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Booth, The Assassin, Killed

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i ne tollovviug telegraph froni tlie : Secretar) of War anriouueud to all the laúd yesterday inorning thut J. Wilkes Booth, the ufamoua ssaètsin of President LiNOptK, hd met summary puniihinont fui Lis crimy : Wab Departmkxt, Wasiiinhtos, ) April 27tl), 9-20 A. M. 5 To Major Gk.sïral Dix : J. Wilkt-8 Booth and Harrold were chased frorn tlie (wamp iu Si. Mary'a ounty, Md., tt Gtiirott's farm near Port Roval, cm thu Rappahannock, by Col. Baker'a forcc. 'J'hu barn in whicb he took refuga was firad 15oot!i waa thi t and ki'led, aml Harruld capturod. lii)oth's body and Iluirold arn now hele. 15. M. STANTON, Secrotary of War. Port Royal is in Caroline County, Va., on the West uide ;f the Rappaliannock, üi d about 20 tiiih's from the Potomac, ko tlmt Boom and 1 1 i .- aocompliee sjeiii to havo madu a successfu! crossing of tbc lat tur river dcipito tho patrol. Many will no doubt regret that Bootii had not been reserved for soine other deatli, but this ending of the Imgedy in whioh he has played for au imtuortality of infauiy if, perhap, the bost. - Paine, the man arrested ontering the house of Mrs Slkkaï, and reported identified as the assassin of Secretary Seward, bas attemptöd suicide by butting bis head to jelly agaiost the walls of the prison. Atzkrotu. arrested ear Gormantown, Md., fn the 19th, as the supposed'sin of Seward, is yet ín custody He and IIariiold are the two parties for whiob the Sucretary ofl'ured $'25,000 each as accomplioes of Boom. Now that the principal ia dead, the public will probably be giveu facts which have been kopt secret. OP A few of the railicül journaN of the country - and among theui to the disgraco of the State, be it suid, the Detroit Tribune - are eharging the assassination of President Lincoln upón the Democratie party, simply because the party opposed previous to the late eleetion the pcliticul polioy of the ndministration, and because the ultra men of the party nsed more severe langu age íd their critieism of the acts of the Presi dent, than might have even been wise in the heat of a political catupaign. ïïu submit that this course is Dot calculated to breed good leeling among neighbors and friends, and that besides it is a gross slander upon a large min ority of citizena who acknowlodge the self-as3erted claims of no man, men, or party, to superior patriotism. The Deuiocrats uiourn the uutimely death of Mr. Lincoln not as panisans but as citizens, and it would be well for those who bave Bunk tho citizen in tho partisan, and who rnourn only as politicians, and claim the exclusive right to uiourn, to retaember that sneers, and tntints, and inuendoes may Eot produce thu best roBults to the country, or if thcy care nothing for ihe country, fo themselves. SjST Ju aj. Gen. Dix has given to thf publio a dispatch from Secretary Sxa.nton, announcing tbat Gtn. Ghanï reaehcd Gen. Siiehman's army on tho '2-H.h, and gave that officer tbe message from the President repudiatiug his poace ne gotiations, aud that uotice had been given Johxston of the termination of tbc truce, and that no civil mutters could ha entertained in any convention between army ootamanders. f A correspondence betecnGcn. eral Brisbain and Grovernor Buamlette, of Ky., indicates that tbe latter will cali an extra sesssion of the Kentucky Leyislature. and recommend tbe adoption of the constitutional arnendment aboliabing slavery. He regards such a disposition of the vexed quesiion the most practical, and thiaks it may save tbo State from the dirth of industry and suspension of produetion. SST Gen. Okd has given notice that all paroled officers of Lke's army, in liichmond, wishing to go to Europe, will be furnished with passports oa application at the office of the Provost Marslifil for the depai tinent of Virginia. Tilia seems to settle the meaning of the terms gianted by Gen. Grant, and would indícate that the Government is not disposcd to a general hanging-bee. ypy The funeral dernonstration in honor of the late President, had in Do. troit on TuesJay, was an iiuposiug affair. Thu oratiou by Hon. J. M Huwakd is highly commended.


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Michigan Argus