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'T A KEN UPT Carne into the üai;loijiLre of the subücriber, on the 19th dtty of April, oue ']ark bay or licrbt brown COLT Buppmod to bo two jeiiH olil, 'with thre iu. stly white j fet, and buuch on riht idehi!izo mr.all. The ownor is requrntfd to proro prupori v, pay cbargoí, and take .-aid Colt away. JAMES KcLABEN, April Sütli, 185. 6V1007 J)IrfSÖLÜTION. l'keeo-.partnra}iipletrsenile uAtfcrsiftned, under thefirm namoof O. C. Sl'Ai'FOKD & CO. , wa th!dy diasolved by mutual consent. The accounts of the loto U.m will bo Kcttlcd at the old shop, where the cooperi"g business wil! Le coutiuucd by H. P. DODSJLEY & CO. O. C. SPAFFORD, a. b. DoDar.Ky. Ann Arbor, Apiil 22J, 18o5. 6wlOO7 QYON NURSEIïtT" jameiTtoms, Of SYON NURSERY, return ht sincero tliantsfor tho patronado he bas roceivod froin liis frlends oí Ana Arbor, Yptilauti, and rther cities and towns in the Slat?. .1. T. being snddenly bereaved by the deceaso of bia doareet rriend, Elizabeth Toni, who took the wholo care of the (ireen House, Klower Gardea, and Planta, in now compeled to announco to bis frioeds at larger and ospecially to the ladies of this city and rlcinity, that unless he ia favored with a more liberal suppoit than heretofore, as hi whole timo will be wholl; taken up n tbo businesB, Anu Arbor must loso the honor of Bupportlny a Green House. J .T. siBcerely hopes all visitón will try not to ]ay out leis thau lOcent, as twothirdi don'tlay outone cent. The Oreen House i n-ell QUed with a large and choie Tarietyof Planta, very chsap. Also, a largo aBortment of Flower Garden Koots, Vetcetablo Planta, &c. Millar Avenue, Ana Arbor, Mich. lral007 YHAT EVÊEYBODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN GET YOL" ÜP A BÍTTER ST7IT OF CLOTHES THAN TOU OAN BUY ELSEWHERE. - o - PLUMER & JENNINGS IWÜCH BETTER than jou can hopa to b FITTED leirhere. PLUMER & JENNINGS cn 8EIX LOWKR than ny other Firm in Ann Arbor, AND THET WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on tni the bet aasoitmout of Furnishing Goods, this sd oí Now York, which they will 8611 at prics which wül inúuce all to buy. N. B.- Gray'j Patentod Molded Cdlr. Univerial Ooilars, Satín Kaamelod Byron Collars, (the first Hyron Knamolod Collar ever nianufactured,) Fiench Printed Collar, Ward's Printíd Collar, Le Beau Ideal Collar, (lmported] Garden City Collar, Satín Enameled, patent Button Hole, New York Excelsior Liuen Paper Collar, F. A. H. S Co's Improred Paper Collars, Maasasoit Paper Collnr, and in fact overv diicription of Paper Cellars manufacturad, .conatautly on hand in large quantities. Second door Sonth of Public t'quare, Mam ?t Aun Arbor, Michigan. lOOTtF A RARE CHANQE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP! 1 bare in itore a full stock of ntaplo &nd FANCY M Y GOODS, A full line of DOMEdTICS and CHOICE GROCERIES ! ! AU purebased Blnca the WAR CLOSED! Anrt owing to circumstances beyond mj control, I imb to inakeau Immediate Sale of the Stock. CASH BUYERS can for a few weeks bav goods at justabout THEIR O WIN7 PRIOES! J. H. MAYNARD. May5th,lP65. 10O7tf ( HEAT IMPEOVEMENT Ahead of Everyihing of the Kind THAT HAS YET BEEN PATENTED. A SÜRE PREVENTIVE AGAINST MOTU. On recoipt of one dollar a circular containing a fine enxravinp with full directions will be fnrwnrleii which will unable rou to construct this hive, or to attach tho fixturei to any other hire. Theordioarj box hive fixed in thi# way wouldia mv humble julgtnnt be rende red far nuperior to any of tie two h umi red and't wenty-five liiven that have beeii patentad s'nce tlie burning of the Patent Office in 1836. Bcea delight to work in these $25OO XVTSX'ja.X JO To any perion wh will produce a mure efTtfctire pre" TentÍTe agamst the bee raoth, to say nothing of jta graat simplicity Rml chenpnesa otpt all othem, the fcboTO rewürd will be giren. jÉy This advertisement will appenr in this paper bat thii once, therefore, cocure this valnable invontionby ordcring at once, aa it is potitively worth to any persoa nfraod in the bee businrni more thantwnty -Vive liinei the price anked for it. AU order phculd be addresied BHYAN rPYSON, Box 639, Washington City, D.C. RKrsH&Kacs (ly permiyuiou): G. W. Shwob, I. D., PrMtQent Colnrabta Collpga, i. R, Giirley.I) I)., Oor. Bcc. i'lonir-at-on BooWt, llwii. CbftrlM Man?'. Prt't Vat. Ttfin Jjí inmtffte, kwMW Waeli(ugru t)M,,J). C, Mortgsge Sale. WHERF.AS, Thomas C Cutior and Mry C. CuHar. hiawifr.riiilby theircerfain Inrienture uf Morlgafce,biirin',--dalii the flrst.lay of Mar.-b, A I. i;hloen hur.dred and sixly t-o, ell and coiivey unto t'hilip Ucli, cif tlie City uf tnn Arbor, tho Inllnwinj ri! estáte, to w:t: l'ity lnt numlier ttx.ítm in blocï mini bar fuur ísjiitti f iíuron Slreet, iu ranije number ü ve Eaat, in (he V'úy oí Ara Arbor , ttn.n t - of Wnshtramr, aurt&liiU' of MiVhig-ui. blid MortgHg'i 'botriK tu aoeurti ti um ni ofght hundred an.l lifty dnllar, (iré yeara froiTi dat'1, with rñtsrasi at tlie ruto of ten ppr cent, por annurii, s-ini aunually, in whiefa M Miuta ge tt wad cx,rt-r3lj aceiíd bj and lictwocn said partió, tbat Kby (!(an!t ymv]& in the paymrnt of the said iutercní r of any part thpioot, oti any (Uy ivlienO'er tlif saino w;is niai]o ]uyablu as ;;bcve exprüABL'd, and shouid tlio áanic ramata impíiid and in arrr;vr for thaspaoe uf thirtj davs tln-u and thonc(frth tho afurosaid prD;ipal urn of oi;rli t hundred and tí cj dpllür with ll arrear.-iges of intorfít thoreon, hhotilil at the option uf theuid ubügee, lii exoatorn,ftdmmUtratora. -r aa:iiH, bocMHne dua ;tnrl payablo íinnirdiatolly Ihcreaftur, and n recordó] inthsOfflce ( f ihe Regütcr o( Dpods of sai.1 Cuiinty of W3litenawp..n tho tbirtoentli dajr cf Msrcli, A, J. 162, ia Liber Xo. twenty nine of MottgaLB, un pag-e eighty trae, and wbioh r:uil MurtfCKjce wa duly aníigccd by the said Philip líach to !■ rederick Unsun, the nndersijrned, on tho tirenty s vonth daj üf March, eí(fhteeu hundred and tixty -twvt Or the coptidarfttlcn of oight btindrad and llfty dollar, and dnlv recon'od n thi 291h dy of March.A. D 1862, in the samo office, in Libar No. 39, on page 132: And, wherea, tho sid Thnro C. Cutlr and Mary C.Cutlar hia wifp, did by their oneotlier oeitain In.Ionfiro of Murtíagí, bearing dntetlu twclfth day oí JanuAry, eighte.-n hundrfd aml f-ixty thrfo, alfo solí and convoy unto tho smd FrMrrick liuíon. of nn Arbor, the nfwresaid real esta 'o. tft-wíl: ( itj lot number pixten, ia blnck nimihor four South in ran'e nunibor Uve :%at, in the City of Ann Arbor, County and Stato aforcaaid, .said Mortage boing given to Keure the íurther Kiimof four hundred ''ollars in two yea'i from tbeflritd; of March.A. 1). 1S6J, wilh Kemi-annual interest tlu'reon. at the la-te of ten per cent per anmi ni, froi tho rtrst dy ni March, A D.18"3,nd payable on Vhe firit day of Ma-rcb and September in each yeor, and recorded in tbo (íffico of the Register of Deeds of said County of Washtonaw, on the thirtiatli day of May. A tí. Hfl3. in Liber No. hlrty-ona of MortgaKes. on paja thirty sil : Dofault baring been made in the condHion of both of Baid Mortgagea, bv whicb the poiwrof aalè tlrerein bacsmo iiporatire, and no fluit, suits oí prooeediogs haring been instittltcd at lir to -rocover e debt or debta ecured thoreby or wiy parí ther. of, nd dio eum of nine hundred and sis dollar and sixty-six cent bting novr clauned to be duo on the üratabove doscribod Mortgage, and tho furthor um of fúur liundred and twenly ix dollars and sixti - e#n cents beini? now claimed to be due on thoMortjjáge lastabova aex-ibed : Notice is therefore hereby giran, tliat thruid Hortgage wrli b foreclosw! by a sale atpublic vsndue of fcie-preifl:ie in aid'Mortgatiea described, or ao zmi h tbererf as will be necessary to satifv the araount duo theraon at thíi date, with in terest and the costa and expenses of thisforeclo.sure, to the Lifrhest bidder-, at the front door of the Corrrt Honei, in naic' County of Waahteraw.on Mondar, tha 3Istdav of July next, ftt tin o'clock in the forenoen. Datod, Ann Arbur, Mav lt, lfr.5. FSEDERIOK HÜSON, Tract W. Root, Mortgagee and Aailirnee. Attorney tbr Mürtg gee, 100"td Estáte of Horace Bidwell. STATKOF MICHIGAN, Couuty oí Washtenaw . Rs At aie.ssionof the Probate Court for the County o' Washtenaw, hoMon at th; Piöbate Office, in the City c' Ann Arbor, oo Knday, the twentr-oihtb daj ul April, inthe year uiiüLhouaand eight huudried andsixtvÖT6. Present, HframJ. Be&kes. Judge of Pro'tffttk lo the matter of the Eatate of Usrace Bidwell, deceased . Onreadingand filing thopeUthm, dnlv vwified. OÍ Mary J. Kidwell, praying tbather dower'in the real es tate, whereof the aaid deceuüetf did aeized, inay bö fislifínc J to her. Thereupon it is OrdereiI,thatSaturday,the 27 tb tlny '. May nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be fcssigned fortho hearing of said petitïon, and that the heirs at law of .said deeascd, aad all other persons ioterested in said estáte, arO required to appar at a session of aid Court ,then to be holden at the Probate Office, io the City of Ana Arbor, and how cause, if any there be, why theprayer of thepetitinner should not be granted: And it ia furtiir ordered, that said petitioner ire notice to tui persons ínteres ted in sai1 estáte, o' the poniency of said petition, and the hearing theroof, by causinga copy of this Order to be ptiblished in the Michigan Argus, a uewrtp-kper priated and circulatinji in fiaid County three Buccessive weekppre TÍ0U8 to sa. id day oí hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1007 Judgo of ProbaU Estáte of Judah R. McLean. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocvty of Washtn-aw, m._ At a sofisíon of the ProbatR Cnurt fbr the County of Washienaw, holden at the i'rolmte f'ffice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on FiHay, thb twenty r-ihth day of April, in the year one thouaand eiht hundredand Uty-flve. Presettj UiraM J. IïSjikbs, Judge of Probate. In the matter uf the Estáte of Judah R. McLean, deceased On rending and flliog the petition, duif rerifled, of Williim Preston, Adminitr-ator f eid estáte, prayiug that he may be liceusod to sel! cert&in real estáte. whereof the saiiï decftased died eised. Thereupon it u Ordered, that SaturtUy, the teuth day of Juae next, t ten o'olock In the forenooPj be asslgmd for the hearing or said petition, anr that the widowand boira ut law of K&id decoased.and all other persons interested iti eaid estáte, aro required to appear at jvseHrji'nof9aidCourt(thento be briden, at th$ Probate Offtc, in the City o f Ann Arbor .and show ciwse if any there be, why the prayer of the petftioner should nnt be granted : And it is further ordecei3,that salé peiitonerrivenGticeto theperfonaínterertediniaid estáte, of the pendency of said petitioB, and the hearing thereof, by catisiDg t, copy of tM Order to be publjshftd in the Michigan ArgUM, a newapaper prrnted and ci.culatinii in said County, foar successiTo weeks pre-Wous to said y of heariug. (Atruecopy.) HTBAM J. IÍEAKES, ICUtttd Jndge of Probat. Ëstate of Conrad Schwab. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cor.tTT ow Wasutbiï.aw, %%. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holdeü at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the flrflt day of liay,in the year ona thoaeand eight hundred and sixtyQre. Prespnt, IIikah J. Bbakw, Jodge of Probate. In tho aiatter of the Estat of Coarfcd Schwb,doceated. On reading and fillng the petition, dn!y Trified, of Tronica Schwab, prftying that Casper Wgnrr, or iom other suitable priion, naay be appointed Adminiitrator of the estáte -f saM deceaad , Thtreupon it ia Ordored, That Uonday, th ÏOth day of Mfty iust , at teu o'clock in the foreroon, be tssigned for the hearing of said peiition, and that the heïrs at law of Raid ieceascd, and al! otbor personH interested in Raid estáte, are required to appear at a neasioD nf said Court, then tü be holden at the J'rob te Office, inthe City of.Ann Arbor, and show causo, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner fihould not be gianteá: And it ia further ordered, that eaid petitioner give notice to the persons ioterested in aaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing % copy of this Order to be published ir the Michigan Argua, t newapnper prlnted and eireulating in aaid County three buccossít weeks previoufl to said day of hearing. [A true copy } HIRAM J. BEAKES, 10O7td Judge of Probate. E&tate of Horace Bidwell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countt of Wabbtliatt, sa - At a eession of the Probate Court for the Connty of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the seco&d day of May, In the year one thoustnd eight hundred and Bixty-flve. Present, Hibam J. Rrakks, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte oí Horac Bidwell, deceaned. On reading and flling the petition, duly rerifled, of George Sutton, Adminístrator ut said estáte, prayïng that he may be liceuned to sul' cortain real estttu, uhereof eaid deceast-d di.'d eeized. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tueiday, the I3th day of Juno next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the wiow and heirs at law of said deceaaed)and all other per.-ons interested in said estáte, are required to appear ata Kession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould cot be granted: And i ís further ordered, that Baid petitioner give notice to the personRinterested in said estáte, of the pendency of sai petition, and the hearing therecf, by causing , copy of tM Or derto be published inthe Michigan Argus, a uewopaper priated and circulating in said County, four successive weeks previous to said daj of hearing. (A true copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, ït)07td Judge of Probate. Estáte of Lynn Pratt - Minor. STATE OF MICIIIGA-V, COUXTTOF WPHTBNAW,8I.- Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Waühtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the third d-vy of May, in the year one thousand oight hundred and sixty üto. Present, Hiram J. Iïeakks, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Ljnn Pratt, a minor. On reading ani filiug the petition, duly vorifiod, of Isabel Pratt, Guardián of said minor, praying that she may De liceused to voll eer tai n real estáte belonging to eaid minor. Thereupon it Ordeied, That Thursday, the firs day of June next, at ten o'clock bi the forenoon, be atsigaed for the hearing of eaid petition, and that the next of kin of saïd minors, and all other persons interestcd in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of Miid Court, then to be holden at the Probate 001 oe, in the City of Ann 4rbor, and show cause, if any thore be, why the prnyer cf the petitioner should not be grauted And itis farther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the next of kin af said minor and all persona interested in said estáte, of the pendenc of aid petition, and the h Baring thereof, by causing a copy of tbis Order to be published in the Michigan Árgun.n newspaper printcd and circulatingin aid County, threo Buccessive weeks previous to said day of hear[A true copy.] HIRAM J. BEAKES, TOOTtd Judga of Probate. Comraissioners' Notice STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss.- The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court fur said County, CommisBioners to recoive, examine and adjust all claimnand dfmandn of all persons against the estáte of Ransom Bradley , late of the townahip of Brilgeivater, ín aid County, deceased.herehy give notice that six mnths frofn date are Mlowed, by order of saitl Probate Court, for oreditors to present their claims against the e.tate of said deceasrd, and that they will meet at the resdnc of David W. Palmer, in Baid town. on Saturday, th fifth day of Augunt, and Thursdny. the secoud day of hovember neit, at nc o'clock, P. M., of cach of naid days, to receÏTi, ixamin iind adjurtt aaid cluiinfl . DatwljMa; 2nd, 1865. DAVID W. PAl.ypR, 1'kVatL LaBARON. "O EM0VAL1 V La]l remoT onr OK HATS, CAPS Straw Goods, ftcf T?)iitb i now complot ttid' mtiril ■ a bout xmeást xoth to tli Hi 3.-1. t jiruttt occunj fc. DeFOREST & STEWarT whero ir. hall bo bett.r iw.-y.jrt lliaa „n( EXIÏIBlTtïieBïgï -A-3N3TD 3VEO1V DESIRABLE GOOD IN.OUK LINE, ever bronght to this MARKET. JOHNSQJÍ & PIEBSOf Ado Arbor, May 3d, 1865. jYlM. THE GREAT CRISI8 ! Né S. CO3LE & CO harc jmt opcned a LARUE STOCK BOOTS $c SH08, porchftsed sinc thé GKEAT FALL Sí G0LD whicb will-be soM ftt SREAT REDUCTl KROM FORMKR PR1CES. Their Stock inclado tb :3Lna,test filtylesí and tbo QUALITY i th BEST IN MAaiST - o - G1VE -FfíEM A CALL befora purchaaipg eUewbjr. EEPAIBÍNO NeatJj and Promptlj Doít Store Wet vi of Coart Hens 8qai, tn hNorth of the Oíd Franklin. N. B. COJj;, . D. KTEB Ann Arbor, April, 18S. 1IÏ yyALL PAPER I OHEAPI OHBAPBBII CTÏEA.PESTI! - o - THÍRTY THOUSAND ROM OP Will Pffl, of all deserlptlonl. BORDER, WiNDOW SHADE3, GÜKTAIN FIXTURE3, PICTURE FBiïS CORD AND' TA88EL8, FAÍCÍ ARTICLE8 of all dencriptlonii. Alao a larga MMrla'' MiSCELLAld Bfll: AT KKDUOED PRICES. riCTPRES Frmed to Ordor at the BhorMltl1 GIVE US A CALI I JOHN F. MIUJaWl Comer Main and TVaihiDgton Ftrntl, '' "jf door South of John H. Majnard. W NTEW GOODS! New Goods at Union Clothing Stor fortp Ib now tli theme of Trbieh I ttíng We'rc all tliO latest ntjrlcn jast mad, Tü guit the 6nest cit tradf Of New Spring Overcontn and S&ckf. To ñt the form Hite moulded wz ; And Business Coata of tjlísh mak, All of the present styleithat tak; But then the crowning Coats of all Are the Dress Coats at Union Stort. We pride ourseWffs that we axcel All othrs in the coata we mil ; Fot in tbem you will alwaji find Fit,Fashíon,Grareand Ease corabíntá But on out Coats I wil] not dweil- We've alao Pants and Vestí to sell, Of every hue, and hade atd tyle- To teil you alt would take a whil ; So 1 will only mention here That those who would in style apptar, ShouM cnme to Union Clothinir S(orM' The CL0TH1NG best to pleaii th #J ; And not alone the eye to ple. Hut tnouey save iu bu in? these j For we will ucil at price low, No how the Gold do! go. In Furnishinjr GoodB both riéh ana ti We bfte a stock iull and coniplti Onr li pallant bojR in blue " wtll fld All kindn of (roodn to luit their raind. We've alwi for the boys in stort A botter itoek thun e'er befor ; And can all ñt, both great and mail, With CLOTHINtí best at Uioi Sto The FIN'BST 6TOCK Of Spring & Summer ClotW AND THI XiOWBST PBlfll' IN THE CIT1T. CXJSToif WOBÍ promptlT made, and in tlie BEST ïTTI Cali at ÜNIOV CLOTBIKO STORÏ, ' Maijn Street. _- N. NATHAW Aao irto-, jli,i cl


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Michigan Argus