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The Rebellion Crushed!!

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ïlio foliowing is the correspoodeaoe between Lieut. Gen. Grant and Oen. HoffKBT Iív Lek which preceded the surreiider of the Army of Nortlicni Yirginh. ou Suuday afternoon, April 9th, 1S65 ; Cmi'ton Ham, Va , April 8, lyG5i To Ilon. K. M. Stanton, ëteretary of War : The foliowing oorriispondeaoe Las taken place butween Gen. Lee :md myS'lt'. Tliere btttt boen nu ivlaxation io the pursuil during ts pendenoj : U. S. GR,A:IT, LieulenanQU'lieral,. April 7, 18ü3. ïo Ge. R. 10. Leo, i'uminaiidur O. S. A: Genebal - The rosult of the last week must convi,noe you of' th'e hopelessness of further resistanue on tlie part of tlie arir.y of Norttiern Virginia va this struggle. I feel that it is n und renard ii na i ii y datj to shift frofft mygn-U tb; res pousibihty of un.y further i-ffusio.ii of blood. by asking of you tlie surrender of that poriiou of the Confedérate States Anny known as the ivay of Northern Virginia. Very respect fu.ily, yonr obeJient Bervant, V.'S. GRANT, i.i. General, Ci minandiug A.-uáes o) U. S. A;nil 7, 1865. G-i.Nit.i..- X !i;ive reeeivcd jour note of this date. ÍFhough not eutirely of lbo opinión yon expres of the liopclessness of furtlier resistance on tlie part of the arm}" ol Northern Virginia, I recip rocaie jour dt).-ire to ivoid use!ef=s eflu-áon ol blood, aud tharefore, before considering vour propffi ion, ask the terms you will uffer ou condiüan of its surreuder. R E. LEK. Ge,nrnl. To Lieut. Gen. Grant,, Commauding Aiiii',"s (j! tho. United, ötaios : April 8. 1Í6. ïo Gen. II. E. ï,ee. CommSïder O. S. A : General - Your note of last evening, in reply to mine of tlie same day, asking on wbat cooditiot) ï wili aecept the surrender of the iriny ol Northern Virgiuitv, is recei ed. In reply I would say that, ppace being my first desire, there is but ofie oonditian that I insist upon, viz : That the men enrrendöred shall be disqualiñed for taking tip mms again againdt the government of' the United States, until properly cxchanjecl. I will meet you, or desiguite officer8 to ineet ftfiy oflior you ïmiy name, for the same pulposo, at any point agreeable to you, for tho purpose of arranging defini tel y 'hu terms upnn wbich the Furren der of tlie anny of Northern Virginia will be rcceivccl. Very respectfullv, your obedient servjint, U. S. CUÍANT, Li$ut. Geil, Cüriiiiaiuling Arnyes o,i' tlie Uyiled States. April 8, 186$. Gen'khal - I reeeived at a late hour ycur note of to day, in answer. to rnine of yesterday. I did not inteud, to p;-opose the snrrender of' the A,rmy of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frarj; I do not think the emergency bas ariaen to, cali for the surreuder, but as the restoration of poaee should be the solé oíj,e(;t of all, I desire to knf.w wliet.her jftür proposals would tend to (hat end. I caanot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrenüer the anny of Nurtheru. Virginia, but as far as your proposition may efiect the Confedérate State foroea under inj' command, and tend to. the restoratiou of peace, I should. Ue pjeasod to meet you at 10 A. M. ta momnv, ou the old stagu road to lliohiuand, , between the two armies. Vory respectfuily, &e., R," ft, LK'JLo Lieut. General Grant. April nih, 1W5. To Gen. R. E. Lee, Commamling O. S. A : Genhuai. - Your note of yesterday is reeeived. As I have no authority to treat on the subject of' puaoe, the meeting propossd for 10 A M. to-day could lead to no good. I will state, however, General, that I am equally anxious for peace with youvseU, and tb,e whole North entertain tho same feoling. The ternis upon which peace can be had are well understood. By tho South laying down their arms tlipy will basten that most desirable cvent, save thousands tt human lives, and hundreds of millions of property not vet destroyed - incorely hoping that all our dffVieulties iay bo settled without the loss of another lif'e, I subscribo myself, Yery respectftilly, ííf,, V S GRAN'V, L.ient.fíen. Wasbixgtox, Airil 9 - 'J P.M. To Major General Dix, New York : This depiirtmenl l(as reocived the offi-: ciül report of tho wurrender this day of Gen. Lee and bis anny to Lieut. Gen. Üravit, on the terms proposed by ü,en. Grant. (Signed) E. M. STANÏON. Secreta1 y of War. llKAIKJL'AHTlinS All.MlES OJ' THE ., ? April 9- l-.aO P. M. S To Ilon. Edwin M StantQB, Secretary of War : General Lee surrendered the anny o( Northern Virginia this afternoon upou the terfns proposed by myself. The accoiiipauyiug additii)ual oorrespondence will show tlie uonditions fully. U. S. GRANT, 1-ieutenant General. April ith, i(&. General - I reeeived your note of tliis mortiiug on the pieket line, whither I had come to meet you, and ascertain definitely nvliat torms were enjbriiced in your propobition of yesterday with rcference to the surreuder of' this anny. I now request an interview in accordance with the oiï'or contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. Verj respectfullv, your obedient servant, U. E. J-EK, General. To Lient. (enera] Grant, (Jomnmiiiling United ÉJtatos Armies. Apul fttli, 1888. Gen. It. E. t,w, Oomna.aodit[ Confedérate St. ,t,os Anulen : Your nte of this date i.j but this ment, 11.50 A. M. received. In consoquence of IDJ passing froiu the lvichniond and Lyncburg r;ad to the Farmville nnd Lynchburg road, I ani Dt this vrritiug about four miles west of Waltcr's Churul), and will push lorward to tlit; front for the purposy of uiu&ting you. Notk-e seut Ui me on this lo.ui where yuu ivish the iuterview to kike place, will snit me. Yery rtujiecliully, yonr oltlú-nt servnnt, U S. üHANT,', Weut, Gen. Aitomattox Cor ut Hocgf ? April il, 1-65. 5 Gen. Il E, Lee, Uonimauding C. Ss 4 In aeoordanee with tlio substance of' my li tter to you of tha Sth inst , I )ro pose yecetve èh( ewrefider of the ry of Northern Virginia on (lie loüowkijt -eniis, to wit : Jiolls of all the rtffi eera and men ti) be madu in dlljtlicute, une uopy to b'v' given to an affieer de.-ig tïii'ed by me, llio otLor to bu petained liy sucli cfliccr is you 111:13 desígnate. Tha oökicrs t" give their itidividua] p'U'ola nol to take up anus ngainst the giivcnuiiicu.t oí' the United Stales untü pro urly extknogod, nnd eatii ooirjïany oi' l'egiflientiil coniniiiiider to .sign a likt; parolü for the men of tlieir commands. The nrins arrillerj nd public property to I jc p'irked aiid wtacked, and turncd over to the ufficers appojnted by me to reeei.vf theiu. This will not embrace t'ne du irms of the ofiicei's,, nop theif ] riviih' horm or Laggage. ï'his done, em'.li oüiiHT nnd man will be allowed to return to tlieir homes, not to be disturbad by United States authority, so long a.- they observe their parole and the laws in fon-e where they may reside. Yerv respectfully, " U. S. GHAiNÏ, Lt. Sec. IIeadquarturs Akmí of Nob.thb ) Viroinia, April 9, 1804: ) Liout. Gen. U. S. Urant, Coiniiiaiiding U. S. Araiies : General - I have reoeived your letter nl this day, coutaining the terma of purrender of tbt; army ol Northern Virginia, as proposod by you. As they are sub-tant aliy the same at those expressed in your letter of the 8th iust., they are aeoepted. I will procecd to dceigp,Sfe the oceva to curry the stipu'.ation.-i uto eílact. Verv respectfully, youv obodiont servan , K. K. i.KE, General ArAR IkSPABTMENT, Wasiiixgtox. ) April 'J- y oO 1'. M. 5 Tu I.icut . O.eneral Grant : Thanks b,e to. Aluiighty God for the great Vtotory with which He has erowned you and the gallant armies. undc-r your eonirnanrl. The thanks of tlíis d&partment, and of tbc Unuod States, their reveretioe aud honor have beon do served, and will be reudered to you and tfao brave s -Miers and gaHar:t oöictis of your army for all time. E. AI STANÏON, Secretary of War. Waiï Dkpabtmext, Washington, ) April 9-10 P. M. J Qrdered tbat a salute of two hundred guris bc fired at the headquarteis of overy aru,iy nd navy departnient, and at pvery pesat and arsenal in the United Stutas, and, at the military academy at West ÏVint, on the diy of the rcoeipt of this order, in conineniQration of the auvreuder of Gen. R. E. Lee and the nny of Northern Virginia, to Lieut, Gen,, Grant, and the army ouder bis command. Report of the receipt and execution of this order to be ma;de to the Adjutant General at Washington. E. M. STANÏON, Secretary pf War.


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