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ñPHE UOOTÖ AML THE LEAVE8 -L W1I.I. ue fur ihu Hcilii g ui the Satióne BibU. Prof. 3R.. T. Xj-SrO3Va-L3, l'HE (1RKAI AX1) CJXEURÁTED I'IIVSK'1 ,N of ie l'HKqAT,UWG3, 1IHAKÏ, LiVl-.R AM) THE ÜLOUJi, Known allorér tneooaat'ry as the ci:t.kiu:-tki) XISrXÍIA.I'T HEEB DOCTOB I UI' 2.SJ .Saneiinr Street, Cleveland, Ohlo. Willvi.sit the rollowm places, vu. A:TOI.TMIÍKT,-FOR186", 18G3amH864. 'rol'. K. J. Lyon.s be condulteil n t the tnllowiug ;lact' evci y niontli, viz: Detroit, KuselHoue,each mnatli, lStliand 19th. Ana Albor,, eaeh monlli, 20th. Jac.ksnn, ilibbard Houge4 eacL ïnonth , 'Jt. Adrián, lïracket House, each mtmtl] 22d&nd33d. TuU'tlo, Okio , CölUns, eacli luunth -iili ÓLli and 'Oth. ölllsdale, Midi. , Hillsdnle House, eacli month,27th. Coldwatci-, .MLck.. tíouthern Michigan ]lou,se, eaüli month, S8th. :l .KüLïiart House, each raonth, 29th. South Bend, Ind., St. .To. Ho'el, eloll month, 30. Laportp. Intl., 'ïw (ar.leu 1U ise, aeii morith 31l." VoosUv,Oiu(), CruadellExciuiie, each montli, 7tb and8th. Müaslield, Ohio, Wiler Houyt üacIi njontli, Oth and lOth. Mt.VeruwtijKiTlyyn Iloune, tach moutli, llth and lith. Xe.vark, Ohio, Holton liouse,evch month, 13th aud Hth, raiuesville.Ohio, CowUsHoufitreaek month, 4th UI.LVELANL), OHiO. KESIDKNCE ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Kast of the public square, opposite the PcnttojKce. Ui"! et.' 'ia :■ ft&Oh nu.-nUj, lrit. 8d, 4th, 5l.b , Ctb, lütli. - Ufltc Iiours froin Sí a. Ú. tu UM, bud frum ü P, M. td i 1'. M. Unièuutlaj trom ü te 10A. 41., and 1 to 2 Í'. M. ii -Mii mii: strictly iulhered to-1 g re suci' balm ae liave n strife, w Witii v tltt; luwfi of lifo. Witb bloo'imy h:un)s ] nt'Vf r s1 ain, N ti i mmmiIi ilion tooase t hcir puin. He is a phji.-ia?i indeed, whb Cures. The Indiaö Hert. Doctor, H. J. LVuNtf, cure the fol luwin eompiaiütsinthe obstinate stagen of their tíNÍstence, vi',: Dleessepof theTkïoatj Langa, Heart, I.ivor, St&m;Ll 1, . ' 'opsy in lio Oliest . Rheumatism, Neuriiliü , Vu - , oi Falling i ■ iti 1 1;! ui! uihcr iirrvüu.itïernngenn-uts. Al so alldiaeasesoi iho bloud ,such as Sfcrofuta , Erysip ilas, i'iiiiütirs . Ceer Sores, Leprosy, all oüu-r cumplicatcd chrouic. coniplaints. Ail forma of i'emale diiïiculties attended to with the uJ t s . . It is hoped tbat no ojie will aeapaïr of a cure until thty h&re givea the Iadia-n Hevb n-ciors Meiüeineí, a fafr'and faitbful trial. ?)--lHrt-trig the Doctor'; trav.'.ls in Kurope, West lndics, South America, E&d th üuiteü Otates, he bas been tbc instrument in God'i hand, to rt-rtnro to healtb and vilor Üwusands who wore giveuup and pronuunceü incurable by the moa i eminent o ld seliuol physicians; nay, more, thouftandl who were on tbe verge of the grave, are aw living nioLuiiT.uits to the Indiau Iloro's Doctor 'p skill and succ-'.-sfuHrEatment,;iiiaai-t; dail' exclaiming: "Blessed be thoday when lirst we saw aud partook of the 1 liftU Hert Öootor's aiedicine." Satisfactory refereueesoi' cares will be gladly and checrfully giveiMihenever raqui red i TheDoctor pledgefí his word aud honor, that he wil) in no wise,directly or iiKlirectïy, induce or cause any n valid to tak hls medicine without Ihe strongestprübability of a cure, jifóf Iludo ofi-'.nmination, which ontiicly .ürferfeni Trom tbc facutty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern diiye. tl ie re f nre f.sks noquestíons, nor loeshe reqaïré pattentsto expíalo symptorus. Caltone nd all, md have thesymptoms and location of your tiseaseoxptainedftee of cburge, fThe póovsbalï be liberapj considered. jaffl-Fostofflw addresftbox Bife. - . R. J. LYONS, M. F-. Cleveland, Obio,Nov. 25,1802 ly880 JTJST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best aBSortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHALES, Ijools-ing; S-lLi,s.3eís Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIG CASES, &c, " c, and all other góodfl kept in the best and tarasí houaes in the country. We neepno second haad ur lituie or AuciioQ goods. Cofflns kept constnntly n and, and made to order. My gooös are oüered at THE LOWEST CASH FR1CES N. B. I must have money,and respcctfully requoat thoye iudebteil, to cali and flx up tlieir old mattefs without ilelay. O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor.Oct.O, 1863. 92ñtf BANNEE HAT STORE I Q GOTO Before you buy, Spring and Summor styles of 0-A.X3, STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishmg Goods, &c. jlnn Arbor, April 20th, ]864_. tluMft, MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. !MÜch.. insures agalnt Loss 01 Damage l)y Fire or Jjiglituing, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantee Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Maesii Giddinqs, A. P. SIiLT.8, Oeo. W. Snydeb, S. D. Allen, Gbo. W. Allen, OFFICEBS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W, Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E. Hovt Ass't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Ag 040tf H Ö W ÏRDA S iilicïXTFo W, l'HILADELI'HIA, I'.',. DlarnacB of tllr. Ncrvona, Seinlnnl,ürliiary Aiul Sexual Systems- hl-w and rfli:'-ble tioatml.„t- in report of Dio H01TAKD ASSOCJATfoB- gent by mail in senled letter UTalopesi rr ofcbarga AddressK. J. i;iI,UN" FlOtTQHTON, nótrartl Axfoci■ o i douth Tmtli rftrettj PbllaSfipit-, ■., lyVeD


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