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DYSPEPSIA, -NU DüEAES K E8 U1.ÏI.VO P O.H Í3OKDERS OF litfi LlVUt AND DIGESTIVA OROANB, Aüi: CUEKD B7 HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAÏ STRENQTHENIKQ These Bitters have perfornml more Cures HAVE AND DU GIVEBRTTER SAT1SPACTION Iluvc more Tcstlmony ! HAVE MORE RESPEOTABIe PKOrtK TO VGÜCH FOR 1 HEM ! Than uuj other artiele in the inarUH. We defy any one to contradict Chtl A.ssurtion, AXD WILL P.VV SlOOO To anj ons ao vr produce n Certiflcate puLIiilid by U4ttbatia iiüt uEXUixr.. HOOFLAND'S GERHAN BITTERS WIIX COSE IV EVEUV CASI OF Chrouic oí ÜTervouB Debiiity, Díseaaee of the Kidney.s, and Dlseases arising fioxn di&or deied Stoiuach. Obicrre tht foliote ing sirnptoms reshitingrotn ViordtT of the Digesíive Qrgana : Constipatiun.IüwarJ Piles, Fullnes oí Blooil to thc beüd, Acidity, of tliö Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disust fot food, Fullness or wetght in theStom;cli Sonr Eructaüons, Zinking or fluttoring Kt tlïft pit of the StoLQftch, Swimminx of tbc Head, HurritídantMifficult broathing. FluttPrii.s &t tho Heart,Choking orSuffociiting Senr üatioDs wben in a Lying Posture, Dlmnasa Óf Vision, Dota ur Wobs befor th Sfght, Fever and Dull Pain in the Heaü, Defidiency of Proapiration, Yellowaesa of the Skin and Eyes, pain In the side, back, chest,limba, kc, Sudden flush en of Heat, Buruing iu the Fleah , Constanv Imagiuings of Evil aud Great Depression of pinta, JELUI IVEI3 32:33 ID X THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT AL1OHOLIC, COSTAINS NO RUM OR WilKKSY, AND CAN'T MAEB DKUNKARD&, Ö READ WHO SAYS SO: Froiu the Rov. Levi G. Beok, Pastor of the Baptist ChurcJi, Ptmbertou, N. J. i ioruierJy oi' the NorLh Baptist Ctiurch, Philadelphia. I have kuown liüüüunü's Germán Bitters favorablj Cor a uumljör oi ytíara. i have uaeU í.bem in my owb faoiily , aii'l have beau .so pleased ivitli their elFect tliat I wasindueodtorecommend theio to many othera and knuw that ihey haveoperated m a stnklngly beneficia! roanner. I take grettt pleasure in thus pubhcly pru claitaing thi fact,audcailin tho atteotion oí thoe afiiicted with the dineases for which thev are recomlüended, to thtse bitters, kuüwing f rom experiónce thut my rücommeudatiun will besustained. 1 do this more cheerfully as Hoüíland'.s Bitters is iuttüdcd to betiyíii the aíQicted, aadis -'not a rum drink." Your truly , LEVI G. BECK. From Hev. J. Newton Browu, l). 1). Editor of the Enciclopedia of Religious Knowledge and (,'hristian Chron'icle, PhUadelphia. ltkouli notdisposed to favor orrecomraend Patent Medicine in Kenernlith'Oiigb. distrust of their ingredienta and etiects.l yel know of no suflicieut reasoni. why a mau mayuot testiry to the benelits be believes, himaelftu have received from any simple preparatioñ in thi hopethat ke inay tnuscimtribate to the bonettt of others. I do this more rearlily in rejard to Hoofiand's Gorman Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. 41. Jackson of thi' city.because 1 was prejudiced ajrainst them formanv yeam, unai-rtko impression thai thoy wre chiellv ar aUUobolic mixture. I am indebted to mv friend Rob ert ahoeruftker, Eaq., for the remo va] of this prejudlctby proper teste, and for to try them when fiulTcrinj ft-oni reat aud long contniucrt dèbilit ïho uno of three bottles ol these bíttnrs at the bet'inning of the present year, wai follavred liv evident reliel and rustoralion te a degroe of bociily and mental vigoi wlilcll I liad nol for six months before, nnd had almost dtipairud of reguining. I therofoie thank God and mv fritDd for dirüctittg =;e to the use oí tíiem J. NKH'ÏO.V BROW'N, Phila. From the Rc.Jos. H. Kcnnard, i'aatorof the lOtkOap tiat Church. Dr. Jackson :- Dcar Sir:- I havo boen (rcquenilv rquested to connect my name with cowmendntiona ol different kind of medicines, but rrgmding the pi actief as out of my apprupriatesphere, 1 have in all cas declined; l)ut with a olrprout' in varioua instancos aüd particulatly in Hiy frnaily, of the usefu lineas of I'r Hooiland's Uerinan Gilte.s, 1 depart for once from niy usual courso. to expres my full enuviction that, or general debility of tbe ystcnj and espeoiaUy for I.iver Complainï, it is a s?fe and vaJuabJe preparation. In Kome case it may lail ; but usually, I dou t not it'wilj be very hoaeficial to thoso who suffer from the ' abovs OAUU. Yours.rery respectfully, J. j. ITEN.VÁ.Rr), Eighth bslim Coikleastreot, Phila Fruía Rer. Warron R&hdoíph, Pastor of th BaptUt Church,iermantownj Penn. nA&C _M ■ Jackstm :-Oear tíir -personal exu? rienco Sf eèrö eW Wa felS X rc"d the Gwinmn Bitie benefttedby the use of tbo B'itíerVjÜBSdJeine. JB eaf will produco similar effoctñ on others. f1r . Yours.ttuly, WARREN RAN'DOLFHGocmautuwn, I'a From Rv. .T. H. Turner, Tastor of ïïoddinfi M. E. Church.PUila. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir .- Haring used your Germán Bitters in my t'amíljfrequently, I am prepared to say thatit has been of great service. I belpi-e thatiumost canea cfgeaeral debility of the system it ia the satest and mout valuable remedy of which I have any knuwi gB' tóurs.reapeclfully, J. H.TÜRXER, No. 726 N. Nlueteenth Street. Frora the Rev.J, L.vons,fortnprly Pastor of tbr Coluaibuo,(N. J.) and Mills towu, (Pa.) RaptietChnrche. New Rochelle.. N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jackson :- DearSir:- I felt it a pieasur? thuflj'.-f my own accord to bear teetitóouy to the excollence of the 'íerman Bitters. Soine yoar.s, since, being much afllicted wUh Dyspepsia.I used theïii with very beneficial results. I have often recommended thftn to persons enfeebled by that formentiniy disease-and have heard from thora the most fiattering testimoniáis as to theit fjreat valué. ín cases of general dt'bility, I beHove it to be atonte that eau notbesurpafiiied. J, M LYONS. ?romthoRov. Thon, Winter, Pastor of Roxborough SapfisiCkurch. Dr. Jackson - Dear Pir : -I fuol itdno to your excel ent preparación, IIooGand's Germán Bitters, to add m} testimony to the deserved reputaron it has obtaïnetf I have foryearB, ut times, been troubled witb great dii order in tny head ani nervous ystem. I was adviset by ■ friend totry a bottle of your Germán Bitterw. dïd po and have experiinced yreat and unoxpected re my health has been very materially benefitted. confidently recommend the articlo w ere I tnet wit casos similar to my own,, and have been assured b many of their good cfiectsRcspectfully yours, T. WIN'TEK, Roxborough Fa. FromRov.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reforme' Cburch. Kutztown, Berks Co ?a. Dr. C. Jackson : - Respecte Sir . - I have bee troubled with Dyapepfeia nettrly twenty years. and hav nver used any medicine tbat die meusmuch good a. Hoofland'N Bittert. I am very much iruproved in healtli after having taken five bottles. Yours,with respect, . J.S.HERMAN. PEICBS. Large Sire, rtioldingnearly doublé qunntitv.) $1 00 per bultle- half do. $5 HO. Small Size - 76 cents per Bottle- half doiou S400, BEWARE OF COÜNTERFEITB. Sce tht tlic siiinaturo of " C. M. JACKSON'" is on the AVHAPPBB ofeaeh bottle. Shrtuï'' vniir nftarfifit DfOgffsi not hi'v theiirticle, ' not bc-put olf lv iptox'catincr prpnralionp tbat may be ofTert"! in Uk pUme, but send to ufi,and wo willforward, secur'-ly i-acked,by expreus. Principal Office and Mannfaotory, N0 631 ARCH TE5 ET PHILaDELPHTA. Jones Sd Evans. Sttecessors to C. M. Jackson Sf Oo. PROPRIETORS. I 'L3ar JEFE. Jc&á -% -- CLOSLNti OUT ■ A ai'LEKDlD iTOCK US DRESS GOODS! Oeuts' FURN1SHING GOODS, GASSIMERES, Clothíí, Satinéis, &o. DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS I CAPS, Grockery, GROCERIES, ía. i Are to bö sold at prices that will guárante thcir N. B. The largest Stock of Cahco and Hrown Cotton in tbs City at les than Mauufucturei 's pricus. The highest prlcc paiü ín Trade or cash for ftU kínda uf Producá, MACK & SCHMID. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAFH ALBUMS, PWTURES, FRAMES, THEEAD, SILK, TWIST, MACHINE O1L, fc. The undrigued now gffer tbo public TUE BEST SEWINC MACHINE IKT TJ FOR DURAB1LITY, BEAUTY oj STYLE,and VA RIET Y of WORK,it "STANDS U? HEAD," It ueeds only ro bu aeen to be appreciatfd . Runs the wurk both wayg, ttikes four kinds of stitchea, hems. !flls, gathers, brai'is, bind', quilts, gathers nnd tsews on a rufflp at thti name time. Sews fruro thf thinnest to the thickest fabric without -ehanging tlie stitch. rcnsion Or neediü, or without breakiug the thread - If ia The Wonder of the World ! .Alao variely of the nKst beautlful PHOTOGRAT'H ALBUM1', PIOTL'RES and FRAMES: in great variety. ind pictuves Iramed to order at short notice. AIo. BARNÜM'S 5ELF PEWER or TUUKER, which ciiu b adjuated to any Sewing Machino. CU at the sign of thf FLORKNCE SEWIN'G MA('IIIKE, a few doors East of Cook's Hotel. StichinglNeatly Done to Order. Alao,otn"ihibitièn,th(!Oi'lobrilted " WEED SEWIN'G MACHINE," whifh tuok the premium al the Michigan -tato Fair of 1804 W. D HOLMES. Ann Arbnr, Dec. 2Sth. 1S64. 98Jtf TtiB -TT - hALlín li liiifll Aa the naire indicatts. ,t ol di.ij Khsvws the rowtb ot thbair wlien 11 in and fallxg ofl.but it oi-itivelv mm -WS1BK colüK to its rripinalshaocwhen t is turn'ing gray or white, Tvbether i;khh d by disenie, ■rief tr oldnge. It willciitalnljdo what is clir'vtifd font, a fact to vliich huüdredK, Day, thousnn.1t wlio lme liei arO ■eaáy and willlug to'tcfitify. Vliet te bottle is f.iir y usl,iniiny commnnlty. its leputaiion "prinds vkü iiW lire,'1 and is ths bot dvn-tihcn-'"' d "c jnimendation wp desire lu the Enslern State, wjier Ihe-'RENEWER" oriliinatefl. it ih vftá lij eli Youur [,ndies as a Dvet.tting, and istobefuund t n the toilet tables of Younp Hen, (al f o Mlnir hartf:s ; (wliile OWer Men and Wo'tnfn wil1 Set b tthnot t. a ' renewpr and reeortive for their grey locks and baltt heads.nliicli it clionpn to thiir entire atisfartiin. Wb ure peiling in tbc city of Bnsfnc tinne, ujiwarcS „f lü.oOO bntlleopcr nionlh, the delfrB fiving the RF.N'ÈWE K thu pittcrence over all other Hair TreparIf notBold by EriigKintsin our town.a trial bo'.Üt ■n UI bc sent to you by Expref, upon rcocipt of ooo dollar by mail - thusgivinK you an opportunitj at once for testincifeicellint Tirtues. Order for Trial Blik. munthp addressed to nure''n.Talif;eiit fir the Northwrtorn Staten. C A. COOK. Box 6524, Chlrngo, 111. All fuco btders ill receive prompt atteutiun. ■ B P HALL CO.. Prnprietors, Nabua, N. H. Tlietiartesupplied at Manvfacturers' plica bvFULLHI FINCH &FLLLER, WholeEaleDruggts-Mi'caEO, UlinoiB. (wi„KS.' T)JEl. SMITH'S NEVCr PBBSCWPIIÖN & BRCfi STORE ! Ia the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "WritinK Paper.t'y the Fesm orIM, ENvr-ijors, jnrt all (ïthpr artMrf 'n inr line ïï- Fsp'-iiil attontion tn C(üipoTiTi'1inp tit' pntiinp upPreiwipti}n, t the lKn n (K'I-D MOKTAR.E chrLfp BincV. nn Arhnr. fic.hSsnn ■- tO. Profensonil oai prompt!} Utended tu. 1 V960 IO@ Oïty lotP for Sal, GHEROKSË GURE THE ClHÜAi INDIAN iLIlCINC !k j w HOOTS, BASKS AMDLEAVE3 n nvhlltott ture fnr Sptrmatnrrlíra, Seminal Wtaknai, A'fturnal 'miwi'id, ml hII Im-iuwi ranaed b Sdf-MuUon, tóch M Lojl ( .Vnmory, ., iiv'ai'iing. 7'rrmlding, Wiikefu)wi., Bniftiont nth íily y.íe fbinínamy, hisiivllij, O'iumnpUrn t"l all the dircful eompiulllU tuU8l b ;1DKrrJnK from tlw pith r pavore. ï- Thl nierticln 1 Imple vegetable extract, .nfoot on wbll .M car,, U InM b. uk1 ia ourjnctlefoi-;mBvy1' nd Lw tl. tlrauudi tratl il haanot ftilted In I lnlt iiislnticr. lu c-uMiiïf power imve hen i Hlcicnl U tfum vlotorv over the mort Btolïbortt C le. . ïo those who Imve trififd wüh thtir emstthdhm until Chey tliirjk tli.iustlvta lieynnJ Ui rcuch"f mwllcnl i(l, Ife WOUW a, iT.srAIR VT I tli.-CHEUuKER OURK wlll restore .v.m tolmuln an'l viünr bihI Hfter hII quack .loct..ra Imve faik-J I KS 4lce ■!. Doltan IiüUK-, r hu bottles forFivn Üulliiii, auü lcrvTark-il hf F.xprtMto nll p'irTi of the world. P imphlet sent Ij.v mnil froe -of poRlxite, t OR. W. n. MLRWIN & CO., ta LlUirty t., New York, Sule Pmprtetor. GLAD NEWS FOR THE I'NFORTÜNATK. The Long songlif for Discoyercd at Last Cures in f rom ont . to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY cherokee'Ïnjection, Oompouuded from Eoots, Barks and Leavei CHEROKER REMEDY, Bi reat Irxilan Dluretl cures all dimanes oí the Uiiuary Orb'n, such u Incontlnclico of the Urine, InJkimmaUtm of IM Bladder, lnflammttwn of the Kitlmns, &tnt xn lAe Mutliifr Striditfe, Oruixl, Gmurrhta, Glett. and1 Mneelslly r.-culuiucnded In those casi-8 nf Flour Albus, (or'Wliites In üasnlUj) w'ierc all Uw old uauseous mifdkliics have iüiled. lt U preparvd In a hlglilr concntratl form, the dost only xn% fiom oue to two tea(oeaf uh three times per diiy. iT" H ia diurdie &u aJteriUive In Ita actloo : purifylDg and cl?aD!u(r the blood, cansinK H to flow In all of its original purity and vjgor ; tima ttmoTIng fl-om the sysU'in all pernicious cauii-8 wlilcJ ." "Üïsïf OKKB-IN JEOTION I totrb4 usanallv or assUant to the Gherokee ■- cdy, and sbould be uscd in conjnnction wlth thl medicine In 11 caits of Oleet, Oonorrhea, Huor Albui or WhttM. lts cffiits are heailnj;, soothluK, and demulcclif; removlng all sral.'ing, heat im4 ïiain Insuad oftho buruingand almost uneiiduraM pain that is experienctd with neurly aU the chp ""i'Tscof the CHF.ROKEE RKMEDT. and CHKKOKKK INJ8CT1OK- the two rardlclow at the saiui-tlmealllmpronerdlftcliai-itMiir removed, and the weakcncd organlitM apeedlly retorodto full vigor and stiength. Prtoc-, :lieroltcc Kcincdy, IS per boltle, or thees bottles fur $5. XST I'iicf, OheroKfC Injectlou, $8 jkt bótlle, or thri-e bottle for $5. Bent by Expreu lu any addrtss on rceipt of prlcs. ira The fliiarolío Rmedy, Cberok liij.;cllou and turf, u sold by all euVefprWng DruRgluu In the dvllli4 World. Some ui,,rin,;ipll ilealer, hoivev-rr, try U ■di artillen compouud lu l'lar.e ' "" : tll0,' nhich they cu" parctane l a chenp pnce. 0l aje murr ony by aellinis, than th can oo iljeK m.jiIclae Ai you valué yuur hcalth, ae, ttie lu-aM Of rutare ofTip.-log, do not tm dtlred I .iwk UDPrloetuk-d Uru?eist, otó ur fí ,.i.cru ,t4 c no 5r. ir Drugsíats will not buy Htm f,,r you. nncloae tht mouey lu a Irtl r, od w wlU imAthñs ta you by BxpreM, securly alcd ut pai'ki'd five froia ubwrvatiuil. I,a.Un or Oanttemeo can a-Idresu i Ín P"rfect oouMtncc, ítating fully añil pUltly thi-lr dlM and 9mptoui. as wc treut all diñases o! a ctuoota natSK lu or f-m.ilc Patlinti necl nol licwml. bt!caus! al thcir Inablllty lo vlilt u, aa we hT trrated patluitssuccessíully In all por'Jouí o: the elf Úisd ulobc. by corruspond.-nix-. PatlenM i.ldr.íilng us II pleaM ate plaluly all the lyjupwuu of Uielr complüinU, and wriw PoMo!T,ci. County, State and name of wrlter, plalu, u4 lucl )3C postHg.i stamp fov ri-ply. He íi r:' vuge PumphUt fret to any dreaj Address al! letter j Ibr Pamphleti or advic 'híP'r:w. R. MERWIN&CO;, Na. 63 Libtrty ilrttt, N'e" ïri'8ild b? Drugjist in Detroit, alle b STBBBISS& W1LSON, Alin Arbor. 952yl Mr. Matheus firt prepared the VKN'KiI.N HAÏft DYK ; since tbat time it has been used bv thoueandi, Knd ia no Datiuico lia.s it i;viïd to give eutire tifacThe VEN'ETIAN DYE Is th chrapest in iho worM.- lts ptice is utily Fifty Cents, anc cach boitl contftinA doublé tliO quantity of dvc in thus usually sohi fut $1. i Tbp VKVETIaS DYF. is warianteá not tJ injurt tb. bir or th'! ficalp in the '.ihtest deree. Tl'n VEs'ETIAS' DYF vorkit with ei liity nu! r tíin'y, tíw halt rfquniaff no prftpsrfttiou whar Th VEETMN' DYK produeesony Khde thnt vcnf bi diired- oue thivt will nrt fade. qrtpk orvHsb,ont - ODt D;(t is a-i permanent aí t he halr Í:stJf. For sul bj all irujjrUtB.- . rice 50 cent. f WTB1lWS' KKNIC.A ttthm nr" sal coEiplt STOOR i SPRING GOUDS bought baforo the recont GREAT RISE. IK GOLD ! FOB GASH ONLY, .A.T THE LQWEST MARKET PRICES ï Cali and See ! Ano Arbor, Jaottaft, 1863.. Rifle F actor y! Beutler &. Traver, ! S'icceshors to A. J Sutherlnnd,] Míinulaeturers of aod Dealer in Gune.Pistols. Ammunition Ftaxl, Povehet Gamt Bagt, a%é Everjotlier artiole íl tlat Ltne. ()oDeattbíinr'.Ft r. 'ía uní :i(. -bu t iirs, r shopcoririlK -irt "".fWAf to ♦-


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