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WffflSKEKSS WHISK.GKS2 Do yon wanl Wh iskrs or Moustiichc ? OurGrPcian Componed -.vill forcé ihem ín grov on the gnaoothott fa.ce or chin, or liair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. - I'rice,$1.00. Sent by mail anvvrhere, blosely sealel en re.'.eiptof price. AddreM, WARNES &t CO., Hox 13, Brookljii, N. Y. ly909. THE BRIDAL CHAHIEït, an E:Bay of Warninand Iu.truction for Youug lien - pablished by the Howard Afisociatioi), and sent fr e of cliarge n sealed eovelupus. A.ldress, Di-. J. SKILUN HOUGHTOX, Howard Ana -iciation, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy99ö T PROF. R. J. LYüN'S' Patienta and alt otbers interreáted -.'i!l please take iíoj that he will contm ue his viaits at the Monitor Houv, Auu Arbor, during 1864 and '6"j and at the expiration of which ho willdiscontinuo his visita autl cpon an Iüíirinary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment ot Lang and Chctít diseases. CÜUKOKEE CÜÏ1E. Wiseto K.ov-, hut Wkak to Po. There I xw mom pitiabie pfght than that of a young man wtri:l:rn bv reftkaetM oi' wiï], vet possessed of suiïicient know-leilgv tofeelthe loss Wisiung to do, but too enervated in wIH and iti body to act. Iloavyeyed when he should }'-,■,(■ ,-i the oi' au oagle, Usttesa when t?vcry nerve should tingle witb energy, dreamiag in liu of dointr, feariug marríagfii ínstead of seekinK it, and tast sinkiiiu it, and fast sinking iuto a drivell-T and a waruing to others, aud all thruugh seminal yeaknéés, due to over-iadulgence, natural ór unnatural, aiaplajecl in l'tath.some eminsims that lmniiliate and disgtiat him. To sneh we sa}r, takethe Cherokke CifiKÈ. obForvu the directiun.s that accompany it faithfully, and it wïll Infallibly beatow what nature uieant you to póSfteftfl : Rtrength. cnergv, health, and, in Jieu of impotency, man I3 power. Kcad tho advortibement, SoM ly all druggibt3. 4w998 AGOOD TREE IS KNOWÑBY ÏTö FRUIT. do ík a goud Physician by liis yuccessfu] Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEGRÜAT AND OKLEBRATED PHYSIUXANÖr TUL THROAT, LUN'GS AND C1IEST, Kaown all over the couutrj as the Celobrated INDIAN H E R B DOCTOR! Frum outh America, will be at bis roomn, RUbSKLL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th nt. , on tho same dale ofnud every subsequut month daring 1862 nnd 1868 A NTP,AT PAMPHLET Of th Hfe,study and extuiuive travels of Pr. Lyons can bo procured by all whodesireone, freeof chcre. Dr. L will visit Aau Arbor, Jacksou.aud Adrián. Mtch.,asfollows : Ano Arbor, Monitor Qous, 2Oth. Jackson, Hibbard Hnusejlilst Adiian, Brackett H use, 82 d and 23d. Modk of Exami.vation.- The Doctor discerns diseasfifl bytkeeyes. He, therefore,a.sk8 110 quentions nor req'iires paHouts to oxplain symptums. Alilictid, coiro and have your symptorns and thelocation of your diseitseexplained fre of charge GET THE BEST. WEBSTEli'S UNABRIOGED DICTIONARY ! ! NEW ILLÜSTRATED EDITION, Tborougbly Revised anl much IColarged. Over 3000 Fine Engravings, 10.00 WOIÏHS and MEAXINÜS uot fouud inother Dictionariui-:. Over thirty abk American and European scholars employed upou tbiB revisión, and tbiity years oflabor expended upon it Among thecollaboratoisare Df. Malm, of Berlifl, Vrnfess'irs Porter, Pann, Wliitnoy, Lymnn , Gilman and Thacber, Capr. Cniïfrhill, oí Wpflt Poíni Mili tary Aca]nny. Jttdge J. C. I'erkirs, Profeteo SttTes, A . L. Holley, E#q., &c, &c, Severa! tables of jreat valué, one of thom tH flfty qviaito pages, Kxplanatory and Prououncing, of narnos in fictiou of persons ;vnd places, panudo nyma, &c, &c. , ns Abjidiioo, Acadia, Albany RO gency, Motlier of Carv . Masou and Dixon's line. Mr. HtèawiMr.fte. Containiiij; one-fifth or one fourtli more xoater tban any frmer editiona. Fiom uew electrotype plateB and tb. 6 Riverside Press and Bindery. In one Vol. of 1840 Roya] Qtifirto Pages. " GET THE LA TEST." tlGET TEE BEST." "GET WEBSTER Pnblislni bj O. & C. MKRRIAM, SpringBeM, MaM. SOLÜ Bf ALL BOOKSELLERS. IOwO 6 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. rr-IHE SUBSCRTBER offers for éule clirop Me HOÜSIC L and I.OT, ou Hixeock Streel in Ilhcock' addition. The lot s hi rods bv 10, and is utocked with a fine vrietyof Fruüs. The Home Is 25 by 28, onc etory with b good wtll aDd cistoru. SAariX rniKLis. Jvi90S U. S. 7-30 LOAN. Bf autliority of the Sücretary of tbe Tie:iaury, the underaignuJ hay assumod tho General Subacription Agcucy for tho sale o( Unitud States Treaáury Notta, beiiriüg seven and throu tenths per cent. interest, per annLiiri, kuown as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOM. Tlisse Nütcs are is&ued uu der dato of August 15th, 180-J, and are payabfe thre years from that time, ín ourrenoy, or avi1 convcrtiblü at the option tf tlie Uulder mto U.S. 5-20 cent. GOLD-BEARING liONDS. These bdnds aro now woitii n premium bt niño pkt : Cfut., incluJiug goM (rom uvcmbur, wJiich makos the actual pro&t uu the 1 'óO luim, at currtjit 'tafeS] iichidinjj interes!, ibout ten per cunt. annurn, beaidoa its exemution frotn Sta e and municipal I taxaiio'iy toktch adds Jrom otc to threc percent, itarc, ', acorijlng ,tp the rjttê (eyiéd u otlier p:opevty, The interes t is pavable fiemi-annually hy utmpoiiM attaehed ' to ench uote, whicii m;iy Ijü cut uiT and uU tu aiiy bank orbankcr. Tbo iateriiöt amuuuts to Om: tent jt ■ dny on a $5O noto. Twü cents " (1 $1OO " Ten ' " " h $5OO m ao " " ' $1000 ' 61 " ' " " $5000 Notes oí all thu' denoiuinations numed will be proraptly furnUhud upon receipt of sutscriptions.- rb TÜE Olï LOA1V IN MARKET now offere 1 by the Government, and it is confidently expedid that íts .superior advautagis will maUt; L ttie Great Popular Loan 4 People. Isah tlnn $200,01)0,000 irin;iin uasold, wliicli will probíilly be dibposed of within the uet 60 or 90 oíiy.s, when tho notes will undoubtedly cwnmaailu pr niiinn . &a has umfürmly been the caie ou closing the -su tsoríptíofla to other I-oans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country muy be affurded facilities for tiikinj? the loan, tho National Banks, Stajte Baaks, and Prívate Bunkers throughout the country have geuerally agreed to receive sub.scriptious at par. Subscribers will solect their own agents, iu whom tliey have confideuce, and who only are to be responsibie for the delívery oí the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, OUBSCBIPTIOÑ Age.VT, Phlladephia. SCBSCRIPTIOXS Wítí BE RECEIVKI) bj the FIRST XATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor. 998 THE ISJXNTTEE NATIONAL BANK OF I HE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000, Paid ín, FISCAL AGENT 0F THE UNITED STATES, Axd Aüe.nt for Jay Cooke, ScbíCkiition A(ili.T, Will Deliver 7 30 Notes, Fiee of Char-e, by exprcn, in allp.rts of the country, and reoeive in pajiiient Checks on New York, I'hi.'adclpljia, and Boiton, current büln.and II flv per cent. inturett note with intwest to date of subscription. Ordtrs sent by mail willbe lillea. Thla Bank receires the accounts of Banks and Bankers on favorable terms ; alsü ol individuáis kecpng N'ew York accounts. J. ü. ORV1S, President. T. T HILL, Cashier. 3m9S)8 First Olass Fire Insurance, ON THE PARTICll'ATWN PLAN. -O MAEKET FIRE INSURANCE COSVSPANY, JXo. 37 Wall-street, NEW YORK. O Condition of the Company. ABSTRACT OF THE ANNÜAL REPORT OF DEC. SIST, 1S64. Total Assets, $414,729.18. Viz.- Boncis and MortgAges $184.672 00 Temporarv Loans 9ti.f'?0 0 Rea I Esl ate '.'. j u.OOO 00 lW abares Her. Ex. Bank , 5,000 00 Government Surities, vjilue 144,514 00 Cash on hand , 18.02 'M Interest hie ,",0S-r 5"S Premiums due 6,785 26 Present Liabilities, $15,995 92. Net Surplus, $198,733 26. Thia Company wili continuo, as herotcfor, to i usure rotipectablo p;irtiee ugainst DISASTER BY FIRE, at (air and remuneraüug rate ; extern ing accoiding 'o theterms on its Poücies, tho advuutages of the Parlicipalioti Plan of the Compa'y purueJby ilforsovoral years paat, with nuch great ucc-ss and pcpularity, and proiit to its cublumers whereby (75) Sevcnty-five Per Cent. (7ó) ot tno Irolits, inntead of bcing ivithdrawn from the Company individends lo Hockholders, is invetcd;is a ''SCHU' KUXD," and hald fur gre.iter protection of ,ts Pulki huldors; nnd Scrip, bearine interest, Is ssicdto nr.iTs thereWr ; 'bus, Ií' THIS CUMPAXY tli se w!io the busmess, AND PAY THE PJiEMIVMS, derive ilie largest aliare oí íSvantaceá ; and wúeu the ajcuuialotiuus oí tbe SCHIP FUN1) sliall cxceed FIVE H(JNI)RED THOUSAND DOLLAKS, the ww will be applied to l'AY OFF the Scrip IN CASH, in tho order of its issue. K3T The liberal nd prompt adjustment of Clms for I..,s, WHEN I'-AHi AND SQUARE, is a ÏBBiaUtj Wlth tliin Company. NOTE - ThM Company dot-a not insureon the h.izaid of RIV1.15, I.AKH, or INLAND NAVIG TI0N' ; confln-J ''"i1'?1? Iriftly to a tcgiümate 1-1K15 (HSURANC1S A3Í1KR TAYLOIÏ, J'rebidcnt. U. I', tKKKMA.v, Secretary. J. H liURLESOJT, Airent. jtgmFAIHBANKS' JPl STANDARD fjigffc " " - fB sË 0F ALL ALSO, FAIRBAKKS, GREEKLEAF & CO., XT4 L:.k Street . CiïICAUO. Sold iu Dftroil by FAKRAND, SHELEY & CO. Ba cnreful 50 büj only the Guuino._LLl y 998 WANTED- MarTTudTadiës, Prof. Von Verae's Diamond Propp, a never failing and hanuless remedy for all obstruciions aad irregu hmties. All marricd Iftdlöfl will find Uiíb a no ver fiiling preventivo, for irhich it in warranted in evcry infilanco, anti aro invi'?d tosond a red stamp for a circular , or $2.25 for a bottlp, lo FRKDLR1TK STEAKNSL wholesU dfuggist. pennral aeut fur MlöMfnn for Ihe Mamodd DropH, P. O. Prawor 445, Detroit. Dnipij auppltedat jiropdctor'spriccs. 006mt. aml bny your Ö JtfBC I JE PoS 9 OF MACK & SCI1M1Ü. Tbev kp thhgt and largest stock in Anu Arhor ! aad aro bouuñ to buli Uim ftta4af tor Ca=h. -i'yOTttÉw


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