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M ONEY FOUNdT= thay can und it calliug t thi oflico SwlCOl MEDICAL CAÏÏD. "TR. A.NA.SH, lt" froin the Armj, baving ],ted J iii Ann Arbor.nmir hi „rvic.- to the m,.pl o Sur er ''"'"'"i'" tho P"ctce uf Medicine ad Offlco coiaor llaia lid Huren SHrceti, oytr P Brh' Slore SwieOl Farm for Sale ! The undrigaed FARM FlJli SAI.K, iituated. threemilM North from tho Citj of Ai n Arbnr on tlio Whltmon lak Rt.wl. It 11 under high tato of calt.ration, ?ood Buildingn, threa W.u of Water ud a Urg. varioty of Fruit, gut furtüer particular cali at the premi-iea. Datod, Ann Arbor,. March ïlt, i8t5. üwlUH WALL PAPER!! O-TCHEAP ! CHÏA?ER ! l CHEAPEST ! ! l THIIiTY THGTJSAXü ROLLS OF WALL PAPER of all döscrijjtiuns. BORDERS, WiNDOW 3HADES, WKLíIN FIXTFKES, PICTURE FliAMES, CORI AND TASSELS, FANCY AETICLES of 11 descriptioo Also lrge a.sortment of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS! AT KEDÜCED PBICES. PICTURES Framed to Oïder aitbe Shorte.t Notie. fcrivu us A CALL! JOHN I MILLER 4, C0.( Corner Bain and Washington Ptreets. lmlOOl G'ommissioners' Notice 0F. MICHIUA.V, County „f .. - the City of nia CoantydecJUd. her' by g,v8 not.ce tliat rij nth f rom dte, are al „wej by order of a,J l'r..bate Coart, for creditórs to preieni thr clanm th. „t.te of ,M dece3 a"d that h,y w,u meet at the tore of Hack if Schmid ?n aideity m sa,d ccunty, on Saturd.r the .ereSteinth THRISTIAN MAPK FBEDKHK'K SCHMlb, Commissioners. Estáte of Horace Osborne OTATE OF MICHIGAN, forNTY or WashtknW s _ 0 At a .i., of tho Probate Gout for the Cou'ntyol Whtenw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arl.or, on Menday, the cwentieth day of Mareta mthe year oaa thousand eight hundred and sijyPresent, UiRiS.I. BjtAKSx.Jndge of Probate deeeas'ed. m"tCr " 'he KSUte ' Hora" Ósbur-'. 1 D r"tiDg nd 61i"8 the Ptionv dulr TeriD.f or Jamea Osborne , praing that he or om. other .u Nu'bu op;rrLmea.:drppüii"ed '- i u iïi: Thereupon t is Ordered, that TuMrl.y. the ghteenth day of Apnl next, at t,n o'clock n the foroDoou b. mgned for tb, hearing of „M „„ion, "„J the w,dow and hei at lavrof „d d. oeased, and all other Ipersons interested dn aid es tate, are reqmrod to appear at a sesion of aid Court tlien to be holden at tbe Probate Oflice, in the CitT ai Ann Arbor.and show cause, if anj therebe, whj the praer of the potition.r should not begrant.d J And it is further ordered, 1! at aid petitioner rit notice to the per.ons persons interested in said e.tate of the pendency of aid petilion, aod the ther.' of,bycau,Dgacop}-of this Order tobe publiíhed in the Michigan Aryut, new.paper printed and circulatmginnaid County of Waihtenaw, tLe mcceswT. week preTious to taid day of hearing [t";C'W} H1RAMJ.' BEAKES IOOltd Judie of Probate. üstato of Jacob Toggeuburger. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocntt oí ffisunsi M - . ei"!ln r "w Probate Court for the Co'uoty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu ttie citv of Ann Arbor, on Thumday, the ixteenth day „f March, in thv year oue thousaudoigut hundred and HlltV DVf. Present, HimiH J. Bhakes. Judge nf Probate Iu the mattei of the Eaute of Jacob Toggeuburger On reading and fillng the politlón, dulj veviütd of Kathanna loggenburger, Adniinitratriï with tho Wil] anoexed of aid state, prajiog thal he maj be licenïied seiïed C' rea tM of nhich sai1 Jeoeaied Thereupon it Ordered, tlmt Thursdny, the twertrMTtnth daj of April nt, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon leasslgneil for the hearing ol .aid petition, and tlmt the heirt at law of iaiddoceated and all tber persons interesteil in ai 1 otate, are required to appesr at a ■ession of sid Court, then ts be holden at the Probate Oaicc, in the City of Ann Arhor, and show cause if auy there be, why the prarer of the petitionershould not begranted: And it h furlher ordered tliHt said petltionergivenoticeto the praons interestedin said eatate, of th pendency oí said petition, and the heaing thereof, by miiiag a copy of this Order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatie in said County of Washtenaw four uccessiTC weeks previous to Bald day of hearing (Atruecopy.) HIHAM J. BEAKES, 10001 Judie of Probate. Chanoery Notice. STATE OV HICIIIGAN-The Circuit Couri ibr th Couuty of Watbtenaw, in Chancery. At a Bfgíioo of sa i cl Court held at ihe Court Hou( ïïy'rfM.ii', ADDAlS.aIidV' the '""-" Prenent, Hon. Edwin La wrence, Circuit Judee In ihr. lano between ' ' Oacar C. SpafTord, Coniulainaut, ' Maria Stillson, Eliiabeth SpafTord Edward Spafford, Susan Dean, la "rtition. Caroline B. SpaíTord, David Iean, and David Stillson, Defendants. Itsatisfactorly appBanng to thia Court by the afflJaTitofOinarC. SpalTord, fllod in this, tbt the Dfondant Ldwaril Spallord, out of the State of Michigan, and ia a resident of the State of California, undthat he oaanot be found in this State On motto of Mr. Boakei, Solicitor lor the Complaiua'nt it is ordered b.T the Oourt, now hre. that the said Edirard SpalTord, and all other parties interested in the lauds and preraiies of which partition ia sought by the Hill of Complaint liled iu tliin cause, do appear and aswer the aid Bill of Complaint by the sixteenth dar of May neit. or thiit such Hill bo taken a confefd by him and them, which aid land and preminex ara describid a follovrs r Situated in the City of Alm Arbor, in the County of Wanhtenaw, aforenaid, to-wit : Villagc lot number nfteen, and the easti'rly thice rod ia width off lot Dumbcr Teurtern. iu block two, in OrUMb] and l'age'g addition to tlie Village of Aun Arbor accordini? to the recorded plat theroof, thewest line of tli above inentioned part of lot fourteen beiny three rods frora and parallel with the eaat line of said lotAnd it is further Oidon-d, tliat within tfn days from thiK date, tlie Raid Complainant canse tlun Order to b published in the Michigan Arqw, a neivspaner printod ind circulatlDii in Kaid Coun'y of Washtemw and ;hatuidi publicatl in brcontirued in md nwiip,,er ""' "■ "=!' , nMoMnnilj.ibr week, ir ,u,' lie MM ( nm;h öibt iiUhcation tbec.r. (Atruec hp.1 K I.AHÜENXí;, UkuU .Imln. Iiun W. Rou, t.Vut} Htgikj. 1001. First Class Rw 1 r O raat PARTicirAnox PLAh. ' maeket FIRE INSURANCE COMPAfly IVo. 37 Wall-street, NEW YORK. O Condition of the Compan, AÜ3TKACT OF THE ANNUAI. bepoM ot . Total Assets, $414,729.18 Tli.-flopd and Moitagw 1iupurnrjr Loans 'is.7m Real F.tte... MfloJ lMnlisreiMec. Ex.BVñk lO.OOO GoT.rnment S4uritie, vlu.". ' ,.S'l0 'ah on hand "MUio Intvn-at dim .11!!""" 'JJ Premiuiua due.. ' .0Siü .II5J, Present Liabiliïjïs, $15,995 Net Sckplcs, 8198,733.20. DISASTER BY TIRE Participatie Plan üfiheCoinpa'v , puntert 6j t for oyo1 jears p,t willl. . tT5) Sevcntyfive Per Ctnt. (75) of the Prolitü, intea,l f being witl,dr..n , "SCRIP KUNI),.. and L-IJ for gr""'ro ?W" ' ct.mT ther.for ; thu,'.V TUIS CJMP AWk T.UV, .k-rvethelart'hra of .d"1 nZA -"-'"- o' th. SfKip ft FIVE Hrai)KED THOtfSAND 'h'XCPS"i!1 be ITli-1 lo PAY UPK OAbH, m tho order f i tu iae. nfff Tfje liticral and prompt adjustment of ol, J. H BUR LESOIV, Agent I ■X-üE CELEBÍRATBD American Humorist, JOSH. BILLINCS, (Hksbï W. 3haw, Pöughkeepaie, N. f.) TTill iecrure in Öii Cit at HANGSTERFERïS UUt Mondny, Eve. April loth. SUBJECT : ikI-atty and VarnisL'' Door open at 7 o'clock :■ Eeoture coamenees at 8 o'clockv TICKETS 50 CENTS. REGISTRA RtlCI IVOTICK s hereby giyen, that the Board o' ReriJtn J.1 tion tor the several Wards of the CHr of iu Arbor, will be n session on SATURDAY j0PEHlt, 186Í. commencing t 8 o'dock, A. M., mi elojinf il I o'clock, P. M., t the following plCM . lt Warí - at the office of Jamas B. Gott 2d ' " store of Riadon íl Híodenoi. f " " Store of Georjío W. Smitli. 4th " . Firemn'HalI. 5tb " " Shopof Georgo H. RhodM. for the of correoting and completin? th Uf. wtration of the quflei electors of iaid Wrdi. i pi'rBOn who will at the ensuing chart.r eleelta. lo ♦ hela on th 3d day of April next, be ítitlid to nlt under theproTisionB of Section 1, Article Vil, ol ta Constítution, ahould register their numei. Bj order of the Citj üoard of Legistrtiou. JAMEi B.GOIT, Chairan. J. S. Hk.vdbRSO.'c, Secretar. AnnArboj, March 16th, 1865. ELECnON NOTICE: Shbrift'sOffjcb, Wahtenaw Co., ifieh.,1 Aun Arbor. Keb. 15th, H6J; ƒ To Ai Eltclori of H'aihlcnate Counly : Youaretaerebj notified that I th vni Omni Election to be held on the Brt Mondaj of April tut, in thette of Michgian, the iollowing ilein l be el:cted , tïz . Ooe AKiocinte Juntice of tbe SujiriB Court, in pluceof ]iue P. Christiancj. rhoi ttra '■ office TfiJl expire December 31it ; 1865 ud two !■ gents of th Uairersitj in the placen of Edw'4 f. Walker and Gsrye Willard , whoee termi of oflleiwil! expir December 31it.l866. PH1LUP TVINKGAR, fheri. Washu-narr Co., HM. TO BUILDEHS! rpHK UNDERSIGNED respectfullj aDnounM Jl cilhens of Ann Arbor ttRt thej ar pitpanlw contract forall kinds cf CARPEATER & JOMR VOtt! on reasonable terma. I'oMeuiting a thorougli knowllt of 1he trade tliej solitrit a abare of public patroDlf. Plans, speciiications and estimatei made onrfM ableterma. Can be een t th nnw Frankün buiklúf WM LONli, G. F. PUMLKT. Ann Arbor, March 8th, 1865, 4 UET THE BEST. WEBSTEK'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARYU NEW ILLUSTRATK BWIION, Tburoughlj Re-viaedand much Ealargíí. Over 3000 Fine Engravings. 10,000 WORDS and HEANINGS not fousd iiotW DictionftrieE. Over thirty nble Amtrioan and Europamn holri lilovcii upou thu revisión, and thirtj jerotlkr expended upon it. Auong the onllaboratori are Dr. M&hn, of BerliH, f feseors l'orter, Dana, Whltne, f.jman, GHb" and Thachcr, Capt. Craiirhill, ot Wt Pi H tary Academy, Judge J. C. JVrkici, Profti1 Stile , A . L. Holley , EM . , &c. , &c _ SeTeral tables of great yaiwe, one of thtio of fcj quaito pagfi, Explanatory and Pronooncinf' namen in fictiou of persont and plac. P0" nynia, &c, Ac, ae Abaddon, Acadi, AlbnjRr gency, Mother of Cary , Masun and Duon'i 1B Mr. ilicftwber, .te. Coutaiuing one-fifth or one-fourtb more ttr tb any f rmer ed-itions. Krom new electrotype platea and tlit Rirtrtid ?Tt and liindery. In one Vol. of 1840 Boyal Qusrto Pages. " GET THE LA TEST." " GET TSS BEST." "QET WEBSTER.' Pttblihei bj O. k C. MERRIAM, SpringflW, )" SOLD RT ALL BOOK3BLLKRS. 10w9:" t ■ - fvr FAIRBANKS' JT1! STANDARD g S C -A. Ij E t% ff W) OFALLKINPS. ALPJ t" retf,'i WrfWÏÏ5 WartlvHUe Tructo, ittttr Fr$jui FAIRBAKK8, GREENLEAF & Cg 17 Lal Street, CHICAGO. ífüld iu ittlrui! bj 18WWP FARRAND, SHELKT A 00. Ut u.iful } buj onlj tbc toolUfJWlT


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Michigan Argus