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The Great National Calamity

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Friday of last week, tho anniversaryfl day of túe capturo frt Fort Sumptm-S and the inauguration of the damnables! rebellion, and tho day of the restorationp .ij? the good Old. Flag to that Fort ini Ch&rlcstQU. barbor, pretaging tho tri-Sg iimpu of our canse aud approaohiugjl poacé, was a gsili day throughout theg üation. But it was not to close inlj jpoace, and while tho r.otes of joj' wcreB lieard iu every city, and villagc, and ■hamlet ia the land, the iouleet deed ever iporpetratod in our history, if not in th-'B Ihislory of al tho natinpa of earth, was l'Miacted at Washiugtim, shrouding tho ïualion id gloom, and slriking terror to lovery beurt. On that evening Presi■dont Lincoln, the choseu head of this Igreat pcople, was assassioated at the ■capital of iho nation, and with tho üawn lof Saturday morning the lightning of Ihoaveu was repeatiug the sad tale fiorn ■the Atlantic to the Pacific. Uut our pen is inadequate to speak ithe feïlings whieh overpower ua, andH jwe, therefore, adopt the following, fromH l:he New York World, of Monday morn-S ■mg, coufident that it will meet a res H iponse in the heart of every patriótica ■American citizen : " Butyesterday the nation was at thoH ■heiglit of jiyful oxultation over the de-g Scisive victories which seemed to promiseg Bpoace and a restored Union to a long-1 ■suft'ering people. 1 "Today every loyal heart must siifl nfer the terrible shock, and swell willig ■overburdeniug grief at tbe calatnityl ■ srhich has been permitted to befall usi lm tbo asnassination of the Chief Magis-i ■trate. 1 " The flags that fiaunted their glitter-i ■ing colors in the sunshine of yesterday, ■and bespoke the reeatablished supre 1 Hjjacy of tho governmeut, to-day mustl ■hang suspended at half-mast, for itsE 9i;hosen chief lies low in death. ffll , i ril I 11 n m B " 1 no splendnr oí our tnumph usa obbed of half its luster. Ib is a deeperj oas thanif our first soldier had fallón )y a hosttlc bullet, as tho gallant Sudo vick fel] ; more than if an army had Deriwhed in the shock of battle. Por it s tho oointuandor iu-chief of our armies ind navios who has fallen ; aud he has 'allon, not by tbe natural course of dis jase, nor in the acoepted peril of war, l)ut by the íaul stroke of some unknown issassin. " Our hií'tory has no payallel to this. Suoh grief as ours to-day is now to this nation's hoart. Olher Iresidents have died while holding the same high plaoe - Haerison and Taïlor ; but both died in tho ordinary course of nature, ana the nation's grief then had no such pang in it as this which is now given by the shot of an assassin. " The cry of the murderer as he leapl ed iroua the President's box and ranl ;icros8 the stage, "sic scmper tyrannis," betrays no maduian's fienzy. The plot included the murder oi Secretary] ISeward ako, and a!l the ciroumstances show that the same political fury aDd hate which lit the flumes of the great rubellion nspired these heüish doeds and by so much as these detraot from the splendor of our tnumph in its uttor aubjugation; by so much do they brand [wiih a deeper and more damning infarny its plotters, its leaders, its abettors, its aympathisers, its oharacter in impartial history. " Let every city, town, and streot and lano and house and farm of the wholt North become to-day but the wards ol an inihute prison to shut in and secure the villains who have done this thing II iet every man be an officer of the law to eearch them out and bring them to auiumary ar,d condign justice. The ehinery of governmont has already been set in motion ; but let there be no es cape for them if that should fail. " Into what proportions this calamity] will yet develop, no human eye can nowj foresee. lts efiect pon the politicall futuro of the nation will, at Iea3t, notj be Buch as wlien a dyuaty is over tlirown. Our laws-provide far the suc uession to such remote degreea that oven assassination oaunot leave the natioa without a visible iertder and head. " Andhkw Johnson today becomos the Prcsidmit of Unitsd ötatea, and Ithe chief politioal conseq.uenoos wliich Iwill follow from this tragedy will be Imainly such as bis personal character and politiual opinions, ospecjally on the subject f rooanstruotion, shall datermine. 5 Qoi give him wisdom to discharge worlhüy. tkü duties of his great office.1' L-L" Mobile has been eapturedl with large number of prisoaerf , gwia ,1 &c, bat so intense has beeu the excite,! ment over tho tragedy at Washington,! that uo has bad tiaie to rejpice. Zfër President Lincoln died sur-l rounded by liis Cabinut, all but iSecre-1 tary Sewajip, and otbox piocmnent] friends. Ha was unconscious from the! time hu was shot. The duathbcd sconoj i dcfitfibeii as vtsry aö'ectiug.


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