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GÉOBGffi DEMERIT & CO.J JEWELEES, 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, (CORXER UÜANE STREET.) 103,000 WATCHES, CHA1NS, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, VNTQDRTïa: $500,0001 TOBJÜSOLD AT ONE DOtiIAU F.ACII, VTITHOOI REGARD TO VAJ.UIC. And not to be paid until you kno-tv whnt ypv) will receive I SPLENDIDLISToi ARTICLES All to be Sold fyv OSE DOLLAR. Kach ! 100 Gold Huntirg Case Wah.hes eacb $K0 C'Q 100 Gold Watches '. 60 0) 600 Ladiea' Watcbes 35 00 600Silver Watchea '..S15 0') 1,, t'.'S 00 600 (iold Nutk uiid Vost Clmlus ]20oto 15 00 1000 Chatelain and Cqard ('!n:ii.i g gQ t., ",:, o l'OOO Vest and Neck Wniins '. .. 4 oq tó 12 00 1000 Solitaire J(pl :.:.d (Jidd Ili-unclies... 4 QO Id i(i loml ('oial, l.uvjt . (.aniL-t, Ac-, Ji-'nclir.j 3 00 10 B 00 70 0 (JoM, Jet, Opal, te. , Bar Drops . 8 CO to 8 JO 50 0 Uenl-i' liroast umi Sc;u-1' l'hii 3 OJ t.i 8 011 0000 Ovul Band Bïacplots .' 3 01) to 8 00 gOOOChased Bpseeluts 5 0(1 t j 10 00 860Q California l'.iu.vmd Pïns &RtugH. ff nü to 8 00 200D Oold Wfttcli Kcj h 2 SO to C Do 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons. & Studs. 2 toto 8 Ou 3008 oM ThimMps 5 00 to 8 00 5000 Miuutiirr Lockots ü 00 to 7 Oü 8000 Minutare ïock(i,lfglc 4 W) to 9 on 2500 Gold Tootbpickn. Croaren, Sc a 00 to 000 30U0Fob and KibbonSIides 2 00 to 5 00 5000 üliased GnW Rinp 2 00 to 500 4000 Stone Set Rings ' Qi) to 6 00 6500 Setn Lndies' Jewelry- Jct&UoM.. 5 00 o 15 00 80Ö0 Seta ladiea' Jewelry - vancd st.vles 3 00 to Is 00 8000 Gold tens, Alver Tase and l'encil. 4 00 to 8 ö.l 4000 Gold l'eu, F.bonv Ilqlder and Case 0 00 to 10 OU 0000 Gold Pons, Mouuled Holder.. . 2 0J to 6 00 All the goods 11 the above List will be sold , without reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certifleate of all the vuiiuu.-t articlcw ave :!aced iu uimilar envelope.s sealeil and mixed. Theso enveloiu-s will bo sent by mail, or dolivered at our oüice, without regard to choice. On recoiving íi Certifícate1, you willeowhat article it representa, aud it is optional with you to send one dollar, and receive the artiolo i)ffied Ur any other In the list of same valué. By this mode we givo selootlons from a varied stock Of fme goods, of the bost moko and latcst styles, and of intriusic worlb, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of secuiing articlcs of the very highest value. In all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding the Certifícate, paying postage, and doing the buttiuess, 25 cents each . Fivt certifícate! will bz ent for 8 1 Eletmfor $2; Thirly for S ; SiftjhfmfoT Í0; and One Hundred for $15. SECURE A CERTIFÍCATE ! There is no hazard or risk. ïhere are no blanks.- Every Ce-tificaterepresents an article. As we sellnoue of the lower gradea of Jewelry no person can receive less thau the value of their money, and they may get an artiqle worth uve, ten, or a huhdrod fold I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Every jioraon knowJ wliat they will roceive betore the arfiple is paid for. On receipt of a Certifícate yon see what article it representa, and it ix, of course,at youroption ta take it,or any other attiole in our List of the sanie valué. We guarautee eutire satisfiiction to every purchaser, and if tliere uliould bu any person dlssatlsfled with afay artlde received from us, thoymay immediatelv reiurn it and tlie amount paid will bo'rofumlod, (3 One trial will provo to any thnt tliiu sale gives uurjbaseis greatcr advantages than any othor ever gr'QpiisBd. AtfKNTrt. - We allow thoseactipg as Agatitk, fon Conts on eaoh Certjlicatec rderod, prorided their remitfcinec amount to Oij Dollar. They will collect 35 cents for every Cei tificate, and, retaitiin 10 cents, romit to us !5 cents for oncb, Addres, GEOROE BEMERIT k CO., SnilOOi iO3 Broadivay, New i'ork. fireatcst Medical Circular Ever Pnblished! f A Cl -Fiftcen-Ea larra l II letter pages for tffQ V. M S cent statnps. Young Men's Conüdential Medical Advisers in carie of Spormatorrhea or Seminal Weakness caused by Masturbation, Oenital Tantalization, self-abuse, or socretliabits indulged in by youtbs at tke are of luberty. DES. JACKSON, HERBEKT & CO., Proprietors of tlio National Dyspeu.-iary, estubluhed at Cinciuuati, Ohio.Jan. lat, 1660. Involuntary Emisiiom lead to Impotency, Consump tion, Ja.sanity and Iíeatli. Tbose ívho suffer n tljo least from tbin baneful praotce, sljould appjy tito Wfiple t'uvrgjr oi [hu soul to th attaiattieutuf Jiíaltli and couseíjuent eontentiüent and liappinesa. Ryevy oue, eifher tiick or Wfill, should Lave our vahiable ti eatise on this subject , wbicli ití sent free of charge. We guarautee lo cure Gonorrlioiaj'leet, Sypliiliis, Impotency, Xoctitrnal wútsiooR cr Self-Abuae, Piurnal Kminiuns, Kemale Complaiuts, in sbort, every posaibleform audvariefy of Sexular Dieease. Ciues rnpid, thoron?h and pericaueut, aud fces mudi-rate..- Send for ourCircular UR. JACKSON'K FE4IALE PIIXS- Ï1 peí bpx - Special written replies, well sealed, -nt v:tïi tlieCiroular, witliuut chui-g.'. ;joü pagestJlCl0 engravin.s. The Mountain of í.iglit, or Medical Piolectoi.aní Karriage Uuitle, and an l--x i lie i t Key to Loreand üeauty." It SATISPAC l'OKILY reveáis various sub ectii never beforfuJJy explained in any pctpuUr work n the Englisli lauguage . l'ri&s 50 ceats, tn tliree for Medicine and mstructions sent prociitly t any part of the countiy . Consulting Kooms of tlie DÍRpeaiary No. 107 Sycaiuore street. I'. O. Box, No. 4:6. DE. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LIN1MKNT iemoves all eoldnesa, aml rjuvenates orgtttH wliielí lave lain d.ormant ftw' many years. Can be mailed vjtli itrfectjsifety. l'rice $3 per buttle. Dft. JACKSON'S FRENCH PATEJJÏ 1A,V. fAYK. Tt ís tbo only aure and Fafe preventivo agaiiídt con ractin diiiease ever inventeit, l'rice $1 eacb, $4 per ■alf dozen, and $7 per dozen, sint by mail. 6m90b' GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIOGED DIGTIONARV ! ! KBVV ÍLLÜSTIIATKD ED1TION, ïijoioughly Rey8d and much Kalarged. Over 3000 Fine Eagravings. 0.000 yOKDS aad 1JEAN1NGS iwt "foünd íp other rjicliolKU i(. hr8t tliiity abi American and Enroscan oholara bkp ployi-it upoii tbi.B ro visión, ;inl chii ty years jí' Ibur expenJd upou it. ífjongibocullabuiatoijare Dr. Mahn, of Bi-ilifi, l'rofesöurg Porter, Dhuh. Whitney, Lyman, Gilman, and Tliiichc-r, Capt. Craichill, of West l'oint Mili t;uy Aciuli'uiy, Jude J. C. IVrkiiid, PrufcL6or mipB, A.L. Iíolley.Eaq. ,&., fre, everal tablea of ureat valuó, ont) of tUem oí fifty quai to pagp, KpI;uiHt"ry and fyonouncing, of ñames in liction of 13 aöd placos, rseilaó nyni, fïc,. Ac, ae Abaddna, Acaá.a, Alb:mv He geucy, Muíhor of Car . Masun and Dixon's Une, Mr. Mloawber, &c. 'üntaining one-fiftli 0110 fouvlli moro rna'ter litan auy fjruíür editiona. 'rom new eluctrotype plaíea aud the lüvcr.side Tictís and Biadier. In one Vol. of 1840 lloyal Qtiítrto Pagos. ' GET THE LA TEST." "GET THE BEST." "GET WERSTER.' Publislied by G. kC. MERRIAM, Sjirjngfiel.], tí'oü. SOI.O Hl" AT.L UjuKSKH.EUS. 1 0 H 9 ti PLASTERJUMBÜG! Snm Hicit il.iiik the more tliev Iminhin;, .leeeivp, and ie lothe farmers, tlio sinaiter tlu-y ure.' Nou n order o qiosc such humbuga, I bavp dcpoaited orjï hundrtd oü-s vi:h James BjLcMailón', ai hix Sinre, old i'ost Oilic= building, for fciu t.. gin Skuvsnn & Son lilty ollars of it, I' ever root' I vod OIjO loaJ of laster from WillUln Uovey, Agent, r . (u.jfrey , 01 oy otliermanfioia (irand liver liapids, Htetlgaa -, to giv.e lljeutbcr tifty dollars if tliej can bv au lyyiuií, proveí tliaithcir i-Uaster is a.s yood n.s my l'Jaser. ThOKc ilifaf .viuit a genuine line gfftuni] Wiiiianli'd etlci" ihan any other in this city, 'or no pay an.l heapcr, cali at my Office at l.umhei Vaid, :md 1 11 ivo jou some ti try ts qualitles aml Bue, igra vel tonea lly out of t wljou OwjlJgr 1' urmei ,-, K:ly t wjl fiüi Ciaud Si yer, Caiiuila. l. lM:i(,;]:sr Anu Artmr, ipril 1m,1í(S. l(X2 ' MfiFAIHIiANKS' B pl? UI-' .i.I, K4.D. Al.o, ■-■ :;,.T ii-j,,,,!. ,,. ■■,., ,,.;,; .,;;,,',. . FA1BBASKS, GREEKLEAF & CO,, Ï73 I.ako Simt, CHICAGO. Sold iu ïelroii by I-'AUKAND, SHELKi' fc CO ■ $m ' OUR CHINASViAN STiLL LIVES Aniiconliimes to f uniiali tJiat unriviiled qaality ( TEA always fuuiid ut tha Peoplo'a Sturc l.uviT of ;o(k1 Tea il] pl..M! 1ry a aarapl OF OUll NEW TEA. DiïOUKST&STtWAUT. Q-ROOEÍHII2S Of all kin.ia. Fruits, Kxir.iol, Spyif. li(-l.K-s. (iin 1'cTfumon, &l. ]'n I .uucii-s atfd Wiies for Moliiciid purpure unly. ]:i'(iUí::M' ,v 8TF.WART. Sugar ! Sugar ï A toal) lel of LOVV 1'liICED SUGA!;, L--S" FISII.- Codfih7Whitefisb Trout, Mackercl, Herring, &o. DaF0M31 STKWAliT. SYEUP ! SYRIiPl A foiv barrels, extra qufi(j. DufOREST&STKWART. L0IL AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEROSENE 0IL Ïhc (ualliy ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. DbKOIÏEST & STHWA RT. Purchasers oí CR0CKE1ÏY. GkASBWARE, LAMPS, PLATED ÜOODS, TABLlá CUT LERY, &c. Feí salo at than N'ew Yurk wbolenate priwn, ly DnFOKKtfT .V STEWART. A Grood Clothes Wringer. Saves time! Save movey! Sanes clotláng! Saces strength! Saves health! Sawa hiring help! Save weak wrists! Saves hurning hands! Woolen clothes can be wrung out of boiling water to prevent shrinking, without injury to the machine. DkFOIUSST S STEVVART. piLËS-"A BTOÏ 8BHBDT Everybody is bt'ing cured oí' t!4d distressiug Jiseasc by the use of BR. ÏULLINGTON'S PILE REilEDY. Read wh;it those say whu lin,ve used it; PriTHFiüLD, Washteiiaw Qo,t llich Dr.S, &, BfLuxOTo.N; DeaxBir ; l'.jrtlu' goj&.i of ího aTijictei i herewitli trausinir. to y ou a statetiientof the bcneltt whlcb I ban1 roceived truni the bh of yQur ]'1LK RKMKDY. Fora numberwf yeu's I luivo been voi-y b;ully aiüictcd witli the Piles, so dju&!i hu ü to rejider nu t limi's totally uofit for businesn. I foand uo pernjapont relief f rom the inatiy remstlies which I made u0 of. and almost despaired of etlf clin;? a permanent eucs J was n l töugta mdticctt tui at Anu Arbor íyn;tt.f tría! of vuur remeüy, ;whifii warranteil to cllVct care or reeen e no pïy rcons derfffi it lik o init o t lier patent iiu'rtkine.s- a numbug, until I be-j to injui ove. 'Witii imp (ivi.n)ont. aiif-lat léfngth m onlire cun1, 1 !l" came convincod it was ascientitic and reliabk rénrwtj . 1 used One I'atkíjk tiwi.y, isliic'i i aro hupJAr to .sny-en tirclyr,urjd nu-. Trustiog that all who makt1 iim' of t'-' Kluctuary for tliat lüítót dj.-íti-f.-sinsr disuade- Pile;- may '.ulize the .-arnoiiiipjiy refultsj I am iavpectfuily youri-j SMÏTH MAC0MB1-.R For caseí, cali on tbe Agent and oljtifl pamphlet and lLference feo a f cti.fii tu Anu Arl'ur wlio Bave been caftd by the use of tlie Klectiary. I irfOBEST STKWAIIT. PRÜRliTOTÏO. f ' I hm Tlie great Itcli and Humor Killer - of the 19th Century ! TM luw prcpamtwn possessea most wotidcrftf uopertlei, and is Fot' cVeïy siioclcs f th 1TCH, PBAIR1E ITCII, UARBEK'S ITCH, HUiASII SCIUTCIIKS, IU,()1S MANGE, CUTANEOIIS KliJLniOSS, I'IMPLES ON THE FACE, SALT UUEpJ, SCALD 11EA1), , The PüUltUlO LOTIO Is (i new anrf iertain eure for nll km. Is of Itcli, aid Huiii prepnr.ition It i free from all the suinniv, dlsagreenble qualilies o( the oiittiiifiiis in gunenil use. TheRORIGO ïjOTIO Is saf,: to use AI,L CmOBMSTANCES; wil) nol the ntnrt tender Wn-.mJ CON'l'ALNS NO MEKCüüY. Don't fail l.' U'S it. Mamila. I uit; J l-y K. T, k W. T. MFAKLAiI), Bolc PropHetw, toftgette Jad I'UK K íil CKNTS. f.Olil) k. S)IÖT, TlMCagO, Wl,ol,e AB,nl.. ilil at Wliflt-s;ilc n Chicago bv KU1,I,'-'H FINCH VirH.Vlt: ailAKl.KW:.?M,V.,; iVciVll AJIS UN Sl'IIAvCK; TV. ]." llAliliiS & CO sroviL !nvu' ■' '♦ KL!:Di W-. f!"í-: rANTlii- Man-i.Ml Ludiek, Pioi M Vod Vera? j rievcr, ui. 1 uaruiles wiioeOy toi a!) olp'r.icii. ns an.l ii'ri'Cu liirilicc. Alli.i.irno.Ua.iR.s 11 lin.l tiiisji newr fiil Bï pfev;itivtí, for w]iiih it is warrautc.l in iï-orv initancc, atj.l air iuvitod i " .-..'11.1 a red stamp for nkr,nrtOal4a b.iHIe, to ]' KKm-llKK s'l EAIiNS. irholeftale diuggist. reneral aeeul for Afcliifjan for Ihe i.aiioii,! Ilrojis, 1'. 0. Uraan 4iö, 1), truit. Dia'trt '"i'i"'"'." "it'tW T ■■■■, fl3ül" R E s! Q a ! ' 3S!. B. COI.E, UK iviu.ivt'ii !i i .- i t H'K uk BOOTS SHOES, ■Ttlii' simo ..! A. !'. Mili.. .-; po., ori Ji.iin:-!.,. (, 'Au :(. ir uill !).■ U l I. ..,,: l , , j . ;i .- .i n.l tlie ii uti-.üv. ui vu mu i rAfcL1: CLOSIJÍG OUT ■ . ____ ■ ; -= A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! FUHNISHÍNG GOODS, CASSIMERES, Cloths, Satjnpts, &c, DOMESTIOS, SHOËS, HATS I CAPS, Crockery, CtROCERïES, &o,, salt" ' be 60ld at ïrlcC8 lt willguaranteehoif i" B'Tha lrget Stock of Calleo aud Brown Oottoo m the City at lesa than Manufacturar' prftX onS'r" Pr'CC pail1 lnTradeor oash tt tlnd J1ACÍÍ & S(J{ÏMIP. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PWTUMES, FB4ME8, THREAD, 8ILK, T "WIST, MAC UW E OU,, fa fho undepslgapa pos? otyeps the public TUE DEST SEWING MACHINE PUR4JHLJTY, BEAIjTYoJ 8TYLEl(in VA BIET Y of WORK, it "STANDS UP HEAD. It neods only to be sean tobe a]ipreciateil. Run th work both ways, takes four kiuda uf stitcjics hemi fells, jathers, braids, bindi, qoilts, gatbfjrs and ■ on r ruffle at the same timo. Sew.i from the tliinneat fl the thickest fabrio without changing the stitob .eusion or noedle, or without breaking the thread.- The Wonder of the World J and pictures lrained to order at ?hoyt nutice. AUo.nAKNDM'S SELF-SEWKR qr TUCKEB, whioh can be adjustcd to any Sewin'g Machino. Cali at the gn of the FI.QRÏWPE SEWJSG Ï1ACIIiNE, a few doors East of (jook's P"fl' StitchingNeatly Done to Order, Also, on ixhihition,thecelebrated " WEED SEWINQ MA( -Jiixic,-' wlncUtoqk tho premium a( the Michigan stilte Fmr, of 186-. W. n. 5OLME8. Ann Arbor, Dec. 28th, 1864. SU9tf THE ONLY SURE THINQ. PHOTOGRAPH HAlft fiilf 11 As tlie naine indieates, t not only ke.nkws thp growthot the hair when thln nnd falüng cft, bul t [lositivelv wwummtm KM i.. ís wig iiutl ulmdf when ít is tuniiuí gray or white, liotliur causcd liy distóse grief or oíd ag1 í ' It willcertniíily Jo frat is claimed forit, a faot tp uhich hulfljred; iiay, ihousiiiiclf wlio have sed if.are redj and willin lo testify. IVliore ore buttlc a fairly used.innq.v cum;iuin(ty, its rauutajion "sprpail lil,t wiliHirf," nid Isllijj (in.i ailvcrtispitiout and reo.. oujmenJatimi we ilosin.. lu the Kastern States wlirro tlie-"KPNBWEB," oriKJjialiJ, H is utoil by all Ví'UnK l.aihosana Breislpg, and it.bnftund entile toilet tblcs oEYourfg Men, (alfn atthiir liardcis ; (ivhil Oidor MiMi and Wiiintii wilí ot be ivitliüut it, as i-enower and rest,oratve for tlieir groy lock andljald lii'jids, whitli il fliangcii tu tbeir entlr satisfactinu. We ff selling ip tlie city of Boston alone 'npwsfds ol 13.O0Í Ijottles )■!■ ni.Milh, the RivWg tW KKXJiWJÍK tlio prm íouce over all.ut.ijof IJair l'rouarlitlOKí. ' r If noUold by Iirtiggist In -Jour toan, a íríiil IwtlU uill beseut t.. y.ui bv Express, upoq rp-jot of on dollar liymail- thusgirinK yon&n opiiorlunlty at ojice fifi tetUnK iiiuxcrllviit rirtiws. J Üivltis for Trini ilotljtg, must bc ad.lreesod to ar ifuni-raUírent fnr tiro Nnrtliweftern States. C. A JOO1C, Boa Ü534, Cliicngo, III. AJÍ sch orders wilí receive prompt aUontion. H. 1'. IIAI.J,.-C).. l'roiiiiitciB, Nashua, V. H. lhetr.JUSUp,lita ut prfees bv Kl'LJ.Kli, FINCH & VI l.l.Ei:iV!,oll,.;,!WlruSK,Ms. Chillo, IWW Oiíios 909. ' ' M. ííaliwvji Ijibl preiiarod the ViiNETl,l.íl HAIR DYR ; ÚO&a tlull has beêB used liy tjipusand ind n no iiistuiu-e ba& it lailed t( give eutirc'.satisfac' J. f i U . The I'NIÍIIAN nyKistfie choaiwt in tlie world its pticc is only l'ü'ty Conts, añil eav-i botilo contalna doubh' ([uaniity ol dye in lho„o u-;uUly soid for The VKXKTUX DYF is xyananted uot to ilijtirp the lian or th. sealp iu tlie bluliUkt deice Tlia VKXKÏIAS I)V' tt,,rks with rai-idit.y nd cer tiu'.v, tl0 huir 1'i'üi.iriug m, uvfi'aratíoo whnlcvi'i Kril N DVH produces anj' sbade tlint may J li.' '■híh-4 . tüii' t liat will ii. .t fado.' rock wash out - niiptliali 5 llt-ruinnt os llielmir ÍIm:1I. Foi miIo by ülldrugglsta.- rlcB M cent". A . í . HaXIi'IsWS, Ci-uoral A;eiit, 13 Cold Sti.Tt. Xe Vork Ai'.o. Mnnuf.ulnrer oí M.uiiKis' Aumca Hjrs Cíoss.the I.,-! t 1 !■■ ín i,, 'i ■ )i, 1., ,.,,. hdttlc


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Michigan Argus