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Day Is Dawning

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Lust week it was our pleasing duty to record lhe fa.ll oi Ilichuiond, tho loDg beleasured capital of wbat was the Suuthcru Coofederaey. And in tlus issue we ave privileged to nnnounco that the Army of NortLeru Virginia, the nrmy commanJed by Hou.mtT E. Lkk, the Geuorul-in Cliicf and idol of tho Confederacy, the army whioh hiisso long beat back out no.b Ui aruiics, bo long extendnd protuction to the rebel outhorities at Kiehtnoud, so long been regai'ded as the bulwaik of the Confederacy, is oo longer a power in the enrtb. ün the aftcruoon of S'uaday hist - ril day for a deed of peace - Gen. Bobbbt E. Les aocepted the térros proposed by Iieut. Gen. Grant, and surrendered tho cutiré Army of Northcrn Virginia a :rifouers of war. In tliis surrender. w,as included the General in-Ohief of all tUo Armies of tbe Confederacy, tbree Lieut. Generáis, seventeen Major Generáis, sixty-one Brigadier Generáis, an innumerable number of minor officers, over 25,000 men, and all tbe stores, munitions, anns, artillery, truins, and equipments of o. once proud army. Tbe annals of history record no greater vktory, and it must result in the dowufall ol the Confoderacy. Driven froin it& capital, and the army of Lee blotted out, the Confedérate Governrftent h.a8 po an abidiitig placa or a uame. Well may tbe people rejoice in every city aad hamlet tbroughout our land, and the RocBy Mountains eobo back tbe shouts t'uat go up from the pincelad hills of Maine, for desolating war is nearly at an end, the banner of poaeo is appoaring above the bor;zon, and the Union is saved. All honor to our noble army, and thanks be to God who has givcn us tb,e victery. Ia anotbor column will bo found tbe Cjxrespondence between Generáis Grant Uüi Lüe wbicb preceded the surrender. It ia highly creditable to bjth those offieers, and presagos a better fecling in tbe future than tho most sanguine bad dared to hope foi,. We think that the other rebel armiea ;11 bo ppeedily eurrendered upon the same terms accepted by Gen. Lee, and tUat Jkff. Davis and his associatep, now withoat a capital, will sQon be without n' military guard, wanderers ip WÍ down the earlb, without where to rest their hcads, or else buricd in. tUat " laat ditcli" f which the world has heard so mtích. And so let it be. LL- Thu Board of Qounty Canvasserancs in aession on Tuesday, and cauvasscd tbc votes polled in this eounty, on the 3d inst., for Judge of the Supreme Gourt and Rogents of the Univereity. Tbe vote polied was very light, and as it iudieates in no town tbe politial gtrenpth of either party, a table will bc of no valué. Tbc aggregate voto for tho Boveral candidates was as fullovüs :. For Judge - Isaac P. Chrwtiancy, 3,837 Scatteriog, 20 For Itegtnh - ■ Ebenezer Wells, 2,722 Oliver O. Comstock, 2,479 Edward C. Walker, 3,738 George Willard, 2,522 Mr. Walker gaiucd considerable many vptes in thia city, by ])emocrats voting carelessly a ticket provided for Republbau use, huviug his narao witli OiinisïiASCY and Wiüls, apd in several towus Regent tickets soerned to have been voted at random. - The returns fïcm other counties tliow an eqnally lightvote. t The U S. frigates Niágara and Sacramento having chaeed the rebel ram Stonewall into the port of Lisbon, the ram vau ordered to sea by the Portugese aüthoritios, and tlie Federal írigates prohibltod leaving for twenty-four liours. They attempted to sail beforo the expiration of the time eet, jriao' tliey were lired upon by Fort JJcIeiu. The Niugara was Btruck on the poop and one Beainan killed. Thia occurred March 29lh. aiyt ml JÜ33Í The Pi'ösident was called out on Wcdnesday evening, and made a decidedly Lincoln-ísIi speech on tho sub. ject of reconatruction in general, and reconstruction in Louisiana in particular. It was fish nor fleeh, r.nd will fui] to satisfy radicáis, coiiservatives or any bod) clse. If Mr. Lincoln has nothjng moro definí te to, say to th.e public hu had better act than talk. Í3Í The First National Bank ol Eiehmond, "a., i to go into operntion in ten days. The world doea move. jG2L" Tb truth oí thü icxt oí scrip■í-sre, 'he wickud fice wben no man pursuoth," or, bctter, pcrhaps, of that favorite proverb, ''the wouudud b';rd ílutters," was fully illustraied iu t!ie Kews of Tucíday. We ncithur oharged I Gen. (i. D. IIill wilh bcing honest or i dishoucst, accurate or inaccurate, econouiical or extravagant in thü udui.iui.itrations of hia oflice, in íact, said nothing about bis " olKoial career," lienco this ti'otting out "a certifícate of character" seems a vvoi-k of supererogatioiK VVe only iiiiimateA that his reappointinent didn't exactly satisíy his " hoine frimtk," we niight safely havo added cf the Eepublican persuasión, and siid nothing about tho "out-going and, iuooming dtjlcgationgj' tho "leadiog líopublieaus iu Pa.kota,n or "of this State as well as of other 8tates," henee this blowing of trumpets is foreign to the issue, and only illustrates the truth oí another proverb, "ap'rophet isuot without houo.r save in bis own country." The poinfc of ou? HtÜe iteia was, that Gen. Hill, having secured a u&w lease of hia ownposition, had endeavored to punish his "home friends" by getting our neighbar of the News appointed ostmaster oJ this oity, and as we fail to fiud any denial of the iasinuatiou, w& tase it as confessed ; a,od only adid that we don't consider &ur contemporary's avowal of his ignorancc of the General's efforts in his behalf, worth a red. .11 -dMk I I 1 ■ jL5L llaleigh, N. C, Las been eva.cuatcd by Gen. Joiinston, whose wbereabouts s unknown. Reported near Goldsboro. Lyncbburg, Ya.v bas beon oaptured by a detachiftent from Gen. Gkifpin's eommand. Beiore the late eveüts transpired it was an important point, but since tbo surrender of Eicbmoud and Lee, it was not worth struggling for by the rebols. Report, not entiroly reliabk, says tliat Gen. Wilson captured Selma, Ala., ou the 2d inst., with Gens. JFokkkst and Koddy, and their en tire commauds. 'Xhe tova is probably captured, but doubtful about Fokkb.sï. Montgomery, Ala., Í8 also rcported captured. Jeff. Davis and buite were last lieard of at Danville... {Four years ago tc-day the rebellian was inaugurated by the bombardient and capture of Fort Sumpter, with Major Anderson and his noblo band. Today Gen. Anderson raises the id.entical oíd ñag lowered April 14th, 1861, over Sumpter, and we trust the end of the rebellion is at hand. The day will be appropriately celebrated in many of the citics of the land. We hear of no arrangements l'or its observance her-e, g' Mrs. LmcoiN, Mrs. General Guant, Mra. Gen. Wuitzbl, and other ladies visited Richmond a few days ago, . m a ui L3L" The President has issued a proclamation rjüsing the blockade, and opening certain ports to foreign coinïnerce. friST Rebel communieation with Mohile has been entirely cut off, and that city can hold out but a short time, if it has not already fallen. L3T The now Common Gouncil held Sta first eessiou on Monday eveniug last, in Firemen's Hall. Present, Mayor Maynaed, Recorder Cramer, and all the Aldermen. Fromthe Rejorüer.'s journal we have made the following synopsis of proceedings. The fc-jfo years'alary of Kx-Mayor Wells, $2, by a vote of 8 to 4, was ordered paid in gold. The Aldermen votino; nay thougUt it a reflectior. upon greenbaclcs. The bonds of the five Constables eleet were preiented fnd approved. The bands of the Collector were fixed at $40,000. B. F. Gkanqer was elected City Attorney, nd E. B. Pond City Printer. The following Comiüittees were appointed : On Financc - Aldermen Gkanger, Slawsos, Tuompsox, Olanxet, RhqdeíOn Streets - Aldermen Souumacker, Pau sonb, Horx, Gott, and Lesuer. On Licenses - The Mayor, nnd Aldermen Granoer and THOMrson. It was voted to raise the easuing year $2,000 for itreot, and $1,500 for general purposee. The Finanee Comiuittee was directed to report the amount of indebtedness of the slreet andgeneral funds, and until sueh re]iort is made all but abeolutely necessary, repairs ordered discontinued. Street Coinniissioner's bail was fixed at $500. Street Commiesioner waa ordered to report the namee of all Hable to pay poll tax. The Marshal -was authorized to appoint Edwabd Stilisq Deputyjat large, and a Dcputy in each Ward. llcsolution fixing Mursliftl's salary in advanee wus rescinded. Bills wero allowed Inspectora of Elcotion, Memb ers of Bonrde of Rfgistration, (to. C3 Too late lor our columns we have a card thankmg those who contributed to the Aun Arbor Booth, at the late Freedmen 's Fair, Detroit. $3G& were realized froia the sales made, including casli contiibutions of Í1G ïrom. tlie Congregational Sabbatli School, and L5.25 froin the Colored Sabbatli School. Mis. Thomas Peatt, of Webster, and Hts ('Oodalk, of Scio, are favmably mentioned. About two inchos of snow feil on Suuday night, since which we have had all sorts o' weather except ploasant weather. - The winds have blowed ftom every point of tlie compass, and that coilinually. We awaij, a cal.ui. -.- E2 Oold has ranged fi'om 1 1 i to 146% 8n'e Lee's uurre:ider was annonReott, nul ou Thursday noon : ■ '1 il I IC.


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Michigan Argus