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Lee's Surrender

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The New York World gives a graphie desonption of the surreuder of Lee, from whiob we condense tht following : PDSHKD TO THB WALL. Suturday evening Custer's división oi cavalry, quiokly followed by Merrit's, had succeeded n reaching Appomattox Gourt-House, working around to the very front and advance guard of the rebel aruiy, which they engagod. A savage conflict, laating ubout two hours, resulled in a victory that gave us a thouaand prisi.nera, thirty six oolor, and twonty-two pieces of artillery. (Jus'er had ulso captured on his way tire trains of oars near tho station. Lee's army, after tho repulse, stood stil], marshaled uear Appomuttox Court House. The shadows of evening fall ; the sounds of battle cease ; a hundred thousand yellow camp fires monk the stars Not all their light combined is bright enough tu show the watchful eves of Lee what fate is gathenng round hirn. He knows that Mead with the Second and Sixth corpa, is behind hirn and to the east of him. He knows - for he has been made to feel - that Sheridan is be fore him. But he does not know tha the Fifth corps, after a terrible .-wil mareh, hus arrived to join Sheridan that the Twenty-founh and Twenty fifiheorpsare coming up lrom below and will be ready to oo-operate beforo morniug. He does not know. in tact that wbüe the night speeds bis army ii surroundedl He aius alone - tbis man of ron, wlio with a sinking cause nod a starvii, army, has kept both alive so long. Hi head - that grand bewd of wbieh a per fect portrttit is before me now - rests on a hand, so strong, so truel - ah I would to God, I heard some gay, it had not been a nbel's ! THE LA3T TURN. He baa some hope, it seems, of break ing throujih our lines. His resol ve ■■{ the uight before was to muke tho attempt Bgairmt fciheridao in bis front, wbo, he imagined, froin the fact that he had met nothiug but oavalry the nigtil before, would have uothing but aavalry to oppose him in the morning linrning his wagons, srikiug and buryiug his artillery, sacrificing hi.-i uwu private ba" gage to assiwl ip lightening ihe bur'ieus of his army, he made, early on Sundiiy morning, a tremendous dash dowo the Appomuttox Court House roacl, againat the sloepless " tuan of sabers." Tbe niusketry of the 5th corps, joiniug wiih the earbines of the cavairy in a boarse and savage reply that sent hia men back like horwes ou their hauncbes, toid him at !aut, that (( all wus over and done." The correspondence betwecn the manders of the two armies relaúve to the terina oí eurreou'er of the Array of Northern Virginia, had, ia the uaeautitnü continutid, General Grant, during the pursuit of Saturday, had ent General Lee a note, naming the only and wellknovFn oondi'ious he required, and oflferng a meeting to discusa tbooi definilely. Geu. Loe had replied ou the name dav, statiug that. although he did uot yèt connider that the emergenoy had arigen to cmll fur the aurrender of bis army, he desired to know, as the restoratiorj of poace should be the sole object of all, whether Geueral Grant's proposalg would tend to that end. Geueral Grant did not receive this note uutil Sunday morning. His response to t, defiuing the unly terms by which peace could be restored botween the two armies and -the North and South, reached General Leo afier the failure of his attempt to break ih'ough the lines of Sherid n and the Fifth corps in hig froot. It was then that Lea, layiug aside !1 prevaricatiim and relniquishing al) hope, seiil back requestng an interview iu aocordanoe witti the offer coDtaiDed in General Grant's letter of the cky before for tht purpose. Gen. Grant, when he received this request, was considerably in the rear of his army, near Walker's churoh moviug up tuward Gen. Sheridsn's headquarquarter8, in thu vicinity of Appoinuttox Court HouHe. Sendiug forward a dispatch at 11:50 A. M. telling Gen. Lee that he was p'isbing lorivard to the posed meeting, he made what speed wan i [lece8ary, and arrived at Sheridan's headquarters about 2 A M THE SURRBNDBR Before the Lieuteuant General ar rived, Gun. Meaid, in comuiuid of the Army of the Potomuc above, had ordered an iidvanoe of the 2d and 6 u corps agaiut ihe enemj. Lee, awuitiug the reply frorn Graut, sent word to Gen. Made, askintc truoe iimii he had time to oousider the teim of i reiider. Gen. consented to sus I peud hostilitias untii 2 P. M. At half-past one, Graut 'm rived at Sheridau's headqunrters, nd eeDt Gen. KaulinH, his Chief of Stuff, and Coló ! nel Biibcock, his aid, to Gerx;rl Let-'s , headijuurters. On their arrival it was ; ascertained thut General Moadtï the i limit güt by him for the suspension of his advanoe havin pussed - hnd again ordored an ftdvanoe of the Seoond and Sixth Corps ng;iinst the rofiel roar froiu ■ above. Colonel Babook, under a flug ' of truco from Lee's line", proeoeded to : General Alcadi:' headquarters, and ' quealed that offioar to delay hi attaik until the impending meeting between i Lee and Gran; glinuld be oyer to Lee's heudquartei e, he then, in ootnpnny with Geueral Rawlins, esüorled the rebol oliieftaiu throiigh his own and Sheridan's üdsb to General Grant's heudquarters at Appomattos Oourt House. ' Lee tock with Lim Colonel Marshall, of liis sUft. At about 2 o'olook the party rsaohod Appotnauox Coijrt Houe, ' where Gen. Graut awaited hi visitor at tbo hpuse qt a eitizen naiad Wilnier MoLace. ín tbo liítíe rE5ertion moto were pens, ink ánd paper - all the simplo paraphurnolia of a military conference. Grant received his griest with tho simple soldierly frankness thnt 3 part of bis naiuro. As Lee, oalra, dignified, porfectly self-possessed, advanèed into the room, tbe Lieutenant General arose, and both clasped hands. ïhe rebel chief sank into tho oft'ered chair, and ithin a few minutes both were earnestly engaged discussing the ter;ns of the capitulaüon. Goueral Lbo desired to know dis tinctly what Geueral Grant had to pro pOHÖ. Goneral Grant assured him that th languao of bis previous diapatch ex pluined hit) wishes. Being conipletely at the mercy of hi conqueror, Gen. Lee wasevidently pleas ed with the liberality of these terms He expressed no dissent tü tbem what ever Sitting down at the littlo table, the Lieutenunt General then prooeeded to write a dipatch. addresnod to Gen. Lee, oontaining the terms upon which ho propoaed to reoeive the surrender, as quoted above. Gen. Lee, after reading t, drew his cnair tip to the table and wrote hm acueptance of the proposal. After a few rainules of private desultcry conversation, Gen. Lee took his depurture, Gen, Graut attouding him to the door, and takiug his hand at the threshold. The entile interview was conductid, ou the part of Geu. Lee, with the manly but conscious bearing of a 8oldir fairly beaten, but not cowed ; on that of Gen. Grant, with the generous spirit of a conqueror who couid afford to admit the abilitj, tr e courage, and the deserta of a noble foe. kolonel iíubcock attended Lee aod oomrades to the rebel pieket line, wbere he bude thtuii farewell IO TRICMPHB. By 4 o'olock in the afternoon the two armies, wbiqh had been impatiently awniiing the result of the conference, knew thut the article of surrender had been aigned. The discipline whieh was ordered by both comiaandorH to ba kept up aloug the pioket liues, did not pra vei,t ihe meo and officers from intormingling, coMgratulutirig efioh other, and thanking God and Lee and Grant in uniaon that the long agony of flight and puMuit was over, The soldier of the Union, catohing the news aB it flew, iheered until their throats wero hoarse. Every band iu the arruy became inspired with raelüdious fervor. The " Marseillatte," the "Star Spangled Banner," the ' Flair of our TJuion," v?ere played and sang. Even the rollioking strain's ol ' Dixiö" rolleil out from pipes of brass alongihe froot, in courtesy to foes that wera foea no longer from tbia gïorxou-s wjï vuiuers, irom ttio i,ieuteuant Soneralfl down to Colonels, were greet ed with an uproarious tumult of delight. All- the Anny of tho Potomac, "the Army uf the James, the cuvitlry under Sheridan, thé Army of Northern Virginia, with a voice more subclued- gave igus of gludness.


Old News
Michigan Argus