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ü. S. 7-SÖ LOAN. By iuthor;y of the Socretary of the Treasury, tbo jnderaigned bas assuraed the General SubscripUon 4fíencry for the'aale oí United States Tretisury Notes, aearing aeven aod three tentbs per cent. interest, pe:ïimuin, known as the SEVEN-THIKTY LOAN. These Note-s are issued imder date of August 15tti, ' 1864, and are payable three year.s from thattime,in currency, or ar convertible at the option cf the holder into U. S.5-20 Six percent. GOLD-BEARLNG IÍ0ND8. These boLds are now worth $ premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from November, which makestlie actual proflt on the 7 30 loan, at current ratea, íncludiog iuterest, about ten ptr cent. psr annum, beaides ils exeinpthn from Sta'.t and municipal taxationj tohkh adds from one to thrcc per cent. more, , ftccordiiig to the raie lcvied on othcr pioiierty. The jntereat is jtayablo semi-annuftlJy hy cdupöi;s aituched toeachuote, whicli may be cut off au tl suld tu any bank urbanker. The interest amounts to One cent ter clnBbn a $5O note Two cents '( il " $1OO Ten n l " 4 $5OO 4O M H i t $1000 il $1 " " i( " $5000 ( Notes of all t)je denomination named will bo promptly furnirfhed upon receipt of subscriptions.- Thisis TUE ONLY LOAN IN 1IARKET now offereJ by the Government, and it is conüdently expected that ita supeiior advantagaa will make it the G-reat "Popular Loan e People. Leas than $200,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disosed of within the next 60 or 3 days, wlten the notes will undoubtedly command a premium , as has ujaiformly been the case on closing the subacriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and sectíon of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the ïoan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers througbout the country have generally agreed to receive ubgcyiptions at par. Subscribers will select thoir own ageuts, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to bo responsibie for the delivery of the uotea for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscrii'TION Agent, Pkiladelpkia. SüBSOBIPTIOSS WlIX RK RECE1VED by the flRST NA TIONAL BANtC of Ann Arbor. 938 THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,01)0.000, Paid In, FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, And Svecial Agent for Jay Cookk, ScbscriptiOn Agent, Will DeJJyer 7 30 Notes, Fi ee of Char-e, b? expresa, ín all p.irts of the country, and receive in payraent Öheck ou New York, Phüadelphia, aud Boston, curreut bil ]a, and all fiv per eert. interest noten, wfth interest to'date of subscriptiou . Ordtrs seut by mail willbe prompfly filled. Thi.i Bauk receiyps the accounts of Bank a and Bankers on favorable terms ; also of Individuáis keeping New York accounts. J. U. ORVÍ3, President. T. T HILL, Caskier. , 3m998 WAR MOST ENDED! CHARLESTON TaKEN í GUITERMAN k 00., Being coqriectert wjli opo of tlip largcst houscs in New Vork, Which lias betuer facilities for Selling Cheaper il'n aoy otber hous.e. Aro bouad to be ijot 4O :i r? hj nM jr jbbc by any establishmeat tlis-t now Having einployetl an experieuced 9L... WLs JH. -JBL BlialC direct from NEW YORK CITY, who has had loog experience in the business, we guarantee to give tlie best SATISFACTION to .our numerous CÜSTOMEES & STUDENTS of the Universlty. Keeping on hand the largest stock of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, VESTINGS, together withjthe largeat stock of Heady-Made Clothing, GEKTTS' FURNISHING GOODSÜ &c, &c, &c, wbtch we will sell cbeaper than any other establishment jn th city. All -e ask isthatourfriends and Students will give us a cali and aatisfy themselves. M. GUITERMAN. & Qo., MR. SONDHEIM is about to start for New York fnr a new Btoek of Ppring and Soaimer Goode. 997ti CxEORGE DEMERITÉ;; 00, j 303JBROA.DWAY, NEW YQïlK, (CORXKR DUAN'fi STREKT.) 160,00O WATCHES, CHAINS, GOLD PENS & PEWCILS, &c. &fi.,_ &c., WORTH SL5OO3OOp I re BK SOI.I) AT OHÍ3 DOLLAR FACH, WITHOUT KEOARJÖ 'l'O VAI.UK. And nqt tp be pnid until you wliat you will roeeive ! SPLËND1D LIST of ART1CLES AU to be Sokl for ONE DOLLAR Each ! 100 Gold Hanting Cases Watches c.ich $100 i o 100 Gold Watches,..,, ........ ..i 60 0o 800 Udie' Wxtches 31 ro fOOSilver Watchea $15 00 tu -5 üu fiüO GuM Heek and Vust Oliain.i 1 i 0 ) to 15 Oo lonoOh.'telMi"'i'l ': .■;';■ 1 '"mlqs 5 00 to 15 Co ÜÓ&OVosUuúNVa'fUiui 4 00 te, 1200 4i.oo S(rtitaire lei and GoH Droochee... 4 00 tu 8 Oo iO0pC(Kftl,l.av,6act, ie, liroocliej 3 00 to 8 Oo 70 u (Inlj, Jat, Opal, Ke., Jiw Drops 8 00 to 8 'Ju 5000 Qents' 38ret end écaif Pfiui - 3 Oii to 8 00 B000 Oval Band Hracdeta 'd 00 to. 8 00 2000 Cha snel Braceleta 5 00 to 10 Ut) asno California Diamond Pins 4: Biaga. 2 50 to 8 00 2000 Gold VVatch Keys 2 60 to 0 Oo SOCO Solitaire Slenre Buttons k Studs. 2 00 to 8 0;l 8000 flold ThimblM 5 00 to 6 00 5000 MiniatureLoclcot , ü 00 to 7 00 8010 Miniature Lockers, Magie 4 CO tu 0 0(1 2500 OoldTo(ittiiick, Crossen, icc a 00 to 6 00 3000 Fob ana liiblion Sli'lua 2 00 to 5 00 5000 Clmsed Gold ffi nga 2 00 to 5 00 4000 Stone Set Rin's 2 00 to 8 00 66Q0 Seta Ladles' Jewlrj - Jet&Gold.. 5 00 o lo 00 0000 Sits Laüios! Jewolry- raricd stvles 3 OO to 16 00 8000 Gqld Penu, Sily ae and Vendí. 4 00 to 8 0:) 4000 Gold l'ens, EboavHutolor and Cae 6 00 to 10 00 8C0Ö Gold Pens, Mounled llul.ur.. . 20) to 6(0 All the goods in the auovo List will be sqld, without reservation, for ONE QOLLAB EACH. Certiücatef of all thi) varioi'.s arti lo aro plttoed In similar envrlopea sealcd and mixed. These enyplopes will be sent by mail, or dclivered at our office, without regard to oholoe. On receiving a Certillcate, you will po what article it repre. fnts anil it is optional witji you to send one dollar, and receive the article namedor any other -, in the list of same valué. ' By this mode we give selecüone from a varied stock ■ of fine goods, of the best mak and Jatest Btylea, and of intrinsic worth, at a, nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest value. In all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding the Certifieate, paylng postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each. Fivc certificóles will be tent for $1 Eleven for %1 Tldrty for $5; Sixty-fivefor $10 ; and One Hundred for L15. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! Theri no hazard or risk. There aro no blanks. - Every Orifícate representa an atticle. As we sellnone oí' the lower gradea of Jewelry no person can reeelvo leas than thev&lue of their money, and tliey may get. an article woitíi fi ve, ten , or a huudred fold I SATISFACCIÓN GUARANTEED. B'sery perron knows what tUoy will receive before the article íh paid for. Ou reccipt cf' a Ctff tíftcate you see what article It repreents, a.nd it' ís, of courne,at ynnr option tetakeitjOf any other article in our List of the samo valué. We guarantee entire sati.-.factiou to overy purchaper, and if theri ahould b any person disnatisfied with any arttcle received from js, they may imim-diutcly retara tand the amount pp-id will be refunde!, ÈP Ooo tríal wül prove to any that tbi.s .sale give.s pnrhaáers griater advantage.s than any otlier ever proponed. AGBWTS, - We allow those acting as Agenta, Ten CVnts on each Certifícate rdered, provídiíd tufiil re n i t ti ace amount to One follar. Thtfy will uolicct 2" cents Tor qvery Ceitificate, an.J refatning 10 cents, remit tous 16 cetits fir each. Address, GEQRCE DEMEaiT & CO., 3tul0o2 803 Broadwáy, Nvw r$rií. 5. Greatest Medical Circular i A Ll EverPublished! f A Cl I - jl fiStrFÍfteencsa large 1 I J ■ 'ÍF íeter pagO8 for tw % Zm T 3 cent stampa. m0 Vdiin; ften'tí CQnödentlal Medical Advlners incale ol' Speimatorrbea ór Seminal Weaknes-s causcd by Mit-.sturbation, Cenital Tantalization, self abuse, or sucreí liabits indulged m by youths at tbe age of puber ty. DUS. J Í.CKSOK, HEUBKRT & CO., Proprietors of the N:riitnal Oyspeusary, establiühed at Cmcinnati, fíliio.Jm. íst, 1860. Invoíuntitry KiiiissionsUad to Impojency, Consuiuption, Iníia ni ty und Ponth. who ínflrerin tlie lc; frpm tjiis 'tíiuful practico, should apply the wliole onergy f the .soul to tbe attainmentof healih aud c nsequent contenfment and hajipineFs. Kvery one, el t her sick or well, sliould liave.our valuable t ff lise on this subject , whicli is ent free of charge. Wc guarantee to cure GonorrhGej31eet,8ypWllÍB, Iinpdtency, Nocturnal ICmisions cr Self-AbuW, IMurnal Emi.' síoue, Fuñíale Coinlaíiit.", in short, every possiblf form andvHrity of SfijuÍLj Diseae. Cures v lO'ct. thorough J'-U'l [lermanenf , anci ft-cs moderate'.- Seno fur our C'ixiilar i:!! .ÍAOKON'H FE.MALE P1IJ.S- $1 per box - Recial writteu replies, wi'll sealed, Bent witli the Cfrcular, wjthout cha,rge. 3)0 pages, 100 engpangw. - ''Th Mouutain of íigh't, or .'ifedical Prolector and Marriajrö ti ni 'le. anO an Es plfcii Kcy to Lire añil Beauty." Jt SATIr L-'ACl'OHíLY roveaí-i variou.ssub jeets never before f ully explained ín ány popufafr wrk m the Knglish líuiguage. Pnce 50 cents, or three fftr W. Medicine and mstractlns sent protop'ly té ány parí of the countiy. Conultiag Koomé oí (he Di.-penvary, íío. 107 Sycamore street, l O. Box, No. 436, PJi. JACKON'íá ORIENTAL LINIMENT Riímoveg all coldnes, and rejuvenatcs ocgafBfi w}üc) lia ve tala dormant for many years. Can be mailed v;t!i jH'ïfct fcafety. j'rice $2 per bottle. DR.JACKSON'S FKENCH PATfNT MAIK PAFr;. It ís the only en re and .cafe pceventive agajbt con íractuig (lisüase ever inveuted, I'ricu $1 each, $4 por haif dozeu, and $7 per dozen, .stnt by niaiJ. Cm996 GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGEO DICTIONARY ! ! NEW JLLÜSTRATED EDITION, Tboroughly Revnedand much Eularged. Over 3000 Fine Engrayings 10,000 VVORÜS and MEAXIXüS not fouad iuuiher Bíotionunes. Ocr thirty able American and Kuropean Bcholaifíem ployed npon this revisión, nnd tlurty yearK uílabor expended upon it. Among the col laborator? are Pr. Mahn, of Rcrltlï, Profeseorp Tortor, Daba, Whilney, I. man, Gilman, mui TbítcW, Cápt.CraiVliill, Q W"est Point Mili tary Acañoiny, Judsfj J. C. P. rkire, ProfepBor Otiles, A. L. Iolley, Esq-, &c. , &c, Several tablee of great valué, one of thcm ul fiRy quaito pagee, Kxplantory and Pronouncing, of ñames Lo Gctiou. oí' persone and placee, yp nido nymy, te., &o, , uh Abaddon, Acad:a, Albany Re geney, MoUier of Cüry . Masón and Dixon'á Une, Mr. Micawber, &c. Oontaínlng one-fifth pr one fourth more marter any f inner editiona. rota new electrotype platea and the "Riversiáe Prese and Bindery. . In one Vol. of 1840 Royal Qiiíirto Pages. " GET THE LA TEST." "GJET THE BEST." OET WEBSTER.' Publiebet] bj G. k C. MERRMM, SpringfieW, Maes. SOLO RY AI-L ÜO'UCSRLT.KRS. 10wQ 6' PLASTEB Z '4 To Whom it May Concern." The following íeiter from t lie prop.-ietors f the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Piaster lïeds, touching the fact who has and who has not í( (rand Rapids, Michigan, Plasteï" for sale in the city of nn Arbor, provej clearly that pome wbo claim to have it' have not ft pouiidof it and have not had for years. ÍÍBAND RAPinR, MlCniG-AX, ) February 17th,186ñ. $ ToMflfiKrs. Goodale &. Honly, Ann Vrbor ; and J. B. Hinchman, Esq. , 'Jetroit, Michigan ; , Dp:.ik SiRs;- This is to certtfy that D. DkFokkut, of Ann Arbor, Michigau, bas not Lmight a jound of I'lneter cfuSjOr éither of us siuce June" 18iï.'S, and that a certain 'liand-bill" circnlated by hini, dated Ffeb. 2ihi, J.36&, wliich states that he kepa tbe ajilppefbuitu (rand Rapidn Michigan Piaster," ík ufeerlí; fí .■-. [Sigücíl ' WM. HOVEY, Agent. F. GODKREV. jÖTS" The Pure Grand Rápfdfl Michigan Plüsler, may be liad in any quantity at our. Store, oppoaite Cook's Hotel, SLAWSON ft SON Ann Arbor, March lst. 1865. , 'Jra998 Taken Up! ('ame ioto the encloaure cf tlie suhif ribpr on the 17 h dav of February, ona largo DUKHAM COW, speckled color, heavy with calf, eighL or nine ytarn oíd, rilt hom shellod off. The owner is requeoted to pro vé fvoperty, jiay charges, and tako fai i t'ov awav' WILLIAM HPMPinEV. Lodi, March 26th, lflfi.% SwM&g


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Michigan Argus