIONARY ! ! NEW ILLüSTRATED EDITION, Thoroughly Revisedand much Ealarged. Over 3000 Fine Engravings. 10.000 WÓRDS and MEANINGS not found inother Dictionariee. Over thirty able American and Kuropean gcholars employcd upon th-.B revisión, and thirty y ears of labor expended upon it. Among the collaborators are Pr. Mabn, of Berlifi, Profesorg Porter, Dana, Whitney, I.yman, Gilman, and Thacher, Capí Craighill, of West Point Mili tary Academy, Judgo J. C, Perkins, Professor StUos, Ar L.IioIley,Ee(j.,&c.', &c, Heveral tables of great value, one of them oí fifty quaito pageet Kxplanatory and Prooouncing, of naracs in fictiou of persone and placee, pseudo nyms, kc, tzc. , as Abaddon, Acadia, Albany Re géncy, Mother of Cary , Mason and Dixon's line, Mr. Micawber, &c. Containing one-flfth or one-fourth more maUer tban any former editione. From new electrotype platos and the Riverside Press and Bindery. In one Vol. of 1840 Royal Quarto Pages. ''GET TEE LATEST." "GET THE BEST." "GET WEBSTER ' Fabliihed by (i. kc !ERRJAf, Sprlngfleld, Mae. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretar if tlio Trea.sury, fae untlersigned haa nssunieJ the General Subcription Agency for the syjo ol Uuitad States Treasury Nots, betiring seen nnd threo teuths per cent. interest, por aimum, knownas the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. ïhihö Notes are is.sued uuder date of August lBth, 18(34, a ad are payable throo years from tiiat time, lu curreucy, or ar convertible at tho option -f the hoMer lato U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEAR1NG BONDS. These bonds are now worth a premium of uine pc-r cent., incluJing gold uterest frgm XoTtinber, wiiich makes the actual profit on the 7 20 loaii, at curront rates, ncluding iuterest, ubuut ten p-r cent. ptr aumim, beüides ita txetaption frem Sta'c and municipal tazation, teftich adds from onc to ihree per ce?U. inore, according to the rate levied ou otber property. The interest ia payabh; aemi-anutially by coupons attached t to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bnnk orbankr. The interest amounta to One cent per tlny on a $5O note Tvtoeeiits " ( " $1OO " Ten " " $3OO m ao ií (í " $1000 m $1 " ' " $50O0 " Notes of all the. denomina tin us named will be promptly iurnibhed upon recoipt oí' sub.scriptioa9.-v ThiaU TUE OSLY LOAN E MAEET now ofFerel by the Government, and it is confidently expectsu tliat ite superior advautagss wíU inake it the' Great Popular Loan & People. Less than $200,000,000 romain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within the next 60 or 90 uays, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has umformly beeu the case on closing the subsoriptions to other Loana. Iq order that citiiens of every town and section of thö country may be afforded facilities for taking the ïüan, the National Banks, State Banks j and Private Baukers throughout the country liave generally agreed to receive Bubscriptions at par. Subscribers will ölect their own agents, in whom they have coufldeace, and who only are to be responsibie for the delivery of the notes for wluch they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Sübscription Agkst, Pklladelphia. Subscbiptions will BE BKCElVB by the i'IRST NATIONAL BANK of Anu Arbor. 998 THE NIrTH NATIONAL BANK OF THK CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid la, FISCAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES, Axd Spkcial tor Jat Cooki, ScbüCüiptio; Agkxt, Will Deliver 7 30 Notes, Piee of Char-e, by exprese, in all part-s of the country, and receive iu payment Checks on New York, PhiJadelpliia, and Bos ton, curreut billand all per cent. interest notes, B with interest to date of subscription . Ordtrs sent by ï mail willbe promplly Ulied. jj Thiá Bank receives the accounts of Banks and i Bankers od favorable terms ; also ol individuuln keeping New York accounts. J. Ü.ORV1S, Preiidtnt. T. T. H1LL, Cashier. 3mi)i)8 JUST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought t t!ds city, ineluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, OHAIRS, Lools-ing G5-lLüssojs Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, " c, and all otlier goods kpt ia tb best and larest houses in the country. We eepn-o second hand ur litme or Auction goods. Coffins kept eonstantly n and, and made to order. My goods are ofiered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B. I must have monpy , and respectfully request indebted,to cali and üx up their old uatters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor,Oet.6, 1863. 925tf BANNEE HAT STORE! GO TO Bcfore you buy, Spring and Summer stjles ot jljLjw3l JL L5 JL t" K?y ■ STRAW GOODS! G-EISTTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. jtnn Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 8m9S3. HOUSE & LOT FORlALE, rplIE SUBSCRIBER offers for ale cheap hiE HOOSE 1 and I.Of,on HUoockStrect ia Hiscocls's addilion. The lot i 5JÍ rod bv 10, and ia Ktgcked with a fine ■ariety of Fruit. The House ís 25 by 28, on story, EAMtJEL VEltWe.


Old News
Michigan Argus