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'i UIÜ ÜUüTri ANLt THE LfiAVESl WIIX bo for the Healit g 01 Iba N'ation iiUe. Prof. TjYON'íS, HEORÍAT AXÜ LKLLBil.VTKI 1'HVílCi.VK of th ilKOAT.LUXüS. HtAKT.UVtR ÁVB TUt ULUOD, &aowuallovrtbicoauity ít uta ■MU INDIAH LtL}jR,3 IDOOtrOH, I Of 2X2 suprior 8tret, Cleveland, Ubio. Willriíit tile follow-.ut; (jUmk, i i A?POIS'TMENTSF0K 1861!, IS6Sud 1S84. ruf. R. J. Lpooa cu be ouaiulted at thj followim [ac"é üvt?ry rrjonth, viz: Detroit, Kuitn'!lioue, eacli month, 18th and 19th. Aun Aroor, M)uitorHouiif,each nioatb, iítítb. JacLsOB, Llibbird Houac, cach moutli , 1. Adrián, Bmtkfct íiouat-, oarh uinnth 2'2n an.i-Jo.i., Oliio . Colime ilouno.racli munth a4tb 25th nd'Jfilh. ' HiUmlale, Mich. , HiUhdalf Houne, each month,7tli. Ci'Ulwatcr, Micb.. Southerü Micbigau Hount, eacli íonth , 2Sth. EUkhart, Kikhart Houhr,each montb . 2?th. South Bcuii, Inti., St. Jo. Hn'el, each month, 30. I.: pii-if . lnd., Tcc Oardüu ik imr, each luODtb 31 si. Vooíter ,Ohio, Craudell tíxchjingfc, each montli, "tli ndSth. ilanslirld, Ohio, Wilcr Hou cich month, 9th and Otb. Vcrllon , KcnTOü Houne, tach montli, llth in1 Sth. N'ovrark; Ohio, Ilultuu HouMe, each m(níb, 13th aiui llh, PaiüéRvil'p )!uo. CowlpuHnnp.iMch month. 4th ui,KVi:i.AJÍÍi, niiKi. an; JKFICE, 282 SUPERJÜll STRKET. plant oi the public square, appovHe tin. Poftofficc tYíí-.v Ji ecl) uionth. lt. 3ii. ith, 5tb, 6tb, l&tlt.- [fice lioui Iruui í) A. Ú. to 1" M, nl (rem a I'. M. to '. M üniiun!aj f rom V to 10 A M., áhd 1 $o 2 I'. M .-ftrictly ailherel tü-I givt sucb bjilui iis hart no itrlfe_ Witb nature or the la of Üfe, With bloc) rajr hands I nTr utain, Noriiisuii men tnenne theirp;iinlitis a physician indtfd , who Cures. The Indian Hero loctur . R. J. LYOXtf, cures tin fol lowing oiupiainthin the most ubstiurtte Mttts ■)! iheii ixlitence, viz: DiñuiiMi-Nuf tlio i'Uroat, Luoa. Heivrt, tiWr, Stom . h , i'r-ipay In the Clu-st. Itheumatiaiu , Xciirftlií,. FH ■ir Fa:iinL;ickui-e.;iitlttIl'tlitr nvrTOUH Itjrangtniifnt. Also nlhliseariesotthe blouil . sucli a Scrolula, lErysip ls, Cuncer . FeYdora, I.eir!y . and.tüei corii , i kmU".'. cl; run ie complHint s. íVilfóriaíHuí TtMuafo liÖlcuItIa attended to wiïh tl . ■ ■ U -.t ]■ ultfl. Liiat no iiüt.' ".i :! ■ifnjuur o! a iireuutil irgivun theliKiian tierb Doctur'x -Mtdiciè ;. i í Mll;!ui t:iui. ' J'ni-ii'i tltC Doctor' ferai Inited :;t; bas b( hu the Dfliromedt in Ooñ'v .r.ü.i. ö feiftvi'ê tu hcallli ajid figoi EbouMDile wii. vr -ivn ui1 in"' pronouuceH mcnriiblp by the mosl imiuftutulddcho! pliynicias; uay, morr , thouitRud .h, rere on the vergf of the lir.ive. art now living ii-n.umntK to tiie Indian Hertrs Doctor1 skill miiiccesrul treatment ,:indjiru ilaïlj xcinnniiiK: " UU' ied hptht-ilay whenfirst e suw aml partook of th mlmn Hcrb Öoctor'a medicine." Satisfactory i-efereuces'if cares will be gladly aml Sheerfully ifivt-nwheneTur requned TlieHoolor pledjfcs liin wonl hii1 Iionor, that he wil: B do wi8,directl orindJrectlx, induce or cause an avalM to tnke liis raediciiK-wjthoul tlie btrongeft probibiüty of a cure. Ai1" Modeot'pxamin.ition, wliirb U entii clylitTercnï rom the faculty I'r. I,yn profesAes to (Hffeern diiea'f by the eye. He therefore asks D0fjo8tHofl, ik: .locshö requiro pationf to explain syinptoms. Cal! rfh' tid all, mil liavc thcym"ins aad ïocütion of your i-irapt'xplainedfree of clmríít.-gFThf poot shitlt b liborally considered. Á'a-Po.-'tofllceaddresíí. box 2663. R. J. LYONS.M. r. Cleveland , Oliïo, Nov. 55, 1862 Iy88e JUST OPENING ? The largest Stoek and best aaortment ol CA3INET FÜRNITUfiE ? ever brought to thie city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTEK TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIKS, Ijools-ins CHassos Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, " c, nd all other good kept !n the bent and Ur rel houaei u the country. Weseepno secoinl hand uriitufeor uctlon goods. Cofflna kept conntantlj n nnd,and made tu order My govAn are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRiCES N. B. I mut hve mcney,and respectfully quef t those iudebted,to cali and Bx up their old matten .H.outd..ay. Q m MARTIN Ann Arbor, Oct. . 163 SiHi -i- A TVT "V.T TT' TZ _E JA. J- xx Xi a.. HAT STORE! o GO T O Before vou buy , Spring Qd Summer ntjltt ot STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. i nn Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 8m953. RÏflëfracïo r y ! XaLH Beutier & Traver, [Succe8or to A . J. Sutherland, ] Manufacturera of nd Dealeri in Guiib , Pistols , Ammunition. Flaskt, Pfiuthet Game Bagi, and Evorjother article ii thatLino. Allklndiuf BEPAIRINO ■lonti t ib iliott t notie, ml m thabeat laanonr. ft fttll rtMortmpDi alwavH krpt nnhand and matlt orWr 4 il Shop corner Main anü W&.tiiugtoii tteeta. Ano Aíbor,O. 8, t62. 7Bf HOWARO ASSOCIATION, PniI.ADKLPHU, PA. Dlseaaca of ili Ncrroai, Seminal, Urlnnry and Hriual S)lnii.-'i and ri'Iiablr trratmpnt- in rtporti of the HOWAKD ASiOCIATION- Sfnt by mail in i-Alfil lpttr r enffplopfn, f ree of oharppAildrn Dr. J. SKII.UN HOUUHTOH, IiüW.ird Amocitiin. Vo S i"'.fKXrtHpfl. riU'pti. Prm te C L3L. :Ej JSj C JEt v L3 POliONJO SYRyp, SEAWEED TOHIC, MANDRAKE PILLS, The Abóte is a corree likeneM of I)r. Scbt-nck. j'it after recover :nor f rom Gowutfffttf' n. mKy .vjars ugo IJeloir Ís a likcncürt of hiin a !h now r. pj:ears. Wlitn the fimt né. íulcn lio wclgbed 10. pouuds - at tbe prc!(iut tímt lúa iVtigLt ia 22() pnund. Jipato., títty, +' 1)R. SCHENCK'3 Principa! Office and LaboVntory ík at the N. E. córner tot IX'tM and COMJIERCE Strtets, Philadelphia where all letters for advice or buniuess shoulrt be di rected. Hewill bo fouud títere every SATURDAY, profes gionally to examine langs with the Reapirometer, for which his fee is tliree dollars ; all advice free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAY, froni 9 A. M. to 3 F. M. At tbo MA UUO' UÜTIÍL, Boston, January 18 and 19, Ftíbruary 15 aud lí, Maich 15 and 16, April 19 and 20, My 17 and 18, June 14 nd 15, Julyl9 and 20. Th time for my beiug in BALÏ1V1ORE and I'ITTSBÜKG, will be seen in tbe dally papera of thuse ciliea. Hu Wttory of Dr. Schenek's ovm Case, and how he was curtd of Constimyd'jn. JUny years aff, whilst residíng io Philadelpllia, I had proaiessed gradually in1o tbe last etage of Pul monary Consumplloii AU hopes of my vecovery beini diKsipiLted. 1 wus adlsed by my phyHÍoian, Dr. l'arrinb to remeve into the country. Moorewtowu, NTew Jemey, teng my ualive place, 1 wan removed thitlier. My fat'her and all liin family bad Hved and died tbere - and died of rulmt.nary Coosumption. On my ai-rival I was put to 1 ed, btre 1 lay for niany weeks in what wasdeeraod a hopeles-H conditlou. Pr. Thornton. who had bexn my lather'n family phyfician, nm liad attended btm in bis last tíñese, was callüd to see me. He thought my case entirsly beyond tho reachof medicine, and di'i-ided tbat I muht úio, and gave me ooe week to arranae my temporal alTairs. In tota apparrntljr hopeles condition, I heard vftho remeries which I now make nnd Bell. It secmed to me that I could feel tbcm worliing their way , and penetrating overy nerre, tibre, and tissue of my syutem. My lungs and liver put on a now acuon, ana in mor bid matter wbich for je.ra thd accuniulated and irrl tated the different organ of the body, was eliminnlO'l, be tubei-cles on m . lnnga ripened, and I pxpectorated fróra my UingK as miicb as a pint of yfillow olTenhive matter every morning. As this expectoration of mntter su'iMdi.'d, the fever Hbateii, the pain lcft mo. the cough ceased to har me, and the exbausting nightflweat wore O longer kñown, and I had rfreshing sleep, to whlchl had Ion? been a stranger, Myj.pp.etite nf be?nto return, and nt times I fonnd it difflcult to restrain mvself from uating too njuch ; with tuis return of hcalth, I gained In trength, and now nm flehj. 1 ani now a healthy mnn, witii a largc heaied cicatrix i" the n-lrtflle lone OT me rignt lung anct the loe Mbe kepattwd ith complet adhei'on uf the pleura. Tbc left lung i sound, and ttié uppmlobe of the ii"lit "O is in s tole:ably heilthy cuh'dltidh. Cpnsumption al that tiine wa tbought toboan incurable disease, by every ono, phyi-lcians aswella thoie who were unlearnedin medicine- especiallysuch cases as ware roduced to coudltion I was in. TM induce.] many pe"pleto believ. my recorery only temnorary I do preparad and gave the medicines to consumiiüves fcr some time, and made msny wonder ful and tbedcmaud increased so rapid'.ytbatl lietoiroined to otTer llicm to the public, and devote ruy uudMdedattei:tin to lung disea,es In truth, I iras next to fured to it,fr peopie would send for ine fitr añdnear, to ascertain whetlier their cases were like mine. . ... For m:iny yearfl, in conjunction with my principal office in riiiladelphia, I have been making regular proferiional vmits to New York, Bowton, Ualtimore, und l'ittburg. Kor everal jearn jiast I hare made as many a flve hundred exaroinationweekly ith the "Respirouieter." For sueh examimitiun my charge is three dollar, and it nubles me to give rach putiont the trua condition o! Ha disease, and teil him frankly whther be will get will. Thegreat reason wby pbyslcians do not cure Conumption ia thatthey try to do toomiicb ; tliey glve me iVine to top the cougli, to stop the n glit swent, bectic fever, and by so ring tliey derange the whole digestivo system. locking up tbe secrelions, and eventually the patiënt dies. Thé l'ulmoiüc Syrup is one of the most valuable medicines known. It is nutriënt, powerfully tonic,and hfalin in itself. It contains no opium, yet loosens the pblegm in the bronchial tubes, and natuie throws it off with litt'e exerlion. One bottie frequently cures an ordinary cold; but i' will be ell first ti take a dose of Scheiick's Mndrake's Tills to cleanfe t'ie stomach. The l'ulmouic iyrup is reai'ily digested at.-d absorbed intoblood,toihichit Impart its healing propertios - It is one 01 the best preparations of iron in use ; it is a iranerful tonic of itself; and when the Sea weed Tonic diaol estlie mucus In the stomach, and Is tarried off bT the aid of tho Mamirake lilis, u bealthy fluw of Ktric juii e sood appaiitf, and a goud digestión foliow The Seaweed Tnic is a stirmilaut, and noneothirU requiied when it is nsed. It Is pure and pleosant; no bad cffocth line whfii using liourbon whisky, which disorders the tomach. torpors the liver, locks up all the scretiont, turn lh üloori lnto ater, dropsy set in, andthepatii'nt dieSsuddenly. Bourbon whisky is recommended now-a day by almost every physi ian. Many patients tbat vlfit my rooml botli malt and female, are stupelled wifh thia coison. The relief is temporary. If tbey cough thcy takc a Hltle wl-isky ; if tliey foei weik and feeble they tnke a little whisky ; if tbey canr.ot nlep, they take a little whisky; and tbey go on in thi way, requiring more uutll they are bloated up. and imagina tbey are getllng fleshy. The stomach, liver and ld - gestive powers are compltel destroyed, and lose thelr appetite for i'ood No ona was ever cured of consumption by thia procens, where caTitin he been formed in tbe A Httte timulaut is frequently beneficial to consumptlves, such as pure brandy or good ■vine ; in many case London porter or brown stout in moderate quamMes ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on tnstead ut curing conpumption. The Seawecd Tonic produces lantinjf resute, thorouehlr tatottlD thestomach and disesiire system, and eiablmg it t elimínate and irake into healthy blood the f -od whlch may b used for that purpose - It is so wonderful in it fffect thtt a wine glass tull wül dlgesta htarty meal.and a little of it taken brfore breakfast will gilt a tune to the stomach wbich luw medicinen ocn v" w - -nThc MANDP.AKE PIi.1.8 may be taken witll ntlr ■afety by olí 'ge and oondttioni, prodncinj; all (he KOOiiresultithatean lie oUainedfrom caloniel, or anr of thr mercuri! meliciut . ana without anjr cif tbeir huttíu! or injunouB renult. Thy curry outof the syatem thï frculont and worn out matter looseoed nd d'Uüolved bv my gcaweed T.inic nd Pulmonlc Syrvip.- H willbe een that all thrce Of my meOiciu.3 are needed n mi at cae to cure CoununiptioQ. AÖENTS. BOSTÓN- Gocrge C, Goodwlu fe Ce. NEW YORK- IVpian Borne fc Co. S. P. Hanc. PrftPBURO- Ir. fieorge H. Kejser. ClNCINNATIi-F. Y.. Sulre Co., and Jofcn D. ?art. CHICAGO- I-ord i Smith, Bml H. Borll. eT. I.OC13 - Ciillin Brother. ÍK TOAVnaCO- Bnte1tpr, Siultli A lean, WM. KNABE & CO'S ! a bb _ Ham ö v PIANOFORTES. Read the following commendatory iet ters froni distinguishcd Artists, Wm. Knabe b. Eo.- Gentlemen : Qj After hftving played on the Piano of Me.ssr. pT A Kníhr A Co. it U imposible oot to bear testlMB niony to their qualitiea wlilch have acquired for them the. emiuent n-putation wrhlch they enjoy. pH The. I'ianos of thi.-ir manufacture, on which I have played, are exceedingly remarkable for QfÜ tlielr quulitles of tonh. The Baas la powerful, P" without harahneas, and the upper notes sweel, O olear and harmoniuusly niollow, (chryatatin,) and I do not hesitine to expres in regard to tsr_j thew instrumenta my entire satUfaction, and F3 to declare that they aro equal tf not superior to the best manufacturad in Burope or thls coun m, try by the most cek-brated maker. i,. ju. (oriMiïiiji. f Jaitas Bftner X Co. Chicago - Gentlemen: j l coQülder Wllltam Knabi A Co's Plaiios ■ff the most perfect in uae, combinln in the t , hiffheat degree the moit valuable and essenP" tlal rcquisltea of power, aeinoss of tone, and A , general accuracy. Tho Baas poasesses prest Hl compasa and volume, and the higber potes a clenrneaa and rlchnesa of tone eldom attalned in other Instruments. Tl ie touch or 3 actlon appeara parttcularly agreeable, and in Ita proportionate adaptation reöects great credit 0 upon ita manufacturera. The lntrodnetlon or ' your Pianos in the West luw createil a new era J0t Ín Musical circlea, and will doubtless crown Íibbj your fllorts with the eminent succes you so mr m richly ruerit. Very truly. your. ÜS Chicago, Jum 9, 1S64. LOVIS 8TAAB. 25 Irecommend the Planos of Mr. Ksabk to lff?5 cverybody wb.o watita a rually flrst class inetrament. H. BALAÏKA. ff Wm. Knnbe k Co.-Geniemen: I have great pleasure in ccrtlfytng that 1 hare mbm tried your Square Pianos, and find them equal, ■ If not'superlor, to any in thli country. Among IP thelr great qunlitfes, which distinguish them, ís the evenne-98 of tone, the agreeable and eaj S touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the Bueceas you eo higlily deserve, I am sir youra very truly, 8 THALBEBGi ■M Wm. Knabe & Co. - Getiüemen: f I cannot but congratúlate yon upon the ïm■■■i menso progresa aud improvements which you j continually make on your Pianos, wbich, in my opinión, rank among the very highest in thla country. M. STUAKOSCU. - J. Baner k Co. - Gentlemen: CS Our Opera Troupe are at preaent uiing fmir of your jiiBtly celebrated Knaus Pianos, and as 2Q the exponent of the views and opinionsof the various Artlats, perrait me to aay, ï conuider f-- : them vnsurpassed in brUliancy and excellence r"i and pre-einintnty without a rival in thiscottn2 trV 0T in Europe. Their superior quality of rH tont, combinlng great depth and powerful volf- unie, with which and a pecullarly clear and ■■■ even treble, together with a maglc elastícity of f - touch and actlon, render them superior to other ■ inlrum4ntst which rarely if ever combine the most essentlal requisltes. I most cheerfully yy) endorse the high and meritorlous encomiuraa m everywhere pronouuced upon these Pianoa. % K. ifiCJZIO, Musüal Director, halJ ia Optra. CMatgo ft. 10, 18M. ÏTm. Knabe & Co. - Gentlemen: éj Having rewntly had opport-uiütiei of tesUng Q0% both your uew ecale Uraad ani Square Pianos lt gives me great pleasuro to state that I have found them to combine all the qualltiesto make 2 a Plaoo aa perfect as posaiWe, and unsurpaased P" " by any that I have seen either In this oountrj (fsa or Europe, for great power and roundueas o( ' pHBH tone, comblned with that peculiar sweet and j singing quallty, so often found wanting in ■ C Pianos. They are really unaurpaasable, and in touch ererytliing that oan be desired by the t most brilUant player. Wisltlng you every susP- "i cess, 1 remain, youra truly, ij c. aWschutz, 2b Musical Director of the Germán Opera. . JULIUS BAUER & CO, Wholeiale Agenls for NortkweaterD Stitea. 99 S. Clark and 89 Washington SU. i S CHICAGO, ILL. 1 gySBND FOE A. CIRCULAR. RISDON&HENDERSCLN !EC.X7"O tlxO CRAI1M DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHEVKRYLATFSTIMl'P.OVEMENT.and betterthan 1 all otliers; ndapted to owing Wheat, Kje, Oata, Barley and Grana Seed . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. WW 8ow all kinds of Grain and örass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain ith. Nevar breaks the Grain. 5th. Sóws Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheeh and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel pnints. Sth. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. lt has doublé and single rank drills. IQth. lt has a self adjusting shut off slid. lt is neatly and substantially made. There ia hardly a Drill offered in the market but can bonöt of more or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS?' They are aboutas indincriniinntely bestowed aa the title of " Profestor," which in Bometiraen Applied to the "Jiddlcr " or " bootblack.}y Tbey ceaee to convey the idea of merit. The BuckeyeDrill has been on Exhibition at quite a nuraber of State and Couuty Fairs, auü without scekiut favor at the liaudn of aay Coramittee, has receiveü its full ahare of ï'remiumg TESTIMONÍ ALS : We giyethe following oames of a few Farmirs in this vicinity who hare bought and und the BuckeyeDrill : Godfrey Miller, 8clo. JacobFolhemu 1E Jacobïremper, " Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokair, " Christiau Kapp, ' EilwftTil Boyden, Webster. JauieK Treadwell, AnnArboi nanielO'Hara, ' 4t .TohnG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, ' L. Edmonrin, Saline. George Cropwey, Gren Oak, hir. Co. We arealsu Agenta for the Ohio Reaper & M. wcr, acknowUdgedtf-be the rery beat in age, "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Alo largeanortment o G-rass And Lhe largest and best ttelected stock of BENT STUT F FOR CARRlAGEPeTer Vforeoffrred In thifl market We also keep &large and full NAII5, GLASS,PUTTY , PAIHT.&nd UN8EED OIL. X complete sgortmn tof STOVES, TINWARE, AÏJP EAVF.TROCG38alway onhand ad pa% np 5 the 'hort'"tD"ti"mnmr, nfwFR. .. Eatato oí . Miohuel Devany. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County op Wígiüijüw, ss - O At i session of the Probate Court for the Cuunty of Wasbteiiu.wt hoMen at the Probate OÜice in the City of Aun Arbur, on Mouduy, tbc tontli day of Aprií, (n the yoar oue thousand f-ight üuürirod and Hixty-tive. Preaeñt, Hirau J. Bkakbh, Judge of Probate. Tn the mattr of -.hO Efltafo of Miobaol Oevany, Ou ro;idiüf? and ftlingf the petition , duly vt rifled, of ] st.ite may be giauifd tü her ur noiie other suitable pürfion. Thoroupon it in Orderod, that Modajr,the t-ij{hth day of Muy nxt, at tr-n u'clock in theforenooa, be MsJgQfid for the hearing of said petitiou, and that the hetrs & law of sañi lecoased, and all other pert-ons inttrestod in Bfttd t-ntato, are roqufred to ippear at a Marios of saiil Court, then tn be holdi n at tho Probate üflict, ín the City of Ana Arbor, and sliow cttuf.e, if auy tlxere be, why the prayot of the petüinner should not be grantel : And it íh further ordered, that nniü potitioner ie notice to the persons interehtril in t&id ot:ite, of the pendency of said pptition, and tli hearing thereof, by candinga cfipy of tliis Onler to be pubtinhed in the Michigan Jrgut, a m:wspapr printed and civculattnf; in nid jounty, three succu-iaive wtekfi preriouH to said day of liwLriog [A truecopj.] HIRAM J. BEAKE3, 1004 Judga of Probate . Estato of Alvah Burg cas. S" TATK OF MICHIGAN, flonvTY OF WaSHTEHAW, al.- At a Bessmn oL the Probate Court for the Connty oí Wahtoiiftw, holden ?t the Probate Office in 1he City of Aun ArJ'r, on Friday, tho neventli day of April, in the year ono thousanü eight hundred and sixtyfiv. Presont, Hiram J. Bkakhs , Julg3 of Probate. In the raattor of the Estáte of Alvah Durgesa, deceased. On rt'atling and fllin the petitinn, dnly vtriQcd, of Grant T. Perry, prayiny that Uorace Booth may bo appointed adrainistratoc ot tho ogtate of aaid doceaaed. Thereupon it is Orderod, thatMontlay, the eighth day of May uext. at ten o'olock in the forenooa, be tssigned for th hearing of aaid petition, and that the kei at law of said deceawod, and all otUer persons interested m naid enlate, are required tn appear at a sesnion of saidOourt, then to bo h'.-lik-u ;it tliu Probate Oflioe, iu the City of Ann Arbor, anti ahow tstCfü, if any thera be, why the prayer of the petitifmer Fhoald uot begrauted. And it is further ordercd, tbat haiil petitioner give nut ico to the pertous interedted in said estáte, ot tho plïdBcp oï naid petitio]], nnd the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliiH Order tobe publfshed ia {ic Michigan Argiis}3. newppaper printed aud circulating in said Connty, three êuccesfiive weeks previeus to í-aid day of hearing. [A truecopy-.] HIRAM J. TÏEAKE3, lOOita Judgeof Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN,.Coukty or Washtbxaw, sa.- In thenialtei of the eata'a of John Lu d wig Killiuger, Ma tilda Kilüngir, William Henry Killirger, and Elizabeth KiUtnger, of the County of Washtuaw, in tho State of Michigan, minuta. No'ie is henlty iven, that in porsu.mce of an order granted to tho undersiguëd, Guardian of tbs estáte oí aiü minora, hy the Hun. Judge of l'robate for the County ot Waahtcnaw, ou the tenth day of April, A. D lS65,there will be soM .at Pabüc Venduti, to t'ue hiijliest bidder, at the dwellin Iiouse on tho prcniineH Íi Trecdom, in tlie County of Wavhtenaw, In jid State, on Weduesday, tbc thirty-firHt day of May. A. D. 18C5, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that Uay, (subject to all encumirauceit by mortgage orotherwise existing t the time of ale, aud aUo subject to the riiht of dower of Durothy Wudlech, late widow of Jjlin Kilhnger, deceased], the undivided four-flftha of tho followtog describe ral estáte, to wit ; The uorth-east quartyr of tho north-west quarter of the oorth-east quarter, containing tt-n aerea more or lesa, and the we.-thalf of tho north-west quartpr of the northeast quarter, coijtftining twenty acres more or lens, both pareéis bfiug in soction thirty flve in townehip thrae, aouth of rauge foureast,iu theState of Micliigao. CHARLEá M1LLER, Guardian. Dated, April lOth, 1865. 1004td SherifTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN1, Coitntt of Wa8Htew,sí.- Bi' virtue of a vmt of attachinent issued. out of the Circuit Court for the Count of WaMiteunw, to rae directed and dfjlivred. against the goodfl and chattelft and "or want threof, lauds and tenement of Lueius F. Muil, (Wlnd.inf therein nained, dated February 27tb . 1&65, I have tevied upon the following described real estáte beloning to said tefendant, to wit : A ceríaín piece or parecí of land in the City of Ann Arbor,in said County of Waglitenaw, and State of Michigan, nown and describtni as followo : Beginning at the een ter uf tienion tweaty-one, (21,1 to nbip twoaouth range bix oaét, thonce south on the quarter .section lint ive chains and fourteen links to the north line of the Dixbnm lïoid, thence north GfLy-six degrees eautalong he naldlinw of waid load three cliaína and eighfy liukn, thance norih-wealerly to a point iu the eaut and wet quarter line tliirty two links east f the center of aid section, theuce weet to the place of begumin, containng o: e acre of land more or less. Alo, a piece or parcel of land In aid City described as fcjllowi , viz :- lU'ginniug on the north side of the üixboro Koad one chain and eixty-frmr linVn pnatward frmn the southeas'erly corner of lot No. (2fi) twenty-ftix inTrarerV addition to the Village now City of Ann Arbor, thence nortrÜ thirty-six drreex wout parallel to the northe,antly lineof said lot number twenty-six to Mili Street, aboiit two cliains nnd niinty niue links to tiie quarter line running north and Buuth through Haid neet ion twenty one in townshiptwo nouth range ix east on Baid quarter line four chains and fifty-six links to said Dixboro Road, thence soit)i fifty-1'our degrees wet aloug said Iüxboro Road flfty links to the plaoe of beginning, Containinjt a bout fifty-fi ve one bundredtha of an aero of land, wliichT ehall exposé lor nale at public auction or vendue, at the front door of ths Court Houge, in aaid City of Ann Arbor. on Saturday, the twenty aecoud day of April, A D. 1865, at tweWe o'clock, (noon.) o faid day. Pated at tteCity of Ann Arbor, this 9th da j of Marcb, 1863. P, WINEGAR, Sheriff, 999td Wafhtenaw County. Mortgage Sale. TXKPAUI.T having been made in the eondition of a 1 ceitain ruortgage.executed by Chngüan Breisch anl Barbara Breisch hia wïfe, of Ann Arbor, Waêhte naw County, Michigan, to WilHam S. Saimdera, of the mime place, datedthe nineteenth day of Nov(jmber,in the'year one thouaand eiglit hundred and nixty-ono, and recorded on the ninth day of Iiecember, A. I). 1861, in the office of the Ree'ster of Peedi for the said Countj of Washtenaw. in the .ta of Michigan, in I.iber 28of Mortagea, od page 558, upon wbicli Mort gage tbere in claimod t be due,at tbedato of tb is no tice, the Rum of cinely-two dollars, and no aait or proceeding at law or In equity liaving been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof, and the powgr of salo in said Mortgage coutained haring tbercby become abaolute. ÍÍoticr in therefore heieby given, that on Saturday, thi thlrtenth day of May next,at ten of tli e e leuk in the forenoon, I hall sell at public auction to the highoat bidder, at tho South door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (beinji tb place where the Circuit Court for aid County of Yanhtenaw is held), the premise dencribed in said mortgage, or no mnöh thereof as maybe necPBary to patisfythe amoxint due on fiaifl mortgage, and interest, together with the costa and expensas allowed by law ; said prem isesbeïngsituatt'din naid County oi Washtenaw, and deicribed ie f=aid mortgage as lollovg, to it: All of lot No. twelve, and thirteen in Wm 3. Sauuder's addition t.o the ( ity of AnnArbor, according to the recorded plat thereof. Rated, Februnry 15. 1815. WILLIAM S. SAUNDER3 , Mortgagee. A. Fklch, Attorny for Mortgagee. 996td Real Estáte for Sale STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocnty of Washtbn-aw, sa In the matter of the estáte of Esther AijnVanRipe Eugenia Hogere and Chriase Jane Kokers, minora ] - Xotice is hfereby given, that iu pursuance of an orde yr.tnteit to the undersigned , Ruardinn of the eslate o said minors, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for t! Cuiinty ot VashtviiaWj on the twenfy-sevenih ftf March, A. D 1865, there will be soi.i at ï'ubüc Vendu tu tlie highent bidder, at the dweHing house ou tl premisas, on Satunlay, the tbirteenth day of May uex atoneo'clock in theafiernoon of Raid day, subject A all encumbrances by mortffage or otherwise, the fo loirinc dcacribeti real estáte, to wit : Tht undivide UinHvfüiirths of Ihe followinj? describid pareéis of land, vit: The east half of tho north east quartcr, the oiiht luilf "f the nórth-went quarter of the northt'flBt quarter, and 1he west half of the north-east quarter of tho gouth eat t quarter of section seventeen, in towuRhip thre south of range five east, being iu the Townsbip of Lodi, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Micliigau, and containing onebundred aud twenty acres more or lesp. LUCINDA ROGERS, Guardian. Üated,Mar"h'28th, 1805. There will also be sold at the saroe time and place the undivlded one-fourth of the above deaorited lamls beloging to Augusta Rokers. 1002 Cotnmissioners' Notico STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of WuMrauw ü.- The undersigned linving been appolntod by the Probate Courtfor f aid County, CommÍMoliers to receivc, examine and adjust all elaimsand dcmands of all persons againat the estáte of Kli liigg", late of the tnwnsliip of Saline, in naid Cnnnty, deceased, hereby givc noticetliat six nmnthü from date are allowed, by order of said l'robate Conrt, fcr crcditors to present thcir claim :vgainst the estáte of said deceasi-d , nnd tht they will mfct at thplate dwelling house of saici the township of Saline. in luid tVnnty, on Saturdav.the tweiitj fonrtli lay of June, and Monday, the tirenty-fifth day of September next, al oneo'cl"Ck, l'.M., of each of said days, to ruceive, eiamine and adjuKt said cluimn. Dateil.March 25tb,1865. AI.FKED D. PARSONS, JOHN FOBBF.S, 10O4td Commissionerl, PRESCRIPT10N & DRUG STORE ! Ib the place to buj your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, ■Writina Pspcr.liJ "ie Reamorloi, ENVEtiOPÖ, and allother articles in our line. &f Special attention to Compounfiinc an1 pntlmg up I'recriptinn, at the sifcn of COI.I) MOKTAIt.Kichnnge Blocli , Ann Arbor, .Michigan. .BC 5, Profesan! cali promptlj attemlcil to. 1 Y960 Í00 Oitf ots for Sale. Estáte of Benj?inio Slocuin. STATE O F MICHIGAN- County of asbtenaw- bu. At a sfHaion of the Probate Court fot the County of Wa:hleLiiiw, liol'ienat the Piobute Office Ín the City of Aun Arbor, on Thurnd;iy, the 28rd day of March, in the ytir oii tlteusend eigbt hunrired and.ixty uve. l'rencnt, Hiram J. Beatos, Jude of Prubftt. In tlie mntter of the Eatito ot Benjaiuin locum, deceaud. On rearfingran-i flling the petitnn, dniy reríOftl, Qf Orzillo II íJlociiiti, piHyiii Ihat he may be appoloted administra tor r.f tlve eHtivtt; oí aaifi decea.ici. Tin-reiipou it isUrtU'red, Tliat Mouday ,tíie '2Uh d;ty April nt'.ttp ni ten o'ulock iu the forenoon beasgned fur tho hffariníí of naid petiti'jn, and that 10 nidow and heira at law of said deceiised, and all her pfrfious intevented in said eKtnte, are reuired to appear at a sesión oí gaid Court, tlien o bo holden at tbc f róbate Oflico. in the City -f Aun rbor, and show cautie, i f auy there be, wkv e prayer of the potitíoner aliould not bo granted: nd it is furllu-r orderotl. that haid putitioner give tÍ3Pto the perrons interested in &aide.state,of the utlency of .said potition.and the hearing theroof, by ufling a copy of this order to be published iu the 'ickigan Argüí, a nuwjpaper printed and circulatin aaid County throe aucceiaivo veuks prerious to said ay of hearing. (A true BOpyJ HIRAM J. BEAKBS, 1002 Judge of Probate. Estáte of George Zieflo. OTATEOF MlCHKiAN, County of Wahtenw, sfl. O At aaesrfionor l'robatwOuurt fur the County oí Waahtenaw, holden at thj Proba te Office, in t lie City ct Anu Arbor, on Sa tu relay, the tweuty-fifth tfay of March,in theyear onethüu-sandeighthuudredandsixtyfive. Present tHliam,I. Btakes..Tudge of Probate. in the matter of the K.talo of George Zieüo, deceased . Ou readingand filing the petition, duly verified. of Gto. A. Kalinbach, prayiuft that lie ornóme other duitablo yerrton mny b apijoiutcd A(]aiin3trator of táe eatatc of Sai-1 'locpfised. Th eren po a it u ÜrdorodjthatSatuidAy, the 22dday f April nest, at ten o'clock in the furenoon, be ansignod fortho hïriuj? of aaid petition, aml that the hmrs at ]■■ of naid duiea-seil, and 11 other persons intcrested in eáid estáte, are required to appMar xt asosionof8aidCourt,then to be holden at the Probate Offlco, in the City of Ann Arbor and show cauae, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Hhould not be granted; And it is furtuor ordered , that aaid petitionei feive uoticeto the persons interented in said estáte, ol the pendency of s.iid petition, and tho hearing thereof b'y causmga copy ofthis.Order to be pubUsbed in the Michigan Argus, a newnpuper priniod and cï in .said Oounty thrce Bucofiifitvd wowUsprerioüfl to aaiu day of hearing. (A truc copy.) HIKAM J, BE.Í.KE31 1002 ot i-robate Estáte of William C Drake. QTATE OF MICHIGAN- County of WaaMnaw bs - Ata HOiision of the Probate Court lor the County f Washtenfcw, holden at the Probate Office in thu ity of Aun Arbor, on Fnday, the twentr-fourth dayof larch, ia the yar üne thouaand eihthuudred and ixty oye. Present, Hiram J. reakes,Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oi Willhim C. Drakr, dwMMêd. On readiug and filing the pct;tion, duly Samuel D. Bird, p ra; ing tl;at a cei taiti iu -trument nnw on file in this Cout t, purp'rting to bt the lat "WT'l aai teñtament of sa id 'leceaaud msj boadniitted tfl Proba t '. Thereupou t is Oriered, tbat llondity, tlic 24th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forpnoiin ie assigned for the hearing of anl pot tien, aud tnttUe deviáees, legateea, and heirs et luw f said de ceaaed, aod all other person iuterestod ïii said e-it;te,are requiredtoappear at a sessioü of said Court then to bc ïoldenat the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and öhow cause, ïf any there be, wiiy tbe prayer of the pe;itioner ahould uot te grantfd ; And it i further ordered, that aid pctitioner giyg notice to tlie persons interestnd in said efttf, of the pomïency of said pet tion, and tlie lioaring th';reof, by cusiug a coj-y of this Order to bp publisheil in the Mick'gan Argixs. a no pa per printedand circulatrog in fait! Oounty threo sncct'Snive week preriou feo said day of hearing . (AtruecopT.) HÍRAM J. UEAKES, 1008 Judge uf Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, au.- Ia the matter ol the Estáte of William H. Kiggs and Matüda Jane Riggsof tbe County of Waah 6D&w inthe átate of Michigau, minor: Tíotice Ís hereby given, t bat in puruuauce of an order granied to tb? undernigned guardián of the estáte of sai. 1 miuor.-í, by the Hon. Judge ot Probate for the County oi Wanhtí-naw, on thefouitb day of April, A. P. 1865, thero will be sold at public vendue, to tbe bigbeet bidder, at tbe ilwelling house oothe first described parcel of land in the County of Washtenavr, in said State, on Saturdav the twentietb day of May, A. D 18f5, at tvro o'clock iu tbe afternoon oftbnt day. (nubject to all c-ncura brsnces by mortgage or otherwige existing at tlie iinio of sale) the undivkled t o-uintliR uf tbe nllowing dehcribed real íí'ate, to wit. -Tb eaht half of the iiorth west quarter of mction twenty ,in townsliip four south of range five east, cnntaininsf eighty acri a more or lesa ; and a prcel commencini? whers tho Case Road angieswesfc, at the grave yard, on aaid Bection twentv, ruiming thence wet and north alone the Une of rtaidr.oad to the Chicago road, thencnortb-Oat alonK the line of the Chicago road about flfty rods to tbe north -west corner of the Sratabovö describid eishty acres of land, tbence soutf'erly atoug tb line of caid eight7 acres to the place of begïnntng, containiiijf about ten acres of land more or less, and also the interest of aid minors in a parcel commencing eventeen and a half roda north of wbere the Case road interfecta the Chicago road in said section twenty , and in tbe centrenfsaid Chicago road, ruuniug thence north twenty eight and half degrees west to tbü Oell ditcli, thence Dorth and west the above named number of degreea, and along the centre line of said ditch to a rttake iu said ditch ,on the west half of the oouth nest quarterof section KeveDteen, and oue hundred rodn and aix-tentbii of a rod from the centre of naid Chicago road, running tbence nortb twenty one defltrteí ea.t toaataltein the centre line of said lection seventeen, which atake ia (lfty-four rodfl east of the quarter 8 takt.' on the west h'1ü of said uection seventeen, tbence wel to the nörth-west corner oftheeast half of the aoutheat quarter of fiection eigiHeen, s&me town and range, tbeneo south along the west side of above described eighty acres, to tbe Mouth line, thence fat-t along said pouth line to tbe aection corner, ihence outh alonjr the went ine of the west half of tbe nortb-west quar ter of secticn twenty, to tho Cbi'ago road, thnce noith-eanierly along the center of naid road, to tbe place of, begiuning, containiug one hundrod andthirtyaix aero of lamí more or leas, in thö towDuhip of Saline, Waahtenaw Couuty and fHate of M chigan. MAHY UIGGS, Guardian. Dated April 4th, A. D. 18Ö5. td-T.OO3 Monguee Sale, Default haring betn made in the condítíoefl of a mortgage made by Henry C. Fisk aml wite, to John Havenport, dated Uctobet ls% 1859, recorred Apiil 6, 1860. at four c'clock in the afteruonn, in the RepUter of Peod's office for tho County of WaahttíOAw, Vlichi gao, in Liber 2ö of mortgagos, ou paje 614, upon which there íb clahned due at thiji date, tho sum of seven hundred and twentyeven a ml rif ty one hun dredtbs dollars, and the further sumof Ht6 huudrcd dollars and interest thereon from thi first 'íny or Oe tober, 1804, hareafter to bccorae ilue, f'or the recovery of which no proceedings have hitherío boen taken eithür in law or equity: Thtreforo, nnticeia here'uT given, that by virtueof a power io aaid mortga((e con tained, tor the purpoe of re;ilia;n? theminey forf Raid duo, together with accruing intret and costa of foreclosure provided lor in Raid mortage, I, tbe said mortgagee, shall, on the thirUeth day of June, 1863, kt tftti t'cÍo Ie m the forO' om, at he Court House in the City of Aan ArVor. in BftW County of Washtenaw, (tho place of holding tho Cir cuit Court for said County) sell at public vendue, the preraiaes dewcribed in said roortgage, to wit : All thoae parcela of land sitúate in tUe township of Manchester, County of Vuhteoaw, Michigan, kíiowu and dencribi d art follows; The northhalf of tho north half of tbe nortb eastquarter of aection numberthirty-threo (C3) in township number four (4) fouth of range Durooér torce (3) east, con,tainlng fort y acres of land bb the t.inie more or ïess: Alo the middle part of the rorth ha f of tho Borth-weat quarter of nectinn number thirty four ('M) intownship number four (4) ontu of range number three (■") e;int, bounded ou tlie north by Iani3fl of Frederic Valcntme, anti on the sou tb. by l&nds fonnerly sold And deeded by aid John Davenport to Enos I-ytle, and containing thlrty -nine acres of land, be the same more or less. JOHN IUVEiNPOTtT, Mortgagee. E.B.Wood, Attorney forMortgageePated, Marcb 30, 1665. 1003 td Commissioners' Notice. STATE OT-" MICHIGAN, Couníy of Waphtenaw ■.- The underaigned havlng bron appointed by the Probate Court for saidCounty, Gommtuioners toreceive, examine and adju&t all claims and demands of all persons apatnst the estnte of Isaac I.ovejoy, late of the City of Arm Arbor, in said County deceuaed, hereby give notice that six montas from date, are allowed, by order (f wtd Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the ostate of wM dcceused, and that they witl raeet ut the office of John N. Gott, in said city, in said county, bñSaturaay the third day of June, on Saturday the 5(h dav nf August, nnd Saturday theseventh day ot'October next at ten o'clock A. M. of each of saiddays, to receive, examiue and adjust said clairaa. Dated, April 5, 1865. HENRYBOWER, JOHN N. OTT, CnmmifisiontT?. Commissioners Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocktt of Wasutg.y at, ss.- 0 The uudersigned havin? been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, OomraiRMoners to receive. examina, and adjust all claims and demnnds .t a!l pérfidas againfit the estato of John V Surdaui , late of the Townahip of Manchester, in nld eouuty, deceased, hereby give notice that six moDth from date are order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claimw apainst the estáte of said deceaned, and that tbey will moet at thelate rcsidence of Raid docttused in the Tovnxhip of Manchester, in rniid Cnunty of Washtenaw, on Saturday, Ihe 24th day 01 June, and Wfdnfutlay, the í7t!i day of September, next, nt ono o'clock tn the afternoon, of each of said dayw , to receíYe, examine, and adjunt said claims. I)atd, Mareh 2Tth, 1H66. Estáte of Catharine Pykett. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countt of Waphtesaw, se.- Notice is htMeby given that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw, this iay mndy , pix months are allowed from this date for erfditors to prppnt ihcïr claims against the estáte of Cütharine Pykett, late of said County, decoseed, and thftt all creditorn of said deceased are required to present theii claims to th" Ptobatn Court of naid County, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, at any of the sePMons thereof, on or bfcrethe twenty secood day of August next, for eiamlriation itnd aJlowaoee. DUd„Atn Artor,rch. 2iM,]35. - - ■ ' ??ü Estáte of Herman Schlsok. 3TATÊ OF MICHIGAN, Coran or lV.i,ii„,' O At a eauionof the Probate Court for ihècZ'" Washteuaw, bolden at the Probate Ufflce ÏÏ 7.1 f Ann Arbor, on Thursday, tht thirtio'th ' Ibrch, !n the year une thougand eight hundr ' EtyXty-ÜTe. "uureo. tui Prajent, Hirah J. Bkjkes, Jurtge of Probito LLd matter üf the Buts oí """Mu On rcadlng and flling the petitlon, duly Tfri.,d , Kunigunda Schade, praying that Augt', W ,! maybeappiiinted.Adffiini,trator of the ihUt, „? "ï deceased, notalready administered. lai4 Thereupoa it i.i Ordtml, that HonilaT th . dy of May uext, at ttu'o'eloek l thí'foñ .'" be afigne,i for the hearing o" saM ?,"" anc that th. hit t lajr of Hld decebí P,' ,",l other per.-on mterested iu said estáte, ar. renJL ,' appear t a Beasiun of aid Court, tlien to be lmldV ., i Probate Office, ín the Citv of Ann Arbor.and Z ",' it any fcher. be, why the prayer of the peVt ' ' aUonldnotbegranted : And it i iurlher ordd Tl sal,l peutouer gire notiecto the persons intermita „,. "tto, of thependencyof nid petiti.m. and tl f." 2' ing thw9f, by causing a copy of thi Order "k. puM.shed n the Mir.h,gan Argu., a n.-w,p.Iie' pr,0t Jj and clreulattag ,n said Connty, tbr uccmII weokpreTiou.sto gaid cay of hearing "" A'r"cPJ'-) HIRAMJ. BEAKES, 1M3td JudgeofProb.,,, Estáte of Jacob L. Marshall. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coünty o ViOanM At a easion of the I'robato Court for the ' Counl "", Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in thi ril of Ann Albor, on Thursilay, the etxlh dar of Airif in the year onu thnnsand eight hundrcl and siitr , Present, HiRiM J. Bsakk.1, Judge df. Probate In tho matter of the Estáte of Jacob L Minh.ii deceaed. ' n"i On rcadingand flHrig the petitlon. duly vpriiti ( Loe Hcndricks, praying that a csrtain lustrumtnt n'ow on file In Üiis Court, pm-prting to b the lastWillinj Testament of aid deceaaed, ma y be admittod tu Pro ThereupoB it ia Ordered, that Mondsy, the elïhih day of May ten o'clock in thn fonmona u asaiguea for the hearing of aaid petiti.n, and th th, IegHtees, devisoe, and heirs at law oí dec p.shI atiii all other persons intereslerl in aaid eMat are (.„1 tu appearat a cssion of Baid Court thtn to be holae i the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor.anJ sht cause, ií any there be, why the prayer of tbein-titiimr 8houldnotbe!;raDt(.rl:An0itisfurtheronlíTid,tht,iií petítioner giTe mítica to the persons interesteil im.í estáte, of the peudency of aaiii petitvoü, aud the bwr ing thereof, by cauaiiig a copy of tuis OrdcT to kt publisheö I in the Michijan Argus, a newspapfrpfj,,. and oheuïatiug in said County, three succeasirt wtika nrcviouB to a:iiil day of hearing. [A trui copy ] WK A SI J. BUKES 1003 Judge uf rtS,V Estáte of Joho 8. WhUUtk. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County o Wasqthaw,u_ At a sesión of the Probate Court for the Comitj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iti Afü of Ann Arbor, on YVednesday. the fifih 6u t April, in tho year one thousand eight hundred aoi sixty-h've. Present, TIibíM J. Bkakks, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho Eatate oí John 8. WWthri deceaaed. On reading and filing the petitiun, rfuly veriflej of John V Whitlnrk, prajing that Seldcn W ï-hwtVff, acd Xeleou BiuudKge, or sonie other su.table perstini ruay be appointed AdrainistrAtors of th estáte of mU dc-ceaed. Thereupon it is Orde red. that Monda j, U19 fi;t ñay of May nextT at ten o'clock in tbe forDocn, be a.-ísigned for the heariug of aaid pc itiou, .RDd tbat the hvT6 at law f gaid deceast; uH all uther pertons interested in said eUte, re n quired toapuear at a aeBsion of said CcurT, tlit-ntob bolden at thê Probate Ufïice, iu the í ity f Aun Arto', and show cause, if any íliere be, wliy prajtr uf the potitioner sbouM uut be g;ranteJ: Aud it isfúrther-í de red, tbat yaid petttioner n o tice to the jttrsemiuntereted in said ehtate, 1 tbe ptudeucy of ssii t-oti ion, and the hearing thereof, by caunir-g a cöpy 61 Hi Or' derto be publisbed in the Michigan Argu a ijewRp. per printed aud circuliiting in said Countj, thm successive weeks previous to taid daj of hearing. (A truecopy.) HIKAM 3 BEAKES, fÖO3td Judcf of Probate Estáte of David Lapham. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Connty Dl Waslirewir' 'ujl. At -a sestion of the Probate Courl fr tbe'ftalt] ■ Wahteaaw bolden at the Probate Office in t'arcHJ oí Ann Arbor, on Wdnesday, the Sftb dav r,t AH, in tlieyoíir one tiiO'isanri eight hundre'l audsixtjilie. Present, Hiiam J. Bt-aken, f Probate. In the matter of the Eirtate of Öavid UpbmfdeCOASfcti. On re-aflin&r and filing the petition, dulv Walier 1). Corson, Executoí o!" i be last willámd twbment of said üeceused, prajiiig ti'a,t l-e ni:ij. bo li cenned to setl certnin real estáte whe'rtof s&il (ïecea#4 died seized. Tbereupon it in Ordered. tbat Mouday. the tïtntjsec on d day of May next, at ten oIock in thpfomucs, be asaigned for the hearing of said petition. RnHbiUh legateea deviseea and. hei at law of said deceased, ud al'other perrons interested in Maidestate.;irtrw}U!re(itapper at a Bession of said Court, thento be ho'dMiit the Probate Office, in the City of Ann libo:, and show oauae, if any thie bo, whj the &jjer of the petitioner should not be grnttd.And it ïa further ordcred, that said petitioner (íti. uotice to thö pwr.sons interested. in sid eítiU, of the pendency of said petition and .theheinnï theroof, by taosuig a copy of this Order to bí publiahediu the Michigan Argus, a npwspaper printti and circulating in said County Jour succesii weeks previoutï tosaid day of hearing (Atruecopy) HIRAM J. BEAKfcS, 1003td Judge of Probiti. Entate of Patrick McNamara. riTATK OF MICBIÜaN, GoCNTT of Wshteiuw,uÖ AtaösflioD of the Probate Courtfbr theCounUof Waahtiiiiaw, bolden al the Probate Office, in the Ot Df Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the iiith da? of Ajnl ui the yar one thousand eight hundred td sixty-fivo. Prenent. Hirm J. Biukks, Jndge vf Proïwtt. Iq the matter of the E s ate cf PalncÜíc-Niuoir iicoafit?d. Onreadinfr and fillng tho petition, dulj Ter.Ríí,! Michael Keflen, prayiir that lh A 'niicixtntoi of aaid state may be authorized and directel to cotnty to bun certain real es tute, wherouf thesaid doe'id didd soi.r'd. TÈnreupcn it is Ordarcd.that tfonday, the tvr.atjHeci-ml 'i;tv of May next, at teno'cluck In the furenooi, he :i.iMgnedfort!ie hearing of faid petHion, andlri iho hei ra at law of savd deceaswJ and all other ptriou intereftted a id state, are required toappiril ■ennion ofnaidCourt, then to be hol-'en at üie Probiu Üffloe, ia theHty of Aun Arbor, and show cstMM any thure be, why the prajer of the petiuowr fhfuld not be granted; And t U furtler ■ tlerolthat n4'I petitiout-r give notice t the?ersoa interested in naid estáte, uf the peudency of uidjutt tlon, and the Ëw∋ thereof, by eau ing a copyof lU Urder to be pabilhed in the Michigan Argut, s nifi paper piintud and clrculating in saiil Coauty. sis iceshlve wtvkn previuuri to aftid d:y olnf-anuf ■ (A tr.iecopj.) 111IÏAM J. BEAKJE8, 1003 a Judge of J'robal. , Eslute of Jacob Toggeuburger OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CocrxTY op Washtim."i At a seasion of tin? Piobate f ourt for Ihf Countf of Washterjnw, holden at the Probate Ofticein tne o'ï of Aon Arbor, on Thursday, the sixtecnth iY March, in the year one thousnnileight hundrediw sixty flve. Present, HimiM J. Bkkr.-, Judjre of Pre bate In the mattei of tho Estáte of .lauib TcígenburKi On rea'ling an :1 flHn!{ the petitlon, duly ."jj! K:itharina Tugponburger, Administ ratriï vitli ibi"'1 srnpiyi of eaid t-Mtato, prajing that he mftj ')e""'') sril ti' seïl cortain real estáte of which sai3 deceliw aied.seized „ Thereupon it a Ordcreil, that Thursilay, the t"! seventti day of April next, at 10 o'ciockintlieforwM ti' igned for the hearing ol sa VI petLtifn,"11 theheirsat faw of eaiddeceased aml all otlier per'11 interi'8ted iu said estáte, aro. reijiilroi] to app'1'' nesiion of saiil Court, then to be holden at the Pro'" OlBce, in the City of Ann Arbor, an'l "''""""."Ji any tliere be, whythe ptayer of the pptiüunprsl1011" not begranted: Ard it jïurther ordvred.tb"'" petitionergivenolii-c t i the p; rsons interestKl egtate, of tha pendenty of said pftit'on, ano twf '"". in({ thereof, by causing a copy nf this 0 r" , published in the Michigan Argus, a newtfapfP, "; and circulating in said Oounty of Wanhleo.1"" BUCcesBive weeks prcvioua to fiaid day of he"Dr (A truecopy.) HIRAM ,1. BEAKPn , K 10001 Judge of Estáte of Frederick LoschSTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cou.VTT or W Asumí. . At a sesBion of the Probate Court fut the Co J Washtenaw, holdon at the Probate Office in tl"'-' , Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the fourth iij ''W in the year one thousand eight hundred and "'" Ure. Present, Hiram J. Beakbs, Jndge of . In the matter of the Estáte of Frederick Lm." "Orf ronding and filing the retition, dolí 'HÍ6ti, WilHara Kuhn, praying thnt he may be PÍ' Adniinistratorofthe estáte cfsaM lUiMed . Thireupon it ia Ordered, Tht Mrod?. "" j, dsiyofMay next, at ten o'clock in the forero11 S'igned for the hearing of aaid petition, J, the heira at law of feaiii deceaseti, fcQu . .j wpmi;ton.s interpated in said estáte, are reLlu'.r,.o t appear at n BBsjIoo of aaMCourt. then to be Wl the Proh te Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, , jf, cnn'sejrl nm títere be, tfliy thrpraycr oflln pen' , hould nntbe cinW: An) it is further ( that saidpetiliont-r givp notice U: the rerf'"''. ,aJ ted ia saii ostale, of ihn pendencj of said P!''".1 "jri,r the hearing causing a cop' "1 t0 t to be pnhlishi'.! ir the Michigan Argui, a nc J,i printed and circulating in Baid rOunty tliree succt weeks, previous td said dy of h'earinfr Eeal Bst:ite for Site. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WahtrwJJ O In the matter of tho estáte of David " ■ ,. Charles A. (eddes and Henry '. (ieddcs. ol lML ,jjf of Washtenaw In the State of Miehiean. ■ ticéis herebygiven, that in pursuancc of ",1e cf grantrd to the underaigned ftuanüan of the e ( said minora by the Hou. Judge of Proba" ", p, County of Washtenaw, on the fourth day orAÏÏ':b,jb1865, there will be eoM at public vendue, I" IB(J ,t, est bidder, at the dwellmg houso on the Vrc(ard(j the County of Washtenaw, In aiii State, on . j the twenticth day of May, A. D. I8ÍB, ' ' e,jiin the afternoon of said dav, (subject to , n bnmces by mortgage or ctnerwi-f ""'(„iloriilií time of the Mie) tïie undivulert half of tin ƒ" M,, riMCribéd roi,l estáte, vil . Thf west lllIr f ! (ooü" eat (uarterof aection one, in town-hip t Dr" „ of range five enst , onntnnng elgbty a''. , lcs, in the town ofl,nii and county af' r" ,,.; RBBCGA ' iT"F? ■ 3


Old News
Michigan Argus