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bout the hour of 4 o'clock, P. M.. ou Saturi!y last, by the auuouncetuent that iwo lwy, shiis of thi) Hun. Jas. Ui-ïulsts and John P. Dalk, had just been drowued in the jiond or sink holo near the old Cemetery, iu thu t'ifit Ward, and that help was wanted ïo recover their bodies. Wkh a large iiuoiber o( other citizens we were soou at the plaoe of llie iad accident. We leained tli a the two lad, Jounsik CUUICI and fiuün Dalk, ch about twelve yeara old, had been eogiged with a uuinber of other boys inplayiug upn the ice which partially coyered the poud , that assiitud by an older sou of Mr. Climuits they had detached a cake of ice froni the maiu body, and stnited fur a sail, thiuking it rare sport, and disregarding the caution of passers by. The ice proved rotten, loon went to piecas, and the three boys were pluoged iuto water büiuo tereu to ten fet deep. The uldor Clkuektí boy could swim, tuI caped, tliu two younger boys, fa&t rienda in life, tugether, despite of eilbrU to rcu iheiu, went down to a watery grave. The watr was very eold, and a student who rrired on the spot while the boys were still fioitiiig and struggliug for life, attempted to go to their aid, was taken witli cramp ud ub)ied to retreat. Boats wre soon procured, and uftur a half or thiee quarters of hu hour'a search, the bodiei were taken out of tha water, and carriud to the housen tliey had o recently left. The funeral of Mr. n, , ......mjy.,.. was at. Unded ou Monday aftenioon;aiid of Mr. Dilb's boy on Tuesday afUrnoon, and both by a lrg circle of sympathiiing friends. L3C" The new Post Office rooms in the Franklm Block are neariy completed and funii.ilied, and within a fovr days Poatmaster Taovnon will remove from tlie old wooden cuncoru so long ocoupied, and commenuo íerring the public fröm the new office, Ann Afbor raay then boast of ha ving the beït Post OiUcb n tho State out of Detroit, and will yield Trj little to any claims of auperiority made in behalf of the olüce of that city. ïh new oflJce öccupies two of th stores íronting Hurón Street, and the cases of boxes run aruuiiu iruin one eut ranee lo Mie other, gifiiij bote aud deliieries on tbreo sides, with the business room in the centra. The box C4568 are new, haadsoolely uumbered, byCBABUM BaooKit-and nunlber over 1600. BmíiIm thare are 60 lock boxes. The interior ii well Iighted and conreniently arranged, both for th aocoiumodation of the publie nd tho Postmatter. Mr. Thohpsoj is ealitltd to the thanks of onr citiieas for induciogthe Governmsnt to rent the offico, aud for ihe tute with wbich he has fitted it up. XífC riio January number of the Sdtnburfh {tetierx has the following papara 8r F. Palgrav.'s History of England and Normindy, Dictionaries of the Bible (Smith ud Kitto), Life of Sir William Napier, Crimtol Law Kform, Lord Derby's Translation of lh Uid, Ecclesiastical Jurisdicción of the Orowu, The Britísli American Fdeition, Oirdosr's Memorial of King Heury VII., 8ern per Cent., the Last Oampaign in America. $4 a year ; with the other three Ímu and Blaekunod, $5. Address Ltomakd Bcwt & Oo., 38 Walker Street, N. X. SST Lectures at the Medical Col!p closed on Wednesday, and we suppose ihtt er this the caudidatei for the degree of N.D., have either passed muiter or been r. JKtftJ. Th medical commancemeiit will ocwr on Wtdnerfay next. The exercises will placatlflo'clookA. M., n the Presytorn Church. The addreas to the WlütUi will b. giren by Dr. P,tchk. of wron, aad w may safelv promise that it iH b eminsntly nitructive. bilieve Uie graduating clags uumber úxú ighty. C3T There carne near being a fire at Franklin House yesterday afternoon.- M-íprk8 from a ítove n the work room ond floor. OTer the book store of Shove Iwlit. Eesult- the loóse shariogs scat'daround the room burned to ashes, the r badly scorched n a number of places, a t smolte, and more caution, we hope, in " 'uture. ■ Eth Thö luotas of the 3d 4th and Wlrd" of th' city, and of the Township n Arbor, have beu fllled, upon which " ' ongratulate our neighbora, " We are f tti dfaft onc. more. Th quota in Jrtind 2d Wards is fast being filled, a„d ■piobWe'tUat district will escape the E5"The Commencement of the Vrtmentoftheüniversity will take , od the afteruoon of Wednesday next. 'rcises will be held in the Presbyterii ch, commencing at 2 o'clook. The to the graduates will ba delivered by Hatix, P!6Bident of the UniTersity. C tu "' K""" ior APril early li4 W'th a table of C0Dtnt corering "'tt rp!e' and SUre t0 interest and in" ... beillustrations of the numb.r aro C T' a Fg'" ind a Prtrait f Lady $3 M ' year' Addre88 TOB Sc tlITr.nnnf'v nut.J.u y-i._. _ "W The Circuit Cour oomtneooed " trm D The Calendar 1lbo'r7 one' bMt we think a Ie" H ei86S haTe been 00IltiQueI than Pu!Tbfl SpHng and Summer term of W„ hoIsofthiscity. n open on Tor 'he 27th inst' 1ar!n should JNimi. I] have their scholars begin b the term. .Tf - - - .Wr Exhibition of the Junior " üahihtity win eorae ofT on ■ ", m the Presbyteria Mbuwí,


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