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mm c EL JALLRQAt) Passenger trains now leave Detroit and the aeveral stations in this County as follows: GOING WKST. Mail Day DexJer Even. Nicht Train F.x. Ace. Ex. Ex. Detroit, 7 15a. MlO. 30.1. m 4 3 P.Mö.25 P.M 11.00P.M Ypsihinti, 8.4Ü " 11. tó ' 6.M " 6.50 " 1:2.55 a. M Aun Albur, 9.05 " 12.15 l'6 35 '! 7.10 " 1.00 " Dexter, 9.35" 12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 ' ■ Chelsea, 9 55 " 12.55 7.50" 001XQ KAST. Even. Dexter Night Day Mail Kx. Ace. iïx. Kx. Train. Chelsea, 7.35 A.M 3-iïC i.M 6.00 P.M Dext.r, ,05a. m 7.65 " S.45 " 5.20 " Ann Arbor, 4,25 A.M 6.35 " 820 " 4.05 '■ 5.SÜ " Ypailanti, 450 "7 0) ' 8.40 '■ 4.25 " 6.12 ' Detroit, 6.10 " B.'-ó " 10 00 " 5.45 " 7.46 " The Mail Train rana to and from Marshall. ITCH. 1 WHBATOS'S I 1TCH. Sa C 111 mu. UINTMENT. hall .'ihtnni. Will cure the Itch in 48 hours - also cures Salt Rheum , Ulcel-8, Chilbljiius, andall Eruptiout. of the Skin Price 0 cents; by si-nding 50 cents to Weeks $ Potter, Boston, Maas., will be forwarded Iree by mail. For sale by all druggists. Fbkdeuick Stearxs. Detroit, ml 4 Agent for Michigan. 1'IÏOF. R. J. LVONS' Patients aDil all others interrested wil] p lease take notico that he will .conti n ue his visita at the Monitor ïirtise, Aun Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expiration of which he willdiscontinue hiö visita and oponan Inílrmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatraent ol Lung and Jiseases. VnTsKEKS ! VHlSKEItsT Do you want Whiskrsor Moustaches? Our Grecian Compound will forco them xo yrow on the smouthest face or chin, or hair on bald headw, in Six Weeks.- Price,íl.0l. Sent by mail anvwhere, clodely Kealod, im receipt of price. AddietJ, WAI1NES & CO., Box 138, Brooklin, N. Y. Iy999. THE BRIDAL CHAME3t, na Essay of Warnlng and Instruction for Youcig Men - published by the Howard AssociatiOD, and sent fr e of charge in saledeuvelopes. A.ldress, Dr. J. 8KILUN HOÜGHTON", Iloward Association, 1 hiladelphia, l'a. Iy99 GrOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY 1TS KRUIT. So iw a good l'hysician l)y hin Successiul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEÜIíEaT AND CELEBKATED PHYSICIAN OF TH1THROAT, I.ÜNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; aa the Oilebratod INDIAS HERB DOCTOR! Frora. outh. America, will be at hifi rooms. RUSSKLL HOUSK, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th inst.,on the same dale of and overy nnbsequeiit mouth during 1812 and 1863, A NE AT FAMPHLET Of the lire,study and etenslve travels of Dr. LyoD? can be procured by all whodeHkeane, froe of charge. Dr. L wilt visit Ana Arbor, Jacksuii,and Adrián Mtch. ,3sfollovrK : Ann Aruor. Monitor House, 20th. Jaekhon. Hibbai-i Huufie.Slst Adrián, Bracket t H use,22d and 23d. Modk of - TU Doctor discerriH tliseas bytlieeyi-s. He, therefore. asks no queionf nor req 'irespaHents to explain ymptoms. AflÜeted, comr andhaTe your syraptoras and the locatiou of your dis aseexplained free of charge T WOOD'S DRILLING MACHINE, PIJL E DRIVER, HYDRATJLIC SAND PUMP. PRACTICAL TErfTri Uaving fully demnstrated the superiority of tliis mach i u e ovor all others for purpooe of sínking OÍI Wells, th unlersignad M uow prwpared to receive orders for the name. This inachinery comprises eveiythin requinite bu the boring of oil wells, execptm the BTEAM EN'HN'E AND CAST IRON DKIVIN-i PTPIE, íutwitl be furn iiheü, f desired, ut a reatonable pnce), and dimpensea with the use of the Derrick Rope , Buil wheel and othcr cumbroas and expensive fixtures iiow iu usc, and i so arranged, being coustructed on wlieelBand portabl', tht It en be eaily removed íor the purpose of aiukiug wells in different localities. THE DETRITUS is removed from the wel 1 by our Patent Hydraulic processtand dues not require the remo'al of the drill fnm the boring. This procesa not only removes ai t'io detïitnd in from 5 to 10 minutes, but likowis effectually clears out and opens all the smalloii veioB thac are so ofteo entirely closed up by the oíd procees of Miad pnraping. WITH THIS MACHINE and a practical ebgineer, a well can be suak frorii 400 to 60 fet within a period of fr jra 15 to 30 days after the soil pipe has been driven. Arrangemeats are being made for the construction and dylivery of these machines at New York, Norwich, Newburg, N Yand Pittburg, Penn. For further information, price, terms, &c.f adcr"ss, SIMKON LEl.AXD Metropolitan Hotbl, 3ml0O4 New York. Taken Up ! Carne uto the enolosure cf the subsci'iber on the 17th day ofFebruary, me large DUKHAM COW, peckled color, heavy with calf, eight or mne yeari oM, right born helled o(T. The owuer is requested to prove [ioperty, pay charges, and take sai i Cow away WILLIAM HUMl'HREY. Lodi,March25th,1865, fiwl002 ■VTOTICE ! TAKEN l'H M the sulisciiber about the first of Anril.lH 6, n small sm rtark bay PORSR, three whito reet,anfl a wli.te spot ín firph?a1 . about 7 years old. The owner in requeipd to prove property , and pay charges, and take him away, T. W.FOSSETT. Sal"m, Mich., April 6th, 1B65. 6wlO34 WANTED- Married Ladies, Prof Von Vcriie'B Diamond Prop?, a never faiünp and h:riulefcs reinndy for all obstructioim and rreguaritiea. All uiarried ladies will tind this a never failng preventivo, íor which tis warranted in evory inRtance, and are invied to nend a red utamp for a cir-uar,nr $-2.2ó fora bnttle, to KREDEKlK STEyKXS. wholesale druggist foriho iamoud Props, P. i. Drawer 445, Detroit. Pealers euil)lïpd at proprietor'sprices . OOHmö SAVE Z"OXJIÏ. ZMOlsTETr and buy your OF MACK & SCHM1D. They tcep the best and largest tock in Ann Arbor , nd hrt bound to seil them clieip for Cash. érrWJoiv "VTOW IS THE TIME For bargains iu AND CROCERIESÜ C. H. MILLEN, is now receiving his stooü UK DRY GUODS, CAEPETS, and GROCEKIES, bought at the rocetu jjreat decline In Xew Yurk, and willbe-sold ui luw as the luwist Uall and examino goods and prices bofjre purchaing. C. U. MILLEN. April, 1?65. pKlJNTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 tó 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all other goods at EEDUCED PRICES! At C.H. MILLEN'S. jyEW CARPBTS, C. II. MILLEN'S. 1 ADIES' DRESS ÜOODS of all I kinds, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Sliawls, Hair Ornamente, &c, all tlie new btylttjí jiut received aud íur sale cbeap. 1004ti 0. H. MILLEN. WAR THE PANIC HÁS}OMMENCED, Ann Arbor is one uf the lirst to throw out inducomenta for leople to GET GOODS CHEAP. All of tho Merehanta are on tlw lookout. and are beving good at the lowest posible ,.ateti,aud aach ooe gets hls ovru variety uf articles. i one of the PKKTIE8T PLACES in the 3TATE, and woH supplied with m inufacturintf for iïw country (rener.'illy. Tliere are 12 Dry oods Stores, 4 ut 5 Hardware Store, .6 or 8 Clothing atores, 3 Hat toros 3 Shot; Storen, and a ha f dozen Shoe Shops, 3 J-welry Storen, 5 or fi Provisión and íírocery Stores, and 4Cabiuet Ware Rooms, 4 or 5 Bake Shops, 4 Har riü.ss Sliop", 4 Printing Presscfl, and all kinds of Manufacturine KutHbli.-hments, too numerous to mention.- The whulH Hun-nunding country will do wel! to give Ann Arbor a cali, and after looking around, all arovnd for jour -ANDGEOCEEIES, don't forget to cali at C. R THOMPSON'S STORE, Coruer Main and Washington Streets,and he will try and give vou pricei that will satinfy. He is receïving goocls bought at the lowest possible prlcvfl, id will try and üatisfy as far a he can. The 1I0TT0 Is "LIVE AND LET LIVE." "Halp your neighbnr aad ynu help yourself. " 1 &m conödent of the rosult. CHARLES B. THOMI'ON. April, 1865. SmlÜOS pOODS AT HALF PRICE! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! WOOLENS AM DOWN: GROCERIES ARE DOWN ! and n:w ík the time to buj your SPRING COODS! - o - D?. BACH Has just opened a cojnplle asBortmentof DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groceries, &c, &c, bought mdc the urrender of ! and the great fall in príce-s. Cali immediately and examine hit stook. Ann Arbor, April, 1865. 1W5


Old News
Michigan Argus