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fuste ftartag. "cThTmIllen. rJgífeB n Dry Goods, Grocertés, Crookery, &c. &c . y Min Street." Ann Albor. ""PHÏLÏP BACH. nBAXERS m Dry Good,Grotórie , Boots & Sboes, [) c, Main st., Ann Arrjor. . "BJSDOÍT&HEÑÍ)ERdON. DL, Tin Ware, &c , te., New Btot, MÜut. S; G. TAYLÖB, Ding Goods, etc. eJuTMb Mata Street, Am, Arbor, Hichigan , i. J. SOTHBftLAND, iGENTfor the Se Yurk Ufe Insurance Company A. OlHceoo UwrM street. Also has ott hanü stock o! thomoappruewing machines. 885tf _ GEÖRGÈ FÏSCHËK. MEAT JtAKKET- Hurón Streít-Gerwral íealer in Ffcsh una Salt Mcats, Rswf, Muttun, l'urk, Hams, foultry, Iird, ïallow, Sc, S:c. " LEW ITT & BREAKEY. nHYÍICIAXS ASD SUROKONS. Oflioe at Uteresirdtuco of I)r. Lewitt, north side of Hurón, twu duors elf of División street. M. GUITEE.MAN & CO. rtTHOT'ESAr.E ani Retail Dealers and JUrc ufxcturers W of Rcady-Ma.lí. ClotUiog, Importors of Clothfi , CsÉmsres, Doeskins, &c.,No. 5, Pkojpiii Block, Main Bt. WM. WAGNER. D 'KALER In IleaU Hade Cl-.thiag, Cl'iths, Cassimcres, id Voitings, iliiti, Ou+a, ï'runkfi, Carpet, Bugs, Sc, Phainis Block, Main ííreet. " SLAWSOÑ& SON. riROCEBS. Provisión and Commission Merehants, and (i Dealers iu Water Lime, Land Planter, and Piaster tí Paris, sne 'loor east of Cóok'e Hotel. SOÓÏT & LOOMIS. ISIBROTypE .and Photograph Artista, in the rooms A oer Uampii.n's Olotliing store, Phrenix Block. Pertíetsatisfacti'Jugtven. 3. B. PORTER. QÜRGEOH DEHTÍáT, OfficeCorner of MaiuandHuron Uitreets, over Hach Sí Pierson'8 títore. AU calis ftomptlj atteadpd to Apj-1859 MACK & SCHMID. DMLKRS in Forsign and Dómeme Dry Good, Groceris. Hatsand Cajs, Boots and Shoeí, Croekery, t:., Coruer of Main 6 Liberty sts. AíTdííEW BELL. ráJuKR in Grocerios, l'rovisions, Klour, Produces, Uïc, he, córner Muiu and Washington Strcets, tao icbur. Tlie kiglltiSt market pricespaid lorcountry jroiluce. ""mTöTbtanley, Pliotograpliio -A-artit. Comer Main and Harto Streets, Aon Arbor, Micli, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBaOTYPESfcc. . ísc., illthe iateat ötvieb.and overyoffort made tugiv satisLeiiOQ. S56tf dTübÊOREST. fHOLESAÍsE and retail dealer ia Luraber, Lath, 9hiQgles,Síish, Poors.Blinas, WaterLime, Grand fcrer Piaster, Piaster Parie, aad Ñails ofallsizes A íjllaail perfectaaortinent of the above, and 1I othei filia ofbuiUling material crtnstantly no hüd at the "st poasible rates,ou Detroit st .,h few rodsffomthe Aproad Depot. Also opfrra+,ing extensively in the iteat Cement Roofing. LtfWBER YARD! C. KRAPF, H largo and well stocked Lumber Yard, on Jeffer; W Street, in( he Soutb part of the City, andwillkeep !antly on hand an excellent vanety of MJMBER, SHtNGLES, LATH, &c Woh viM be soM as low as can be affordedin thib auket. Qaality and pnces such tliat no one need go to Denit. COXRAD KRAPF: Aun Arter, Dec. 6th, 1864. 986tt NEW MUSIC STORE Persoüs wishing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, ftMM go to WÏLSEY'S MUSIC STOftE, beforepurchMing eUewher. He will warraut satisfaction t PiíchascrB, and talteR pleasure ia refecrijjg to tlios already purchased of him. Hè t.akes pride f aying tbn iie Ijaa given the best of catisfaction Ansiar, aud inter.up so to do in all cases. Any IMano SH be furqiJd tbat purchaser may reqüire. He "shes it to lz Clistinctly undersíood iíxat he II1 qot be lEJTIDERS O3L.JP 'íy dénier East or West. . B - The lateat SHEET MÜSJC for sala, PIANO "OOLí, ic ALVIIí WILSEY. aArbor. Dec. 27th, 1864. 98ütd POR SALE! Ofj H0USE3 AND LOrS, worth from $1,000 to v $5,000. Also severil improved FAItMS. A..].SLTHKRI.A,T, "nArbor, Peb. 2d,lR65. MJtf Commercial Agent. ■ KXABE I'IANO-one of tlie beBt ustrumentf Mutirtly no. loijulre at llie AHGl'S PfFJCi:.


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